Topic: the "new" human

from remote viewer e-zine today--whayt may be a theme going on for change

What is the reality behind our actions? Is the Remote Viewing mind an essential part of the new human being? I think it is. Physical events, which include our thoughts, are like a thin shadow cast by a larger event, one that actually surrounds us, that surrounds physical matter. You could say it is the psychic structure of the mind, the mind of nature.

The way I have learned to explore Remote Viewing is to see it as part of universal mind. In that sense it is pretty funny to use this skill to look for grains of sand in the affairs of human planetary existance. I prefer to pursue this as the art of transformation of awareness. Before he died, Krishnamurti talked about an emerging new mind, but he also said the old brain must end. That it will end. That the new mind will have no relation to the past.

Light does this each day on our world. The sun rises, the light is completely new. The new mind is woven from this new light. This is what the Ancient Egyptians were concerned with, the art of renewal, inner birth and rebirth. As you work with the Remote Viewing mind, that is what you are doing: giving birth to yourself. In this sense enlightenment is not an goal, it is an ongoing state of mind that never dies.

In this respect I have begun to view the human soul as being more like a giant sponge of light with smaller bubbles of light forming like a living yeast. It seems that this sponge of light stretches across the ages, as it bubbles and forms into a light mass. In some cases this forming mass will transform into another state and will continue. In other cases the yeast will collapse and either start again or die. It's a light-matrix, and you need light to get it going, and you need light to have it transform.

Why did the Egyptians, and other ancient cultures, preserve their wisdom encoded within art? If you observe the Remote Viewing mind at work, it is highly artistic. It uses another part of our humanity to express itself. It digs deeper, and touches on areas that cannot be perceived by the rational linear mind. It is as though the Remote Viewing mind perceives the formless energy behind all matter. It seems to perceive the energy behind intentions, thoughts, locations and ideas.

Each individual who embraces the exploration of these skills of the mind, are setting out on journey's that have far greater significance for man than anything that has gone before. The art forms of the Anasazi, the Toltecs and the Egyptians haunt us, not because of their antiquity, but because of their depth. Modern science attempts to understand these ancient art forms in terms of the physical enviroment presented as myths. In reality they are art forms of the mind, and not only the mind of man, but of the mind of nature.

Imprison the mind and you imprison the race. Time travel is only possible because of the psychic nature of matter, time and space. Remote Viewing works, because of the psychic nature of the universe, which includes the psychic nature of matter. All life communicates, and in that sense you can translate 'gravity' as a psychic form of communication. We are destroying our world with our mind, and in turn the world is destroying us, destroying our future. Or, at least it is destroying the future of the non-artistic mind.

Related to the new brain, I was shown a place that is now emerging, or merging with our consciousness. This place is a sort of portal. It is pure mind. It is not on this earth. It is a living bridge, the bridge between the worlds, bridging consciousness. This bridge is not shaped like the bridge over a river. This space is shaped like a disk, like a psychic UFO. It hovers. It does not connect to either land mass, but it does allow you to cross. It is a sanctuary, and it is like no place on earth. It bridges, and when it disappears - it becomes the source.

This mesa or plateau is beyond the vibration of the fragmented mind. It is beyond conflict. It relates to physical existence and spirit. In some ways it is a gathering place, which only confirms my earlier impressions of the real meaning of the 'End Times'. In the past days I have seen spirit tribes gathering and apparently migrating. They are leaving the lands where they have existed for longer than we can imagine. In the spirit realms colonisation never took place. The spiritual structure of life there was never destroyed, and yet they are leaving. Why?

All true life forms of the eagles, dolphins, whales, sea creatures, birds, trees, mammals, humans, are gathering in a sacred place beyond the storm and it seems they will wait there until the whole disorder is torn apart and order is restored. This is a completely natural process of renewal in which the old dies and the new comes into being. It is the mind, the psyche, the pure archetypal forms that are being preserved on this light mesa. Once order has been restored they will walk into a new light encoded reality matrix, which transforms the DNA of the creatures living within its sphere.

That space is silence. It is superior. Aloof. Distant. Completely outside the disorder. It is a haven for the mind. A haven against the psychic storm as the whole chaos implodes in on itself. It is not a physical journey, it is a psychic journey. The mind is the vehicle we journey through life with, and not the body. The disk shaped mesa is not physical, and yet it is more real than the physical world we see around us. In that sense you could say the earth is going through a transformation of consciousness that will initially reflect onto our world as chaos. Out of which will come a totally new world.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

2 (edited by wandering1 2007-04-29 21:05:32)

Re: the "new" human

Thanks zenden.  Well stated, expressed, felt (in my opinion).

This reminds me of a few sentences from the book "Shaman, Healer, Sage" by Alberto Villoldo:

"Even more important for the shamans, the prophecies speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself, a window into the future through which a new human species will emerge.  Don Antonio used to say that Homo sapiens has perished, and that a new human, Homo luminus, is being born this very instant on our planet.

Interestingly, my mentor believed that evolution happens within generations, not in between generations, as biology believes.  This means that we are that new human.  We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.  Our question no longer is can we make a quantum leap into who we are becoming, but rather dare we do so."

Re: the "new" human

ZenDen (Where Zens go to chat over whiskey and cigars)

Before he died, Krishnamurti talked about an emerging new mind, but he also said the old brain must end. That it will end. That the new mind will have no relation to the past.

This is what the Ancient Egyptians were concerned with, the art of renewal, inner birth and rebirth.

Why did the Egyptians, and other ancient cultures, preserve their wisdom encoded within art?.......

It uses another part of our humanity to express itself. It digs deeper, and touches on areas that cannot be perceived by the rational linear mind........

It seems to perceive the energy behind intentions, thoughts, locations and ideas.

Related to the new brain, I was shown a place that is now emerging, or merging with our consciousness. This place is a sort of portal. It is pure mind. It is not on this earth. It is a living bridge, the bridge between the worlds, bridging consciousness.

It is the mind, the psyche, the pure archetypal forms that are being preserved on this light mesa. Once order has been restored they will walk into a new light encoded reality matrix, which transforms the DNA of the creatures living within its sphere.


This means that we are that new human.  We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.  Our question no longer is can we make a quantum leap into who we are becoming, but rather dare we do so?

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4 (edited by SiriArc 2006-10-28 02:04:45)

Re: the "new" human

Some might want to Zip over to:

And put an ear or two or too or to:


Graham Hancock has been on one of the great journeys of all time and has discovered the most important moment in history: the moment when the human mind began.

Terence McKenna

Is Smiling

And Sends His Love And Light


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Re: the "new" human

This subject finds substance in the Stanford lecture on 'New Revelation' ..

In fact, John did have a divinational-vision of the new place prepared for all the viable True-Light beings who would be liberated from Darkness. The viables will remain in the new place, which I have often referred to as the “new miniature galaxy” , where the bodies are made from the New Divine Energy that is impervious to Evil. In the new miniature galaxy, there is no death, no suffering, no hunger and no tears because there is no Darkness (Evil). That aspect of John’s divinational-vision was purposely omitted by the editors and instead chapter 20 was inserted and the concept of a new earthly world – the new Jerusalem – was introduced. Many who have tried to interpret the Revelation could not get past the falsehood because it was tied to a worldly-sounding place. Further, it can be seen in verse 21:16 that the shape of the new Jerusalem is a cube, which is one of Darkness’ strongest, invisible “prisons” .

In my personal journey, being irrevocably drawn toward the Toltec teachings (kindly linked by Montalk), especially re; 'Dreaming' and developing a stronger 'energy' body, I can see this revelation pertininent to the means of 'escaping' the coming 'end times', by being in a place of awareness, and readiness in anticipation when that time comes.

The body may or may not perish, but if the 'soul conciousness' is able to go to (by previously being a regular visitor to) this 'new dimension', then it can 'jump' there, and awaken (or return), when the dust has settled. If that is in the same body, or a new body , is irrelevant, as long as the consciousness remains intact. (My preference would be a new body , designed with maximum DNA strands, for full potentiality).

Anyhoo.. that's my game plan.

6 (edited by zenden 2006-10-28 16:37:04)

Re: the "new" human

and as i read the following below, im in a physical body as this current personality, listening to slow, stirring the soul, down old home blues music right now.  check out the following from the Essenes--and synchronistically, ur quoting John above. as, we contemplate where weve been and where were going.  its all so amazing.  (yeah, the benefits to being in an earthly body ie sex, food, talking with loved friends, riding around in cars, with dogs, maybe even cats, too. drinking good whiskey, smoking cigars, dancing in the middle of the day, laughing ur ass off at the most mundane shit, getting a kick out of watching ur good buddy's face when u say something funny, even tho theyve heard it from u a million times before, trying to decode the human manual, the book of life, the mysteries of the universe, its been fun hasnt it?)  i think even that wonderful stuff builds one's energy body. ohhhhh so homesick sometimes tho.  walkin around in a body.  one must yes, develop one's energy body, in order to leave the physical body behind in the kind of scenario we discuss on NR. not in a death scenario here, but in some kind of exit scenario as the whole thing shifts. we want to know how this stuff works.

"Man is esteemed to be a little world, and in all respects he is to be compared to a world. The bones under his skin are likened to mountains, for by them the body is strengthened, even as the earth is by rocks, and the flesh is taken for earth, and the great blood vessels for rivers, and the little ones for small streams that pour into great rivers. The bladder is the sea, wherein the great as well as the small streams congregate. The hair is compared to sprouting herbs, the nails on the hand and feet, and whatever else may be discovered inside and outside a man, all according to its kind is compared to the world."

"I tell you truly, you are one with the Earthly Mother; she is in you and you in her... ...The hardness of our bones is bone of the bones of our Earthly Mother, of the rocks and of the stones... ...The tenderness of our flesh is born of the flesh of our Earthly Mother... ...Except a man be born of the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father and walk with the Angels of the Day and the Night, he cannot enter into the Eternal Kingdom."
In addition to being of the flesh of the Earthly Mother, humans are also considered Microcosms of the Heavenly Father and the temporal Cosmos (represented by the stars and universe). This triplicity combined as the Macrocosm personifies itself in humans. When an individual acknowledges awareness of the SELF as a personification of the Macrocosm, it is at this point that one can begin to integrate and bridge the gaps in consciousness that make a person appear as separate and alone. It is also at this point that one can start to embody higher dimensions of their quantum SELF (be born of the Earthly Mother, the Heavenly Father, and the temporal Cosmos) and walk with the angels (a conscious ability professed by both the Essenes and the Egyptians).

All atoms hail from the Source and our bodies and everything in which we partake or all that we create, as well as the planet on which we live, is part of the cyclic, harmonic life of the Cosmos. The same atom that once had its home in some distant star finds its way into eventually the human lifestream. Thus, humans, likened unto the Creator (the Heavenly Father, the Earthly Mother and the Temporal Cosmos) - are triplistic in nature and thereby bound in creation through the trinity. One cannot ignore the flesh of the Mother, the spirit of the Cosmos, nor the heavenly essence of the Father, for these are the same of which one is comprised.

so its not REALLY anything new.  we r who/what were looking for,  i think we just wanna go/come home and the talk of a shift/energy body, new human is something we feel emerging upon us, its like a ninth sense or something way more than the traditonal 6+.  it feels inevitable or close to it that something's coming (could mean im gonna get run over by a bus tomorrow)

blue, im all FOR ur game plan. i would trade this baby up anytime=upgrade or it can go entirely. i admit i have had big fun in it. sometimes i tell it that, just to make it feel better if it was wondering what headquarters was thinking.  i say it out loud.  im right there with ya. and SiriArc--u r an illustrative shaman that can "see and read" beyond time and space.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

7 (edited by SiriArc 2007-04-29 23:29:22)

Re: the "new" human

A Blast From The Past

#11 … 37&p=1

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8 (edited by zenden 2007-04-29 18:58:35)

Re: the "new" human

time to resurrect this and get this going as has been on the mind.  so all the stuff in threes's--3's.  fascinating.  there is an actual Law of Three (s).  we have the classic id, the ego, and the superego.  remember those original definitions?  i think it is morphing into something way bigger than that, and better, a natural selection if u will, an evolvement.  the 3rd man theme.  triad, trilogy, trinity.  the current self, which is the SELF now, from the sum of its parts, including the soul, and the personality.  an evolutionary jump of those 3 parts.  the Triskele.  embodies the sacred #3.  symbolizes the unity of 3.  an energy spiral.  Closely contained.  like a spring.  coiled spring.  a symbol of dependent relationships.  relates to the sun, the afterlife, and reincarnation.  i see it as the symbol for the "new human" since it nicely recognizes the components of how the new human emerges.  in this new birthing process which involves greater sunpower than ever, with solar flares, changing solar cycles,  the approaching 2011 -2012, the past influences of reincarnation (pastlives and their roles, lessons), and rebirth, sometimes second-born after the dark night of the soul.  its the resulting trinity of that wherein a permanent personality emerges, and one could even say that its a merging of the old classical freudian 3.  In numerology, three represents creative power and gheshtalt (when two things become more than the sum of their parts).  Throughout the world, the Heart represents the center of being, both physical and spiritual.  The heart is the home of compassion.  It is the container of the life’s blood.  The Circle shape of the trisikele is the symbol of totality, wholeness, and perfection.  It is timeless, with no beginning and no end.  It is spaceless having no above or below.  It is the symbol of endless motion and cycles.

The triskele, or triple spiral, a symbol closely related to the triquetra, is a tripartite symbol composed of three interlocked spirals. The spiral is an ancient Celtic symbol related to the sun, afterlife and reincarnation. The example above comes from the Neolithic "tomb" at Newgrange, where it is supposed by some to be a symbol of pregnancy (the sun describes a spiral in its movements every three months; a triple spiral represents nine months), an idea reinforced by the womb like nature of the structure. The symbol also suggests reincarnation- it is drawn in one continuous line, suggesting a continuous movement of time.

Triskeles are one of the most common elements of Celtic art; they are found in a variety of styles in both ancient and modern Celtic art, especially in relation to depictions of the Mother Goddess. They also evoke the Celtic concept of the domains of material existence- earth, water, and sky, and their interrelations.  The Celts used the triskele as the sign for transformation.  Often also is the center of the heart, compassion, love, and understanding; so that one can experience the "wisdom of feeling." In numerology, three represents creative power and gheshtalt (when two things become more than the sum of their parts).

The Buddhist teaching on Dependent Relationship states that phenomena exist in three fundamental ways. Firstly, phenomena exist by dependence upon causes and conditions. Secondly, phenomena depend upon the relationship of the whole to its parts and attributes.  Thirdly, and most profoundly, phenomena depend upon meaning, mental imputation, attribution, or designation.

The appearance of motion of the three swirling teardrops symbolizes that the impermanence of all compound phenomena arises from these three ever-changing relationships.

            Mi a fum ynghadair flin
            Uwch Caer Sidin
            A honno ya troi fydd
            Rhwng tri elfydd
            Pand rhyfedd ir byd
            Nas argennyd

            Which is translated as:

            I have presided in a toilsome chair
            Over the circle of Sidin (Siddhi)
            Whilst that is continuously revolving between three elements;
            Is it not a wonder to the world,
            That men are not enlightened?

The 'three elements' of Druid metaphysics to which Taliesin refers are known in old Welsh as Gwyar (change, causality), Calas (structure) and Nwyfre (consciousness).

i think that thru the work on self, by use of the personality, from the groundwork supported by the soul, taking into consideration all attributes, and claiming pastlives, and remembering, and incorporating them into the "permanent personality", a new being emerges.  these are compound phenomena, are interdependent; are the structure from which change comes, and consciousness grows.   these parts are always in motion, hence the energy spiral.  thus inevitably permanent and impermanent at the same time.  interesting and fitting.  the celts, as said above, saw it as a symbol of reincarnation.  deemed it a symbol of birth, it being "full" like that of a pregnancy.  and the law of 3 means 3-fold return.   the natural law of cause and effect.  for an application for the new human wikipedia says  "The law states that every whole phenomenon is composed of three separate sources, which are Active, Passive and Reconciling or Neutral. This law applies to everything in the universe and humanity, as well as all the structures and processes." that fits real well,  reconciling and neutrality are in here.  The Three Centers of in a human, which Gurdjieff said were the Intellectual Centre, the Emotional Centre and the Moving Centre, are an expression of the law of three.

Gurdjieff taught his students to think of the law of three forces as essential to transforming the energy of the human being. The process of transformation required the three actions of affirmation, denial and reconciliation.

so very very fitting. 

i read that a permanent personality develops after hardships, overcoming obstacles, trying to excel, or achieve perfection despite societal mores, barriers, and emotional tensions.  from the drive to succeed in reaching goals, the resulting trial and error attempts, consciously and unconsciously.  thats what the celt was saying up there in that old syntax.  its a true wonder in life then, that anyone can achieve increased consciousness, when for so many, its a feat just to survive.

this was just for starters on this old resurrected thread thats been on the mind.  will show some other linked connections and theorize.  and will include the actual dark night of the soul work, and excerpt some parts that fit and apply.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

9 (edited by zenden 2007-04-30 11:46:07)

Re: the "new" human

well well well, lost an entire thing on dark night of the soul i just spent 3 hours on.  oh well, skip it.  that was way way too much work anyway.  so will completely leave it behind.  its an old one anyway, with tons of religious overtones, but some content was pretty good. the gist of it is that thru all the trials and tribulations, darkness of living life, the "dark night", of which, im sure weve all had many, the soul gains consciousness in steps, like those likened to jacob's ladder.  and that one hour of living thru hell on earth, is worth more to the soul, than a 'lifetime' in hell.  cant remember exactly what that was like, in hell, but can testify to quite a few rotten hours here.  we have a sign over the back door that goes into the house from the garage.  it says "this isnt hell, but it looks it from here"  good to know its been worth it.  it felt like it during, like this better be for something, and not for nothing, but u just dont know sometimes til after its happened, and ur further along down the road.

found this today which is new to me, and thot it fit well, in the new human section, but cross relates to WIH (like u knew it would) with relationship to the astral soul.  its pretty neat.                "metempsychosis"

Metempsychosis is invariably equated in dictionaries and encyclopædias with both transmigration and reincarnation. Though authorities differ slightly, one gathers that the source meaning of metempsychosis is "a passing beyond of the soul." (Meta sometimes means "beside," sometimes "across," sometimes "after," sometimes "beyond," sometimes "over" -- see Webster's International and Joseph Shipley's Dictionary of Word Origins.) The most common usage for metempsychosis has been in representing the idea of "the passing of the soul after death of the body," but the implications of metempsychosis do not stop here. Whenever the soul passes "beyond" any of its former conditions, a metempsychosis has taken place. That is, whenever a state of mind has been transcended and replaced with a better one, whenever man secures release from the influences of a debilitating psychic condition, the soul has also "passed beyond." Since theosophical doctrine, as H.P.B. so often intimated, is primarily psychological, this subtle dimension of the word metempsychosis is of great importance. During employment of this term, perhaps, one is less likely to conceive of reincarnation as a purely mechanical process, and, interpreted as a living process going on all the time in the inner nature of men who strive for enlightenment, metempsychosis brings one close to what might be regarded as the esoteric meaning of the Third Fundamental Proposition of The Secret Doctrine. "Meta" is more important than "re," simply because passing beyond a state in which one has existed is a more inspiring idea than simply returning to a former condition.

aha.  were on to something here maybe.  this is the link.  if blavatsky stuff bothers u, then well, passover. … 2of29.html

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

Re: the "new" human

Interesting new article:

Homo Luminus: You with Wings by Stella Osorojos

"......Jeffrey did talk to me, though, starting with that untoward light bulb crack. Then he got serious, saying that Homo luminus is the next phase of our evolution, in which we develop our light body, the shamanic envisioning of our energetic anatomy. This process he described as moving "from the mind-center of our knowledge into our heart." Wings, he suggested, are "a metaphor of [this] ascension," in that they, quite literally, "point the way to being more centered in the heart."

Join me in Peru to celebrate December 21st 2012 - Visit:

Re: the "new" human

totally COOL AYA!  i saw that a few ago and almost posted it then.  thot new human and ascension and all the stuff.   and of course, pulling the sword (sacred word).   funny how we synched on that and i almost put it up yesterday when i ran across it again at work with 10 hrs to kill (at the easy job).  i thot the very SAME thing--"they should see this."  i loved it and it was something i hadnt seen before.  the description with all the bells and whistles of wings actually growing in seconds.  and they were big, heavy, etc.  mind blowing description.   and!  that this can be done with certain shamanic meditations.  the woman who said wings developed on her back described it in great detail, and wasnt that something?!  wow.  she said she heard them flap, heard the sounds of them sprouting (sounded way more powerful than mere 'sprouting'), heard the gristle tweak, the cartilage align with the the wings, the whole bit, just like when weve seen them in movies grow, or appear on the back.  it was unreal.  i thot of Blue immediately and thot hed like to see it.  it is truly a remarkable report.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

12 (edited by Blue 2008-01-12 11:01:35)

Re: the "new" human

zenden wrote:

the woman who said wings developed on her back described it in great detail, and wasnt that something?!  wow.  she said she heard them flap, heard the sounds of them sprouting (sounded way more powerful than mere 'sprouting'), heard the gristle tweak, the cartilage align with the the wings, the whole bit, just like when weve seen them in movies grow, or appear on the back.  it was unreal.  i thot of Blue immediately and thot hed like to see it.  it is truly a remarkable report.

Spot on, missus, I loved it. Although I'm not at the cartilage crunching stage at the moment, but whenever I am feeling really spiritually high vibrational, I always feel a very pleasant tickling, rolling sensation across my shoulders, as if I am being given a gentle massage (accompanied by warming of the heart chakra) , ha ha it is happening now, as I type.

Very topical also, in my meditation today, I thought I would go to Hawaii, and there, I was a young polynesian woman, and I went into the sea, and swam with the dolphins, then came out onto the beach. I started to dance on the beach, twirling around around, when a giant eagle swooped down and merged with me. Now having wings, we soared into the sky, upwards and upwards, right to the very outer atmosphere, with the planet in full view.

A voice said 'You cannot leave the planets atmosphere'.

So we dived down, nose first, spinning as we went.
We dived straight into my physical body, and I awoke.

Re; The New Human....

RealityButtey wrote:

"Although the prophecies mention the possibility of annihilation, they actually promise the dawn of a millennium of peace, beginning after this period of turmoil. Even more important for the shamans, the prophecies speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself, a window into the future through which a new human species will emerge. Don Antonio used to say that Homo sapiens has perished, and that a new human, Homo luminous, is being born this very instant on our planet. Interestingly, he believed that evolution happens within generations, not in between generations, as biology believes. This means that we are that new human. We are the ones we've been waiting for."

..... interesting post from Uncle Bob,

Robert Shapiro wrote:

Monday, January 07, 2008
Things You'll Be Seeing This Year

Now there may be a surprise coming for some of you this year. For some of you it will happen around the middle of the year, for others towards the end.

Its been a long time since there's been a lot of sightings, flying saucers as they're called, and I do not believe that you will be seeing many things like that but there will be things seen in the sky - sometimes hovering over the ground - that are not of this planet. They will look like flat beams of light but even though they will be very bright they will not illuminate that which is around them. Remember that, it is most important. Something very bright and a flat rectangle perhaps, that does not illuminate that which is around it.

When you see something like that do not be frightened. This is a form of vehicle. What I would call more - a means of passage by beings who love us and want to help the citizens of our planet come into a more benevolent way of being. I have been guided this way and by my experience so I do believe this.

They may also allow themselves to be seen, some of these beings. If you see them they will most likely be seen as humanoid light bodies. You will not probably, be able to make out eyes or a mouth or features like that but they might also appear as bright light and again they will not, that light, will not illuminate that which is around it.

This has to do simply because the thing that we see, the vehicle or the beings, are in a slightly different world then we are in. This keeps them safe and it keeps us safe. In that way it is like a safety mechanism - good for all.

I don't normally talk about these things here on this site but I'm going to say more about these things these days because if you see this or anything like it and people next to you, around you or near you do not see it - know that you are seeing it. It's not an optical illusion, you're not crazy.

Some people will be able to see these things at times, other people at other times. Even if you are perceptive and you don't see it and someone near you does - well, it is meant for them to see it at that time.

Know that this is happening, it's going to happen much, much more and it will be noticed this year and probably get press. So - I feel obliged to tell you so that those of you who have these experiences feel comforted in knowing.

Goodlife to you all and goodnight.

These beings being us, from the future.

Re: the "new" human




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Re: the "new" human

Thanks for that insight SiriArc.   I read that post ages ago, but hadn't made the (toltec warrior/dreamer) connection, to my meditation. smile

Re: the "new" human

To All in this thread...for helping this place shine with wisdom and caring and sharing...

Blue, SiriArc, Zenden, Ayahuasca, Wandering1

A Smile of Love for You this Morn!