Topic: Chacmools on Tv
This are disciples from disciples from Carlos Castaneda, if i did get it correctly, who are spreading the 'tensegrity' movements and workshops. I randomly found this newage-tv show on youtube, and this is one of their programs with the "chacmools" on.
Quite interessting and i was curious, as some time ago i did try some exercises from the book. Later on i heard claims that it was all a scam and 'tensgrity' was just some form of taiji which castaneda learned from a taijiteacher. i was dissapointed to hear that as i love this roamantic thing about scorchers, ancient secrets and old mexico etc.:) i dunno.
The ladies do some movements, like 'shooting up your personal histaory', which looks good to me. It's all a bit weird, but maybe the practice shows results.
anyhow, here's the link
and if some of you are practitioners of this i 'dlike to know what your findings are.
are you starting to look like a luminous egg or what ?:D
Pablo Picasso