Hi Saracen,
Where did you get your kefir starter grains? Kefir sounds like a superior probiotics supplement. In reading that website, I find it interesting that real kefir requires some portion of a previous batch to make, and that no one has been able to create it from scratch - meaning combining the constituent bacteria and yeasts in a lab does not result in the same stuff. So modern real kefir has a direct linearge to ancient kefir.
So if a new batch requires some of a previous batch, then where did the original batch come from? The website proposes some common myths/theories, one being that kefir originally was a gift from Allah, another suggesting it started with manna.
Velikovsky's theory is that manna was a form of hydrocarbon that fell from a passing comet thousands of years ago (during the biblical time of the Exodus). Hydrocarbons can come in many forms, including sugars. It's what sustained the surivivors of the comet passage after all food sources were wiped out. Well, comets are suspected of harboring viruses and bacteria, so perhaps this could be true...sugary substances from the sky carried with them the specific bacteria which then formed the first kefir starter culture. Another possibility is that kefir began as just some naturally fermented milk and generations of propagation by people helped this evolve into a non-replicable robust batch of lifeforms.
Probiotics are good to take anyway, and kefir milk seems to have more varities and concentrations of flora than normal probiotic supplements. So it seems to me that kefir would be rich with etheric energy from all the microorganisms in it, more so than yoghurt for example which has fewer and strains at lower concentrations. More etheric energy would mean greater vitality and longevity in those who ingest it. Wonder what would happen if you cultured it inside a pyramid...
Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.