Topic: Orfeo Angelucci - STO Contactee?
Orfeo Angelucci was a contactee who published his accounts in the early 1950s. I read about him in the last part of Carl Jung's book on flying saucers where Jung excerpted part of Angelucci's story. From that excerpt I noticed key elements typical of encounters with 4D STO beings. The following is excerpted from an abridged copy of his book at
Time is a dimension as your scientists now correctly surmise. But it is only a dimension when applied to the various densities of matter. In the absolute, or non-material states of consciousness, Time is non-existent. So let us say that in one of the time frames or dimensions, there was once a planet in the solar system of Earth, called Lucifer. It was of the least material density of any of the planets. Its orbit lay between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Among the etheric beings, or heavenly hosts, it was called the Morning Star. Among all planets it was the most radiant planet in the universe.
The name of the prince of this shining planet was also Lucifer, a beloved Son of God. [...] Earth's legends about Lucifer and his hosts are true. Pride and arrogance grew in the heart of Lucifer and in the hearts of many Luciferians. They discovered all of the secrets of matter and also the great secret of the Creative Word. Eventually they sought to turn this omnipotent force against their brothers who were less selfish. Also against the etheric beings and the Father, or Source, for it became their desire to rule the universe. You know the rest of the legend: how Lucifer and his followers were cast down from their high estate. In simpler words, the Luciferians who were embodied then in the most attenuated manifestation of matter "fell" into embodiments in one of the most dense material evolutions, which is the animalistic evolution of Earth.
We were among those who did not join the Luciferians in their revolt against the etheric hosts [...] Thus although the Luciferians shattered our radiant planet in the holocaust of their war, we entered the etheric, non-material worlds in the higher octaves of light as liberated Sons of God, while the Luciferian hosts fell into the dream of mind in matter upon the dark planet of sorrows."
While our brothers are lost in the hell of unreality and turn their blinded, imploring eyes to the mute heavens, we can never forget them. We intercede unceasingly for your peoples' liberation. Thus today every bondsman upon Earth has within himself the power through the mystery of the Etheric Christ Spirit to cancel his captivity.
Eventually all of mankind deep-drowned in Time and Matter, will surface to reality when they recognize their basic unity of being. When man is for man honestly and sincerely and not selfishly arrayed against himself, the hour of deliverance from the underworld will be close at hand. We wait now beyond the great, sad river of Time and Sorrows with open arms and hearts to receive among us our lost and prodigal brothers in that great day when they rejoin us as liberated Sons of God.
Our disks, or saucers as Earthmen term them, are in your space-time frame as harbingers of mankind's coming resurrection from the living death. Although our disks are essentially etheric; that is, non-material, they are controlled in such a way that they can almost instantaneously attract substance to take on any degree of material density necessary. Various other types of space craft are now permitted to visit Earth for certain purposes. These are from other worlds and also space islands of various densities of matter. Some are on the borderline between materiality and non-materiality. But all are operated by intelligences highly spiritual in nature. All are on a mission of love to their brothers of the Dark World, but mankind's understanding of their ultimate intent and purpose will only become fully apparent further along in Earth's Time Dimension. We do not say that there are no negatives in the universe who have not attained primitive modes of space travel, but at present Earth is fully protected from these by both cosmic law and the etheric host.
The only part I question is their saying earth is fully protected from negative beings. Although the Ra Material talks about how earth is under a quarantine that prevents mass freewill violations despite this quarantine failing pseudo-randomly to allow negative forces to stir things up as a matter of potential spiritual catalyst. That would explain why the negs are so cunning and patiently manipulative towards getting us to give up our freewill, as though following some cosmic law. Also, the C's warned that 4D STO, being isolated in their own realm and thus being limited in their contact with and knowledge of 4D STS, are a bit naive when it comes to that subject, so I wouldn't overestimate their knowledge of what types of neg aliens are operative here. That much came out in the Allies of Humanity material as well.
I couldn't help but notice the mention of a former planet between Mars and Jupiter, which in the Cass material was referred to as Kantek, from which the nordic races on earth came as part of an Alternative-3-like evacuation from the planet they destroyed through war. Supposedly the grand TDARM (aka Ark of Covenant / Holy Grail) was built there by STO beings and transported to earth, which meshes with what Wolfram von Eschenbach said in Parzival of the Grail being a magical stone brought to earth for safekeeping by angels who stayed neutral during the war in heaven (Luciferic Rebellion). What stuck out for me most was the idea that many of us could be the fallen ones, trapped in this maelstrom of spacetime. It goes back to the War in Heaven thread discussions about being trapped here, that something is wrong, etc...
Personally I believe we are existing in a tangent universe that arose from a cataclysmic hyper-dimensional error brought on by misuse of the TDARM, and that like in Donnie Darko the universe is attempting to rebalance itself and redeem that error through a synchronistic shaping of history towards some destined singularity-exit from this forsaken timeloop that restores balance and brings back the Golden Age, the one that existed before the cataclysm. Maybe I'll do an article on this and provide all the backup that I don't have time to mention here.
Anyway, that link is an interesting read for anyone into this contactee / STO / hyper-D-history stuff.