In my last post I referred to all that I don't know regarding this phenomenon, then I thought about it and realized that there is stuff I do know, observations that I can share, from what I've seen, experienced or remembered, as silly and small as some of it may be.
- The "them" that I refer to are the actual men, agents, whatever you want to call 'em. I've had two separate encounters with them in a busy public place. Both instances were nearly identical in many ways, despite the differences in the locales and time they took place. Both times they all dressed identically. Crisp, bright white starched shirts, ties, gray slacks, belts, and polished dress shoes. One also wore a jacket. So, they were dressed VERY nicely. But always white shirts, gray slacks / jackets, like a uniform. They weren't all in black like all those "Men in Black" stories. These were real men, not MIB robotoids.
Both times there was psychic phenomenon involved - The first encounter I felt the presense of them before I saw them and was already looking up, like I was mentally tugged to do so; We were at a Denny's at 2:30 in the morning down by the beach and in walk these two impeccably dressed guys, TOTALLY out of place for a Denny's at the beach at 2:30 AM, and whom I "felt" the presense of before I even saw them. Upon looking up, I "recognized" one of the two guys, he was shorter with tanner skin then the other, though I didn't have any actual conscious recollection of him. The one that I recognized had his eyes locked on me from 10 feet away, already well aware of my presense as well. The look on his face was like an evil smirk. The other guy he was with was taller, bigger, lighter skin and thinner hair, wearing the suit jacket, and was also staring at me with nothing but contempt and disdain......and also curiousity, like, Huh......Okay.........I got the impression that this was the first time the taller guy was seeing me. The other guy was already well acquainted with me. I locked eyes on them locking eyes on me as they passed, which has NEVER happened before. I felt like I couldn't NOT lock on them. I was also completely frozen, immobile, unable to even move or speak. After they passed, I was still frozen in my seat. The only thing that went through my mind was "uh oh. I'm not doing what they want me to do......they're pissed at me......" I didn't care, like, Oh no! I must please them! It was nothing like that. It was as if you just pissed off the school bully who already hates you and beats up on you....and now they're even MORE pissed off at you. You'd be like, rut ro....! After they stopped at a table, just standing around, lighting cigarettes with a "mobster" presense and looking our way (I had my back to them, so this was relayed to me by the other party) the first guy that I "recognized" made a point to go back up front and swing back around AGAIN, locking eyes on me with this knowing smirk from 10 feet away, once again. Again, I locked onto him until he passed.
The second encounter was 4 months later and there was only one guy; I was at Walgreens, reading the Newsweek story about Matrix Reloaded (nice synch, huh?) in December 2002, and a guy who looked like a "them" blew past me down the aisle. I smelled his cologne before I saw him, it's what got my attention away from reading. I didn't like the smell and looked up, frowning, bothered by it. I didn't "recognize" it......but let's just say I REALLY didn't like it, to the point where it yanked me out of my reading. I saw his back as he walked away, dressed impeccably as described above, with a head of white hair. I felt slightly in a daze as I looked at him, then slowly went back to reading, fully engrossed again in the article. There were other people in the aisle. A few minutes later he came back down the aisle. Now we were the only ones around. As I read, I heard "Reading anything INTERESTING?" with as much disdain as he could muster. He never slowed down, he never even looked at me. Just blew by for the second time, saying a disdainful comment. The normal me would have shot back a retort............but oddly enough, I couldn't. I felt "controlled", like somebody's big hand had come down and just squeezed all the will out of me, making me blank, passive and obedient, keeping me quiet and under control. All I could do was just stand there, feeling like a little girl, watching him go. I've never experienced that before.
So both times they were dressed identically, spoke or looked at me in a contemtuous hateful way, zeroed in on me out of everybody there, made a point to do TWO buzzbys just to make a point, and exerted some sort of force of will on me to be passive. In reading Carlos Casteneda, I just came across a reference to how sorcerers, or brujos, can impose their will on another to overpower them and will them to be quiet, stop moving, become cloudy headed, or whatever they want. It matches what I experienced.
- The black helicopters were matte black in color, no shine, no markings, and were very large and loud. In doing a comparison online to military helicopters, the Comanche matches up identically. Same exact body shape. The third and last black heli I encountered was smaller and rounder, more bulbous, and shiny, all black, no markings, and even black tinted windows.
- I've sort of figured out what I'm being used for by analzying some neato "talents" I possess. For anybody who thinks they may be going through this, or who knows somebody who is, but you can't really remember any direct memories, use the indirect method. For me, it was putting two and two together, realizing I was VERY psychic, and have displayed nearly all the psychic phenomenon in the book - telepathy, clarivoyance, premonitions both waking and asleep, etc. etc. Have remote viewed on one occasion to locate somebody, though at the time I had no knowledge of what that was called, nor could I explain how I just "knew" that I could do this; I have displayed photographic memory abilities on some occasions when it's "on", like a switch has been flipped; I have shown time and again that I have split brain abilities and to say that I can "multi task" is an understatement, it goes waaaaay beyond that. My brain is compartmentalized in the sense that one part can be doing one thing, and the other part is independently working on something else. I have displayed complete ambidextrousness, lightning fast reflexes to the point of being kind of unnerving and to which others in the "real world" have noticed and commented on or laughed nervously about. I have no control over those reflexes either, I mean NONE. For instance, if I knock a glass off the counter with my elbow, my hand will shoot out and catch it in middair before I even realize what's happened. It's like it has a mind of it's own and is just doin' it's own thing, la la la! Don't mind the hand! It has it's own brain! One time at a pizza place I was flipping through a menu and the guy who was going to take our order knocked another menu off the counter. While I read, my left hand (I'm right handed, mind you) shot out and caught his menu in middair and slapped it back on the counter. He even commented like, "WOW...." then laughed nervously.
So....yeah. Use the indirect route. Look at yourself, and ask, Do I have abilities?? Can I do anything unusual? If so, was I always able to do it? If no, then when did it start?? Look for marks as well. Start checking yourself every day for unusual bruising and markings. Start photographing them. Keep a log, like I always recommend. Find the patterns. If you're a MILAB, there will be a pattern, they work on schedule. That's how they operate, it can't be stressed enough. I discovered the patterns to my indigo colored nickel sized bruising. Twice a month, every month, between the 1st - 3rd, and the 20th - 23rd. Like clockwork. And on those days I would also get a sharp increase in number sightings and ear ringings. If you're a MILAB you'll have implants. Implants are for monitoring and you'll get ear ringings probably as well. Also ask yourself where your military connection would be in your family. A MILAB is after all, affiliated with the military / government / black ops. For me, it was my dad who was in the Navy for 4 years, as a tech personnel, and who reported to the NSA. I've recently discovered that Navy tech personnels were a major target for the PSI / mind control / experimentation. To hear my dad recount his military experience, I don't doubt he was involved in something, unbeknownst to him at the time.
The more you begin paying attention, acknowledging it, and trying to get to the bottom of things, the more you may begin to remember. You may get the occasional flash memory that pops up out of nowhere. I have had a couple, that's it. I've put up walls though and have reiterated to myself that I don't want to remember, not right now. So, I don't. Everybody's different though. If you want to remember, I'm sure you can. Just try, and see what happens.
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!" - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."