The "Word" is the spiritual Self. The spiritual Self is called many names but we in 'the west' are most familiar with the name Christ. It says in scripture that Jesus was the incarnation of the "Word". The "Word" is the universal Christ consciousness which is individualised in each of us as the Christ Self. Jesus physically embodied his Christ Self to a very high degree and brought the ancient spiritual traditions [and terminology] back to life.
It says in the book of John that "the WORD was made flesh and dwelt among us". Also.. "in him was LIFE and the life was the light of men" And the light was... "the true LiGHT which enlightens EVERY man [ifestation of God] who comes into the world"
These quoted statements do not refer exclusively to Jesus the man. They reveal the "word" within all of us. The immanuel. See how the Sun/ Son shines in the above Egyptian pictorial in Feedbaxlows post? The Sun depicts the exact same spiritual truth as my quotes from the 'book of John'. Notice how there is a hand at the terminus of each ray of the Sun's light? As above in the spiritual Self so below in the human heart. It clearly depicts a oneness of IDENTITY between human beings and the universal GodSelf. Some Egyptians were clearly not merely 'sun worshippers'. Pharoah Iknahton restored monotheism from the wreckage of the false priest classes of the day and it clearly wasn't an external God. The Oneness of God, depicted in the symbol of the Sun, was the ALL in all and Pharoah Iknahton knew it.
David Icke presents Iknahton as just another tool of the black brotherhood but Iknahton opposed and defeated the false priests of the black brotherhood. The priests of the day were teaching the people to worship many gods... all external of course. The knowledge of the inner "word" was lost [by design of the false priests] and Iknahton, who had Self- realisation, restored the knowledge. As often happens when a soul of light opposes the purveyors of false religion, he and his family paid with their lives for doing so and were murdered.
The "Lost Word" is referred to in some traditions, including Freemasonry, because the conscious connection to the inner spiritual Self has been severed in most human beings. It is therefore "lost" and due to this loss our souls are left "naked" in the material plane... [to a greater or lesser degree depending on how far each individual soul has departed from the inner Spirit]
We have used our freewill to create an external pseudo- self which obscures the inner christ Self and so the "word" has been "lost" to our conscious awareness. Our souls are now [to some degree] wrapped in the shroud of the psuedo- self instead of being clothed in the raiment of spiritual Selfhood. The old testament refers to this unfortunate state of affairs in the story of Adam and Eve. God says to Adam after he has partaken of the fruit of knowledge [of relative good and evil].... "Adam, where art thou?" [in consciousness]. And also... "Adam who told you you were naked?" ie... 'Your nakedness of soul is not the result of my WORD which, if you had remained faithful to, would not have resuled in your soul's nakedness... ie. the [conscious] loss of my inner WORD.'
All of us are Adam and Eve, archetype man and woman [reason and intuitive feeling]. All of us have disobeyed the inner guide and proceeded [from the garden of divine consciousness] to create a false external- self. By and by that shroud of external selfhood has more fully obscured the inner light. Today, all the states of human consciousness of fear, doubt and all the schisms in lower- selfhood are the result of our soul's "nakedness" because the inner Word has been lost. But all the fractured states of lower consciousness can be restored to wholeness through the inner WORD. The inner garment of spiritual consciousness can be woven again by the soul and spiritual oneness "as above[in spirit] so below[in matter]" can be restored again.
"When thou hast entered the form thou hast dwelt in [incarnated]
"Use the cross and the circle combined [use the material and spiritual faculties combined]
"Open thy mouth and use thou thy voice
"Utter the WORD and thou shalt be free
[ this does not refer to any one particular word spoken only once, but to the perseverance in the use of the science of the spoken word, SOUND. This faithfull practice activates the flow of the inner WORD from spirit into matter. It bathes the soul in spiritual light and transmutes the dark energies of the pseudo- self which burden the soul. This is STILL the key.]
"Only the one who of LIGHT has the fullest - [realisation of the inner WORD]
"can hope to pass by the guards of the way [the elements of lower- self identity and those
nefarious beings who fully embody the same.
These stand at the threshold of divine Self
awareness to oppose the ascent of an aspiring soul]
"And then must he move through strange curves and angles [of all internal and external "out of
alignnment" states of consciousness]
"that are formed in direction not known to [ignorant] man.
[the begining of wisdom is to know
from whence we have fallen and to
where we have 'landed' in consciousness.
Knowing both, we can know the direction
of the return to oneness with the inner WORD]