1 (edited by aNDRE dILOn 2007-08-31 20:41:49)

Topic: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

I felt like writing. I hope you enjoy. 

I guess the world does exist within me: This thought came to me as I sat silently staring at the stars shining in the sky – the memory of a miraculous metaphysical moment.

I was twelve and curious about marijuana. I listened to a rap group called Cypress Hill, and they liked to rap about smoking weed/getting high. They had a song called “Illusions,” that I had listened to. From this I formed the belief that smoking marijuana could create illusions. And the only notion of illusion I had at the time were the experiences of looking at my distorted image in a mirror inside of a funhouse at the local fair.

I went to visit my friend who was staying in a hotel. His parents were in another room on another floor. He was going to get high, and I decided I would join him. He had smoked weed a few times before. This would be my first time. He loaded up the bong, and he instructed me how to smoke properly. After the session was over, I didn’t feel any different. He told me that some people don’t get high the first time, and that maybe it would work next time. I exited the bathroom and walked around the main room, feeling down-to-earth, just like any normal kid would feel who has never smoked weed before. But then I looked in the big mirror above the dresser. And I was amazed. My neck was maybe three times its normal length, and its width was ridiculously reduced in size. And my head was extremely small. It was the coolest thing. I started waving my crazy neck/face back and forth, gleefully grinning. My friend walked over in front of the mirror. His reflection was the same as mine. He looked at me funny and asked what I was doing. I told him. He looked into the mirror, and said that he couldn’t see anything different. He shook his head and eventually went back into the bathroom to finish of the rest of the resin. What was weird was that nothing else in my perception was different. Everything in the hotel room looked the same. And I was definitely not “high” in the weed sense of the word. The only thing that changed in my reality was the reflections of me and my friend standing in front of that magical mirror.

Before I smoked weed again, I researched it on-line at school. I was surprised to find out that the effect of smoking marijuana did not entail seeing “things” (the meaning of hallucinations is what I thought illusions meant when I heard that song). Eventually I smoked weed again, but, it wasn’t until my fourth meeting with Mary Jane that she was finally able to f*ck me – graciously getting me “high.” But I never saw my face/neck like that again. 

I put down “The Book of Secrets” by Deepak Chopra. This one Deepak quote kept calling at my consciousness:  “You are not in this world; the world is in you.” I then went outside and sat underneath the stars.

-    Does anyone have any metaphysical knowledge about mirrors? Are they known to be easier to project thoughts onto? Anyways, that is one of my many f*cked up life experiences.
-    Peace 


2 (edited by Nyarlathotep 2007-08-31 21:30:54)

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

The subject of mirrors was brought up in another forum I am in. I suggested getting to small mirrors of equal sides and glue the edges of them togather facing eachother. You can't see whats going on, but you know whats going on in there, infinity. THink about it. We've all tried getting two mirrors togather and seeing just how far down that hall of reflections we can look. But you being a physical observer cannot get out of the way and actually SEE it just keep going. It always bends right? Well, I thought about getting these two smalls mirros and doing this and keep it around or in my pocket to remind me of how infinite I am without being "in the way" so to speak.

I also read about this guy who said he really wanted to do an in depth study of what marijuana actually does. So he tried it. He, like you, said he didnt feel too much different. But, he took out a quarter from his pocket and he said " that was the first time in my life I actually LOOKED at a quarter!".  Taking in all the details and such. I imagine that pot makes the mind highly suggestive, and being your first time its like LOOKING for the first time and things may just jump out at you like WOOO you know?  I used to smoke a lot but not so much anymore. Only if it's dank hehe.

3 (edited by Lono 2007-09-01 04:30:47)

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

Nyarlathotep wrote:

I suggested getting to small mirrors of equal sides and glue the edges of them togather facing eachother. You can't see whats going on, but you know whats going on in there, infinity. THink about it. We've all tried getting two mirrors togather and seeing just how far down that hall of reflections we can look. But you being a physical observer cannot get out of the way and actually SEE it just keep going. It always bends right?

When I was 8 or so, my parents were remodeling a room of the house.  In this room, they'd had a tri-fold mirror, a large mirror with two smaller side mirrors on hinges.  Anyway, because they were remodeling, it was sitting in the floor.  I propped it up, sat between the 'wings', and folded them just right.  I stared at the infinite image forever, transfixed. 

Whenever mirrors show up in my dreams, they're usually portals.  They always look the same, too-- oval with ornate, gold-gilded rims.  I've never had a mirror like that, but I guess that's how my subconscious thinks a magical mirror should look.

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

From the book, The Four Agreements:

The Smokey Mirror

Three thousand years ago, there was a human just like you and me who lived near a city surrounded by mountains.  The human was studying to become a medicine man, to learn the knowledge of his ancestors, but he didn’t completely agree with everything he was learning.  In his heart, he felt there must be something more.

One day as he slept in a cave, he dreamed that he saw his own body sleeping.  He came out of the cave on the night of a new moon.  The sky was clear, and he could see millions of stars.  Then something happened inside of him that transformed his life forever.  He looked at his hands, he felt his body, and he heard his own voice say, “I am made of light; I am made of stars.”

He looked at the stars again, and he realized that it’s not the stars that create light, but rather light that creates the stars.  “Everything is made of light,” he said, “and the space in-between isn’t empty.”  And he knew that everything that exists is one living being, and that light is the messenger of life, because it is alive and contains all information.

Then he realized that although he was made of stars, he was not those stars.  “I am in-between the stars,” he thought.  So he called the stars the tonal and the light between the stars the nagual, and he knew that what created the harmony and space between the two is Life or Intent.  Without Life, the tonal and the nagual could not exist.  Life is the force of the absolute, the supreme, the creator who creates everything.

This is what he discovered:  Everything in existence is a manifestation of the one living being we call God.  Everything is God.  And he came to the conclusion that human perception is merely light perceiving light.  He also saw that matter is a mirror—everything is a mirror that reflects light and creates images of that light—and the world of illusion, the Dream, is just like smoke which doesn’t allow us to see what we really are.  “The real us is pure love, pure light,” he said.

This realization changed his life.  Once he knew what he really was, he looked around at other humans and the rest of nature, and he was amazed at what he saw.  He saw himself in everything—in every human, in every animal, in every tree, in the water, in the rain, in the clouds, in the earth.  And he saw that Life mixed the tonal and the nagual in different ways to create billions of manifestations of Life.

In those few moments he comprehended everything.  He was very excited, and his heart was filled with peace.  He could hardly wait to tell his people what he had discovered.  But there were no words to explain it.  He tried to tell the others, but they could not understand.  They could see that he had changed, that something beautiful was radiating from his eyes and his voice.  They noticed that he no longer had judgment about anything or anyone.  He was no longer like anyone else.

He could understand everyone very well, but no one could understand him.  They believed that he was an incarnation of God, and he smiled when he heard this and he said, “It is true.  I am God.  But you are also God.  We are the same, you and I.  We are images of light.  We are God.”  But still the people didn’t understand him.

He had discovered that he was a mirror for the rest of the people, a mirror in which he could see himself.  “Everyone is a mirror,” he said.  He saw himself in everyone, but nobody saw him as themselves.  And he realized that everyone was dreaming, but without awareness, without knowing what they really are.  They couldn’t see him as themselves because there was a wall of fog or smoke between the mirrors.  And that wall of fog was made by the interpretation of images of light—the Dream of humans.

Then he knew that he would soon forget all that he had learned.  He wanted to remember all the visions he had had, so he decided to call himself the Smokey Mirror so that he would always know that matter is a mirror and the smoke in-between is what keeps us from knowing what we are.  He said, “I am the Smokey Mirror, because I am looking at myself in all of you, but we don’t recognize each other because of the smoke in-between us.  That smoke is the Dream, and the mirror is you, the dreamer.”


Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

Did you get that story from the 4 Agreements by Miguel Ruiz? It just seems to familiar.

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

anDRE, check out the writings of Stuart Wilde, too--"God's Gladiators" is a good place to start. "Whispering Winds of Change" is good, too. Stuie speaks frequently of the "mirror world," and has suggestions for how to see it, similar to what Lono was just talking about. Interesting stuff.


Look... Wonder... Remember... Know


Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

oh DUHHH! It says its from the 4 agreements right at the top. lol

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

We had a setup of two huge mirrors in this kid's science place once. I stood in the middle and tried to peer into 'Infinity' so to say. Of course, I could only see so far. My father joined me and told me that because I stood in the middle of the mirrors that infinity is still there, I just cannot see it. Getting in the way of infinity, endless possibilities can prove problematic I guess. Ever since then I've been trying to replicate that effect and peer into infinity properly but without interfering. It's rather difficult. Though I can certainly agree that staring into infinity could be a very transfixing experience.

9 (edited by aNDRE dILOn 2007-09-08 09:41:00)

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

tHANKS fALVION FOR ThE bOOk reccomendation - I'll be sure to order that one after I'm finished reading my kabbalah book, and Icke's Infinite Love.

ThaNKs FOR THE sMOKEY mIRROR READ Solofecks....I was mos def feeling it

The mirror experience helped me understand the power of thought or belief. But there is also a magic in the mother goddess, marajauna - a greenish black majik...

10 (edited by Maricela 2008-01-29 17:18:56)

Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

hi everone! well i do have some experiences with the mirror, you know how they say that your eyes are the window to your soul, well try this, go to your bathroom or small room you have, turn off the light, has to be durning night , the room has to have a mirror, or take  small mirror with you, the type that you can see your whole face, anyways: look at your eyes, just stare at your eyes, and you'll see a sparkle(your soul). you can see other things too, some people claim to see(supposly)past lifes, and weird beings. i just saw the light, i only try it once because i'm a scare of what my eyes can have. but it's for shure i'm gonna try it again, before the NR is over!
the room has to be very dark! i don't know if this can be explain scientific, but it looked cool, and didnt have to be high:lol:
alright then later guys...
                                   blessings to all!

p.s i don't know if it works for everone, i've never ask anyone to do it, and i've read this in an article, and it worked for me so try it and tell your experience!


Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

oh i forgot! you can ask someone to be with you, instead of the mirror, just face to face in the dark, looking at eachothers eyes,(dont think bad) just sit there for a while, and let that person tell you what he/she sees in your eyes, you do the same, i have never try this, but i'm bringing my sister this weekend to try it:D


Re: Mirrors and the Creation of Consciousness

Maricela wrote:

oh i forgot! you can ask someone to be with you, instead of the mirror, just face to face in the dark, looking at eachothers eyes,(dont think bad) just sit there for a while, and let that person tell you what he/she sees in your eyes, you do the same, i have never try this, but i'm bringing my sister this weekend to try it:D

wow thats interesting let us know how it goes smile