Topic: the "new" human
from remote viewer e-zine today--whayt may be a theme going on for change
What is the reality behind our actions? Is the Remote Viewing mind an essential part of the new human being? I think it is. Physical events, which include our thoughts, are like a thin shadow cast by a larger event, one that actually surrounds us, that surrounds physical matter. You could say it is the psychic structure of the mind, the mind of nature.
The way I have learned to explore Remote Viewing is to see it as part of universal mind. In that sense it is pretty funny to use this skill to look for grains of sand in the affairs of human planetary existance. I prefer to pursue this as the art of transformation of awareness. Before he died, Krishnamurti talked about an emerging new mind, but he also said the old brain must end. That it will end. That the new mind will have no relation to the past.
Light does this each day on our world. The sun rises, the light is completely new. The new mind is woven from this new light. This is what the Ancient Egyptians were concerned with, the art of renewal, inner birth and rebirth. As you work with the Remote Viewing mind, that is what you are doing: giving birth to yourself. In this sense enlightenment is not an goal, it is an ongoing state of mind that never dies.
In this respect I have begun to view the human soul as being more like a giant sponge of light with smaller bubbles of light forming like a living yeast. It seems that this sponge of light stretches across the ages, as it bubbles and forms into a light mass. In some cases this forming mass will transform into another state and will continue. In other cases the yeast will collapse and either start again or die. It's a light-matrix, and you need light to get it going, and you need light to have it transform.
Why did the Egyptians, and other ancient cultures, preserve their wisdom encoded within art? If you observe the Remote Viewing mind at work, it is highly artistic. It uses another part of our humanity to express itself. It digs deeper, and touches on areas that cannot be perceived by the rational linear mind. It is as though the Remote Viewing mind perceives the formless energy behind all matter. It seems to perceive the energy behind intentions, thoughts, locations and ideas.
Each individual who embraces the exploration of these skills of the mind, are setting out on journey's that have far greater significance for man than anything that has gone before. The art forms of the Anasazi, the Toltecs and the Egyptians haunt us, not because of their antiquity, but because of their depth. Modern science attempts to understand these ancient art forms in terms of the physical enviroment presented as myths. In reality they are art forms of the mind, and not only the mind of man, but of the mind of nature.
Imprison the mind and you imprison the race. Time travel is only possible because of the psychic nature of matter, time and space. Remote Viewing works, because of the psychic nature of the universe, which includes the psychic nature of matter. All life communicates, and in that sense you can translate 'gravity' as a psychic form of communication. We are destroying our world with our mind, and in turn the world is destroying us, destroying our future. Or, at least it is destroying the future of the non-artistic mind.
Related to the new brain, I was shown a place that is now emerging, or merging with our consciousness. This place is a sort of portal. It is pure mind. It is not on this earth. It is a living bridge, the bridge between the worlds, bridging consciousness. This bridge is not shaped like the bridge over a river. This space is shaped like a disk, like a psychic UFO. It hovers. It does not connect to either land mass, but it does allow you to cross. It is a sanctuary, and it is like no place on earth. It bridges, and when it disappears - it becomes the source.
This mesa or plateau is beyond the vibration of the fragmented mind. It is beyond conflict. It relates to physical existence and spirit. In some ways it is a gathering place, which only confirms my earlier impressions of the real meaning of the 'End Times'. In the past days I have seen spirit tribes gathering and apparently migrating. They are leaving the lands where they have existed for longer than we can imagine. In the spirit realms colonisation never took place. The spiritual structure of life there was never destroyed, and yet they are leaving. Why?
All true life forms of the eagles, dolphins, whales, sea creatures, birds, trees, mammals, humans, are gathering in a sacred place beyond the storm and it seems they will wait there until the whole disorder is torn apart and order is restored. This is a completely natural process of renewal in which the old dies and the new comes into being. It is the mind, the psyche, the pure archetypal forms that are being preserved on this light mesa. Once order has been restored they will walk into a new light encoded reality matrix, which transforms the DNA of the creatures living within its sphere.
That space is silence. It is superior. Aloof. Distant. Completely outside the disorder. It is a haven for the mind. A haven against the psychic storm as the whole chaos implodes in on itself. It is not a physical journey, it is a psychic journey. The mind is the vehicle we journey through life with, and not the body. The disk shaped mesa is not physical, and yet it is more real than the physical world we see around us. In that sense you could say the earth is going through a transformation of consciousness that will initially reflect onto our world as chaos. Out of which will come a totally new world.