Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Right on people! That's the way to do it. Dark secrets can only remain dark secrets if they're kept in.. the dark. Remember what you experience, don't take it for granted. ^_^ The thing to remember is, even  if you have been altered for supposedly clandestine reasons, their is no force on earth that should prevent you from exploring who you are.

My experiences are vast and disjointed, I was born with time distortions as far as I can tell.

If I think of one in particular that could be helpful to others, I'll post it. (maybe a new thread for psionic defense, positive uplifting stories?)

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS


I forgot about the "dark" thing til reading your post.   Two years ago when I first moved to FL I had this thing about not being caught in the dark.  There would be power outages / surges where I'd get caught in the dark and I would just panic.   I would drop what I was doing and bolt for the front door.  My instinct was do NOT get caught in the dark, and RUN for the front door and go outside should the power go out.  Don't be inside the apartment til the power comes back on.   I have no idea where that even came from, I didn't have that problem before.   It was to the point where I purchased battery powered lantern things from Home Depot which I placed around my apartment in the event that the power went out, I'd always have a lamp within grabbing distance.  I was just THAT bent on not being left in the dark.  Pretty crazy I suppose.   Recently we had a power surge and I didn't even get so much as nervous.   Then I remembered my old panic days with interest, like, hmmm............I do know some "weird stuff" happened to me when I first moved to this apartment, back when I was living alone.  That's probably where it came from.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS


HA! I have a flash light in every room, including under the bathroom and kitchen sinks!  Power goes out in FL quite often, as you know. 

I meant to add this ironic note to my above post about the door shutting and light turning off--the book I was reading at the time was Dean Koontz's Fear Nothing. big_smile

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Auendove wrote:

I meant to add this ironic note to my above post about the door shutting and light turning off--the book I was reading at the time was Dean Koontz's Fear Nothing. big_smile

Well, be glad you weren't reading "Mr. Murder" !   big_smile   haha

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

20 (edited by lyra 2004-06-16 13:37:54)

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Okay, in all seriousness I thought I'd add this little tidbit since it was something weird that happened to me when I first moved into my current apartment (my last posts reminded me of it) and it still remains an unsolved, very odd occurrance:

One night I had a "dream", and I put that in quotes because it was like it really happened, but in this "dream" I was laying in bed, like normal, awake in the dark, when a super bright blue white light suddenly began pouring into the window and the blinds and the window glass blew out.  (blew in, I should say.)   Pieces of glass were all over the floor, the light was pouring into the room, and there was this roaring wind noise from whatever was the light source outside.   

I jumped up, grabbed my cat to protect her, and just stood there, dumbfounded in the middle of the room with the wind roaring, and the light pouring in through the gaping window.   

Next thing I knew, I was waking up on my own, at 7 a.m. on the nose.  My waking was sudden, and I pushed myself up in the bed (I was lying on my stomache) and even gasped.    I immediately whipped my head towards the window and the floor under it, FULLY expecting to see the window smashed in, and all this destruction.

Nothing.  The window and blinds were intact, and the sun was out, and the morning was calm.

I was truly shocked.  As far as I was concerned, it had happened.   My memories went from the window incident, to waking up, with no in between.  No other "dreams", no memories, no intermittent waking, nothing.   One moment the blue white light was outside the window, the next thing I know, it's morning.   My cat was calm as well.   I was just so stunned, I didn't know what to make of the fact I had no damage in my apartment from this. 

The only reason I mention it is because I've never heard of something like this before.   I've also never had any "dreams" like this before, nothing even remotely like this.    I have NO idea what this was.   If it was an abduction, why do I have a memory of destruction, yet, the apartment was fine when I woke??   What in the hell was that light and wind noise?  I've just NEVER heard of something like this.  If anybody has any feedback, I'd be interested, and it would be much appreciated.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Lyra, next time the spooks try and intimidate you do this:  Get some Billy Bob teeth, put on some really gross hot pink lipstick that smears all over your teeth, and smile at them with crossed eyes.  Oh yeah, put on a REALLY dumb look while you're at it.

Next, comment on their cool suits and ask them which Kmart they bought it from -maybe even ask if it was a blue spook light special!   Them pull out a free book of mormon and continue with the diatribe etc. Maybe that'll make a "short circuit" occur with them.

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Um................thanks manyeagles...................I think.................!   haha  big_smile

I don't know, it's easier said than done.   Without sounding like I like them, cause I definately don't, let's just say "they" definately command respect.   They don't look nor act like bumbling idiots by any means; and, they definately do have "abilities."    When I was typing up my two encounters with them in pubic in my previous post I originally included my observations about them, which I ended up deleting so it wouldn't be any longer than it already was.    But, I'll mention it here briefly -  Like I said, they don't come across as bumbling, they have an aura that commands respect - in fact, they come across like bad ass mobsters you could say, and they have abilities which stem from their occultic / mind control / whatever you want to call it knowledge.   The C's once told Laura that they were also communicating with those that were in the Illuminati / Brotherhood / Secret Societies / etc. because as 6th density STO, they are obligated to speak to whoever calls on them.   Laura wanted to know how much knowledge "they" have in comparison to her.   The C's put Laura at 2%, as of that very moment, while "they" were at 98%.     

Let THAT one soak in for a bit................!   smile   That's a lotta knowledge.   And when you're negatively polarized, and involved in government black ops, and occultic hyperdimensional who knows what, that means a lot of Power I guess.   Not something to be trifled with.  sad    On the flip side, it's the "Grays" that others here have encountered which are to be trifled with.   I like Auendove's attitude towards them when they tried to scare her with slamming her door and flipping off her lights.   Grays are the idiotic organic robotoid drone clones that just follow commands and rely on our fear and ignorance, as well as parlor tricks and some ESP, to keep humans in command. 

I'd love to see a Gray WITHOUT it's ESP go up against a 6' something human who's pissed off.   big_smile   Not much of a match THERE, is it??

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

lyra wrote:

The only reason I mention it is because I've never heard of something like this before.   I've also never had any "dreams" like this before, nothing even remotely like this.    I have NO idea what this was.   If it was an abduction, why do I have a memory of destruction, yet, the apartment was fine when I woke??   What in the hell was that light and wind noise?  I've just NEVER heard of something like this.  If anybody has any feedback, I'd be interested, and it would be much appreciated.

I've certainly heard of it!  This is my thought on this--

Given abductees are already stretched to the limits of their coping skills, I think it only takes something as simple as a screen memory to befuddle a person.  All they have to do is tap into your consciousness, and the little freaks know how to do this, drop in a "slide projector" negative, and BAM! that viewing, the window imploding and the light, is with you the rest of your life.  What seems so simple for them can turn us inside out with increduousness.

I want to say more here about what one may possibly do about this, or at least what I did about this, but I've got some meat to loaf and bake... smile  Kitchen here I come!

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


24 (edited by Auendove 2004-06-17 12:07:53)

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Hmmm... seems the kitchen is out of order, the apt. management has the water shut off for an hour.

I used to have these "dreams" in the mid-90's where I would be taken up levels (kinda like hypnotism, huh?), it was often stairways.  When I arrived at the top I was interacting with what I thought were benevolent beings, because they were just so darn helpful.  The last one of these "dreams" I had I was lead into an attic area, I was being given a computer so I could write (didn't have one at the time), and then went into a dressing room where I was being shown all these new clothes, shoes, jewelry, blah, blah, blah.  Well I was just so excited, I went to the clothes and one of the fabrics was so interesting I took it into my hand and was rubbing it in between my fingers to feel the cloth... when I stopped touching it I noticed that the fabric had "erased" where I had touched it and what was then revealed was lizard skin!  You want to talk about someone waking up fast and gasping! <BLEEP> to the nth degree!

It was then that I started training myself to be lucid during dreaming or "dreaming" so I could discern who in the heck I was dealing with. 

When you're dreaming lyra are you able to realize you're dreaming, or are you just in the dream?  When you realize you're dreaming while doing so you can become an active participant rather than a passive one. You can say, "Hey! This isn't right!" and force yourself awake, or you can analyze what's going on around you and learn something.  I have used the technique of congering up a car and driving away from the dream, and I then wake up.  Now I m not suggesting this is a simple thing to do, but it's well worth the effort to try... I think in this case practice does make perfect.  And just so you know, I'd always be running like a wild woman for my congered up car.

This was a wicked dream I had in the early 80's--I dreamt that I had gotten shot in the head and woke up gasping, and then went on about my day... but ya know what?  I was still asleep and woke up the next morning.  That whole going on with my day I thought I was doing was still part of the dream.

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

I must confess I read this whole thread and the links the other day, just because it's so darn good. I was nodding my head about the rep boss stuff, too. I'm glad that was a six month contract job I had, is all I can say. Ye gods! More stuff to add later about reptilian experiences. That Denny's story is right out of the X-Y-Z files.
Sheesh. Wow. I love it. (The most harrowing experiences are annoyingly entertaining for others) Oh well, informative and need-to-know is what it really boils down to, eh?

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Does anyone have a copy of Milabs: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Helmut Lammer?  It's now out of print and used copies are going for exorbitant prices.

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

Yeah, there's a copy sitting three feet away from me at the moment. Whatever you do, don't pay the exorbitant price for this book. Whether the author is just programmed by his career in academia or whether he is intentionally doing so, the book seems to take outdated MILABS data and steers it away from anything that suggests the existence or involvement of aliens...to the point of just being irrational. That's what Lyra concluded, and I agree since the material speaks for itself as being a mis/disinformation piece on the subject.

Anyone read this book and would like to comment?

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

I have been registered on this forum virtually from the get go, coming over with some of you from Tom's old yahoo group, but unfortunately really haven't had much of an opportunity until recently to do much participating.

Like so many of you I appear to have been 'awakening' out of a deep slumber, unfortunately in my instance accompanied with some gawdaful gut-wrenchingly painful rebalancings and readjustments.

I guess, for some of us, probably the thicker-headed ones, it takes the mallet-to-the-skull approach to get any kind of reaction, so mired had we become in the muck-a-muck of life, and entangled in the mesh of relationships which in retrospect kept us down, drained and constantly off-kilter.

In any event, I'll probably get into some of this in the proper forum.

What I'd really like to ask of Lyra specifically here is what her take is on the quickening of the reflexes is about. Or anyone who has any info on that score.

I can totally relate to what both Lyra and Auendove write about when they discuss their respective experiences with 'spooks' in the closet, 'spooks' on the street, night terrors. Boy! Do I have some tales to tell, going all the way back to childhood. At least to early adolescence. I don't have too many memories before that.

You are absolutely right on about the fear bit. God, I suffered periodically for going on 20 years from raw paralytic terror during the night. Until one day I simply decided, and it really is a deep inner decision, that's it I'm going to do something about this! That decision did it all. Progressively, over a period of a few years, if something came up that triggered the onset of that fear, I would go right into it.
Face it square.

Like walking out and about during a full moon at two in the morning out in the country, alone. Stuff like that. It may not seem like much, but for anyone who has experieced intense fear states, they were pretty significant moves at the time.

So much of it, for me at least, involved going from fear-based living to a life based on simple trust.

Anyway, it didn't really mean to get into any of this right now.

Just curious to know what those speeded up relexes are about. Because, boyz o boyz, I do know what you are talking about when you say you are they are fast. Like lightning.

Thanks lots,


29 (edited by lyra 2005-04-08 09:12:42)

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

morningsun76 wrote:

Does anyone have a copy of Milabs: Military Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Helmut Lammer?  It's now out of print and used copies are going for exorbitant prices.

Hey morningsun76...........Yup, I have a copy of this book.   I've been combing through all my MILABS material the past week so it's funny that you mentioned this. 

I'm not going to discourage anybody from reading this book - I definitely think it has its plussees and positive aspects and is worth the read.   You just have to be careful when reading it, and do so with open eyes, being aware of any disinfo. spins going on.     The thing I noticed about Helmut is that he presents MILABS' accounts of dealing with reptilians and such in the book..............then will interject his own comments to poo poo it and play it down.  I will give a few examples of it here, since I already have these pages marked, being that I've been doing extensive research this week into this subject:

"After the description of the reptoid-like being she remembered how she was raped by this creature.   We don't know what this traumatic experience means.   We don't think however that the military worked with this reptoid creature........"    (page 49)

"Since many people have phobias about reptiles or snakes it would be logical that they would experience such beings if they were on a grueling LSD trip....."   (page 50)

"Delora believes that the humans in the capsules were clones.   It is more probable that the humans in the capsules were used for secret bio-warfare or chemical warfare experiments, since cloning technology was certainly not well-developed during the 1960's. It is more likely that the supposed aliens who worked with humn doctors were medical staff who covered their faces with surgical masks or wore bio-hazard clothes...."  (page 56)

You get the gist.    !

The kicker is, in some of these passages, he goes out of his way to debunk the possibility of reptoids and such..................despite the abductees' mentioning some pretty sophisticated, high tech technology that they witnessed in conjunction with these aliens.    Now, where does Helmut think the military got this technology from in the first place??    Hello.   (not from the reptoid in the same room with them!  Oh no!)    So, he either skips over acknowledging the technology, or, debunks it altogether as you see in the above excerpt regarding the cloning.

He doesn't try to debunk the Grays really.............................................just the reptilians.   He has NO room for reptilians in his world.   There is an entire chapter devoted to showing how the military can concoct fake Gray screen memories, which does have validity.   They do this, even "the C's said so..."   wink   But you can see where Helmut's subtle slant is.   

Also, the illustrations are comic-book style, designed to plant the subconscious idea that these abductions are ridiculous....exactly as the illustrations portray them.  Comical and over the top. 

I know that in re-flipping over this book this week it just really jumped out at me.  I tossed the book aside and said "What the hell!"    But again, it does have plenty of good points.    You just have to read it knowing that there does seem to be a biased slant going on.   Was this slant done on purpose?   Who is "Dr. Helmut Lammer" anyway?     

What I've learned over time, through doing my research, is that the most trustworthy sincere material out there concerning abudctions and MILABS experiences comes from the women.   Dr. Karla Turner, {"Taken", and other books)  Eve Lorgen, ("The Alien Love Bite")  Carla Emery, ("Secret, Don't Tell"),   etc.    Even the book that you sent me, "The Secret War", by Heidi Hollis, which has a small section which gets into Heidi's MILAB experiences.   They're all sincere and mean well and come from a place of trying to get to the bottom of stuff.   

I think what we can do is scan the "MILABS" book and put it up in the files section.   Would that be cool?    Let me know, and I can get started on that tonight.  It's not a problem at all.

ps edit:

tiospaye wrote:

What I'd really like to ask of Lyra specifically here is what her take is on the quickening of the reflexes is about. Or anyone who has any info on that score.

Hi tiospaye,

Well, what I meant is that I have very quick reflexes, to the point where I don't have control over them.   I'm very dextrous and have good hand-eye coordination.   Combine that with the reflexes and it makes for some interesting situations that others have raised eyebrows at.

For instance:

Years back I was standing in the kitchen with several of my roommates.  We were all talking as I prepared something to eat or whatever I was doing.   As I turned, I knocked over a glass with my left elbow, and before I even realized what I did, I'd already reached my right hand back behind me and caught this glass in mid air without even looking at it.   

My roommates all stopped their conversation and just stared at me. 

There have been plenty of times where something slips out of my hand or something gets knocked over  and again, before I even know what I'm doing I've already pulled off some crazy maneuver and caught it again.   And it's only *after the fact* that I even realized it happened.    That's what's so damn weird about it.   A minor incident occured at a pizza place.   I was looking over a paper menu at the counter when another menu knocked off the counter and was falling.   Again, before I realized it, my left hand just whipped out and caught it.......my eyes never leaving the menu I was reading.  The pizza guy looked at me and said, "Wow!   That was quick!"   He gave me a weird look before turning away.

So yeah, I can't not do it.  Even if I wanted to try to override it and just let the object drop, I can't.   

It may not seem like much, but it's weird, and when combined with the other weird abilities I have, I think it says something.   I don't think I started out this way.  I think I was tweaked.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Articles on Reptilians and MILABS

haha ---

some homeless wacko that always goes to my girl's work (bank) once starting jabbering about Aliens or something, and my girl having some interest in the subject gave him some attention. the man asked her if she was an Alien, to which my girl said "not that i know of"
the homeless man said he was an alien, and that he and other "aliens" grew up on some "farm" in the country somewhere.
wierd i know.
My girl challenged him, asking how he was sure he was alien and that his story was true, to which he said he has documents and diagrams of alien spaceships and pyramids.
Of course my girl asked him to prove it and bring the documents.

He brought them.

AND WHAT A LAFF!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, you have no idea how ridiculous the drawings and diagrams were. Absolutely Comical , and utterly nonsense.

first it looked like a kindergarten kid drew it with a pencil, it had a saucer with "NWO" written on it, next page was some retarded pyramids with "workers" building them, etc etc... some bogus fake alien symbols...

......... im sure you all know what im talking about.

freakin ridiculous! i mean, who takes these seriously? to me, its obvious that these retarded schematics are planted to ridicule the entire alien phenomena.

and as for the homeless wacko, who knows? my guess is he's a victim of mind control!

( ps - he rides a bike with cardboard flaps on the side that say "NWO" in marker )

hmmmm, thats not really on topic with the thread, but something lyra said about Comical Illustrations on alien books reminded me of this.


"...i was taken by the hand, from the ocean to the sand..."
nitin sawhney - 'eastern eyes'