Hildegarde wrote:Also an observation, I've found that the people who 'dislike the financial system' and want the system to crash etc usually have conditioned beliefs about money matters.
Maybe it is a bit ignoble of me to wish for the system as it is to crash. But as you pointed out, the system as it is now is quite criminal. I would be completely in favor of and am working toward putting in place something better than what we have now. I know the "Money Masters" movie has been mentioned in a few places here before but just in case anyone didn't catch it, here are some links again:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 0256183936
This stuff is all completely material, little or no metaphysics involved unless you dig beneath what is presented and the few casual mentions of Jesus and moneychangers. I have a feeling there will be greater forces involved if/when there are upcoming changes but as of right now presenting a metaphysical argument to the average person (other than "raptureheads") seems fairly difficult. The trouble is, people do use money a lot right now, both physical and electronic, and most of them do it with very little thought about where it comes from and who benefits from the way it is created right now. And the process and history is so deliberately convoluted. Is there a better way of explaining it to them than trying to get them to watch a 3 1/2 hour video, or a 45 minute cartoon with a lot more flaws in it like "Money as Debt"? I wish. A crash/crisis would hopefully focus the attention of the average schmoe on how they have been deluded for all this time, and with the continued availability of the Internet there exists the possibility that change could be demanded in the right direction. Then again maybe not, and maybe it will all get worse. That's not the timeline I'm focusing on. Maybe it's naive to think something good could come out of a crisis fairly quickly, but the alternatives seem to be either trying to fix things without any sort of crisis (extremely difficult) or a crisis followed or preceded by a series of huge catastrophes (I'd rather avoid that if it's all the same, thanks).
I'm hoping the unseen metaphysical factors will allow a once-impenetrable system to be penetrated and destroyed by a newly awakened humanity.