Re: The Lady Speaks Again
[center]The Lady Speaks[/center]
It is a daunting undertaking to try to describe the indescribable, but I’ve stalled as long as I could, so I’ll give it my best shot. First a disclaimer, I’m just trying to tell you what I saw, heard or felt during my last 3 ayahuasca ceremonies. I’m just conveying information as best I can. You may or may not understand or agree with what I am about to say. I am the first to admit that there is a 99% chance that I am full of shit, and that everything I experienced was a total illusion brought about by some hallucinogenic tea. But it sure as hell seemed real at the time. I even took notes during the ceremonies as soon as I was physically able. I’ll refer to those notes and my crude drawings to stay as accurate to my recollection as possible.
It had been about 9 months since my last ayahuasca experiences in Columbia. If you read my post, you would understand that those experiences were quite difficult for me to say the least. In fact, they were almost my last. So it was with a large degree of trepidation that I returned to Brazil for my 5th workshop or my 12th ayahuasca encounter.
There hasn’t been a single day since the first time I drank ayahuasca that I haven’t thought about how it has affected my life in one way or another. The lessons are never forgotten. Ayahuasca for me is like hitting a reset button on being a human being, so I had been looking forward to the workshop for the past several months. According to my wife, Kaci I was long overdue. It was time to go back and visit The Lady. Coincidently, my friend Ralph Miller, who operates Heart of the Initiate, invited me down as his guest for a special session with a few friends. How could I refuse?
Sao Paulo
I flew into Sao Paulo to spend a couple of days with Ralph and meet some friends of his. Sao Paulo is simply a massive, crowded and smoggy 3rd world city. I’ve been to New York, but Sao Paulo was much more intimidating. The people I met were very nice, and the food was delicious. But there was something about the hugeness of it all, the life threatening, frenzied and congested traffic, or the way our taxi cab driver sped through red lights (so we wouldn’t get robbed) on our way back to the airport at 5:00am that made me just a little uncomfortable. I won’t miss Sao Paulo.
I was more than happy to be on the jet with Ralph and his Brazilian friend, jack-of all-trades and videographer, Rodrigo on our way to the next leg of our journey, Ilheus, Brazil. We spent the night in the costal town of Ilheus, so we could meet up with the rest of our group who were flying in later that day.
The Participants
Now I have to tell you the story about this group of very interesting people I was about to meet. First there was P.P from London. His family is from old English money and is part owner of a ski company. He and his friend, attended an ayahuasca workshop in March. He was so excited about it that he just had to bring his older brother C.P., down to check it out. So the brothers rented the whole place out and flew in about 8 of their closest friends and family for a private workshop. I was lucky enough to get invited along. Other notable members of the group included conspiracy writer, Matthew Delooze and his lovely wife Susie. There was also a Brazilian media personality. Even though I was in the midst of an eclectic and just very slightly eccentric group of English aristocracy, conspiracy theorists and TV/radio personalities, they were some of the nicest, most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. They were definitely the best group of ayahuasca workshop participants I had ever been with. I had (and still have) this uncanny feeling that it was no coincidence that we were all there together.
We all got to know each other that night at dinner. The next morning we on our way to the eco resort where the workshop was to be held, and after a 2 hour shuttle ride and a 2 hour canvas covered boat ride, we were finally there.
The Pousada
Although getting there was a major pain-in-the-ass it was worth the trip, because the eco-lodge where the workshops were held was absolutely beautiful. I’ll refer the reader to the Heart of the Initiate website … dge-resort for details and photos, but I can’t imagine a nicer place to spend a week with a group of complete strangers. It was right on the beach in Bahia, Brazil. The rooms had air, fridge and hot water. There was a nice pool that overlooked the ocean with a connecting steam room. It was sweet.
We spent our first day getting settled in and resting from the long trip. That night we had the traditional Lakota Indian, talking stick ceremony. I couldn’t sleep that night in anticipation of our first ayahuasca ceremony the next night and passed the time writing in my journal and emailing Kaci (they had wireless internet). I would have given anything for a few glasses of chardonnay, but I made due with ½ an Ambien.
The First Ceremony
I was up at sunrise that day and did my best to calm the pre-ceremony butterflies by walking on the beach, swimming in the pool, steaming, and telling stories of previous aya adventures and misadventures and reassuring each other with small talk. I was very nervous all day which didn’t make the aya-virgins feel any better. I wrote in my journal, “No matter how many times one has drunk aya before, still just as nervous as those who haven’t- probably more.”
The first of three ayahuasca ceremonies started at 9:00pm on our second night. It was held on the property, right on the beach. We all carefully prepared our spots on mats around the fire, as if the meticulous preparation would somehow help us for what was to come. The waves crashing on the volcanic rock were already loud as the tide came in, and with the intensified effects of ayahuasca they got much louder.
There is always that feeling you get after you drink the first cup of ayahuasca. It’s kind of the same feeling you would get if you just got strapped into the highest roller coaster in the world, that there-is-no-turning-back-now feeling.
The Lady
Since the very first time I have drank ayahuasca it has always affected me the same way. As the concentration increases and it starts to take effect, it’s like a series of switches are flipped on in my brain and my body that allows me to connect with this extremely powerful, feminine, mother-like entity. I call her The Lady, but you could just as well call her Mom or dare I say, God.
I know it sounds crazy, but that’s just how it is, and it is always the same. The Lady speaks to me in my own head voice, but it’s not me. As a matter-of-fact when I try to think too much it is almost impossible, like trudging through mud, and I get physically sick. I even questioned in my journal ahead of time, “Who is the Lady? Me? My imagination?” She answered, “I’m Mother Earth, Father Sky and everything in between. As far as you’re concerned I’m the only God that exists. I’m part of you and you’re part of me. Just like your own child is part of you and you are part of him, but I am definitely not your imagination.”
So let’s just assume for the sake of argument that for whatever reason, genetics, fate, luck or whatever that when I drink ayahuasca I connect with The Lady, and she tells me things and shows me things. I hate to use the cliché, but it is a lot like Neo meeting with the Oracle in the Matrix movies.
Some people call it The University of Ayahuasca, because it is exactly like that. Class starts at 9:00pm sharp. There is a lecture and Power Point presentation on whatever topic is on your mind or in your heart. The lectures always pick up right where you left off, even if you had forgotten where you had left off, and this class was no exception.
First there was a review of all my previous ceremonies, just in case I had forgotten or doubted what I had seen or heard. “Everything I’ve told you up to now is still true,” said The Lady.
The Pyramids and the All Seeing Eye
I saw the pyramids again, just as I did in Columbia, but this time in a little more detail. Imagine two energetic structures shaped like a pyramid back-to-back or base-to-base, and you’re standing there at the base of the upper pyramid looking up towards the top. This is a 3-dimensional representation of the universe (or our part of it at least).
The best I can explain is, we as 3-D energetic beings on earth, would be located at the meridian of the two pyramids. There are different levels of increasing energetic vibrations as you get closer to the top of the pyramid, like levels of a pyramid shaped skyscraper occupied by higher dimensional beings or like higher energetic states of an electron, depending on how you look at it. The higher you go in the pyramid, the higher energetic state of the beings who occupy that particular dimension. The highest level is what we would think of as God. This is the most energetic state and encompasses all the energies of the lower states. Every being wants to move up towards the top, towards the light, to join God.
The top level, God is The Lady. She looks down upon on all of her domain. She sees all things, like a hologram. She is conscious of everything. That is what I believe to be the All Seeing Eye, represented by the symbol for the eye above the pyramid. I suppose some mystic saw the same thing long ago.
So when I drink ayahuasca, as incredible as it sounds, I’ve got a direct connection to the top. Don’t worry. I don’t believe it either.
I saw in my journey that my ancestors, my higher self, the Lokota shaman ancestors and angels all occupied different energetic levels or states. The angels, which are not beings with flapping wings like I imagined, but they are super-high energetic beings, very close to the top. They are very strong, powerful and ancient. Perhaps they are older than the oldest human being. I don’t even know if they are human. I guess those are lessons for future journeys.
The Upper Pyramid, Higher Self, Ancestors and Shaman
In previous ceremonies in Columbia, I was introduced to the concept of the higher self. The subject was touched upon once again. I had a very clear vision of the Lakota ancestors, specifically the Lakota Shaman in ceremony, singing and chanting along with our shaman. It was explained to me by The Lady that when the Lakota ancestors, especially the shamans, hear the songs, the drums and the music of our ceremonies, they gather (energetically) in ceremony in order to help us create a sacred and clear space, so that we may connect safely with the higher realms.
Similarly, it was explained that our higher energetic selves were also gathered in ceremony, so that they can connect with and guide us. By helping us in the 3-D world with our ceremonies and our daily lives, we help them jump up energetically to the next higher state in this high-rise pyramid of energy. I guess this model works all the way up. Those beings of higher energetic states or levels are responsible for helping the beings in the lower energetic states, and I don't know this for sure but I suppose they are all responsible for helping us humans. By helping us, we help them.
It was also explained that our ancestors in the higher dimensions tend to forget what it was like to experience the physical sensations of life on earth, since they no longer have bodies. Once a being reaches a certain level, then he or she is given the choice to put a 3-D manifestation of himself or herself here on earth. Obviously that's a pretty big decision. Doing so allows them to experience or remember those physical sensations that they lack. The catch is they have to take everything that comes with being a human being here on earth. Obviously for most of us, life is not all rainbows and puppy dogs. That's where the helping and guiding comes in.
Think of your higher self as your big brother or sister, but it's actually you.
The other thing I remember is that not every being gets the choice. Some just get stuck with a 3-D human for whom they are responsible. I'm not sure how it works. That part wasn't explained, but I think it's sort of a self selection process. I suppose reincarnation comes in there somewhere.
After the ceremony I told the shaman, Warinei (Bear-a-nay) of my visions of pyramids and energy levels, and he corroborated some parts of my story. He has also seen the two pyramids, but he has also seen levels with animal spirits in addition to shamans and ancestors. In the Lakota tradition there are supposed to be 9 levels. He also described how the pyramids are stacked upon each other, like diamonds, but they also wrap around like strands of DNA to form the larger universe. He says the structure of universe is a quartz.
The Lower Pyramid
So the earth and humans sit at the meridian of the upper and lower pyramids. Within the top pyramid reside the higher dimensions or the higher energetic beings with the highest energetic state being at the top.
There is also a lower pyramid, which is almost exactly the opposite. I don't understand all of the concepts, because this is really not a place you want to visit under the effects of ayahuasca (or any other time, I suppose). The lower you get in the bottom pyramid the lower the energetic state. Kind of like an electron that loses its energy. Think of it as drowning and sinking to the bottom of the deepest part of the ocean. There is some light at the top; in fact you would be able to see all that is above you, all that you missed. At the bottom it is cold and pitch-black. I suppose this is what we imagine to be hell. There are some beings that have been at the bottom for so long, they don’t even know there is a top.
I'm not sure how a being would ever end up on the lower pyramid. That part wasn't explained, but I have a feeling that once again it is a self selection process and may take eons or massive destruction and pain to humanity or perhaps the earth.
Once a being is on the lower pyramid, there is no going back up. They just sink into the cold- blackness as they eventually disintegrate into nothingness, forever. I had a clear vision of the beings towards the top. They knew what they missed. They could see it all above them, and they could sense the blackness in the coldness below them. They knew they were drowning, and they fought savagely to stay on top as long as they could. To gain the energy to keep from sinking these beings feed off the pain, fear and suffering of humanity. They are simply predators, and we’re the prey. They influence us in whatever way they can to produce the desired emotional response. They trick us, tempt us and mess with our minds. Collectively, I guess you could call them Satan. I always see these negative entities as snakes, but I suppose they could take any form, reptilians, aliens or demons perhaps. I'm not talking about the teaching snakes like anacondas. I'm talking about pit vipers and rattlesnakes of all colors and sizes. So when I talk about the snakes; I'm really talking about these negative entities.
A Message From The Lady
Every ayahuasca journey for me since the very first time has been the same in one respect. I am always given a glimpse of things to come, and I am given a message by The Lady that I am instructed to bring back. The message is essentially that we human beings are on the verge of some sort of massive global shift. This shift will affect us all to our very core. I have seen it many times and in different ways. It’s going to hit us hard from all sides, earth and weather changes, social, political and financial upheaval among other things.
There will be signs in the sky as the barriers between our world and the next start to drop and also because of atmospheric phenomenon. In my journey I saw it as polishing the haze off a crystal ball. Everywhere people will be seeing God, UFO’s and whatever else their imagination can conjure up. People will be fighting over whose God or messiah it is they are seeing. Did I mention the snakes will be having a feeding frenzy?
There will be a rebalancing of a world that is on the verge of the breaking point, the point of no return. Things are going to get rough, real rough. It’s a cycle that repeats. It is a galactic alarm clock about to go off. It’s a rescue mission.
One time She said, “The world is going to turn upside down.” I’m not quite sure She meant that literally or figuratively.
I’ve been told in every journey to pass the word on. I’ve been reminded to quit doubting myself and to quit thinking I’m crazy or delusional. I’ve been told to tell you guys just what I’m telling you now.
The Mayans got it right, but they only got one thing, a date, 2012 (and maybe a concept of a great shift). Everything else is conjecture or made up. I’ll go more into this later.
We’re going to get a bump, actually a series of progressively larger bumps from The Lady Herself, from the core of the universe. Think of these bumps as vibrations, waves or ripples through the very fabric of the universe, through the spaces between the atoms.
In my last journey I saw the inside of the pyramid as a hologram of energetic bodies that resembled snake scales. There was a wave or a ripple that originated from the top that caused the holographic snake scales to shimmer in all directions. Everything in its wake will be affected. People and animals may act or feel strangely or even aggressively in response to this vibration.
Did you ever hear of the concept of sympathetic resonance? Be like a pool of still water that ripples in response to a vibration. You don’t have to actively raise your vibrations or anything, just match the incoming vibration by actively relaxing, quieting your mind and body. Relax into it. Meditate. Get out in nature.
The Lady told me to tell you guys (I’m paraphrasing my notes), “Have blind faith and trust. No matter what happens around you. No matter how crazy things get. Know that you will be ok. Be like little children who know their mom is looking out for them. Just know you’ll be ok.”
She repeated many times, “Blind faith and trust” will get you through the tough times.
A Shot in the Dark
One last thing, it was one of my last entries of the night. The signs are going on all around us now, but don’t notice them because we’re used to them or we’re just not paying attention. Watch the earth signs and the animals for clues to keep a pulse on things, but look for a singular event- like a shot in the dark. You’ll know it when it happens. It will be unmistakable, like a gunshot in the dead of night. You’ll know it in your bones. Don’t try to guess what it is or predict when it will happen. You’ll know. When that event happens that’s when things are really going to get started. That’s when it is time prepare in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Most importantly, that is when it is time to step back into the shadows, like a hunter. Don’t draw unnecessary attention to yourself. Lay low. Be like a hunter. Don’t attract the snakes. When they talked about the meek inheriting the earth, that’s what they meant, I think.
That’s all for now, and that was just the first ceremony. I know it sounds like a fairy tale. The theme of the second ceremony is Phoenix Rising. Stay tuned.
My drawing of the pyramids