Re: Descent




YOUR Valuable IN-Puts Spark The Essence Of This Thread:

A Deep Plan / Blueprint Coming To Fruition Through Agents / Transducers Placed Strategically To Receive, Embody And Then Emanate, The Healing Codes Of Transformation.

The Holodeck‘s [Living Library] Invaluable Files [s]were corrupted by a glitch / virus[/s].......

Antivirus Was Designed And INSERTED.

[size=16]Synchronicity[/size] Utilizes Myriad Ways And Means To Trigger The Embodied Codes / Light / IN-Formation.


Each Have INDIVIDUAL Interpretations Of The Hows And Whys.......

ALL(ALL) Valid In Relative Terms, But Also, So Much Deeper And Beyond Current Conception:

Like The Interpretation By A “Flatlander“ Perceiving, And Then Conceiving The Meaning Of A Sphere Moving INTO And Through Their Zone Of Awareness.......

From: … 34&p=2   #29

Perception: The ability to receive a Signal

*An AM radio cannot perceive an FM Signal

Conception: The ability to Transduce Perception

*A radio signal is Perceived by a Receiver and, through tuned circuits  ,

[insert ‘belief‘ for the HUman Receiver]

is Conceived into sound.

[center][size=16]YOU Are Coded To Perceive

And Then Conceive



Something Which Has Never Been.......[/size][/center]

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Re: Descent


Continued From The Words And Concepts Here: … 01&p=2   #28

From Whitley’s Journal:

[Not Linked Because It Will Change]

The Drones: Are They Real, and What Do We Do?

Friday June 29th, 2007 of the materials on which these imprints will work is the human brain, and one of the fields that will activate the forms is the electromagnetic field of a living brain.

.......don't throw out the baby with the bathwater, because we all have a chance now to make a major advance, and, for those of us who work hard and effectively, to transform ourselves in fundamental ways.

Always remember this: the visitors have said what is on offer to us. Phillip Corso was told, in no uncertain terms, "a new world, if you can take it." This means that we must wrest it out of the hands of the grays,

[ [s]archons,manipulatingbastards,whatever[/s] ]

and also be able to bear it. And I warn you, the more parts of yourself you don't like, the harder the light that it brings will be to endure, because that light drives consciousness deep into the parts of ourselves of which we dare not even speak.

I warn you, but I also seek to tempt you ahead. We can remake our world. The equipment has already been installed. All we need now to do is turn it on.

[size=16]And That Equipment IS(IS) YOU[/size]

Let me offer two instances of how the patterning described above works in a human brain. The first of these involves a man called Jose Garcia.

.......a simple farmer in Mexico who had an unusual experience:

A tall man walked up to him in his field one day and showed him a set of symbols, and told him to memorize them, then visualize them while planting his crops. He did this, and after that the crops began growing to record size.

A second data point involves long-time close encounter witness Jim Sparks. He recounts an instance of being made to trace a letter "E" when in the presence of a gray, and experiencing unusual physical sensations as he did so. He was told that he was being taught a skill.

What is happening now is that this skill is being offered on a gigantic scale, and it is possible for us to take advantage of it.

[size=16]A Skill Inherent

Before You(YOU) Were Born

And Which IS(IS) Now Being Switched ON,

By YOU[/size]

That said, I think that the two fragile indications I have described above, plus Isaac's message, suggest that there may already be a set of patterns, in the form of the crop circles, that we can apply to the material of our brains by memorizing the images and calling them to mind when we need them.

.......By doing so we will create a technology within ourselves that will reconnect us with powerful energies that are intrinsic to the earth, and enable us to reunite with our planet in a journey of healing.......

I believe that the circles are placed near ancient sites of power because these are the fountainheads of whatever energy it is that we seek to reconnect with.

In our consciousness, fact and imagination are two different things. We say, "it was just imagination" to dismiss something.

The visitors have a different view of this. They say that

[size=16]Imagination creates fact, and it is out of this more correct understanding of reality that their evolution of power forms has arisen.[/size]

Because we have not recognized the degree to which the mind actually mediates reality, we are making two mistakes, and one of the reasons that I think that the Isaac material is real is that it very subtly reflects one of these mistakes, which is that the universe is founded on a group of facts that we must discover in order to understand how it works.

In reality, the universe that we live in is founded on the human mind, and our imagination governs the laws of existence as we experience them.

The mistake that was made by the Isaac scientists was to assume that, if only the understood the principles behind the equipment they possessed, they could use it. This isn't completely impossible, but a much more elegant solution is to work backward from what we see the equipment doing, and use our imaginations to determine how something might do that. This way, we adapt our vision of the universe to our understanding of it, rather than slowly and painfully entering somebody else's vision and contorting our own imagination to fit it.

Taste And Compare:

[center][size=16]Walk Like A Macickian[/size][/center]


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33 (edited by gcg 2007-06-30 07:40:11)

Re: Descent

SiriArc, I copied this crop circle image from Rense today (30Jun2007]. What do you think? Hoax or real?

[center] [/center]

SiriArc wrote:


“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

Re: Descent

Here's something more creepy that is what I painted for my 6th grade final art project. The exact picture and I had never been exposed to it before it just came out of my head.

Re: Descent


[center][size=16]Sirius ly !!![/size][/center]

From: … 01&p=1   #10

You wrote:

.......synchronicities may be linked to alignments in quanta fields as well as shifts within same.  Maybe some type of internal recalibration occurs from time to time that shifts how we perceive and are attuned to external reality.  In which case, there may a different number sequence being presented that we are unaware of until we align our perspective with the new cycle and rhythms being broadcast in space time.

In This Context And Way BEYOND:

[s]”hoax“kak kak kak kak kak kak kak“hoax“
is a parasitic knee jerk(s) in the[/s] FUTILE [s]attempt to refutedistortobfuscatesmearmonkeyshit on_______

.......shaking decayed sticks @ a[/s] Starship

wmds, white male demagogues (Courtesy Of John Lash) standing in a corner twitching its limp dick and shouting at the wall:
mustcontrolmustcontrolmustcontrolmustcontrolmust control

[center][size=16]The High Magick



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Re: Descent

SiriArc, Fair enough. The crop circle and your art appearing on the same day is DEFINITELY synchronous!  Have to agree with Belljar that it's pretty creepy as well.

Seems the doorways to reality are indeed opening.

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

Re: Descent


As Clarity, The Art Work Is From The Same Guy In #4.

At Crop Circle Connector, The Grain Patterns / Codes Are Shown Along With Various Artists Depictions.

[center][size=16]Seems the Doorways

to Reality

are Indeed


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Re: Descent


[center]Three Pair of Doors,

Leading US Through A Hallway

With a 7x7 Floor Pattern

INTO The Seventh Door,

Indicating Also The 8th Ray Activation.

As The Seventh Door Beckons US Forward

To Explore The Reality Behind,

the attraction of 3 opposite pairs hindering us to reach the “end of the tunnel”

needs to be


In Surrendering OUR Desire To Hold On Until WE Find Deeper Understanding.......[/center]

[center][size=16]7       7       7[/size][/center]

[center][size=16]F R E E D O M[/size][/center]


[center]Our Soul-Archetype Holds:

The Archetypal Male Aspects Of The Pattern

The Female Expressions WE Might Feel

As WE Evolve OUR Focus Might Shift

From Aspect To Aspect

So As To Find Complete Understanding In OUR Hearts.

At The Moment Of Balance

The Pattern Dissolves

At The Point Of Freedom

As WE Have Stepped Beyond our limitation

On OUR Journey Home

WE Are Joy

WE Are Love

WE Are Peace

WE ARE FREE[/center]



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Re: Descent

Great artwork, SiriArc.

Seems there is also a dimensional component to this image, with the 6 doors representing polarities (male/female, positive/negative choice) within 3-D reality, and the 7th representing movement BEYOND 3D to higher dimensions.

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

Re: Descent

That's a study-worthy looking link there, SiriArc.  I know I've said it before but I find those Flower of Life type images very intriguing.

BTW, here's a short article from the Australian Herald:

CROP circles have achieved a new level of sophistication – they've gone 3-D.

Re: Descent


W Destiny 44 (Sharon 444): … onnection/

[center] … 2007d.html[/center]
[center] … t2007.html[/center]

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Re: Descent



.......there is a tremendous upsurge of this particular energy, surging electromagnetic energy, which results in all kinds of phenomena in your physical plane - particularly when that energy is not absorbed. When the human consciousness or the human being does not absorb the energy, and therefore reflects it or rejects, it bounces off. And therefore, it gets grounded in the earth itself, thus producing the tectonic activity which is so evident, which is an electromagnetic response. It also produces massive changes, erratic changes in weather patterns, certainly so. It also produces anomalies indeed such as crop circles of this sort which are often a product of that very electromagnetic energy, used in a more positive way, certainly so.

But we would suggest here that it's important to begin with to understand that this energy is not here to punish. It's not here as some sort of wrath of God, as so many would want to see it. Rather, this electromagnetic energy, that can produce such tragedies as tectonic activity is really meant to help expand, to help evolve the very mechanism within your head that you call the brain, the hologram that projects this reality around you -- the body you occupy, and the reality which that body makes its way around in.

It is almost as though what is happening is that this electromagnetic energy is supposed to be absorbed by the human to allow the brain to evolve. And therefore, if it is, then it can and indeed does work very powerfully, very positively. But if it's not, then clearly it can have its deleterious effects. It's just as if when you put toast in a toaster, you're going to get warm toasty bread - but if you put that toaster in the bathtub, it could be disastrous. And so it's all in its proper use, the proper use of that energy.

One way to use it positively is to start developing an imagination -- not "just imagination" which is just a series of imaging -- but the living imagination that involves desire and passion, that involves a certain kind of logic and reason, that involves the body and the compassion that one has, for example. And therefore, an imagination where you realize that what you are imagining is perhaps much more real than what you are "living in the illusion." And therefore, to work, to expand that imagination.

Similarly, work with expanding creativity. Now again, people tend to think, somewhat automatically that creativity is fine art or some performing art or some craft -- and certainly so those things can be creative. But we would suggest creativity is anything that you do that uplifts you, that inspires others to become more than they are. And when one looks at that definition of creativity, which is closer to what true creativity is about, indeed, there are so many things that can be creative. A walk in the woods can be creative if afterwards you are more, you are uplifted, you are inspired. A conversation with a friend can be far more creative than any stroll through a museum, if indeed it uplifts you and lets you and perhaps the friend as well, to become more.

And therefore, people need to work not so much to develop a particular fine performing or craft art, but to do things that uplift them, to do things that allow them to be more, that inspire them. Therefore, to develop and work with one's creativity and imagination will absorb that electromagnetic energy more effectively.

Similarly, work with intuition. To work with one's intuitive sense, one's instinctive sense, to pay attention to the animal that is inside of you in a somewhat shamanistic sense. Not the wild animal, not the destructive animal that so often shows itself in the world - but rather your Spirit Animal, the Spiritual Animal Nature which is that part of you that is so in touch with instinct, in touch with the earth, in touch with the Elements, which is the fourth component here.

From imagination, to creativity, to intuition, to being in touch with the Elements - with the wind, the earth, the fire, and the water that is about you - to open your senses to those Elements. Even if you are "trapped in the city" you have an imagination, a doorway in your mind that you can open: You can be in any countryside you want, on any mountaintop you desire, in any lush valley that you wish, by any stream that you could even imagine. And see that's the point: To open the window of the mind, through imagination, through creativity, through intuition, through a connection with the Elements. That absorbs the energy. That absorbs the energy.

Also, what you can do is "funnel" the energy. What we mean by that is that in a meditative state you imagine that there is this funnel, yes, like you would find in your kitchen, with its apex at the top of your head. It opens up, opens up, opens up very wide, very big, above your head so that you have this funnel there. And you imagine that this funnel now is gathering that electromagnetic energy.

Therefore in the time of storm, in the time of upheaval, in the time of earth anomaly in the world - whether it be a physical violence of people against people or when the Elements seem to be attacking - if you will imagine this funnel on top of your head. And draw all the electromagnetic energy - no, not the violence, not the tragedy, but all the electromagnetic energy - into this funnel, into your own brain, into your own head, in a sort of grounding capacity. "I will ground this energy so it doesn't have to express itself in these calamitous sort of ways, in these tragic sort of ways, but can be drawn into me. I will use it for my imagination, my creativity, my intuition, for my relationship with nature. And as I do that, I can have" - and indeed people have had - "the capacity to mitigate some of the intensity of the electromagnetic energy surges" to their benefit.

Now where's it going to lead? What's it going to look like in the future? If people will absorb this energy, what it's going to lead to is an incredible increase in one's capacity of sensing, one's capacity of seeing, of hearing, of smelling, of touching, of tasting - but also one's capacity to perceive, one's capacity not just to see what's out there, but to perceive what's out there. It's also going to lead to a greater sense not just of the physical being, but of the true being, the real self, the truer self, as we sometimes have come to call it, that you really are.

And it can lead to having something of a duality - and we hesitate to say it because people can jump to the sense of schizophrenia. No, we're not talking about a schizophrenic experience, but a sense of duality where "I am aware of myself" - putting it in your language - "as a human being that I am, functioning in this illusion, but at the same time, I am also aware of a bigger me, of a truer me, a fuller and richer me that is functioning simultaneously. And I can flip-flop between two worlds.

I can double-screen - I can function in both realities simultaneously.

And in that way, with the increases in electromagnetic energy, that's the kind of thing one can experience personally.

Globally, in that regard, we would suggest that indeed the inspiration, the intuition, the creativity, the connection with nature, can lead to the solutions to problems that are otherwise unsolvable. It can lead to the exponential kind of nonlinear experience of problem-solving that can lead to what we refer to as creating a new floor rather than just trying to clean up the old one. It can create that ability to enter into the Imaginal Realm and into the new world rather than just trying to reorder the old world. You see, it's not about creating a New World Order. It's about creating a New World.

And in that sensing, that's what this electromagnetic energy ultimately is here for. As people can understand that, absorb that, be the sponge for that, then it doesn't have to bounce off people and explode in these cataclysmic ways in the world around you.

With regard to crop circles, the natural human tendency is to be looking for, "OK, I want sort of the definitive, clear-cut, logical ordering, structured explanation of what they're about."

If they were about something so orderly, so structured, indeed we would certainly be more than willing to say so. But the crop circles have a variety of explanations or expressions. In other words, here is an avenue of energy, and a lot of different people are getting on that pay phone and using it to communicate.

And we would suggest some of the energy we would clearly say is erupting out of the Unconscious Mind of humanity - of all of humanity, in the Jungian concept of the Collective Unconscious Mind. And in that way, in the Collective Unconscious, using that Jungian term as well as in the personal unconscious, there is such an amount of energy. And there is such an attempt of the Unconscious to erupt and to explode and to communicate into the Conscious World. In that regard, a chain is as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, in the British Isle mainly - but they're happening elsewhere now more increasingly - but mainly there the link has been weak enough - - thank goodness for it's the positive sense of weakness here - where indeed that eruption could come through.

Therefore, some of those crop circles could well be seen as expressions from the Unconscious Mind. Maybe the message in some cases is that there's something more than you, that there's something bigger than you - not something "better" necessarily, but bigger - something out there that has intelligence, that has consciousness, that can create. And in that particular regard, that is often the distinction between the human kingdom and that of the lesser kingdoms: It is the creativity that distinguishes you from those that you consider to be "less than."

And we would suggest here perhaps it is nothing more than an abstract message of that nature, at times. Sometimes it is a clearer, more direct communication, certainly so, but an eruption out of the Unconscious that manifests quite demonstrably in a physical world.

Beyond that we would suggest here that also - and we would suggest more frequently - it is a communication of the Soul. The Soul speaks in pictures and in imagination. The Soul doesn't have words as you have in your language or any language of humanness and the earth. The Soul speaks in pictures, it speaks in imagination, it speaks in picture-language. The old language like the Egyptians spoke with hieroglyphs, like the ancient "primitives" that have been so summarily dismissed - spoke not with words but with pictures. What, a picture is worth a thousand of them, right?

But nonetheless, often these crop circles are messages from the Soul, teaching you a new language. One might say it this way:

The Goddess is returning, and before she returns, you need to learn Her language - and that is the language of the Soul, the language of imagination, the language of pictures.

And so, in that sensing, precipitous to Her return there come these diagrams, these hieroglyphs, these pictures. But more than just looking at them - aren't they beautiful? aren't they symmetrical? aren't they very nice? - when one touches them, when one goes and stands in one of them, it is an unbelievably phenomenal experience. Even to look at the photographs - not just to see them with your eyes, but to see with your ears, to see them with the tips of your fingers, to see them with your nose, to see them with the whole of the body - is an incredible experience that opens and reveals so very much. There are thousands - more than 1,000, many thousands - of words in that picture. And if you will quiet yourself, get into the silence you can experience the meaning and the depth of meaning that is just incredible, a very full language preparing you, preparing you. It is much like when you go to a foreign country, you often are advised to learn some key phrases ... "Hello, how are you? Where's the restaurant? How do you get to the hotel?"

So, in that sensing, you are given the key - they look like keys many times - phrases that open the door to that Language of the Soul, that Language of the Spirit, that Language of the Goddess. That's a whole major communication that is happening there.

Beyond that, what is also happening is extraterrestrial influence, absolutely so. There are many different kinds of extraterrestrials. They're not all this, not all that. You wouldn't say, "I met a human being once, and therefore that's how all human beings are." That would be absolutely unfair. So indeed the extraterrestrial energies and beings are also quite varied as well. And some of them are using this as a means of communication, a means of communication to say, "We're here, and we're friendly. We're here and we're reasonable, and we're intelligent. And we're here trying to help you awaken to who YOU really are - not to who we are, in that sensing. We already know that. But to who YOU are."

Often, in that sensing - and so important to understand - it's not about finding solution, it's about savoring the solutions. And in that particular regard, the crop circles, what do they mean? What they mean, in that sensing, is it's time for you to ponder, it's time for you to savor the mystery, not solve it. It's time for you to be patient, to look more closely, to listen more intently.

It's time for you to awaken, to realize that there is more out there and that indeed it even knows more - if you can conceive of it - than the human being does.

Also, it is important to understand they are an avenue for the vortexes of energy that are out there. There is the vortex of the Archetypes. Then there is the vortex of the Sirius Connection - that constellation that is in your heavens, the vortex of the Goddess Herself. And there is the Vortex of the Future. These portals, these openings, also use that phenomenon called crop circles to express: "We're opening." They're not beings, but they are putting forth a message to you that the vortices are beginning to open, to flutter, to fluctuate in ways that they have not before.

So when one looks at it in that way, it is the Collective Unconscious; it is the communication of the Soul; it is the preparation for the return of the Goddess; it is, in that sensing, the communication from extraterrestrials; and it is the communication that the vortices are erupting and emerging; and it is electromagnetic energy.

So there are about 6 different things that are all coming through that little bitty slice of reality expressing itself as crop circles. So it's not neatly ordered in the logical. "Well, which is it?" Well, it's all of them, and varying degrees of some of them, from time to time.

But the biggest message, in that particular regard, is to realize that there is awakening coming, there is an opening coming, there is massive change coming - not the destructive doom-and-gloom change that so many are so quick and ready to hop on the bandwagon about - but indeed a most glorious and most beautiful and most incredible change of entry into a world of the Imaginal Realm as we call it - where indeed imagination exists on its own and creativity exists on its own. An Imaginal World which holds a positive future of dreams, which holds what we call the Virgin Future of magic and miracles. And we would suggest these are the keys - these are the doorways. Not that one has to go there, but one has to be open to the idea - which then opens something, changes something, shifts something in your own consciousness, in your own belief structure, that in that sensing makes room, opens the window of the mind, for more to come in. And that's what they're about.

With love and peace.......



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Re: Descent

Oh My...Gotta share a recent post of mine from another forum I have been visiting for years...
Synchronicity is going exponential smile
Hi B and T,

This is the best way I can answer You, B.

If You cannot view this talk of Ian's on Your is well worth it to get to a library or a Friends and view and listen.
Part I … gold+north
Part II … gold+north

This IS what is really going on...many of You here already know this deep inside of Yourselves...that memory just has to be re-awakened.

I am tired of beating around the bush on this site and trying not to "upset" Anyone that has been taught certain things throughout their lives that just are not true. I care for too many Folks here. We have to throw the "fear" that is shoved down Our throats every day down the mountainside.

There are wonderful changes happening right now that the controllers of everything You look at everyday do not want You to see. Simply stop looking at what they put in front of You and look at what YOU want to look at.

We are Immortal Beings...Each and Every One of Us. You Women that visit this site have ten times stronger intuition than any of us Men here...please...start listening to it and stop listening to anything else out there. If You knew You were going to live forever and ever and ever...would You pay attention to much of anything that is thrown in Your faces to hide that from You?...I don't think so.
What We are doing right now and the way we are "alive" on this earth is just one very little spec of time of our whole aliveness throughout all of time, yes, eternity.

Most of you Women and Men here think of Others before Yourselves most of the time...I know You do. Anyone that is of this nature of being of service to others out of love is going to see these changes clearly...I simply want to help You see them sooner so You can help others in Your lives see them sooner so the changes will come about sooner, it is that simple.
We have to make a decision to co-create these changes with the Creator. Anything You do in Your Life right now that is an action of total "unconditional love" will generate 100 times that action of love around the universe, Your Creator will see to it. You will be protected in all You do if You truly give Your best of efforts to put this unconditional love forth in action all the time...even if it goes against the "teachings and rules and regulations and protocol" of society as we know it.

Stop taking in or putting out any negative anything...You can do it...Simply stop listening to and visiting and abiding by the people , places or things that cause You to be negative. Yes...You CAN do it. And alot of You here already do...just maybe not all the time...try to practice doing it as much of "all of the time" You possibly can.

B...this is where the solar meditation comes in for Me. There are other natural ways to "clear" Your thinking and metabolism that motivates Your actions. The meditation I laid out just happens to be the cleanest, purest and most direct God-given way to re-awaken what We really have access to. There are other ways...but with the changes coming this is at the top of the list for Me to directly tune in, right now, that's all. It has simply "upgraded" my intuition big time.

And believe me when I say it is the smoothest process, from personal experience to put Your ego to rest so that You can really start living without reacting negatively to almost anything that happens in front of You. Once You have erased most of the negative reactions...there will barely be any negative goings on around You at all. There will be not a thing within You to attract those negatives any more either.

THEY have mass murdered cultures for this in the past time and time again all around the world to keep this information buried...literally!

This time around it will not and cannot be stopped...there are too many of Us "re-awakening" all at the same time and there is too much good energy being created because creation is speeding more than ever.

I simply want to help more of You here see it because I care for You, that is all there is to that!


Re: Descent

DanB wrote:

. . . I am tired of beating around the bush on this site and trying not to "upset" Anyone that has been taught certain things throughout their lives that just are not true. I care for too many Folks here. We have to throw the "fear" that is shoved down Our throats every day down the mountainside.

Thank you for this insight!

There are wonderful changes happening right now that the controllers of everything You look at everyday do not want You to see. Simply stop looking at what they put in front of You and look at what YOU want to look at.

We are Immortal Beings...Each and Every One of Us. . . .

Sometimes the simplest truth is the most difficult to communicate.  Though most here would agree that the truth lies within and appears differently to each beholder (due to level of awareness, depth of perception, perspective, to name a few operant conditions) few here seem to agree that POWER also resides within, the power to shift and change outcomes from negative to positive thru focused intent, thought, and the acted-on belief that such power indeed exists, and we are custodians of its use!

Thank you, SiriArc and DanB for 2 wonderful posts!

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

Re: Descent




The human blueprint is contained within a larger garment of light residing in the higher dimension. This garment preceded our manifestation and we are connecting through it, like into a matrix, which leads into source. As heaven returns to earth, so does the Adamic form we all originate from. When we align within, spirit aligns with all higher manifestation of form back into source, and this relationship is expressed in the larger cube containing the smaller cube because the elements follow this order in alignment also.

Crop circles appear to be facilitating the lifting of our hearts' vibration, as their encoding deeply resonates into the soul-seat. And sure enough, it brings on the cleansing within ... as we manifest our world with our thought-intention in harmony with our hearts' desire ... all that lightens our heart vibration from fear into hope is in service to all regardless of belief, for we gift these emotions into the unity consciousness grid and throughout the Earth

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