Re: George Washington

mandalis wrote:
gcg wrote:

Dear Mon Amie-Zylo!  Here's hoping your personage isn't morphed directly into a bleating sheep (as mine was for agreeing with an earlier Nexus post).

Shoogie -- thank you for graphically depicting the obvious! Pithy truth indeed!

thank you all for such wonderful contributions that completely ignore all points raised while attempting to isolate someone that does not agree with your sun god idolatry ...

why don't you go pass around the collection basket so you all can continue to help your preacher maintain your illusions ...

To the contrary, my contributions have not "completely ignore[d] all points raised." I have an appreciation of your scholarship and depth of understanding concerning the multi-layered realities that have been superimposed on creation by self-serving religions that seek to turn humanity away from worshiping the Presence within and toward maintaining a stranglehold of control over the human psyche via fused iconic representations of truth. Where we diverge is that you seem determined to lump all who think unlike you into a bleating, sheepish mass of unintelligent, brainwashed beings, with you remaining the only arbiter of truth.

If you find yourself isolated in your presentation it is -- in my opinion -- because you have elected to insult, belittle, and condemn all who have not seen fit to throw out the spiritual baby with the bathwater, and the decidedly confrontational, uncharitable and dismissive way in which you have chosen to share your truth.

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel


Re: George Washington

T-Ren wrote:

Does my name on a post provide such angst for you that you won't read it? Over in The spirituality and metaphysical section is a thread titled "to give it a thread of its own".

I am like the statue of the Buddha ... I will not get happy if you praise me, I will not get upset if you slander me ...  opinions are meaningless ...

mandalis wrote:

yet you have said before that 'Jesus lived' as flesh and argued relentlessly with my thesis

Nexus already indicted he thought it was a dicussion and that you were arguing. If it appears he is arguing it must being so you can hear him on your high horse.

quite to the contrary, I am just inventorying facts as I previously stated ...  Nexus was the one arguing ...  your second sentence does not make grammatical sense, are you trying to say 'If it appears he is arguing it must be so you can hear him on your high horse?'  I am not on the high horse, he is the one trying to say that 'Christians' are specially anointed with 'Christ consciousness' which implies others are less than those whom do not choose Christ as 'the way' ...  when you examine the implications of Christianity in the context of the secret occult symbols plagiarized from Egyptology you start to see how destructive it really is ...

After all the name calling and derogatory comments it is Nexus getting personal?

accusing me of having a 'wounded ego' or whatnot are personal comments that have nothing to do with the discussion ... such techniques are part of the prejudice of Christianity and all other cults of idolatry ...  they cannot accept others may be well without questioning their own need for the cult, hence they are always accusing others of being less than themselves ...  is it derogatory for me to say that someone that believes in sun worship like a primitive cave man is in the dark ages?

mandalis wrote:

and is also the statement that makes it 'okay' for people whom will not 'go by him' to  be  killed because they are allegedly unworthy of salvation                                                                                                                                    for refusing to acknowledge that "Jesus is the way' ...

Mandalis...that may be fundamentalist reasoning that buy into war but it does not automatically apply to all Christians. I will not be the judge of the person, I will leave that to God(or whom ever) my take is if we can get along great, if not life goes on, if the person is living a life of love what concern is it of mine.

now this is where you are quite incorrect ... you may try to distance yourself from someone like a born again George Bush that says he believes 'God' wants him to kill Arabs, however at the same time none of you can be silent while someone criticizes your sun god idol ...  Christianity from the foundation belief that 'Jesus saves' is war like and evil because it cannot accept the beliefs of anyone else, hence history is filled with blood of their unbelievers ...  Even here, Nexus just couldn't keep his mouth shut about my thesis that Jesus is a symbol of sunrise and spring stolen from the ancient Egyptian mythology of Horus the child god ...  Nexus just had to try to 'convert the unbelievers' with his fuzzy assertions that Christ is a symbol of the rise of higher consciousness and that Jesus must have been a real person because of all those nice fuzzy things he said ...  what I offer is truth that can liberate minds, however the 'true believer' cannot accept it and continues to believe that Jews and everyone else is beneath their 'Christ consciousness'  ...  the Christians that 'it doesn't apply to' are still propagating the evil prejudice in the way that a racist joke propagates racism while not actually lynching anyone ...  the belief in itself is evil, it is prejudiced, it is derogatory and it is based upon the code of the ancient Egyptian priest aristocracy that is still used to manipulate death today ... look up at the guy nailed to the cross, Christianity is death worship and kills in the same of the father, son, and holy spirit ...  get out of the dark ages ...


Re: George Washington

gcg wrote:

Dear Mon Amie-Zylo!  Here's hoping your personage isn't morphed directly into a bleating sheep (as mine was for agreeing with an earlier Nexus post).

Shoogie -- thank you for graphically depicting the obvious! Pithy truth indeed!

thank you all for such wonderful contributions that completely ignore all points raised while attempting to isolate someone that does not agree with your sun god idolatry ...

gcg wrote:

To the contrary, my contributions have not "completely ignore[d] all points raised."

yes you have, your contributions to this discussion have been very Ed McMahon like on behalf of those whom disagree that Jesus was not a real person and jsut a symbol of sunrise and spiring ...

I have an appreciation of your scholarship and depth of understanding concerning the multi-layered realities that have been superimposed on creation by self-serving religions that seek to turn humanity away from worshiping the Presence within and toward maintaining a stranglehold of control over the human psyche via fused iconic representations of truth. Where we diverge is that you seem determined to lump all who think unlike you into a bleating, sheepish mass of unintelligent, brainwashed beings, with you remaining the only arbiter of truth.

you can't have your cake and eat it too ...  since you do not agree that Jesus is a symbol of sunrise plagiarized from the child god Horus of Egyptology, and have verbalized this more than once without anything else to offer ... I am not trying to arbiter the truth, the truth cannot be arbitrated or 'interpreted' ...  if you were not so critical, it would be worthy of being the truth according to Lao Tzu ...

If you find yourself isolated in your presentation it is -- in my opinion -- because you have elected to insult, belittle, and condemn all who have not seen fit to throw out the spiritual baby with the bathwater, and the decidedly confrontational, uncharitable and dismissive way in which you have chosen to share your truth.

it's because you need to be provoked into thought ...  what else can one do when others refuse to admit they are wrong ...  when I say Jesus is not a real person and only a symbol for the sun plagiarized from Egypt's child god Horus, and then they tell me I am wrong and that Jesus had to be real because of 'all those wonderful things' he allegedly said that are as real as Easter bunny eggs or Santa Claus stocking stuff - and you chime in to condemn me like a good Christian sheep - should I respect that?  you say that you appreciate my scholarship, then you say it is incorrect while at the same time offering no more than the Easter bunny or Santa Claus, should I respect that?  should I just pretend that everything is true when it isn't for the sake of getting along with everyone?

here is the truth:

1. Christianity is polytheistic Egyptian death worship redesigned around the Hebrew mono-theism to pressure Jews into converting by condemning them if they don't

2. You and Nexus have both systematically clung to your primitive sun worship idolatry and repeatedly attempted to attack my premise with vague fuzziness about how Jesus lived as an actual person and was an 'avatar' of higher consciousness which is completely untrue ...  you have both been insulting accusing me of having a wounded ego and other such non-sense that I am incapable of understanding your 'higher' Christ-like consciousness ...  I perfectly understand what points you are trying to make, my knowledge of Christianity is not shallow like you imply, and I am actually ferociously arrogant ...

3. neither Nexus, nor yourself, are honest ...


Re: George Washington

Here is what I said in Post #21

I also agree that there are multiple story lines from which to choose regarding the origin of Christed beings and how these may or may not have been merged to create the Jesus event that may or may not have ended in crucifixion.

I don't care whether "Jesus is a symbol of sunrise plagiarized from the child god Horus of Egyptology."  I care that some entity given the titular office "Christ" reminded us to seek the God within -- to "seek and ye shall find." 

I don't agree that "Christianity is polytheistic Egyptian death worship redesigned around the Hebrew mono-theism to pressure Jews into converting by condemning them if they don't" because I think the Jews stole monotheism from Ikhnaton's Aton (sun disk) worship.  Other than that we agree.

I'm sure your knowledge of Christianity is greater than mine for I find Christianity an unreliable messenger of "truth," one I am content to avoid at all costs. The Christ Presence,  however, is a different matter.  When sought, this Presence can be found in all frameworks -- even frameworks as woefully corrupt and bastardized as Christianity.

Honesty is certainly a worthy attribute and I seek always to be as honest as my enlightenment permits me to be.

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

50 (edited by nexus 2007-06-10 05:34:13)

Re: George Washington


You say you understand "christianity"but your knowledge of Christ's message [ spoken through Jesus ] is at least, if not more shallow than "christians" understanding of his message.  The simple fact is that Jesus the Christ has been stuck with the bad rap of a false theology which bears no similarity to his own message.

It's a lot like Iraqi citizens believing that the 'US war machine is the true face of NR members.  Would anyone stand for it?  No,  they are philosophically demasking the lie because it is a distortion of the true image of what America is at heart. I am demasking "christianity" to reveal what is really at it's heart... at it's core ... But, you are asserting that nothing but plaigerised 'myths' and physical sunshine, is at the core and instead you parade the mask around and shoving it down everyone's throats like we believed in the mask ourselves.

I could misunderstand you in a similar way... : What if i told you that you are "worshipping" material phenoemena, and then i proceeded to blame you for perpetuating the beliefs that caused all the pollution and sweat shops in the world because of  a 'materialistic' consumer society.  And that you'd never achieve full Buddhahood because of it.  You'd swear i was a 'grey' alien.... and rightly so, but that's how sensible your arguments are sounding to me.

In critical thinking 101,  they call your overall strategy a "straw man" because it is false reasoning.  It is a tactic seen most often in partisan politics.  Politicians hurl 'straw men' at each other for one reason only.  Because they are certain than a good number of their constituents are dim witted fools...  And that, already politically partisan themseves,  the voters mistake 'ferocious arrogance' for high moral ground.  You can learn how to do it on the telly.  In a word mandalis,[ one you keep using ] it is "dishonest".  You set the straw men up yourself then you set fire to them with your "ferocious arrogance". [as you admit you are.]

Nobody here is merely defending christians,  many of whom are fine people,  but i am defending something of much greater value than the false doctrines of fundamentalist Christians, fundamentalist Hindus, fundamentalist Jews, fundamentalist Islamics and fundamentalist Buddhists [many of whom believe in an external savior in the person of Maitreya. Maitreya is a real Buddha but Benjamin Creme is not his messenger....you can tell by the message.]

I have said that i'm defending something of much greater value than fundamentalism in all of it's many forms.  I would only be repeating myself here to say what that value is.... except to say that it is beyond forms.

Jesus said the same when teaching about the Spiritual consciousness beyond external forms :

" If they tell you the 'kingdom' is in the air [external], the birds will preceed you.  If they tell you it is in the sea [external ], the fish will preceed you... truly i tell you the kingom of heaven [the heavenly consciousness of God] is within you."

Jesus might well have asked even, why seek the "kingdom" soley in scripture : he said to the false priests :

"Loving the letter [of the law in your scriptures] ye reject the Spirit. [in yourselves]"

Mandalis, you really don't understand the points i and others are making even though you keep claiming you do. And you prove that you don't with every new post.  For all of your quoting of posts you seem to miss most of points insofar as i have rarely seen you reflect back to people what they really mean.... barr one thing.  I said Jesus lived... you understood what i meant by "lived" and dissagreed.  Fine.  But in order to more consistantly reply to people intelligently you must hear what they are actually saying, otherwise straw men can be your only staple.

A true understanding of Jesus' message is not polytheistic any more than a true understanding of Hinduism is.  It is no more polytheistic than a true understanding of Buddhism with all it's many buddhas either.

For example the Mahayana school of Buddhism depicts the 3 bodies of man.  The highest is the dharmakaya, Then the  samboaga kaya and The nirmana kaya....  kaya means 'body'.  They are levels of consciousness which are further delineated in the teachings of that school of buddhism.

Hinduism teaches a trinity also ...ie.  Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.  And although fundamentalist Hindus believe otherwise, the many "other gods" in hinduism [ ie. durga, kali, ganesha, saraswati, shakti etc ] are aspects of the ONE God consciousness in everything and everyone.  The 'gods' are [micro and macro] cosmic forces. Sometimes a real individual has perfectly personified an aspect [and more] of God consciousness and has been immortalised in the race memory and revered in the general pantheon.  Krishna is one such person. I think it is believed that he will be returning sometime in the future too.

[It's worth saying too that the souls of the people who did totally identify with the Spirit within themselves did not accept the external "future savior" scenario themselves. They believed that they could transcend the ego consciousness not merely integrate it.  If the shadow is not transmuted while the soul is in the earth plane it will bind the soul to the earth plane through reincarnation until it is transmuted. The shadow self is a dead weight which cannot transcend the material planes by being "integrated".  It has to be separated and excised from the soul by an incisive mind. The master surgeon in this process is the Christ Mind [called many names] which separates the real from the unreal in all levels of consciousness. It is possible today because it is written :

"He that is in you [the Christ consciousness within]
is greater than he that is in the world [the worldly consciousness of the ego]"

In my view both the "future savior" scenario and the "integrated individual who's 'balanced light/dark in themselves" idea, are both  calculated to ensure failure. The idea of these lies is to get people through an entire embodiment expecting an external physical savior and justifying the darkness of the ego. The only eternal integration that is possible is this :

~The daughter of Zion [the soul] is 'wed' to [integrates through a process of transmutation with] the bridegroom [ Christ consciousness ]... then as a result of this alchemical marriage of levels of consciousness, the soul [ jerusalem, the new city ] ascends to Mount Zion [ the I AM Presence ]. There is no external portal of escape from the responsibility of 'ressurecting' the lower self from the dead.  There is no ascension in 2012 for the masses.  December 21st 2012 will pass like any other day on earth.  If long experience is anything to go by, any thing could happen on that day... but it wont be a mass ascension of the human race.  Better to be still and go within and seek conscious communion with the higher Self.

In the old testament somewhere it says : [ the Psalms i think :]

"Be still and know [by inner gnosis] that I AM God [within you]"  ...

The Christ Spirit spoke through Jesus saying to all :

"I [the Christ consciousness within you] stand at the door [to your heart] and knock, s/he that would sup with me [consciously experience my light presence] bid me enter [your heart]  and i will enter in"

A returning savior / messiah figure seems to be a common theme in all these religions including Judaism.  You have to admit it suits the controllers to a T.  "You are just a puny human, but if you do as we say your [external] savior will be coming later for you and he will wisk you off to [an external] heaven... ego and all."  Always later.  This makes it easy to reject the true Spiritual teachers in the 'present' in every generation.  Even the real ones are invariably rejected and sometimes murdered by the 'gatekeepers'.

Anyway mandalis, we've both had a pretty good ol' time with this haven't we.

If anyone is further interested in Jesus true message you might find this website of interest :

: www.askrealjesus.com

51 (edited by MonAmie-Zylo 2007-06-08 12:44:13)

Re: George Washington

Hi Everyone,  sometimes I don't really understand certain english expression....usually got ta's think it out...like the 'sheep' thing....ha!ha!...Gosh, the meek really shall inherit the earth.....{smile}

Here's something that I read years ago.  Remember the Seth Material by Jane Roberts?  If I remember correctly, Seth mentioned that 'Jesus' was never crucified (The one that most of us associate with).  It was acted out in 'dreamtime' (the Non-physical).

Mindfield wrote:

    Some very interesting information (especially the last part) transmitted/channeled from the Universal Mind in 1995:

        This Awareness indicates it is not, or was not, an unusual thing, even in those times, to have doubles for presidents or kings or people of importance in governments.

        This Awareness indicates that often, even in monarchies, the king would
        have a double and the double would fill in for the king. It was only
        when people knew the king well and were going to meet with the king and
        talk with the king that it would be difficult to use a double.

Back in 1996-7 or so, I picked-up a book at the library "Apollonius de Tyanna", channelled in 1935.
It also stated that 'the crucifixation did not take place.  THere were 5 Jesuses at that time and depending on which level o f the astral plane one hooks into for channeling one channels that entity.    Lots of guys in Mexico also name Jesus!!!!!:):)

Getting back to George Wasington, etc and the Confederacy  ......I also wanted to mention that it was
also influenced by THE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY....

Growing up, I took US history in school 4 different times, because of moving and state requirements. Also, when I read abot NWO globalization it always seems the mindset of the original founders...and still many of the US is a vey negative one towards those ends (even if manipulated in to unknowingly supporting it)..However when I go deeper it turns out he was a Mason and may of even had Rothschild bloodlines...

So then, it seems THe Influence of the Iroquois was just another 'cover-up'.....

mandalis......many people today that fancy themselves enlightened are not educated enough to appreciate the sacrifices that the revolutionary Americans made for the cause of freedom in this world ... this has been due to a systematic disinformation campaign that goes back almost to the time the war was fought ...(post #10)

...............thousand of years now....

52 (edited by nexus 2007-06-10 05:35:26)

Re: George Washington

Hi MonAmie-Zylo,

If you asked all the Jesuses in Mexico to teach you spiritual truth, most,  if not all of them would probably tell you what they could and then defer to Jesus. [yes that Jesus.]  Then if you were interested in the subject of whether Jesus is real and spiritually alive now, you would have some searching to do.

It wouldn't take you long to discover [as you have] that several channelling sources claim either to be Jesus or have knowledge of Jesus or the circumstances of his days in ancient palestine. If jesus is real and if he would speak through a messenger then you could actually find him among those many sources.  If real, he may even have appeared over time in more than one messenger.  So the possibility exists that among the many voices we hear, one of them is the real Jesus who lived in the Middle East ~ 2000 yrs ago. I think you can only know by the message itself and your own heart's response to it.

Jesus said ~ 2000yrs ago : "I have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now."

Jesus also said  :                 "If i go not,  i cannot send you the [spiritual] comforter who will come "

If you think about it, it might not be too hard to believe that even ~2000yrs ago there would be people impersonating a man with great personal magnetism and power, in the hope that some of that would rub off on themselves.  It would be a pretty good way to get people's attention... or... that because of Jesus radical teachings he had enemies who used both subtle [and gross] slanders and outright attacks eventually leading to a show trial and his murder. [which is recorded anyway]

Considering that possibility, it's not too hard to imagine today that if Jesus was / is real, and is speaking to us today, he will have his impersonators and his detractors today, just like he did back then.... ie. ...forces and entities with the freewill to oppose his old teachings of 2000yrs ago and anything else Jesus might say today.  Not actually being Jesus themselves they would put words in his mouth that are not his and otherwise confuse the masses regarding him.
They would deny and distort his original mission [as they have done these past 2000yrs anyway] and they would "flood the market" with distortions calculated to cause you to throw out the proverbial "baby" with their own dirty bathwater.  To the producers of those distortions the means justify the ends.  And the "means" is mass confusion by deception...To stand 99 dead men on their feet so we cant see the one living.  Thats's right where they want us... spiritually blind.  The "end" is spiritual bankrupcy in their targets. [you and me].  They thereby render us impotent to see them for what they are and thereby oppose them.

It is written in stone [somewhere]in the 'old world' :"Man know thyself" [and thereby know thy enemy]

The same deception happens in the UFO literature to crowd out the genuine research.  In my view the SAME forces are responsible for BOTH the anti Jesus channellers [ including the impersonators] AND the whole UFO channelling gig.  My understanding is that the dark forces incurr less karma if they decieve and induce us into DESIRING and ACCEPTING their control systems than if they were to attack us front on.  All this neccessitates that they wear a mask. They can only succeed behind their mask if we dont see through our own personal mask.  Our own mask is the lower human ego part of ourselves[the shadow] which blocks the inner perceptions of our higher Self.

So we still have our question  : IF Jesus is God conscious and alive now WOULD HE speak?

Jesus is recorded as saying : " ALL POWER is given to me in heaven [ spiritual planes ]
                                                 and on earth [ material planes ]

Christed beings have overcome their human karma and have therefore transcended the need to re-incarnate.  They can navigate the highest spiritual realms to the lowest material realms. This "all power" gives ascended Christed beings complete, universal, unfettered freedom of movement and they can project themselves into the 4 planes of matter to express themselves here in the earth plane if they will it.  They are "all light" and they can express that light through embodied messengers at will.

But also, discarnate beings who are not "all light" and can go no higher than the 4 material planes, can also project their conciousness through an embodied channell. These channellings can originate in the many layered astral and mental planes but they come from a range of unenlightened karma beings to much grosser malevolent entities. Those channellings can also originate by manipulative forces on earth.

So personal discernment is key ... Called in scripture "the gift of the discernment of spirits"

In the east this faculty and other soul powers are called the "siddhis"

On the one hand, this inner power of discernment is key to sort out the "tares" sown among the "wheat" in the arena of Jesus channellers [and ascended beings generally].  Is the 'being' expressing the message 'ascended' ? and therefore enlightened? [as is Jesus and some others.]  Or are the 'beings' unascended karma beings confined to the astral and mental [material] planes and therefore unenlightened? [ ie. imposters of actual ascended beings and various other popular non-entities  smile  These discarnate entities are not "spiritual" because they have not identified with the interior light. The ascended ones are spiritual beings and have mostly lived among us and are motivated by  compassion.  The astral enties [some who have never lived among us] are motivated by lower desires and participate in organised oppression [physical and astral] by manifold deceptive means.

Considering all that, there is still the question of motive.  Having "all power" in all spiritual and material planes i feel sure that Jesus could speak to us if he wanted to.  But why would he speak?

Because the world at large has not heard much from the real Jesus.  The world has heard a pale facsimile of Jesus message found in "christian" churches and it has heard from the detractors of it's false doctrines by people "who've thrown out the baby". [eg. see mandalis' posts].  The world has also heard from the imposters of Jesus found among the many 'channelled' versions.

So on the question of motive, ask yourself.  If you were a powerful spiritual being and all this was happening to your message, would you keep silence if you could speak at will.?  If you had something to offer, would you stand back and watch an organised enemy decieve and devour the people you love.  Would you fail to discourse on the 'inner' enemy that must be overcome in each of us as a simultaneous neccessity to confronting the forces of control in the world.?

That's why i added the website in my last post  : www.askrealjesus.com

The site presents a fair bit of discourse on the tricks of the ego plus a lot of other explanations of planetary import.

MonAmie-Zylo if you like to exercise your own discernment check out that homepage.  At the very bottom of the page there is a question answer section with ~ 24 topics. One topic is "chanelling".. clik there.  There is aprox 10 questions there dealing with many of the well known 'channellers' that most of us are familiar with.

Of course i respect your own judgement in this mon ami...   Cheers   neXus.

53 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-09 23:02:06)

Re: George Washington

gcg wrote:

Here is what I said in Post #21

I also agree that there are multiple story lines from which to choose regarding the origin of Christed beings and how these may or may not have been merged to create the Jesus event that may or may not have ended in crucifixion.
I don't care whether "Jesus is a symbol of sunrise plagiarized from the child god Horus of Egyptology."  I care that some entity given the titular office "Christ" reminded us to seek the God within -- to "seek and ye shall find."

and to find others that don't beneath you but not your contempt for refusing to side with you in your sun worship idolatry ... hence the problem with the entire paradigm ...

I don't agree that "Christianity is polytheistic Egyptian death worship redesigned around the Hebrew mono-theism to pressure Jews into converting by condemning them if they don't" because I think the Jews stole monotheism from Ikhnaton's Aton (sun disk) worship.  Other than that we agree.

well, you are wrong, what can i say ...  monotheism was a revolutionary idea at the time, and the Egyptians were not monotheist  ...

I'm sure your knowledge of Christianity is greater than mine for I find Christianity an unreliable messenger of "truth," one I am content to avoid at all costs. The Christ Presence,  however, is a different matter.  When sought, this Presence can be found in all frameworks -- even frameworks as woefully corrupt and bastardized as Christianity.
Honesty is certainly a worthy attribute and I seek always to be as honest as my enlightenment permits me to be.

the average will remember the truth on and off as convenient - Lao Tzu  ...  however you are correct that my knowledge of Christianity is greater than yours ...


Re: George Washington

MonAmie-Zylo wrote:

Hi Everyone,  sometimes I don't really understand certain english expression....usually got ta's think it out...like the 'sheep' thing....ha!ha!...Gosh, the meek really shall inherit the earth.....{smile}

Here's something that I read years ago.  Remember the Seth Material by Jane Roberts?  If I remember correctly, Seth mentioned that 'Jesus' was never crucified (The one that most of us associate with).  It was acted out in 'dreamtime' (the Non-physical).

Mindfield wrote:

    Some very interesting information (especially the last part) transmitted/channeled from the Universal Mind in 1995:

        This Awareness indicates it is not, or was not, an unusual thing, even in those times, to have doubles for presidents or kings or people of importance in governments.

        This Awareness indicates that often, even in monarchies, the king would
        have a double and the double would fill in for the king. It was only
        when people knew the king well and were going to meet with the king and
        talk with the king that it would be difficult to use a double.

Back in 1996-7 or so, I picked-up a book at the library "Apollonius de Tyanna", channelled in 1935.
It also stated that 'the crucifixation did not take place.  THere were 5 Jesuses at that time and depending on which level o f the astral plane one hooks into for channeling one channels that entity.    Lots of guys in Mexico also name Jesus!!!!!:):)

Getting back to George Wasington, etc and the Confederacy  ......I also wanted to mention that it was
also influenced by THE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY....

Growing up, I took US history in school 4 different times, because of moving and state requirements. Also, when I read abot NWO globalization it always seems the mindset of the original founders...and still many of the US is a vey negative one towards those ends (even if manipulated in to unknowingly supporting it)..However when I go deeper it turns out he was a Mason and may of even had Rothschild bloodlines...

So then, it seems THe Influence of the Iroquois was just another 'cover-up'.....

mandalis......many people today that fancy themselves enlightened are not educated enough to appreciate the sacrifices that the revolutionary Americans made for the cause of freedom in this world ... this has been due to a systematic disinformation campaign that goes back almost to the time the war was fought ...(post #10)

...............thousand of years now....

of course!  it must be those masons and jews that are responsible for all the worlds problems!  it's not like they developed law and literacy for all or anything like that ...

you are forgetting a little thing called the 'French-Indian War' where native aboriginal Americans and French tried to eliminate the English from the new world ... guess who won?  never mind how the native aboriginals broke their sacred spiritual compact with the beaver by slaughtering them to export new world fur to Europe ...  what happened to the ecological balance of North America once all of the beaver dams disappeared that formed the centers of North America's ecosystems?  where the animal spirits still in harmony with the natives at that point?

55 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-09 23:12:31)

Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:


You say you understand "christianity"but your knowledge of Christ's message [ spoken through Jesus ] is at least, if not more shallow than "christians" understanding of his message.  The simple fact is that Jesus the Christ has been stuck with the bad rap of a false theology which bears no similarity to his own message.

according to your interpretation which fails to understand that Jesus the person as the holy Christ is really just idolatrous sun worship that looks down on others by considering yourself 'saved' by your 'faith' that Jesus lived to die for your sins, therefore implying that others are not as holy as thou ...

I have wasted enough time with your dishonesty ...  you are a true mindless zealot that will never be able to change until you can admit you are wrong ... at least I have gotten you to laugh loudly at the truth, because otherwise it would not be worthy of being the truth ...  so perhaps the words of others may more eloquently express what I have not been able to ...

Wake up dead man - U2

Jesus, Jesus help me
I'm alone in this world
And a f*cked up world it is too
Tell me, tell me the story
The one about eternity
And the way it's all gonna be

Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man

Jesus, I'm waiting here boss
I know you're looking out for us
But maybe your hands aren't free
Your father, He made the world in seven
He's in charge of heaven
Will you put in a word in for me

Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man

Listen to your words they'll tell you what to do
Listen over the rhythm that's confusing you
Listen to the reed in the saxophone
Listen over the hum of the radio
Listen over sounds of blades in rotation
Listen through the traffic and circulation
Listen as hope and peace try to rhyme
Listen over marching bands playing out of time

Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man

Jesus, were you just around the corner
Did You think to try and warn her
Or are you working on something new
If there's an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

Wake up, wake up dead man
Wake up, wake up dead man


Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:


~The daughter of Zion [the soul] is 'wed' to [integrates through a process of transmutation with] the bridegroom [ Christ consciousness ]... then as a result of this alchemical marriage of levels of consciousness, the soul [ jerusalem, the new city ] ascends to Mount Zion [ the I AM Presence ]. There is no external portal of escape from the responsibility of 'ressurecting' the lower self from the dead.  There is no ascension in 2012 for the masses.  December 21st 2012 will pass like any other day on earth.  If long experience is anything to go by, any thing could happen on that day... but it wont be a mass ascension of the human race.  Better to be still and go within and seek conscious communion with the higher Self.

a little interesting caveat about 2012 ...  for the first time in 26,500 years, the axis of the earth will be perpendicular with the axis of the milky way and point directly to the center of the galaxy ...  the earth right now is on the very edge of the galaxy, guess what happens when the magnetic pole is directly perpendicular to the galaxy?  what happens when the pole of a very small magnet is caught within the field of a very large magnet? smile

you may think you are in communion with your higher self, but your lower self is just pretending ... don't worry, in the future you will be your higher self ...

57 (edited by nexus 2007-06-10 07:19:30)

Re: George Washington

If you're referring to a pole shift mandalis, anything is possible.  It has happened before after all, but i don't think pole shifts cause ascensions.  There is really no substitute for confronting and overcoming one's own lower ego.  But in order to overcome it we must first seek and find the Christ Self and surrender all the lower elements of consciousness into that flame within.

It's written somewhere in the little old book :

"Our God [ the I AM Presence ] is a consuming fire."

Somewhere else in the same book it says :

"And the elements [ of the shadow self ] shall melt with a fervent heat.
  The mountains [ of human pride ] shall be laid low and the low places
[ of depression and sub-conscious habit patterns ] shall be raised up [ in vibration ]."

If we engage a process of intuition and true spirituality, the ressurection can happen to us over our lifetime [or more.]  It is an interior process.  Nothing can intervene externally and change that.  The planet can be raised in vibration by the spiritual people of the world but that [inevitable] process will not cause the raising of people dedicated to the downward path of self aggrandisement and control.

Bono's lyric is not surprising to me.  If i'm not mistaken, he is a fundamentalist christian and has a simple faith.   It sounds like Bono has put Jesus in the position of having to save him and the world.  Jesus is a spiritual teacher and he can teach us how to save ourselves and our world.    He said :

"Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven [ you know where ]
  and all these things [ that you would objectify in your outer world] shall be added unto you"

If enough of us will engage the subjective process of separating the 'tares' from the 'wheat' in ourselves then we will see a changed world.  Consequently, a separation will be reflected in our objective world.

The earth will literally outgrow the controllers and they will not be able to re-incarnate back into a world that is vibrating at a higher frequency than themselves. That is why the enemy has invested so much in keeping people ignorant and spiritually blind.  Time is running out for them but for those of us hoping to be rid of the spoilers soon, 2012 will not be the 'dividing of the way' as if by magic.  All of the psychic thralldom of all of the 'alien saviors' will not amount to a nickel.

The only magic is the I AM Presence within us.


Re: George Washington

your may shift your pole frequently, however the cycles of the mayan calendar are quite mathematically precise ...  the pole does not have to shift for the earth to rotate around until it points directly at the center of the galaxy ...  the countdown to this date has been going on for a while and there are less than five solar years left ...   

an excellent outline of the astronomy involved is given in 'Maya Cosmogenesis 2012' by John Major Jenkins and Terrance McKenna



Re: George Washington

you may feel you are special because you believe there to be some presence within you, but you are not ...

bono is an irish catholic, from a country that saved the true Christian church from protestant invaders that wanted to destroy the keepers of the knowledge ...  you are what is known as a 'protestant heretic' that believes in some ability to interpret scripture that you cannot ...  when i give you the key to unlocking the knowledge that can allow you to stop yourself from crawling within the boundary delimited by your own ignorance, you denounce me with your typical protestant prejudice claiming that the key cannot be true because the lock is ...