Topic: Chakra help please

Hey all,

Does anyone know any methods of unblocking chakras that really work? My heart chakra in particular needs work. I've been unable to express emotions correctly nearly my whole life, and I think the reason stems from my ego. I guess my emotions are always first filtered through my logic center and ego to see if they should be expressed and then I express them if it won't hurt my ego, rather than simply expressing them intuitively. This results in a lot unexpressed emotional energy. What happens then is some days I'll find myself bursting out laughing or crying for no reason at all. It's really disturbing to me and I'm just looking for some method to correct the energy flow.



Re: Chakra help please

Robert Bruce's N.E.W. system:

Hands down, this is the easiest, most powerful, complete chakra 'unblocking' method. JT can vouch for it also.

I personally didn't follow the technique from beginning to end, but I took the methods and molded them to suit my own intentions.

Re: Chakra help please

Awesome, many thanks. I'll give it a go.

4 (edited by JT 2004-06-21 11:46:55)

Re: Chakra help please


Yes I can vouch for NEW - definately.

The heart chakra will open in stages rather than all in one go, normally anyway.The bursting into tears happened to me when my heart chakra started to open.

I would find myself bursting into tears in the middle of emotionally loaded films - whereas prior to the heart chakra starting to open I had not been able to cry for about 10 years or so.

The laughing on the other hand is a normal when repressed emotions have been/are being released. How do you laugh? I noticed that when doing "early childhood" trauma blockages, that afterwards I will burst into fits of giggles that are childlike, and sometimes on and off for a complete day - you would almost think it was a child laughing. A belly laugh or normal laugh can also be a result of released repressed emotions.

Consider - what do you think may have set this all off? and how long has it been happening?

There is no need to be disturbed, it will fade after a while.

Enjoy the laughing - really go for it!


Enjoy the crying - really go for it!

So congratulations Seeker - you have found.

Keep us informed how you get on with your NEW energy work.

Supressed emotion is what is happening during the time that you forcibly keep your energy down and restriced. Repressed emotions is the result of this. Repressed emotion is the Shadow.

Warm regards


5 (edited by cameron 2004-06-22 07:55:51)

Re: Chakra help please

Hi Seeker -

Your honesty and ability to post these words to a forum shows you are much more emotionally aware than most.  Of course, the first step in healing, is asking for help.

Here are my quick thoughts that may or may not be helpful to you.

The Emotional center (commonly called Heart Chakra or the Sexual Source) is basically the hub for the centers of the soul-body connection (including the Emotional, Motor and Intellectual centers).  What is known as the Magnet center, can be present - and if so, then acts as the real spiritual hub for the soul - but before the Magnet center can take root, the Emotional center must be mastered.  Here are a few practices to build a healthy balance for one's emotional experience:

Being (intellectually and emotionally) honest with oneself and one's peers can have a big impact on one's emotional well-being.

Stemming almost purely from the Emotional Center, offering unyielding forgiveness to oneself and one's peers also leads to a strengthened faith (or Emotional Center).

By far the most underdeveloped people - fully souled and emotionally speaking - have a frantic time being alone.  A healthy walk in the woods, or quiet time in the library can do wonders for one's emotional relationships.

If one is inclined towards being alone, meditation is by far the most intentional means towards aligning one's centers.  This could be a time for processing of experience and asking for divine assistance.  In general, the more lesson's one can learn during still meditation, the less traumatic the lessons will be that are introduced into experience - such as life events, personal relationships, accidents, etc.

Group Encounters
Many people are afraid or concerned with group experiences.  Emotional development can be made while in group discussions, meetings, or prayer circles.  There is emotional exchange during such encounters that can challenge and stimulate one's emotional center that can only rarely occur in isolation.

Basically, living one's life in accordance with one's passion or in alignment with one's intuited path leads towards emotional strength and vitality.  This is easier said than done, and requires much ground work.

Especially with individuals not known, practicing deliberate acceptance for what and who each person is can allow for one's gradual acceptance of one's own emotional being.  Clear here and everywhere -- treat others as you yourself need to be treated.  And practice this while in a large crowd - one never knows the amount of judgment one gives off until one practices acceptance.  (per Ermolai)

These are just some of my thoughts at the moment.  Again, your willingness to share this, Seeker, should be commended.

6 (edited by seeker 2004-06-21 23:25:54)

Re: Chakra help please

Thanks again JT and cameron.

I only went through the first couple steps of Bruce's walkthrough so far. I noticed though, that just having the intention of moving energy through certain centers has an effect. Ever since a couple days ago I intended to allow my heart chakra to open and just that helped tremendously. I was watching a TV show today and started crying at every little scene where they conveyed some sort of emotion. Imagine if my roommate saw me crying while watching the X-Files, he'd think I'd finally lost it! LOL!

Anyway, there are these occasional times when I intend for energy to flow better in my etheric body and that helps for a while but then it stops after a couple days, so I'm hoping to get things flowing in a more natural permanent way.

Re: Chakra help please

I would add acceptance to cameron's list. The other day I walked several hours in a crowd and just observed people on a soul level without judging them, just being aware of their inner beauty. After a while I could feel so much energy in my heart that I felt like crying. It was wonderful.

Re: Chakra help please

(it's added.)

Re: Chakra help please

Cameron wrote:

Hi Seeker -

Your honesty and ability to post these words to a forum shows you are much more emotionally aware than most.

A few suggestion: meditating on a rose quartz crystal or at least carrying it around really helps. If meditating on it try 'merging consciousness' with it, almost 'becoming it'.

Force yourself to smile, smile and smile again, within reason of course (Act like you already are in order to be)

Try watching girly-romantic comedies, "Sleepless in Seattle" works every time for me (blushes)

plus some Yogic deep breathing exercises and pranayama obviously!

"He simply said: Laianela"

Re: Chakra help please


Check out "Q-links" I posted about them on another thread. They supposedly help rebalance or retune your heart chakra. I don't have a link for them sorry.


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity

11 (edited by tillibullu 2004-12-14 13:01:32)

Re: Chakra help please

Man, my whole life I have been a gusher.  Now, to consider stories of people finding it novel to cry at a film, etc. when this has been something I've been trying to pull back on....and here are people trying to open into it.....Interesting polarities.

Can your heart Chakra be too open?  I think mine was.  I attracted feeders, and with my naive belief that all people are fully-souled and have empathy, it took me way too long to fight them off.  I was confused.  How can they be so insensitive, so cruel?  It would really knock me down.

It is embarassing to look at my foolish ways!

I hadn't learned that it was okay to protect myself by saying NO to them.  This sounds so simple, but it was a big thing for me to learn.  I was "not allowed" to say no as a child because I played the game of nursing my parents emotions and trying to keep them happy.  I had to learn to give up that silly game.  This pattern had bled into my other relationships and didn't make anyone happy in the end.

I had to learn a lot more about the benefits of confrontation and self-protecting.  I also had to see that hubris and pride supported my delusion:  "I don't need anything, it's those people who have problems!"

Now I am starting to enter a better state.

Reiki healing is helpful to me....but it sounds like SEEKER has already discovered some good techniques.

That Astral Pulse site looks good.....

Re: Chakra help please

seeker wrote:

I was watching a TV show today and started crying at every little scene where they conveyed some sort of emotion. Imagine if my roommate saw me crying while watching the X-Files, he'd think I'd finally lost it! LOL!

Man I've cried at some of the stupidest things. One of the last times I remember was at Spiderman 2, I kid you not. Well I thought the ending was very emotional!

When it comes to movies I often cry at the emotionally happy scenes rather than sad scenes. Tears of joy I guess. I think I'm lucky in that as long as I can remember I've never been one to surpress my emotions, well not when I'm alone anyway. I try not to act emotional when I'm with other people, nobody likes a dramaqueen!! And I'm british, we need to keep a stiff upper-lip you know! wink

Listening to certain types of music can also bring out a range of different emotions in me. Not so long ago one my favourite bands was Counting Crows because of their meaningful lyrics, and strong emotions they often evoke with their songs. Eels also have some very emotional songs that I love. Some people may find that type of music depressing and whiny but that was never my impression of it.

These days I listen to quite a lot of spiritual music which can evoke
strong emotions, although usually positively uplifting ones. My favourite at the moment is Tim Wheater's "Sound Medicine Man". I've been listening to this album daily for about 6 months now and can't seem to get bored of it. I can definitely feel my heart chakra opening everytime I listen to this. It might not have the same effect on other people, but for me it reminds me of all the blissful times I've had in Brazil. When I listen to this album it just takes me back there and evokes all the positive feelings I associate with that place.

Anyway here are the first 3 tracks if anybody wants to listen. Better to not click the links but right-click and "save target as". They're big files so I wouldn't download unless you have a fast internet connection. … ourney.mp3 … 20Ones.mp3 … Hunter.mp3

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