So, have been reading Dolores' "Conversations With Nostradamus." Some background first, with some notes that I've mentally thought of as I've been reading, in case anybody's interested in her books, or with Nostradamus specifically:
- Dolores first connected with Nostradamus (Michel de Notredame) via one of her hypnotized subjects named Elena who, btw, knew nothing about Nostradamus in her life and couldn't even prounounce his name...!!!!!!! but who was an apprentice of his in that life. She was a he back then, and his name was Dionysus, a Greek immigrant to France who was studying medicine under Nostradamus;
- What came to light during these regressions was how Nostradamus did what he did - he had some amazing skillzz for his time, performing surgeries on people in a time period where anesthesia didn't exist. Yes....I know....ouch. We tend to forget how life was back then, but let me tell you, when you read this book the 1500s come vividly to life. The lack of hygeine, the lack of medicine / surgery skills, the plagues and disease...........and the power of the Church. The church ruled EVERYTHING back then, including kings and politics, and the Inquisition was running rampant during Nostradamus' time. We all know this because we all had history class, but, it's something else to read it coming through someone from that time period. Nostradamus' fear of the's very real when it comes through. Anyway, back to the surgery stuff, but most people died in surgery because of the shock. Nostradamus on the other hand had an amazing success rate, and the reason being was he had discovered hypnotic trance. He would hypnotize his patients to not feel the pain and to slow down the bloodflow, and so on. BUT...because of the church and the Inquisition and the rampant fear and paranoia back then, he couldn't be open about how he did things. He had to lie, or evade the subject altogether when people would suspiciously ask him how he did things. There are even a few regressions describing specific surgeries that Dionysus helped with, and all the details, the kind of injuries and sickness people had back then, and then the surgery outcomes. So I found all these details to be REALLY fascinating. It totally draws you in when you're reading.
- Nostradamus was also teaching his apprentices these special mind-over-matter techniques, as well as training them in the art of scrying (psychic prophesy technique involving staring into a mirror ) and other psychic abilities. btw, there's all sorts of details throughout the book relating to everything you could ever want to know about how Nostradamus got his info., interpretted it, and how/why he coded it in his quatrains as he did. Seriously, every detail or question you could think to ask, the answer is in there.
- Then it gets really good. During one of the regressions, Nostradamus became aware that Dionysus was conversing / connecting with someone in his trance state..............and "cut in the line" so to speak, and began a three way conversation exchange, talking to Dolores through Dionysus...who was trancing out and connecting with his own future self undergoing hypnotic regression. I LOVE IT! That's just too awesome. And so, this is where it all starts.
- And the idiosynchronous how Nostradamus doesn't even recognize many of the quatrains right away due to their mistranslation, and even having Dolores read them in French wouldn't be that helpful because modern French is different from what was spoken in the 1500's. Same as middle English versus modern English. He told Dolores that in modern French, the vowels are slurred together and consonents that used to be pronounced are now left out. So when she reads the quatrains in French, (or rather, stumbles her way through reading them in French, since she can't speak French) to read the word as it looks....pronounce all the letters that she sees, because it will make more sense to him to hear it that way than if she actually read it as modern French. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I just find it so fascinating.
I'm sure to some it sounds unbelievable, but seriously, when you read it it's something else. It's the most believable far-fetched topic I've ever come across. The wealth of details that are provided is incredible, and Nostradamus as a real, multi-dimensional, well rounded personality comes through loud and clear. You just have to read it to believe it. He gets mad, frustrated, happy, playful and joking, tired, the whole shebang. (frustrated and pissed off only at how butchered his quatrains have gotten in their apparantly very unaccurate translation.)
He also stresses multiple times to Dolores that she is not speaking to a dead person - that he is very much alive and well and living in his own time period, and that to him, SHE'S the one who's "out there" in the future. As far as he's concerned, he's in the now.
There's so much more, too much to get into here, so I'll just skip to a couple of ideas I had floating about as I read:
- I've always had an interest in the Nostradamus prophesies and believed he was real, but same as everybody else, it's near impossible for me to understand what he's talking about. So I've never pursued researching it in depth before, but now that I'm really looking at these quatrains, and seeing Nostradamus' explanations / true translations in this book, what I realized is........
- Why is he writing about so much political nonsense that isn't important? (Like the Iran Contra scandal, and the million other "who cares" political distraction circus nonsense that has filled our news for the last 80 years....) Seriously, was the Iran Contra scandal just so important that it warranted somebody forseeing this......450 years ago??? I don't know about anybody else, but that just seems a little weird to me. Because again, who cares. Half the kids of today aren't even aware of it, and it doesn't matter anymore. It didn't matter at the time either. Because it's all distraction anyway, and nothing is what it seems to be. Which leads to.......
- ........As many Noble Realmers realize, reality is um, a little strange. Between the aliens and mass abductions taking place, MILABS and mind control, underground bases and altered weather, behind the scenes hyperdimensional manipulators and people walking among us who aren't even really people, well, you know, things on Mother Earth have gotten verrrrrry interesting.
So why is there pretty much no mention of this aspect of reality in his prophesies?? We're not crazy you know. This stuff IS happening. And even if it turned out that alien abductions aren't real....well, we've got millions of people out there who believe they HAVE been abducted and believe that they HAVE seen mysterious flying objects. So, it's a situation of we've either got a million+ people who've been abducted and tampered with and altered by non-human entities....or a million+ delusional people. And etiher way that's something worth noting..........isn't it??
But why doesn't this aspect of reality get mentioned? There's a gaping hole for the most part, from what I've seen so far of his quatrains. In all fairness though, there is one mention of an underground base facility in Colorado, and definite mention / confirmation of Man's newfound ability to control the weather. But so far, that's it. All the rest is political political political. This leader, that king, this dictator, that public scandal, this leader falling, that one rising, this one getting usurped, that war. And that war. And that war. And more war. And nuclear bombs, and radiation leaks and spills. And more leaders, war, scandals and nuclear stuff.
Which leads to........
- ...........Negative vision of the future. Again, I haven't read Nostradamus' translation of all the quatrains that Dolores gives him to comment on....I'm only halfway through the first book of three.......but what I realized is that the future that Nostradamus saw was AWFULLY negative. I mean, according to him, we should have already killed ourselves off and all of civilization should have been annhilated five times over in the last 20 years alone. It's some heavy duty negative visions, big time.
And which I have to add in at this point, the little anecdote of where Nostradamus got his nifty scrying mirror from in the first place, where he was getting all these apocolyptic doom prophesies from. Two separate people commented to Dolores in regression about the "unusual" nature of the mirror - it's not a normal mirror by any means. One even said that it dated back to the "ancient ones" in one of the previous lost ancient civilizations. So Dolores asked Nostradamus about it, and he told her that well, you know....basically.....uh, when he was a lad, and he was meditating and doing his trance thing one night, a "Being" appeared to him and, well....gave him the mirror. It was given to him so that he could do exactly what he ended up doing with it.
So, not to throw a wrench in the works, but, I had to question....maybe this "being" wasn't exactly positive??? 4D STS anybody? That's how they operate. They've popped in and out of the timeline through the eons, doin' their thing. Read the story of how Mormonism was founded. Same deal. Among many other examples.
So anyway, getting the backstory of how Nostradamus even got his nifty mirror makes you then have to question the version of reality that he was seeing through this mirror.
Maybe the catastrophic future was averted through intervention.
Maybe it really was going to go like that, and it originally did, in an alternate timeline.
Maybe Nostradamus was fed scenes of a negative nature to get people into the fear frequency, so they would actually end up making it happen. It reminds me of the alien abductees who are taken aboard a UFO then fed images of the planet getting annhilated and mass environmental destruction, then slapped on the back and told "Go warn the people, buddy! You can do it! We're rooting for you!" And the poor abductee is dropped off in a cornfield, left to go save the planet from destruction. They picked the abductee because he was a caring, empathetic type who would get worked up about it and then want to run around, trying to warn people and save the world.
Which sounds a bit like our Nostradamus. Poor dude was a bit upset when he saw what he saw in his mirror. He's so worked up about it in his time that his mission became about warning humanity, and he very intensly and eagerly embarked on this project with Dolores, linking up through trance meditation via one of her subjects, to get the quatrains properly translated and to warn us of our imminent destruction.
But what if the timeline has been changed? What if we have outside intervention? What if it's not even true what he's seeing? Sure some of his stuff came true...but it doesn't mean all of it is necessarily true. That's how STS forces operate...feed you truth mixed with lies. And Nostradamus isn't (wasn't...) going to know the difference, and will just write ALL of it down. So it's up to us to sit back with what we know and give a big hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
Just some thoughts. This has been a long post, so, I'll stop here!
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!" - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."