Topic: Liquid silica and hair loss
So, since June I probably lost about half my hair. Not to where I have bald spots or anything, but I have half the hair I used to have. I started out with three times the amount of hair of a normal person anyway, which means I'm now left with a "normal" amount of hair even though I've lost so much.
It was getting so bad that I pretty much couldn't touch or brush my hair without strands coming out in my hands. Very distressing. I'm sure some here know what that's like if you have long hair - there will be all these strands that hang out longer than the others, well, that's because they've actually detached from your head. Now you just need to pull them out from the rest of the hair. My brush was filling up with hair 10 times faster than it would before, so I'd have to clean it out on a daily basis versus once a week, or every two weeks. I actually stopped washing my hair for long stretches because so much was coming out in the shower that I'd be in tears, and it got to the point where I just put my hair up in a clip during the day....Just...leave it in the clip. Don't touch!!! !!! I started up on vitamin supplements that are recommended for hair growth and strength, while trying to figure out what in my diet/life was causing the hair loss. Couldn't figure it out, (and it wasn't hair dye, as I previously theorized) and meanwhile, the supplements weren't doing much of anything. Finally I tracked down the one supplement left on the list that I hadn't bought....silica. Now, there are several forms of silica available, the most common being horsetail, but when I was at Whole Foods I noticed they had a form of liquid silica called "BioSil" made by Jarrow, who also makes the probiotics supplement I've been using for several years. It was expensive - $27 a bottle for one ounce; each serving is 6 drops, so you get 100 days, or about a 3 months supply. But according to the product, it's a "Biologically active silicon as stabilized orthosilcic acid" "Clinically proven, patented liquid silicon, 2 1/2 x more bioavailable than any other form of silicon."
Horsetail or colloidal gel silica first has to be converted into orthosilicic acid in order to be used by the body, whereas in this form it's already been converted, and "biologically active," enabling it to be immediately absorbed in the stomach. I figured, why not...I'm desperate, all my hair is falling out, this certainly won't hurt. So I bought it and started taking it. It took about 5 days maybe before I started to notice a change, but lo and behold, the rate of my hair falling out drastically slowed. Silica is needed for bones, nails, joints, hair and skin, and the product insert (which I later read after the fact) does advertise that for hair, "Silicon helps hair grow thicker and stronger. Hair with higher silicon content tends to fall out less and has more shine and luster."
I was also taking biotin supplements, since biotin is a supplement known for hair growth, but it really was the silica that was making a difference. So much so that I got confident and went off it for almost a week......then my hair started falling out again. I was like, AHHH! and immediately got back on it. Took about another 5 days for the hair loss to slow down again. I've decided to stay on it ever since.
It really does seem to me that the silica made all the difference. I'm sure I'm not imagining this. Nothing else I was doing was having any sort of effect, be it B-vitamins, copper and zinc, biotin, Omega 3 oils, going off caffeine, or what have you. It's a good supplement to be on anyway, apparently, whether one has hair issues or not, as silica is needed for skin collagen production, and helps the bones and nails. It's recommended for all older people to take because modern heavily processed diets lack the needed silica, and as we get older what are the main things to start failing in our bodies? Bones, skin, hair, and so on.
So I've been on this now I think November maybe, and the directions say you can take anywhere from 6 - 20 drops a day or whatever, so I've been taking on average 15 drops. I needed an extra boost, and it does seem to be working wonders. I now wash my hair without really worrying anymore, brush it without a second thought, no longer have to empty my brush every day, and don't have such a rampant problem with all these loose strands of hair just falling out as I run my fingers through my hair. Although I'll be honest.....I do still seem to have a higher than normal hair loss going on, to where I still find strands of hair all over my sweater every day. But there's no doubt that it's drastically slowed. I'm back to being able to wash and brush it without having to worry and no longer fret that I'm seriously going to go bald or something, which was the case a couple of months ago. In fact, recently I had my glasses on top of my head and a strand of hair got stuck in them as I tried to take them off. So when I pulled the glasses off, the hair yanked out.....but the thing is, that hair did NOT want to come out, so it REALLY hurt! I was like, OWW! rubbing at my scalp after the strand was forcibly popped from my head. Then I laughed, realizing, Damn, that silica really must be working! Before the hair was so weak it would have just fallen right out with minimal pain.
So, just wanted to pass along the tip. If you have hair issues, try this Jarrow "BioSil" liquid silica if you can spare the $27 a bottle cost. It seems like a worthwhile and necessary supplement, and does indeed seem to make quite a difference for inexplicable hair loss issues. That in conjunction with B-vitamins and biotin (the more natural the form, like from foods, the better) should make a difference for anybody.
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."