Topic: What activity do you fill your day with?

Living in a busy world, I have to prioritize my activities.  I stopped completely pointless activities like looking for women, getting caught in dramas, or being entertained by our pop culture and mass media.

Anyways, I like to see if you have any daily routines. 

My number one priority is meditate for 30 minutes.  I make sure I get it done before I go to work.  My work schedule is flexible luckily.  Just about every esoteric tradition I read about assert that it is more important to meditate everyday then to meditate for a long period of time.

My second priority is 30 minutes of physical exercise which according to many spiritual traditions is essential for spiritual growth.  Many Chinese monks are expert in martial art or Tai Chi.  Many Hindu's do yoga.  I also run and swim. 

And then I probably study something and brush up my knowledge in ancient Chinese and Sanskrit.  It makes a huge difference to read stuff in their original language.  I make sure I do this for an hour per day minimum.

If I have more time after that I amuse myself in some way.

Those routines look simple but it is difficult to follow as my "flesh" and physical desire will want to steer me toward other things, and also distractions come up all the time.

John 10:34

Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

joeman wrote:

Those routines look simple but it is difficult to follow as my "flesh" and physical desire will want to steer me toward other things, and also distractions come up all the time.

Welcome to the "boat" smile
yes, perhaps all is "against", thats tiresome. hmm

you are doing right, keep the good work.

Bye, Pictus



Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Inspiring confession joeman.  Keep on the right path brother...

Peace, PhiConcept.

4 (edited by Capitan 2007-09-03 18:00:56)

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

joeman wrote:

I stopped completely pointless activities like looking for women...

In my opinion social interaction is one of the most important things to what I need to work on.  To me a positive future depends highly on our ability to communicate and care for one another and to be able to realize the godforce in each and every one of us.  While I can see that you did not mean cutting off social interaction  by stopping the activity of looking for women, but there is a certain aspect to finding people to connect with and share your emotions and personal experienced that will help us all in a positive way.  I certainly can only speak for myself as we are all on a different path. 

As far as what activity I fill my day, I can not contribute anything interesting.  I am right now trying to best understand personally what it means to be a human.  What is important to "me".  I have for my whole life let others decide what I should do, now I have to walk the path unknown and I would like to try and understand where I am may be going first.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Captain, I cannot avoid social interaction neither can I agree that being a loner is good for you.  I haven't look for women for years, but lots of women do chase me for various reasons.  I do not want to procreate which would greatly hinders my spiritual path, and pleasuring a woman through sex is too much work.  If I can't fight my sexual urge, I rather masterbait.  If I meet a woman whom I can "click" with, I take her.  But they don't exist.

John 10:34

Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?

6 (edited by MonAmie-Zylo 2007-09-04 15:57:37)

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Joeman, you may be interested in the The Taoist Classics, Volume 1: the Collected Translations of Thomas Cleary (Paperback)
(there's a section on Sex, Health and long life.....hints on how to please a Love!.

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

MonAmie-Zylo wrote:

(there's a section on Sex, Health and long life.....hints on how to please a Love!.


Bye, Pictus


8 (edited by MonAmie-Zylo 2007-09-04 17:23:34)

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Pictus.....:):lol::)oK SO YOU MODIFIED MY POINT WITH BOLDlol
What's that , a Gold Master Card....what you got one!!!!

What activity do you fill your day with?

well, I am celibate (should that be bolded too;) but that's the nature of things for now.
Being Celibate is that an 'activity'?

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Pictus, right on the money, as usual!

wait, is that only gold?

you know.... platinum is the real girl's best friend


Happy to have been a part

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

An excellent and simple summary of what can steer one on the right path without getting to fanatical.
    Mediation sharpens the mind and keeps you meditating when your are just 'being' in life. Exercise cleans the body and sharpens the will.

   Well said!

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

MonAmie-Zylo wrote:

Joeman, you may be interested in the The Taoist Classics, Volume 1: the Collected Translations of Thomas Cleary (Paperback)
(there's a section on Sex, Health and long life.....hints on how to please a Love!.

I'll definitely check it out!  I have studied Taoism briefly.  It seems very similar to Buddhism, but Chinese Zen Buddhism is closer to what I believe.  (not the Japanese type)

John 10:34

Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?


Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

I used to be deep into Kabbalah and practiced every day. I used material from Crowley, Regardie and that helpful sort of "do it yoruself" magick book Modern magick my Donald Michael Kraig.  For about 5 years there I practiced every day and had AMAZING results spiritually. At the risk of using scientology terminology, lets say I felt very I have to be careful when I say clear ecause I used to use it alot, then people started asking me " are you a scientologist???" AHHHH!!!  That practice was a very fullfilling thing to be a part of. It is a very great form of self discovery and you can learn so much, it's almost limitless. Let alone all the other magickal languages and texts out there, along with gemetria. Im in a group now that is breaking down all of Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos stories into Gemetria and we are discovering some very interesting things.

But anyways, the most satisfying daily "habits" I ever had was that process of self discovery found in ardent practice of Kabbalah.


Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

Nowadays I sleep in late, Im reading and learning stuff about the Monroe Institute, smoke pot, work at guitar center, jam on the weekends .....and ya.  (;

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

What is six inches long, has a big head, and all the girls go crazy over it?

The new hundred dollar bill.

Re: What activity do you fill your day with?

The new hundred dollar bill!  That's funny!!!!  lol