Topic: So - has the economy finally had it?

There are no threads on this subject.  Perhaps no one is really all that interested?

Lot of chaos in the world markets at the moment.  Is this just a short bit of instability - or is the economy finally entering that long predicted crash?

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

I always start to cringe whenever the DOW plummets like that. And just today CNN was saying the housing market is in really bad shape and the Federal Reserve is trying to deny it.
    Who knows what is going to happen and when?
    My model has always been economic depression first, followed by environmental disaster, then a nice lovely plague or two to stir up the pot,  followed by the governemnt stepping in to stop all the inveitable chaos. Then all the dissidents get loaded into nice box cars and sent to the camps already made for the purposes.
   Then the real fun starts.
   But who knows, who knows when it will all go down?

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Well it certainly seems that something maybe going on.

Strange that there is so little interest in this subject here.  I mean I know it is all manipulated and illusion, but even still - if the economy dies it pretty much effects all of us.

4 (edited by calpamu 2007-08-16 05:18:44)

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?


Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

I think we don't say much about it because we all know the US is being deconstructed and looted.  We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop on the economy.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Soloflecks wrote:

I think we don't say much about it because we all know the US is being deconstructed and looted.  We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop on the economy.

Ok smile  To rephrase my question.  Do you think that other shoe is dropping right now?

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Marcus wrote:
Soloflecks wrote:

I think we don't say much about it because we all know the US is being deconstructed and looted.  We're just waiting for the other shoe to drop on the economy.

Ok smile  To rephrase my question.  Do you think that other shoe is dropping right now?

Dare I say it but I hope so.  It's about friggin' time!  Let's get this over with.  We just need to be prepared to react appropriately.  That's probably the more pressing question, what is the appropriate reaction once it's apparent that the inevitable decline has started?  Is there going to be a worldwide depression?  There's certainly enough physical and informational wealth in existence that there would be no legitimate excuse for such a thing.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Ye... unfortunately it appears Canada is being deconstructed and looted in the same way.  sad
The housing market here does not appear to be is as bad shape as in the US and the Canadian dollar is strong vs US and other currencies...
Though these figures are ultimately illusions, they do affect me in a greater way than I'd like to admit at the moment.

Grey Cat,  that's definately one of the realities that could take shape, though I hope never that extreme.
Anywho, doesn't seem like the situation has ripened to that extreme yet - but really who knows.

Part of my longterm goal is to get outta the city and to buy up precious metals as the majority of my savings-  dig a hole somewhere on my land and bury it.  Basically, any step to become more self sufficient in terms of water and food is a positive one in my eyes.

sorry babylon banking system... your days are numbered...  like all great illusions, eventually must fade.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Thing is, the federal reserve CAN bail the US economy out by messing with the interest rates. And if it gets that bad, that is exactly what they will do, just as they did after 9/11.
    My observation is the coupling effect of several disasters on top of eachother that would really cause widespread panic and discombobulation.
  Example, the economy starts to collapse and before the world can lean on thier governments to make things right and stop getting rich, an ecological disaster like epidemic and/or natural disaster (tsunami and/or earthquake.) occurs along with another terrorist attack (from our dear lame duck of a president and his croonies.) added as icing on the cake and you have the reciepe for real chaos.
  In times of chaos, the pear shaped masses will beg for the voice or reason and invite the riot police into thier homes for milk and cookies.
  I've been mind programmed by misinformation to flinch at every little news broadcast for years now. Which is why I'm just observing and throwing ideas around. This could be the beginning of the end, or this could be just another false alarm to make me more punch drunk once the real trouble comes along.
  Only time will tell.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Who knows what will happen. The chaos might be happening because people are being more conservative and are taking out money out of shares (because I know stock markets around the world are going downhill) - and hence they are having less faith in the system so that's why there's a little downturn. Another reason (probably more realistic) why the markets are going crazy could be that there are so many 'castles in the sky'; the value people believe things are worth are actually way higher than it's instrinsic worth (such as a stock) and so in the long term the value of what people think something is worth will converge with it's actual value. I think that's happening now. Then there's the obvious reason where America's sub prime mortgages are affecting the financial markets around the world.

I am a bit sceptical about the whole financial system crashing as so many people have faith in money. You need to have some sort of energy to transfer around - money being a good way to do it and in the future we may see more money being digital. If we want a stable and ethical financial system, our integrity, spiritual awareness and maturity must also converge with the technology otherwise there will be huge problems. Money laundering and stealing digital money is happening at the moment.

Also an observation, I've found that the people who 'dislike the financial system' and want the system to crash etc usually have conditioned beliefs about money matters. They usually don't have enough of it... Physical = spiritual. Having lots of money does not mean you are materialistic. Working FOR money and NOT believing that money is energy which you can use to transfer other types of energy is materialistic. Also I don't think there's anything wrong with being materialistic. uhh maybe I was thinking about capitalism...

"The universe is on fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy." - From the Undines to Humanity

11 (edited by Skyalmian 2007-08-17 05:29:46)

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

This is the site I visit for analyzations of latest financial news... Urban Survival.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Hildegarde wrote:

Also an observation, I've found that the people who 'dislike the financial system' and want the system to crash etc usually have conditioned beliefs about money matters.

Maybe it is a bit ignoble of me to wish for the system as it is to crash.  But as you pointed out, the system as it is now is quite criminal.  I would be completely in favor of and am working toward putting in place something better than what we have now.  I know the "Money Masters" movie has been mentioned in a few places here before but just in case anyone didn't catch it, here are some links again: … 0256183936

This stuff is all completely material, little or no metaphysics involved unless you dig beneath what is presented and the few casual mentions of Jesus and moneychangers.  I have a feeling there will be greater forces involved if/when there are upcoming changes but as of right now presenting a metaphysical argument to the average person (other than "raptureheads") seems fairly difficult.  The trouble is, people do use money a lot right now, both physical and electronic, and most of them do it with very little thought about where it comes from and who benefits from the way it is created right now.  And the process and history is so deliberately convoluted.  Is there a better way of explaining it to them than trying to get them to watch a 3 1/2 hour video, or a 45 minute cartoon with a lot more flaws in it like "Money as Debt"?  I wish.  A crash/crisis would hopefully focus the attention of the average schmoe on how they have been deluded for all this time, and with the continued availability of the Internet there exists the possibility that change could be demanded in the right direction.  Then again maybe not, and maybe it will all get worse.  That's not the timeline I'm focusing on.  Maybe it's naive to think something good could come out of a crisis fairly quickly, but the alternatives seem to be either trying to fix things without any sort of crisis (extremely difficult) or a crisis followed or preceded by a series of huge catastrophes (I'd rather avoid that if it's all the same, thanks). 

I'm hoping the unseen metaphysical factors will allow a once-impenetrable system to be penetrated and destroyed by a newly awakened humanity.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Hildegarde, like you I can't see a full market crash happening any time soon.  That's not to say it won't eventually happen though.  I get what you are saying about those who dislike the financial system.  Though way I tend to feel is that the lines between money, profit and economy have been blurred far too much.  The system is a greedy blood-sucking beast.  Where as the idea of money can be viewed as energy exchange.  The common person traditionally should follow the latter root...but everyone seems to have got drawn into the beasts belly and taken on its attributes.  Two different conflicting ideologies that "they" would have us believe are two faces of the same coin.

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Hi guys.
I've now got the belief that money is just an energy. Money by itself is just a tool with which the user can affirm a reality and create something.
It really depends on the user - the intention of the user that determines whether the outcome of that usage is for positive or negative purposes.
Like a gun, it can help a starving person hunt for game or it can kill people. So I mean I don't have anything wrong with money at the moment.

The system however, is another story altogether. Marcus it does seem like a blood sucking beast at times. All the corporate entities are like bloody sucking
occult entities sucking the time and life-stream out of it's employees by avalanching them with work - and in exchange for measly peanuts - just for the sake
of survival. Solutions? Work for yourself eventually, unless it's an ethical corporation. I know that sounds contradictory, but it will happen. I think I heard somewhere
that in the future or maybe it was some other civilisation that corporations worked for the people - and not for profits; and that it was a privilege to work for one.
I hope the system doesn't break down. I hope that it evolves.

"The universe is on fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy." - From the Undines to Humanity

Re: So - has the economy finally had it?

Hey Hildegarde,

I have a similar view, I think the "system" is an adulterated version of what it can be. I am in business for myself I am "inc'd" so I am technically part of the big bad corporate business world.

My take on the business world is much like another thread here about the ego and such. Most peple see their business as an extension of themselves and everybody else in their "field" of business is not just the competition but the "enemy". Their focus and goal then becomes a reaction to the enemy as opposed to them focussing on their business and service which would be of far better advantage. They are followers instead of leaders.

My business changed for the better the moment I realized this and allowed myself to guide and direct(to a degree) the direction of the business instead of reacting or copying the competition.


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity