Topic: Knowing who you are (and are not)
From what I have experienced and seen in others, self-questioning and self-doubt can be pretty common and tormenting for seekers on the path. Self-awareness leads to introspection and soul searching, and it's easy to start doubting yourself sometimes with questions like "Am I doing the right thing in life?" or "Am I a good person? What if I only think I am, but instead am serving a dark agenda?" and so on.
Well, on the one hand it's good to be aware of our shadow aspects and metaphysical imbalances in order to correct them, but on the other hand self-doubt can become debilitating when it spirals into paranoia and obsession. For instance, I have gotten into ruts where I became preoccupied with my procrastination and uncertainty, and that very preoccupation only made it worse...pretty soon I was fidgeting over where to even start, whether I have let opportunities pass me by, whether I'd be passed over due to not serving to the best of my ability, and so on... lots of "what ifs" and "me oh my" stuff.
But then I catch myself and sweep aside all the speculation, and return to the facts. What are the facts... facts are I am aware of myself, I prefer helping other over manipulating them, I have felt pain for others, the future is open and regardless of past perceived failures there could still be positive surprises in store. And if the intellect continues whining about "what ifs" I tell it to cite some logical examples or simma down.
Anyway, reason I mention this is because once you know some core truths about yourself, these can anchor you from getting too carried away by speculative self-doubt.
For instance, one of the first questions people who learn about the Organic Portals Theory ask themselves is "Gee, what if I am an OP?" -- well, according to the theory if you're self-aware, introspective, empathetic, and open enough to even ask this question then you are not. Just look within and be aware of your own awareness, feel out what you are inside, gather some facts about yourself... more effective than staying flustered.
Or recently when I explained my moderating approach concerning discerning between type (A) and type (B) individuals, the irony is that those with good hearts and introspective abilities are the first to get paranoid about themselves not being up to snuff, while the troublemakers cavalierly blow it off and adapt their tactics. In other words, as long as you know that you are sincere, so will those with discernment and intuition. Therefore, you can avoid self-destructive paranoia by simply knowing some basics about yourself and having the confidence that others with eyes to see will know it also.