Topic: RVing alien entities...excellent ebook
Some of you may already have read this's about remote viewing of alien and spiritual being...absolutely fascinating! … m#CONTENTS
spirituality - physics - conspiracy - philosophy - wisdom - and more...
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Noble Realms → Links → RVing alien entities...excellent ebook
Some of you may already have read this's about remote viewing of alien and spiritual being...absolutely fascinating! … m#CONTENTS
Novice, if you enjoyed that book, Dr Brown has a sequel called Cosmic Explorers. Both are freely downloadable from his website. Here is the link to Cosmic Explorers: … orers.html
I definitely agree these are fascinating and hard to stop reading. The only problem I have with these books is that they make Grays out to be the good guys who are squaring off against the Reptilians, and advocate that we let the Grays lead and protect us against the Reptilians whom we ourselves are powerless to fight. The books also recommend making contact with the (Nordic) survivors on Mars, having them be transported to Earth as refugees and integrated into human society. It comes off a bit too much like problem-reaction-solution, especially in context of other sources claiming that the Reptilians, Grays, and Nordics are all part of the same faction. Check out the second book and see what you think.
Thanks for the link Montalk, I'll check it out just as soon as I've finished the first book.
The book (as far as I've read) does definitely take a very different perspective on the Greys...I was actually starting to empathise with their plight and that of the Martians.
I was tempted to think that maybe SRV'd information was of better quality than say channeled information as it supposedly adheres to scientific protocols to try to minimise inaccuracy but I suppose it's just as open to manipulation and misinterpretation as any other source.
Still, it's a fascinating and worthwhile read by any standards.
Here is more information on SRV:
Like channeling, SRV is vulnerable to telepathic projection by disinformative sources. The rigid protocols only help to make a remote viewer more accurately express what enters into his mind. If disinfo goes in, disinfo more accurately comes out. As with any material, the ideas themselves, rather than the method used to obtain them, are what must be evaluated. Disinfo commonly incorporates a careful selection of truths to appear credible, but depends on the target audience to already know only about those truths and not other truths that would expose the deception. Therefore the more you research the alien subject, the more quickly you notice the deceptions because your knowledge base extends beyond the selective evidence that disinformation uses.
For honing discernment, check out the following books: The Prism of Lyra and Visitors from Within by Lyssa Royal, Talking to Extraterrestrials by Lissette Larkins, and Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge by Steven Greer. Then contrast these with The Threat by David Jacobs, Taken by Karla Turner, and The Allies of Humanity I/II by Marshall Vian Summers. The difference between these two sets of sources is great enough that it should be easy figuring out which one is more intuitively resonant and makes more sense.
Noble Realms → Links → RVing alien entities...excellent ebook
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