Topic: What activity do you fill your day with?
Living in a busy world, I have to prioritize my activities. I stopped completely pointless activities like looking for women, getting caught in dramas, or being entertained by our pop culture and mass media.
Anyways, I like to see if you have any daily routines.
My number one priority is meditate for 30 minutes. I make sure I get it done before I go to work. My work schedule is flexible luckily. Just about every esoteric tradition I read about assert that it is more important to meditate everyday then to meditate for a long period of time.
My second priority is 30 minutes of physical exercise which according to many spiritual traditions is essential for spiritual growth. Many Chinese monks are expert in martial art or Tai Chi. Many Hindu's do yoga. I also run and swim.
And then I probably study something and brush up my knowledge in ancient Chinese and Sanskrit. It makes a huge difference to read stuff in their original language. I make sure I do this for an hour per day minimum.
If I have more time after that I amuse myself in some way.
Those routines look simple but it is difficult to follow as my "flesh" and physical desire will want to steer me toward other things, and also distractions come up all the time.
Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?