Re: Photos of Wonderment
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Noble Realms → Humor and Fun → Photos of Wonderment
Thanks Lemniscate
People, look at this picture and after a few seconds go page down...
Guys, the black camels are the shadows!
The true camels are the white/beige ones!!
A ditto on the mushroom warning!
Some mushrooms are so poisonous that your liver is already dead before you have
any symptoms. I think it was a Destroying Angel that was used to kill a pope back then.
Which reminds me...those silly simon (psilocybin) mushrooms I had a few years ago
were picked by someone who knew how to identify them, or I'd be dead now.
Must not a' been my time to go, eh?
some recent pics i took from my parents' backyard (spring is nice in toronto right about now):
wrote a lil ditty that goes with the first pic ...
spring's a fling,
when passion's a king,
not just for a season,
but for the whole thing,
word LIFE.
this last one's from north vancouver, up in the forests somewhere, where it's super damp at certain spots:
I want to LIVE in that last picture!
Oceanchild, you have talent! (well, not with ditties but with photography)
I'm not sure if you've studied photography or do this intuitively, but you've got the rule-of-thirds and diagonal placement composition techniques downpat!
I've seen many a technically perfect photo, but rarely do I see ones taken by someone with "the photographer's eye". I am truly honored to see such beauty. Your photographs allow my soul to breathe. The beauty isn't just in the subject, but in the way in which it is interpreted. When someone has "the photographer's eye", they genuinely love their subject, and have the ability to "portray" that beauty to the viewer.
You have the ability to recognize beauty, and to convey it by connecting with it with your soul. You are truly blessed with artistic talent. I look forward to seeing more of your photographs. My soul has held its breath long enough...
Auendove - the forests & mountains of BC are really nice - here's a couple of more pics from the same area:
as it happens, i'm going back to BC tonight - so i get to be close to that nature again ... it's funny though, having grown up in Ontario (toronto) for a very large part of my life (the last 16 years)l, i know the beauty that this province has to offer, although it's different than what i see in BC and anywhere else, has its own special thing ...
i think the whole earth is one giant ball of beauty - (except we've been mucking it up with 2 much concrete and junk and pollution) ... and even then, some of us have a problem seeing what's right in front of our own eyes - or we get used to it, and it doesn't seem interesting or exciting anymore ...
thanks for your comments, lemniscate - i've just recently started taking more of an interest in photography - and i also recently just heard about the rule of 3 ... on some level, i guess i got it intuitively, but now, when i take photos, i'm a little more sensitive to how to frame the pics, etc.
as to the little ditty (lol) - i just wanted to connect to the idea of renewal - not the idea, but the actual thing - spring time is all about renewal, & i think having a sense of renewal in our lives, in our own lives, all the time - waking up each day feeling fresh ... not knowing what awaits, but eager to face it all ... having that zest for life ... ahh !! such a beautiful thing -- but it takes work methinks ...
excuse me as i blab on - but i've got spring fever ...
renewal also means death - if i can die to every day, if i can be aware of myself as i am through the day, without judgement or identification, meet every challenge, and always be ready for the next thing, well then my brain's processing what's happening as it's happening - if i can drop the images i hold of myself (by facing myself), if i can let go of images i hold of others - and it sounds so simple to sit here and talk about it - in a few short sentences like this - but i know it's not - it takes work - but if i'm doing all that - then i can die to each day, and wake up renewed the next day ...
we're always talking about how we have dreams - and our experiences with dreams - i have dreams too - but i also have nights when i don't dream at all - when i go to bed and wake up feeling so fresh - and it's not that i don't remember my dreams - when you have an awareness of your world, inside and out, throughout the day, you learn to do the same thing at night - so when i dream, i know what's happening in the dream as it's happening, and if i'm not dreaming - then i wake up and it's as though hardly any time passed since i wen to bed - i think that happens, can only happen, when your mind is completely still - because you've dealt with everything throughout your day - without resistence - and therefore you can let it all - die to it all ...
i wanted to write an apology to Tenetnosce and everyone else in regards to a post i had put up regarding drugs - i said something like, if you're doing drugs, you're not doing yourself any good ... that's just my personal belief - i see a contradiction in smoking and taking drugs, that's why i reject it - but i was out with some friends last night (we were at a bar, chatting, and had drinks), a few friends ended up smoking some weed afterwards - but they are still good people, and it's nice to be able to call them my friends ... the only thing is - i see drugs, smoking - all that - as interference with the body/mind ... i know my being can't function the way it's functioning now if i was smoking ... i know i said i drink - but that's very occassionally - and not more than one glass at a time if i do ...
i'd like to end what's turning out to be this long note with a quote (just a snippet) on passion:
Obviously there must be passion, and the question is how to revive that passion. Do not let us misunderstand each other. I mean passion in every sense, not merely sexual passion, which is a very small thing. And most of us are satisfied with that because every other passion has been destroyed–in the office, in the factory, through following a certain job, routine, learning techniques–so there is no passion left; there is no creative sense of urgency and release. Therefore sex becomes important to us, and there we get lost in petty passion which becomes an enormous problem to the narrow, virtuous mind, or else it soon becomes a habit and dies. I am using the word passion as a total thing. A passionate man who feels strongly is not satisfied merely with some little job–whether it be the job of a prime minister, or of a cook, or what you will. A mind that is passionate is inquiring, searching, looking, asking, demanding, not merely trying to find for its discontent some object in which it can fulfill itself and go to sleep. A passionate mind is groping, seeking, breaking through, not accepting any tradition; it is not a decided mind, not a mind that has arrived, but it is a young mind that is ever arriving.
Now, how is such a mind to come into being? It must happen. Obviously, a petty mind cannot work at it. A petty mind trying to become passionate will merely reduce everything to its own pettiness. It must happen, and it can only happen when the mind sees its own pettiness and yet does not try to do anything about it. Am I making myself clear? Probably not. But as I said earlier, any restricted mind, however eager it is, will still be petty, and surely that is obvious. A small mind, though it can go to the moon, though it can acquire a technique, though it can cleverly argue and defend, is still a small mind. So when the small mind says, "I must be passionate in order to do something worthwhile," obviously its passion will be very petty, will it not?–like getting angry about some petty injustice or thinking that the whole world is changing because of some petty, little reform done in a potty, little village by a potty, little mind. If the little mind sees all that, then the very perception that it is small is enough, then its whole activity, undergoes a change.
EDIT: this quote is from J. Krishnamurti
oops - the 1st photo didn't come out:
Good work, now we got another photographer in NR
I read someone talking about sex ?
Here one sexy from mommy garden (Today picture)
I find it amazing that something familiar can seem so alien when viewed at close range.
Beautifull photo Pictus.
Best Regards.
Glad you like it.
Alien ?
Here one from Alpha Draconis.
It is a maracuj ¡(passion fruit) flower also from mommy backyard.
Thats the most elaborate flower I've ever seen.
"Alien" as in unfamiliar......Your suspicion radar is on MAX eh! Hmmmm....Can't hurt though.
Hey, have you ever seen an Orion chili !?!
Best Regards
I want to say to everyone who's shared their work, those photos are absolutely stunning. Thank you - what a feast for the eyes (and heart)
Hey, Thook, here's a link to the author's site of your original sun/moon photo on this post.
Taken from: are the following comments about the photo (which I had as a desktop photo for a long time!):
Image of the North Pole With the Moon at its Closest Point
An image circulating via email and online is claimed to be a photograph of the North Pole that captures the moon at its closest point and shows the sun below the moon.Status:
FalseExample:(Submitted, February 2006)
A scene you will probably never get to see, so take a moment and enjoy God at work at the North Pole.This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. And you also see the sun below the moon.
An amazing photo and not one easily duplicated.
North Pole Moon
This beautiful image circulates via email and is often posted to online forums and blogs. Although it is certainly a breathtaking picture it is a work of art, not a photograph.An article on identifies the image as a work by artist Inga Nielsen. The image, called "Hideaway" can be viewed on the artist's website.
Nielsen's web page is:
And the photo plus many more fantastic ones can be seen at:
Happy viewing!
Thanks LemniscatePeople, look at this picture and after a few seconds go page down..., the black camels are the shadows!
The true camels are the white/beige ones!!
Wow! That's great pic and also the only Turkish writing i saw in NR
This is from National Geographic Turkey pages, I suppose!
Noble Realms → Humor and Fun → Photos of Wonderment
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