"Seven out of ten forfeiture cases end with no charges filed.
That's the original 'eminent domain' is it not?"
"Hey he looks like someone who doesn't want to be arrested- let's go arrest 'im"
For the people who hear about this kind of thing, and never have it happen to them, it's a non-issue. Their complacency allows this sort of BS to continue, legality growing ever more vague.
That's the sort of thing that makes it all too clear that the legal 'system' has been perverted into an all-out business.
Everything has been corporatized.
The only thing that can save your ass these days is $$$$$$$$$$$$"
Yes , I agree completely. Here is another link that you may find interesting. Pay attention to Gino Casternovia when he talks about his history in the Law, taxes, Americanism, Religions. its ties into Politics and the "Kings Law" and touching on sovereignty the biggest enemy of the Kings Law (with all the other wishy washy not-so-secret societies these days)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … ;type=sear
Another letter you may want to check out is a letter/book/correspondance which became famous for its information on "invisible contracts". The book is free online and is titled "Invisible Contracts". Just google it. It is a HEAVY and HEFTY read, but very telling if you can swing (; .... I Havent dug too much ino that one yet, the legal and Law talk is just WOOOOO WEEEE rough. Its good to have a Blacks Law Dictionary on hand, or Balentine's.
Here is an interesting definition of the word Human Being in a Law Book., Balentines Law Dictionary
Human Being: see monster. (ok, lets flip to monster)
Monster: A human being by birth but in some part resembling a lower animal, having no inherent blood and as a result cannot inherit any land accept through marriage.
And a good jordan maxwell talk to download here:
some Maxwell quotes from the talk:
Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846
John Kennedy was elected to congress in 1946
Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860
John Kennedy was elected predident in 1960
Both names Lincoln and Kennedy contain seven letters
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights
Both wives lost children while living in the white house
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday
Both presidents were shot in the Head
Lincoln's secretary was named Ms. Kennedy
Kennedy's secretary was named Ms. Lincoln
Both were assassinated by southerners
Both were succeeded by Southerners
Both Southerners were named Johnson. Andrew Johnson who succeeded Lincoln, and was born in 1808. Linden Johnson who succeeded Kennedy and was born in 1908
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln was born in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy was born in 1939
Both Assassins were known by three names: John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald
Both names are comprised of fiftteen letters
Lincoln was shot in a theatre named Ford
Kennedy was shot in a car made by Ford called Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a wearhouse
Lee Harvey Oswald ran from the wearhouse and was caught in a theatre
Heres a good one
A week before Lincoln was shot he was in Monroe Maryland and a week before Kennedy was shot he was in Marilyn Monroe