Topic: Dolores Cannon
We've been reading the Dolores Cannon books, "The Convoluted Universe", books 1 and 2 here on this end recently. For those who may not be familiar with who Dolores is, she specializes in hypnotic regression therapy, taking people into whatever particular past life is causing issues for them in the present. In addition, she often takes the patient into the deepest known levels of trance, an area that most hypnotherapists won't go near, supposedly, which completely eliminates the presense of the conscious mind. She goes right to "the source", you could say, the subconscious, and that which is tapped into the "Universal Collective Mind." It's hard to explain for those who may not be familiar with her work, but it's fascinating stuff. What happens in this state and the information that comes out is truly the stuff of books - and she's put out 13 of them to date, with more coming. The person's voice will change, as they tap into an entirely "other" source - it's basically like channelling you could say. Often the person will find themselves in past or even future lives, on other planets, or as something other than human. And at that point, Dolores is able to ask the person and that which is speaking through them all sorts of questions pertaining to whatever is being revealed.
Now, for the point of this post.....
What Dolores has found over the years is that there is what she calls a "them" or "they" who will speak to her through the subjects that she hypnotizes. These subjects are completely unconnected, scattered about all over the world, with no way of knowing the things that they do. And yet over and over, when they are in this extremely deep trance state, "they" will come through the line and tell Dolores information that she needs to hear. Often times personal information, pertaining to her diet, talking about what they saw her eating the night before or something, etc. giving her "strong advise" about how to revise the things that she's doing, for her own good. Not only that, but a tidbit of "ground breaking" material will come through one person during a session, only to have the next person, somewhere else in the world, reveal the next bit of tidbit related to the same subject. The collective "they/them" voice will even announce to her, "Here is the next piece that you need to know...." before launching into a story.
These "thems" have often said to her that it's okay for her to be the source they reveal things to, that she's "safe" or something, because she will not misuse or abuse the information, and will dissemate it in books for all to access and be helped by. One time she even felt as they performed a scan of her body, before proceeding with their revelations.
In the DVD video we watched last night of her where she was giving a lecture/speech at some UFO conference, it basically treads over everything that you'll read in her books, but with an emphasis on several things:
1. The metaphysical nature of the aliens and their UFOs. That they are not physical, and they travel between dimensions / densities and through "space" via frequency manipulation. Most Noble Realmers would probably be familiar with this, especially if you read Stuart Wilde, or are naturally tuned in to this type of information. But I guess this is a big revelation for those who are still stuck in the nuts and bolts aspects of UFO research, believing these are physical craft that fly the way our craft flies. They have complete control over time, space and physical matter. And they are not here to take over the planet, because according to them, it's always been theirs.
2. That they are not here to hurt us...and they have never done anything to hurt us. When people have memories of abductions where they are being "hurt", that's just their conscious mind interfering with personal bias and misunderstanding, you see.
This one raised eyebrows with me the first time she uttered it, and I put my head down into my hands, like, "ohhhhhhh NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
See, at the beginning of the DVD, I'd had the distinct curious wondering about how this woman has managed to do what she does, gaining access to the level of information that she has, for as long as she has, (30 years now, and going strong!) Putting out 13 books and counting so openly and unabashedly, with such juicy revelatory information, and traveling so extensively around the world...........without getting killed, or experiencing the negative interference that other researchers have encountered. In fact, according to her, the "thems" who come through the line during her subjects' hypnotherapy sessions are very protective of her...and have stepped in a few times to help save her life, telling her not to take trips to certain places, not to do this or that, not to go here or there. So it's quite the OPPOSITE, in fact.
But as soon as she got to the point where she uttered the words, "They are not here to hurt us, in fact, they've never done anything to hurt us," (and not once, but FOUR TIMES in the time that I watched, like she had been programmed to keep saying that) followed by the schtick that they've got a mass group of people that they're abducting because they're tweaking their DNA, to help them evolve to the New Earth and ascend and all that........................then I knew.
Hand slapping forehead. I knew!
I don't doubt for a second that she's in touch with a very high up, powerful intelligence known to her as "them." And that these thems are giving her great information, working through the people that she hypnotizes in an orchestrated paranormal woo-woo! phenemomenon of mass proportions. I just doubt the intention of this group she's speaking with. How convenient that they say that NOBODY has EVER been hurt during an abduction and that all abductions are good in that regard. That we just don't understand them, you see... How convenient that they're perpetuating the idea of a mass project of specially selected humans who are having their DNA expanded to 12 strands, and their bodies upgraded and tweaked at the hands of their alien saviors. In fact, after hearing this, some people were telling Dolores how they wanted "in" on this project too! "Where do I sign up!?!!!" some guy joked to her.
Appeal to ego. Appeal to specialness. You're the special "chosen" one, part of the elite group of humans we're working with. Aren't you special?? Just revel in your own special chosen-ness!
So no wonder she's been "allowed"...even HELPED, in her endeavor of spreading this information, far and wide. It wouldn't be so bad I don't think if she'd at least said, "Sure, some abductions are done by negative aliens / entities and are negative in nature, but some are done by positive you see, there's a little of both going on!" I wouldn't have such a problem with that. But to say that no abductions are negative?? That nobody has ever been hurt by them?? No.
On another note, one of the women who Dolores had regressed revealed that whenever she tried to revert back to her drug taking ways, the little Gray men appeared, watching her, letting her know that "No, we will NOT allow you to do that to your body!" (her body that belonged to them since she was an abductee, and part of the supposed DNA tweaking upgrade monitoring project.)
I listened to as much as I could and sighed and shook my head.
You know, I'm thankful that I can eat a hamburger or hit the bottle and not have to worry about some alien appearing in the room, lecturing me!
You know why??
Because I'm not an alien's pet, that's why!
After listening to all that, I had such an urge to go out there and eat the worst food I could possibly find, and engage in the worst behavior I could possibly come up with! Just to rebel against what the New Age movement is being told. If it means that I get "left behind" in the old earth, to wallow in the nuclear post-apocolyptic destruction, then so be it!
At least I wasn't an alien's pet! At least I was free! And if and when the little Gray buggers show up, hands on their hips, trying to exert some guilt trip control, spouting crap about "12 strand DNA! The project! You can't do that!" I can say that at least I drop kicked them out the door, reached for my cow burger and a Margarita on the rocks, and lit up a smoke to celebrate!
See, the thing is, I can understand the whole deal about eating healthy. But if I'm going to do so, (and I have been known to...) I'm going to do it *for me.*
Not for an alien.
And I can understand the whole deal about wanting to evolve and move beyond where we're at now. But if I'm going to do so, (and I have been known to try.....) I'm going to do it *for me*
Not because some aliens tried to make me a part of their little Human Pet Project, "Property of the Alien Super Intelligence that Sees All."
We can do it on our own, people. We don't need them. It's a trap. Appealing to the ego, and the concept of "specialness."
Anyway, with that said, getting back to Dolores and the books - the books themselves are a fascinating read, and worthy of mentioning. You just have to exercise discernment when doing so, like with all things.
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."