Re: Dreams
Were you watching any Alfred Hitchcock stuff lately?
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Noble Realms → Spirituality and Metaphysics → Dreams
Were you watching any Alfred Hitchcock stuff lately?
Nope don't care for his work actually. This wasn't like the films it was very real and personal. I went in my backyard today and thought weird are the birds going to come? LOL
This is a dream I had a while back that I documented so that I might post it on here.
The dream started off and I was sleeping outside on the back porch of a house for some reason. I was in a bed but the porch was outside under an awning and there was rain coming down all around the bed. It was the middle of the night, for some reason, this alarm or high pitched sound went off. So I left my bed and walked out into a park behind my house to investigate. The park had homes all around it, with the body in of the park in the center, and there were many people who the whistling sound had aparently drawn to it. I began to notice from the gathered peoples behavior that the whistleing or rining sound had triggered some sort of hidden personality in the people, like a rage alter in mind programming speak. The people were out of control congregating around this women who was giving them orders to destroy and kill. I realised that this person was a mind programmer and she was telling all the enraged people around her to go off on their preprogrammed mission s of death and destruction. I had this knowing that the sound that had drawn me to the bridge was audible only to those people who had been preprogrammed, yet as I had heard and sought the sound out, it did not seem to be altering my personality as it was everyone else. The gathered looked like crazed zombies and at that moment they turned to me as if I was begining to stick out amongst them, as not belonging. I played along and said I am going to go kill some people over there (indicating a direction), which seemed to satisfy them and they all set off on their missions of destruction. I myself went exploring and came across a house that the mind prgrammer was at. She seemed to have some connection with the nazis' and at this point I remember no more of the details from the dream.
My main wonder when this type of thing arises, becasue as I have read about rage alters and mind programming before, I had not read anything recently enough to trigger this dream. I wonder if I was tapping into a congragation of astral bodies of some programmed peoples called by their mind programmer to wreek havoc on others astral bodies in the evening. The terrain amd layout of the dream seemed to be very similar to that of the actual park behind my house.
I get that this dream is teaching you that very few people are in control of their own minds. With so many mind control programs going through every city on this planet. And all of us being generally programmed through both media and culture. I've always had this scary thought that they have a trigger just waiting to be activated that would turn us all into zombies.
Zombies eh? Well that is enough to prompt me to post a dream i have had repeatedly since i was really young. I guess i have had this dream about 8 times, maybe more? Every couple of years kind of thing. It is the 2nd most powerful dream i think i have had or can remember....and i think about it quite a lot.
I am standing in the corridor on one of the top floors of an enormous office block. I am with a group of classmates and we are all about 8 years old. We are looking in to one of the offices which has an open door. In the corner behind the open door a small weak child is on his knees sobbing and very distressed. I can see him through the crack between the open door and the doorframe. ( where the hinges are ) All of the other kids are teasing him and insulting him and are doing a very good job of making him so upset. It is clear that the little boy has been crushed by the cruelty. At this stage i am acutely aware of everybody's " feelings " including my own. They are almost tangible. I instinctively feel that i should move to protect the boy somehow and yet i feel a strong tug or urge to identify with the main group and join in. I desperately want to " belong " and be accepted by the majority. So often in my life i have been ostracized! Included in the main group of kids being nasty is the girl i have a desperate crush on and this sways me to make a terrible and dishonourable decision. I force a false laugh at the misfortune of the little boy. Even though i knew at the time that it was not the right thing to do i must admit i did it. It was the pivotal moment. The laugh never makes it to my lips. The instant that i mentally leant towards that hurtful decision/action from my previously neutral perspective, before i have acted in any way other than internally, the little boy spontaneously transforms into a massive lizard like being. I am talking 7-8 foot tall, powerful, dripping all this slimy putrid venom. Sharp teeth and claws etc. There is an air of decay, disease and malevolence about this being as well. Anyway, the beast rips off the door and leaps in to the group. I am instantly aware that the merest touch from the beast is enough to turn the intended victim in to one of the beast's mindless zombie servants. The fangs and claws are not the most dangerous aspect at all. The touch is incredibly contagious and within a couple of seconds more than half the group has been affected. Once affected the person instantly becomes like one of the zombies you might see in a movie. All dripping pus and maggots with skin all blackened and decayed. I try and drag those nearest to me from the scene but i can see straight away that this will not work. The " virus " spreads too quickly and most of the others are so scared they can do little but cower. They can't think or act. It is like watching dominoes fall. I let them go and start running for all i am worth. I do notice that the girl i fancy and another boy that i like are escaping down a different corridor.... so i am running and running through this absolute maze of corridors and i regularly see others that are tainted by this evil. I see adults, security guards and then policeman all falling victim. They try and coax me over to them for protection but i sense that they are not safe and i say " NO " and run away. They all lope after me as maggots and slime starts oozing from their mouths etc and i realise that the contagion has spread everywhere. I begin running so fast that rollerskates appear on my feet and i can go faster and i have tremendous control. Matrix like control over my skates! ( powers similar to the movie ) As i race around the maze looking for some kind of exit i come across the girl i really like. She is crying and running towards me begging me to help her. As i approach i look carefully at her and can see no signs of anything wrong. It is not until i get within a 1-2 metres of her that i get a spontaneous and almighty intuition and i do a massive leap to the side avoiding her outstretched fingers be mere milimetres. As i land and look over my shoulder with an apology on my lips, i catch the sight of a small hole in the back of her head with a little bit of slime leaking out. Her expression says it all though and i know she is angry that i did not fall for her trick. The other boy that escaped with her leaps out from somewhere and i know that this was a planned ambush. My fear turns to determination that borders on rage and i take off with no other goal in mind other than to escape. As i speed along trying to maintain a general direction i see the creatures loping along in parallel corridors trying to head me off and i am only the tiniest fraction quicker than them. If i make a false turn they will have me. I am aware now that the zombies can track me without vision. Some of them have no eyeballs anymore anyway. They know where i am and i wonder if they can feel my body heat or perhaps hear my heart beating. Eventually i am herded into a lonely looking corridor that has no intersections or doorways leading off. It is a dead end and i am trapped. The zombies are behind me and as i skate along i see ahead of me a giant wall of what seems like solid frosted glass. I slow down for only a split second as i make the decision to attempt the ridiculous and unknowable rather than give up and succumb to the fate of the others... i grit my teeth and begin to accumulate as much speed as i can....i focus on the wall in front of me and hit it with everything i have....there is a massive explosion and i am rolling around disoriented for a few seconds. I am amazed that i have no injuries. I get to my feet and my magic rollerskates are gone. There is shards and pieces of this weird frosty glass everywhere but i don't hang around to think about it. Up ahead i see that the corridor continues very briefly and then turns left. At that point i see massive windows and i realise i am at the corner of the building and have a little flush of hope. I race up to the corner and look down the next corridor to see approaching zombies. I am cornered again. The zombies from behind and ahead actually slow down and seem to be savouring the moment.... I look around for another way to escape and notice that the windows have no means of opening them. I am also about 100 stories off the ground but i am so desperate that i try the ridiculous again and i push on the glass and ask it to let me out. Amazingly the wall sized window swings out just like a door. I step out on to a narrow ledge and i can hear the zombies roar with anger as i begin to edge my way from the windows so that i have the solid concrete or whatever the building is made of at my back. I have no idea what i can possibly do next and figure that i have maybe 10-20 seconds to decide. I look across to another building and can see that the zombies have infiltrated it already. The disease has already spread and furthermore the zombies in the other building are aware of me and are coming to the windows and howling at me. I sense that the whole city is compromised and imagine it spreading globally. It is depressing to say the least. The zombies in my own building start climbing up from lower floors and are trying to scale the outer walls to reach me. Others are leaping from the floors above and trying to touch me as they fall past. Even as they miss me and plummet they do not look down, their eyes are locked on to my position. They have only one goal/ desire and that is to turn me in to one of them. I let the ones who are on my ledge get to within 4-5 metres of me when i decide what i will do. I flash them a look of defiance before i jump. They try to leap after me and " tag " me but i am too far ahead of them. The ones below also leap out and try to intercept me but i am able to glide a little bit and i do all kinds of amazing gymnastic manouveres to avoid their grasp although they get really close. As i get nearer to ground level i see a guy in a car come to skidding halt. He gets out and runs towards the place i am going to land/ hit the ground. I try and streamline myself and gather speed so that i beat him to that point. He makes a flying jump and misses me, again by milimetres....and just before impact i have a slight feeling of satisfaction.
I hit the asphalt at a bazillion miles an hour and have a brief sense of rising out of my body before i wake up feeling really spent.
Edit- Wow that was rather long! Did'nt seem like it as i was writing...sorry folks i guess i need to learn how to paraphrase..:/
Mention of zombies leads me to post a dream I had last night (probably inspired by the fact that I was reading "The Invisibles" comic early into the morning!); where this living dead/zombie/un-holy thing was near our house, I was outside shooting it with a 12gauge shotgun but I couldn't bring it down. I remember inside the dream that my brothers WWII Mosin bolt action rifle is inside the house, with like 1-2 bullets left, and I just KNEW that rifle would KILL IT with extreme prejudice. also had a feeling it was WHY I had saved those bullets from the last time at the range, in real life. (my recollection of what happened is hazy after this)
I think I made it inside and grabbed the rifle, loaded a bullet or two and went back outside about to blow this thing off the earth for good, but never got a chance to shoot it before the dream changed or I woke up briefly
I had a dream about my nephew the other night. In my dream, I was curious on how my 12 year old nephew was getting things from the closet such as groceries and finally, a new born baby that was covered in a baby blue blanket. At that point, I became lucid and had control and asked him "where are you getting all of these groceries from? Who's baby is that?" and at the point, I got very interested, since in the dream, I knew it was impossible to get those things in the closet.
Anyways, he showed me a black hole in the closet, but you sort of have to dig through it because it had layers. So digging through this hole, I slipped and fell into it, but I noticed the hole had DNA-like lines and as I was falling through. The next scene, I landed at a supermarket in the suburbs. The supermarket was empty with only a few people at the registers, but they seemed frozen. It wasn't very colorful, almost to a black and white tint. So I asked one of the guys who worked there and said "where are we, exactly? we're not in New York?!" and the human looking guy just looked at me, smiled, gazing at me with deep sinister eyes and said "No, we're not, we're in a ship!" And in the dream, I remember saying to myself "holy shit! this is not happening!" and he's standing there, joined along with a clone of his. And at that point in my dream, I remembered that one time I got abducted back in 2002 and completely took over my own energy, refusing to give in, since the eyes had the same, evil look to them.
He looked human - white pique polo shirt, khakis, short brown hair, clean cut, dark beady eyes, moustache. I didn't quite flip out, but I looked back as If I knew what he was thinking because I was and he knew that all was not well. I had full control of the situation, unlike most of my dreams and I walked away, thanking him for telling me, but I had a repulsive vibe from him and then later him and his clone looking assistant manager. They were giving off bad vibes as I walked away and just stared me down, smiling.
When I woke up, I immediately thought of the movie "Dark City" and contemplated that maybe we're on some ship. Who knows,. but pretty trippy, since I haven't seen that movie in almost a year.
This is the 4th time I had a weird alien influenced dream with my nephew. When I see him, I'll casually ask if he had any weird dreams lately, considering that he's involved in these abduction/screen-memories types of dreams.
That Insider guy that everyone went crazy over did say are you on the planet you think you are? Just the word planet is interesting. Break it down. PLAN ET = ET PLAN. Hasn't it become almost a fact that 4D controls and manipulates 3D as well? Dark City had a huge effect on me I thought to myself there is more truth to this than anyone could ever handle.
When I was very young I was in class and we were discussing those travelling shows, like 'The Great Outdoors' and 'Getaway'. Anyway one of my classmates suggested that no one actually travelled anywhere in planes or trains, you thought you were travelling in a plane but wasn't really going anywhere and it would be easy to do because most people didn't look outside the window. I thought it was a preposterous idea and so did my teacher, but I did find it amusing. One got to their 'destination' and it was all fake cardboard cutouts for street stalls and hired folk as natives... haha.
But when I heard about The Matrix and the Megacity, how it simulated different countries in this one giant city as part of the illusion... perhaps my classmate's silly idea of long ago did have some merit.
Break it down. PLAN ET = ET PLAN.
The actual origin of the word "planet" is the Greek word "planeta", which means "wanderer". And it didn't originally apply to the Earth, only the other planets in the heavens (which were called wanderers because of the way they deviated from the fixed rotation of the other stars).
There's enough to be concerned about with regards to TPTB and their 4D STS overlords already; no reason to attribute even more to them than they deserve.
My close friend died a few weeks ago. 2 night ago I had a dream where myself, my friend Thomas, and my departed friend Garrett were in Garretts living room and the only way we would be able to see him was with holding a mirror and looking through an other mirror so we could see him and communicate with him as well. He had wings that were cut on his back and I asked him if I could have a blue shirt of his..hE SAID yes but there was something in the pocket....a dice but more of a wobbly dice when it hit the ground the number 3 was showing.....Garrett said ok now I can go and transformed into a huge raven and flew off....Just we he flew off little doves flew towards me and Thomas and we were splashed with blood..............the wierd thiog about the dream was that me and Thomas were able to go back through time and let Garrett find the dice faster so he can transform
belljar wrote:Break it down. PLAN ET = ET PLAN.
The actual origin of the word "planet" is the Greek word "planeta", which means "wanderer". And it didn't originally apply to the Earth, only the other planets in the heavens (which were called wanderers because of the way they deviated from the fixed rotation of the other stars).
There's enough to be concerned about with regards to TPTB and their 4D STS overlords already; no reason to attribute even more to them than they deserve.
LOL Whatever you say.
I didn't know where to put this and I didn't want to put up a new thread because that can be slightly annoying, so I'll put it here under the dream thread.
Last night, I was in bed, reading from my laptop and it was around 3AM-ish and was slightly drifting off to sleep. And as I had my eyes closed and body somewhat relaxed, I mentally hear "Why don't you trust us, A***?" in deep, female voices. It sounded crackly. That really shook me and I felt sort of disgusted like WTH was that? Wide awake. Ick.
I'm not sure if it was good or bad. Part of me wants to say it was good because maybe that was my connection and I wasn't in a good mood in parts of the evening, maybe another realm is telling me to relax. Then another part of me says it wasn't good since it was sudden and the voices sounded weird, which initially drove me to break out of it.
Or it could be part of some sleep cycle, since I was relaxed. Not sure really.
Noble Realms → Spirituality and Metaphysics → Dreams
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