Topic: Magnetics and Ascension
Restoring Balanced Magnetics
Rounding Off Electrical Fractured Magnetics
according to one ascension source--electrical sources are angular=not good (just like thoth said in the emerald tablets, that dark matter/spirits hide in dark angles, and this is proving out and is illustrated now more than ever. he warns against angles and the theosophists encourage angles, figures...)
from the SSOA and the gibbon guy source "The angular electrical energies are considered quite harmful for just about everything on Earth. To give you an idea: it rips apart subtle bodies, etheric bodies and it leads to disease and a short life span. The collective falls of consciousness in our history are often directly related to the fracturing of magnetic DNA into various degrees of fractured magnetic DNA.
Whereas balanced magnetic DNA has the opportunity to tune into associated 'magnetic' thoughts, fractured magnetics are likely to tune into distorted thoughts. Or to put it in other terms: fractured DNA is more likely to tune in and reproduce distortion and harmful thoughts, whereas balanced DNA is inclined to tune into more harmless thoughts.
If we were to get an idea of the possible restoration of the original magnetic DNA, we need to visualize the transformation process from 'angular and harmful electrical' to 'round harmless magnetic'. Ken introduced the so-called 'polyhedrons' to visualize this process. When you increase the number of nodes to make a figure in which the nodes are evenly spaced, you get more complex and rounder shapes.
* The process of magnetizing one's electrical energies by 'rounding them off'.
* The process of accessing information which is needed to actually change biological features. "
apparently, going electrical has fractured about everything, not sure how, other than esoterically and etherically. and magenetics is what is need for correction. and for the body to biologically reach/attain ascension. im not sure how, so i will get into that further, in order for us to get/be more specific for application. i will say however, that im not at all thrilled anymore with anything i read about metatron, supposedly the "magnetic master" of earth grids/and the like, in this sector of the universe. i read this am that he is actually the angel of death in some circles, and controls by metatron's cube, which not only is correlated with the tree of life, but with THE MATRIX and its control system. now, that would also figure in and it doesnt sound good. if he/it is controlling (as an archangel apparently--big time with the hebrews, and was said to have assisted moses in leading them out of the desert, hhmmm) death, then one could assume he may be the one controlling the path to reincarnation--vis a vis the mahatma, and no wonder nobody can get out of that cycle. dont like the sound of that anymore.
not clear on this magnetic thing but will see what can be brought out into the open. now that the cover has been blown for the whole deal and as druid said the other day, and as we know, everything is coming to LIGHT, and the shit is being exposed all over, all the time, just as i read would happen in 1994.
“I intend to ascend. I intend a complete, authentic, magnetic, sovereign, biological ascension.”
16) Magnetic Resonance
Advanced frequency of remembrance to readjust and realign matter and energy in multidimensional zones. Balances the relationship of positive, negative and null zone forces. Enhances the process of manifesting thought into matter, and physical manifestation into form. Accelerate planetary healing, integrates polarities, return to the Null Zone, Dimensional Harmony and Acceleration, are re-stabilized by this frequency. Souls who remember this technology experience the highest potential of this frequency. look at
there seems to be alot on it, but mostly, it is very contradictory. several sites talk about it, but in direct and indirect contradiction.