oavada wrote:Had a funny thought...what type of computer and software would be an ally in transcending the matrix? Seems like matrix-supporting companies like Dell and Microsoft would subconsciously undermine efforts to escape the matrix. I suppose some type of independent maker and linux perhaps would be best. I thought of getting an ACER which is chinese made..any thoughts anyone?
Hmm... perhaps maybe build your own computer?! My brother is a computer geek- he's very knowledgeable and knows his stuff. He built his current computer back in 2002 and put each and every part in and updates it whenever he feels it is necessary. He never, if rarely, gets any viruses and runs smoothly. I honestly wish I can steal it, but that requires too much effort and I would feel like a weirdo afterwards, so...maybe I'll ask him to build a computer for me once this SONY laptop is finished?!
So start learning about computers. It's very helpful- things like software, hardware, programs, etc. Think of it as learning about the parts in your car. If you drive, you must know the parts, otherwise you will be gyped by some shady auto mechanic and pay $600 dollars for a repair you could have done yourself for $40 bucks, so if you have a computer now, you can update it instead of throwing away good money on something that you didn't have to.
Also, aside from building your own computer, I think it doesn't really matter because "they" will track you down via internet connection, not the brand of computer. Of course, there are crappy computers out there; you want to choose one that is reliable and worth your money. I don't think you should worry about things like these because the fact is, people have escaped the matrix without computers. I think it's more of the "computer" you have inside you (i.e. ego, impulses, thoughts, etc) rather than those acers you can find in one of those street fairs/markets in NYC (yep, acers are cheap...in quality too). All in all, lose the fear frequency and enjoy life. There is a bad side to it, as we all know, there is no denying that. But, if you look carefully, there is beauty and lots of fun to it too. I think the latter is a nice starting point in escaping.
"We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same."
– Carlos Castaneda