Topic: New York Times 2012 Article - The Final Days … 1&_r=1
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Noble Realms → Links → New York Times 2012 Article - The Final Days … 1&_r=1
Hmm, I don't really want to register for NYT website. Care to tell a little about the article?
Weird, it doesn't ask me to register. Maybe because I'm not in the states.
It's a pretty lengthy 6 page article about how a lot of people are getting worked up about 2012 and what people think may happen. It focuses quite a bit on the ideas of John Major Jenkins, Calleman and Arguelles. Daniel Pinchbeck gets a brief mention too. Not a bad article but isn't going to tell anyone here anything new.
I did not need to register...
But my IP is from Brazil.
Try some of the names/passwords here:
That's really weird. I tried it again today and it didn't ask me to register.
Noble Realms → Links → New York Times 2012 Article - The Final Days
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