Topic: Weird knowledge comes to my mind
Hello all!
I'm new to this site and forum so maibe some of you have posted messages on this topic in the past I don't know, or maibe some of you can give me an ideea on my subject.
Here goes!
In the past two years I have turned from a fully devoted christian to an scheptic (there maibe a God), to evolutionist and now to believer in alien. In this period two things have happened that I can't explain and that are what I'm writing about now.
1. About a year ago, a christian friend came to my house. It was the birth day of another friend of ours and he had made for him a clay bible, with two verses writen on it. I liked the way it looked like but the minute I touched it, I had a weird flash back, if i can call it that way. - "An image came to my mind. I "saw" two races or two factions of aliens fighting to take dominion over earth, using humans as foot soldiers in their war. The way they where doing it was through mind control using religion, to acces the subission of humans because of there fear. I said image, but it was more like an awakening, as if you would get the whole information you asked for in an instant. I could't explain it, it just happened...for a few minutes it freaked me up, but then I calmed down, puting it aside jut thinking of it from time to time, asking myself: What the heck was that?
2. A week a go something else has happened. To get to the point I have to tell you this. Usually I think of aliens, where they might be from, how do they look like, what do they want? etc.
Last week I was on the train going to a friend of mine. Ideeas just started to come to my mind with out trying to think of them. Suddenlly I realised, they are using religion to control us, in to submting to them. They created religion to form the way our mind workes. The main ideea was: If you want to control a race you need to make them follow you on their free will. If you force them in to submission they will eventualy rebel. How can you make them submitt? Easy: You tell them you are a devine beeing (God), and you want their best interest. So on and so forth.
I'll come back on this inthe future as do more research on this topic.
I kept getting following ideeas on this subject for the next two days, all relating to each other. Now as you can see all these are similar to the ideeas in William Bramsley - Gods of Eden. Thing is I dind't know about his bok or his ideeas. I have come across it after that when I did a searh on Google on: Alien plan for Earth. This is also how I came across this site. Imagine my first raction, I struck gold, no one must have thought about this before me. Then, my face fell apart, some did thought about it. ....Ohhh well...means I was right.
Question: Can any of you explain these two things that happen to me? thanks for reading the post.
PS: Now I have a request for someone that can help me. I haven't read William Bramsley - Gods of Eden. I could only find some online revue, or related ideeas taken from his book. I would like to read it and get more on this topic. The only problem is tha I live in Romania, and we don't have it here. Also I can't buy it online because it is to much for me. Can any of you buy it (as a gift) for me and send it to me if i give you my mailing address? I know it is much to ask but if you can please help me in this. thanks again to everyone. If there is a place where I could download it for free it would be ok to.
Zbye-Zbye --- Can you fly? If you can't get on my back and I will take you to the sky