It has come to my attention that training the personal will in the manner outlined by Bardon -- to become a master of one's own destiny -- carries the danger of pushing one deeply into an STS existence of darkness and spiritual separation. The reason is that with enough willpower consolidated under the ego, even the beneficial guiding influences of the heart, destiny, divinity, and the higher self may be overridden whether intentionally or unwittingly. To use that level of willpower responsibly, one would have to be equally as wise and aware as those higher intelligences, which in our current physical incarnations is impossible.
I am reminded of something the C's said in regards to L. Ron. Hubbard:
C's wrote:Q: VB says here that the STS group, i.e. alien/human consortium I suppose, tried to co- opt Ron's work by recalling him back into Naval service. Apparently, they had tried bribes, and this didn't work, so they felt that kidnapping with all its attendant pain, drugs and mind altering tech would work. Was Ron subjected to kidnapping, pain, drugs and mind altering technology?
A: Ron? L. Ron Hubbard was in charge of his destiny. Period.
Q: Was part of the destiny that he was in charge of include the kidnapping, pain, drugs and mind altering technology.
A: That sounds more like the modus operandi of him and his associates at the "company."
"L. Ron Hubbard was in charge of his destiny. Period." was not a complement, and now I understand why. Aleister Crowley and other left hand path occultists are big on training the will. It is the only way to break away from the "tyranny of divinity" and take power into one's own (ego's) hands. Also this from the Ra Material:
Ra wrote:Questioner: Was Himmler in any way in contact with his higher self?
Ra: I am Ra. We remind you that the negative path is one of separation. What is the first separation: the self from the self. The one known as Himmler did not choose to use its abilities of will and polarization to seek guidance from any source but its conscious drives, self-chosen in the life experience and nourished by previous biases created in other life experiences.
So be aware that a highly developed will used to consciously micromanage everything makes for STS advancement. If that's your idea of fun, go for it.
Total lack of willpower is not good either. What is its place? Put simply, willpower works best to restrain or override the lower impulses, while the heart is the best motivator for following the higher impulses. Awareness plays the role of discerning between the two impulses, understanding them, and knowing how to apply this understanding. Will to restrain, heart to motivate.
Ideally, the baser self, meaning the conduit of negative influences like social and genetic programming and the various matrix forces, should be subordinate to you, while you in turn should be subservient to your higher self. Therefore your will should have dominion over the baser self yet not interfere with the higher self. Notice how the things you truly love to do require no willpower since the energy of interest and enthusiasm propel you. By discerning and answering the calling of your heart, you are provided with the necessary energy and strength.
Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.