31 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-04 21:05:16)

Re: George Washington

T-Ren wrote:
mandalis wrote:

since this thread is really about George Washington

Interesting, you make it seem like it was somebody else that took this thread waaaaaaaaaay off track. Yet you took the liberty from 1 little sentence to lead into a great diatribe that took this thread on this rabbit trail.

when i made the comment it was in context and relevant to the dark ages dogma that Washington et all was trying to keep us from ...

mandalis wrote:

get out of the dark ages!

Who's in the dark ages?

mandalis wrote:

when those pesky monotheist Jews that wouldn't pray to the Roman god (that was also based on the Egyptian mythology) destroyed the intellectual foundation of hierarchical Roman society with their monotheism ...

Seriously dude! The Jews caused the fall of the almighty Roman empire?

yes, this is why it had to be reinvented around the Hebrew God as the Holy Roman Empire ... after the concept of monotheism hit the Mediterranean civilization they lost heart for their pagan multi-theistic pantheon ... it happened in 300 AD, read about Constantine, last Roman emperor and first Holy Roman pope!

mandalis wrote:

Jesus was ....plagiarized from Egyptology

I thought Jesus was more closely linked to being a plagiarized form of Mithraism. What's funny is that Christianity has also "plagiarized" a lot of Taoism, Buddhism and Toltec teachings. Weird.

many ancient religions featured a 'redeemer figure' symbolic of spring ... an excellent exposition of this thesis can be found in the Corporation for Public Broadcasting Annenberg Project series called 'The Western Tradition'  ... they do a great job of comparing much archaeological artwork with Christian symbols ... Mithraism and Zoroastrianism, however Egyptology was the other major influence ... read about Horus, the child god, which symbolizes sunrise on the horizon ..
here is another interesting link to some of the same information http://www.freedomdomain.com/relig.htm ... and Christianity has nothing to do with Buddhism or Taoism despite what you read that want you to believe encompasses everything ...

It is refreshing to see mandalis, that your personal development is at such a high level that you can allow people to believe in something you so obviously don't and not return the hatred, angst and intolerance they seem to live by.

it would be like a teacher hating a student that cannot master a lesson ...  unlike most Christians, I respect compassion because my belief system does not require denouncing everyone else ...

mandalis wrote:

you misspelled consciousness because you are asleep ...

or is it because he became fascinated by watching you on your verbal hamster wheel?

i was referring to some of the montalk material about living with the mind asleep ...  John Carpenter's THEY LIVE! also discusses this point ...  if I can help one person wake up from the dark ages the time is well spent ...  here in another link on how religions induce an alpha wave sleep state for brainwashing ... http://www.freedomdomain.com/mindcontro … attle.html

mandalis wrote:

the ego and consciousness are one in the same, the individual ...

Well your ego is wounded that is painfully obvious, that by your definition means your consciousness is wounded too. I ask forgiveness on behalf of everybody that has wounded you that you identify as being Christian.

why would you think either my ego or consciousness is wounded?  i am actually quite egotistical, hence i can go around telling brainwashed religious fanatics that everything they know is wrong and to get out of the dark ages ...  intolerant religious fanatics have caused much damage to the world, just look at the mess the world's religious fanatics have created lately ...  right now there are kids all over the middle east killing each other over nothing more than 'faith' ...  the idea that 'Jesus is the way' or that salvation only comes through the blood of the lamb is really implying that everyone else is less worthy and going to hell for not kowtowing to your Jesus ...

mandalis wrote:

you are your higher self

The "Godspark" people talk about being in them I don't believe as just being your higher self, but your highest self. Your higher self may be 4th, 5th, 6th D etc can be achieved by you and your own ability. Where as it is your highEST self that is united with God/ the infinite consciousness/ the cosmic awareness, what have you. That I can become better is not that hard to believe. That I can become perfect? Well now that is something hard to believe and will take faith and perseverence to achieve.

your higher/highest self is you in the future beyond the illusion of mortality ... this entire world/dimension is designed to get you to believe in the illusion of mortality ....  if your soul was not immortal, you could actually get away with causing suffering and not have to repay your debts ...

mandalis wrote:

and will suffer for your/it's own sins ...

Hmmm you believe in the "masochistic god of the old testament"?

actually, having the chance to repay your karmic debts is very benevolent ...  if you weren't given the opportunity to suffer for your sins then that would be truly sadistic ...  (you meant sadistic and not masochistic right?)

mandalis wrote:

you have no inner spirituality ......your introverted spirituality is a way of burying your head in the sand

What even if a person has an inner spirituality if it doesn't fit your mold it is wrong/ fake a way of burying your head?
You certainly make a lot of assumptions about nexus' and anybody that professes to be christian as being what bush is and siding with the wholesale slaughter...dude nothing could be farther from the truth! you seriously need to step back and let people be people. see the individual for who they are.

the same belief's in Jesus/Mohamed are being used by Americans/Muslims to kill each other ... believing in such idolatry is sinful in that it provides justification for the destruction of those who do not share the beliefs ...  true spirituality is beyond this world and the history of this world ...  believing in false sun god idolatry is exactly the cause of the problem ...  i am not the one with a mold that needs to be fit into ...  the historical origins of Christianity are very clear and verifiable,  look at the zodiac, look at the history of Osiris, Isis, Set and Horus ...  propaganda like the divinci code has been contrived to provide a modern basis for the Jesus myth instead of admitting the truth about sun worship ...

As for your Zodiac time line, He was a lamb slain, not a lion. easter is in the spring not winter - mind you maybe the legalistic/ traditional Jews did move the passover which which had been established for centuries just to help show Christianity is false.

in the bible, his ministry concluded as the Lion of Judah ...  the historical reasons behind the selections of the various dates is very complicated, however know that the moment of the resurrection is December 25, when the sun has passed through the Winter solstice and starts redeeming life with spring ...  the resurrection takes awhile astronomically until March 21 when the north celestial pole meets the celestial equator on the Vernal equinox, or spring ...  keep in mind that it is a cycle that repeats so the sun/son is born of a virgo/virgin to die and be reborn ...  check out the link on easter again  http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/easter.htm ... there are some illustrations that help explain it ...  also, the word easter is actually from Esther or Eastarte, the Greek fertility sex goddess that was symbolized by a bunny ...  the date in spring was chosen to represent the rebirth in order to coincide with an ancient pagan fertility holiday dedicated to the sex bunny Eastarte ...  much of the greek mythology also corresponds with Christianity, the original new testament was in Greek ...   look at this section from http://www.freedomdomain.com/relig.htm

With enough Knowledge out there, eventually people will return back to a state of self-interpretation of spirituality instead of being told what God wants or has said.  The ancient people held a set of belief systems which were very primitive as far as simplicity but they were extremely knowledgeable in their understanding.

It doesn't matter what religion you are today, there is a common underlying source of ideas and these ideas are what have come down through history.  Therefore all religions have certain things in common and have all borrowed their  current ideas and doctrines from older religions. This can be seen by looking at

First of all, in ancient times, there were certain things which obviously mystified the early people and the were certain apparent features of the landscape
which were difficult to ignore.

1. The Sun : A little difficult to ignore, don't you think. If the sun, which is the source of all life fails to come up the next morning the ancient people would not have lived long and they knew this. The Sun invigorates you with it's energy and causes the crops to grow. The Sun gives up it's life force to provide us with warmth and food and many other things. So it could be said that the Sun of God gives it's life up for US and it is the TRUE SAVIOR for it has risen-"Risen Savior" 

When the ancient people would track the Sun on the "Sun dial", as it still does today, the Sun traveles South until the Winter Solstice when it cold and harsh, representing death and the Sun would stop "ON THE SUN DIAL FOR THREE DAYS and on December 25th, the Sun would be said "To be BORN AGAIN" on the CROSS OF THE ZODIAC" after having died for three days. This is when the Sun begins it's annual journey back to the Northern Hemisphere.

The Ancient calender also started at a different time. It began in Virgo and ended in leo, that is why the Sphynx has the head of a Virgin and the Body of a Lion. When the Sun of God was re-born, it was in the Constellation of Virgo, so it was said "Born of a Virgin". The Sun is the "Eye of God" or "Eye of Horus". Ra was the Sun God in Egypt. His full name was Amen Ra. That is why we say "A-men" after our prayers. The Egyptians knew this and all of the Egyptian beliefs and customs are built into our society secretly by the Freemasons. Both symbols below are the Sun.

The Origin of the Trinity, the father, the sun, and the holy spirit. Horus comes up at the "Hor-izon". He is born, this is the beginning, 12:00 he is the "Most High", and then the Sun "Sets", hence "Set" or "Satan", the prince of darkness does battle with the light of the world and wins, until the Sun is re-born the next day. This is a representation of the evolution of life. The birth, or the beginning, mid-life starting in your teen years, and old age, leading to death, the end of life. This is also symbolized in other religions going very far back. In India, there is Brahma, the Father, Vishnu, the Son, and Shiva.

In Malachai 4:2 of the Old Testament, it states "But unto you, fear my name, shall the Sun of rightiousness arise with healing in his wings." Look at the above symbol from egypt of the Sun and his wings. Jesus was supposed to have 12 apostles. These were the 12 Houses of the Zodiac.

In the book of Job Chapter 38:33 "Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? 38:31 "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Plei-a-des or loose the bands of Orion?" 38:32 "Canst thou bring forth Mazz-a-roth in his season? or canst thou guide Arc-tu-rus with his sons?" This is all in reference to the zodiac and astrology. The definition of Mazzaroth in the King James Version of the bible is "The twelve houses of the zodiac".

Jesus is said to have fed his people with two fishes and five loaves. The two fishes represent "Pisces" and the age of Pisces or that particular House of the Zodiac. That is why Jesus is referred to as the "great fisherman". It is also why the Pope's headdress is shaped like a fish. If you turn it sideways you will see this. Rome ruled the world for 2000 years under the age of Pisces. "Dogon" is the fish God, which is what is actually represented. The New Testament is Astrology.

In Matthew 28:20 it states "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age". What is being talked about is the "End of the Age", the age of "Pisces".  The
end of the "Age" is often mistaken for the "end of the world", creating the "Apocalypse fears". Joshua was called the Son of Nun, which in Hebrew means "fish".  The new "Age of Aquarius" is coming. The symbol for the age of Aquarius is the "Water-bearer", or the man with a water pitcher.

In Luke 22:10, when jesus is asked by his 12 apostles where he will go to settle his new kingdom, he responds, "Behold, when ye arew entered into the city,  here shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water, follow him into the house where he entereth in." This is the "House of Aquarius".

In Matthew 12:32, "The holy spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." In Matthew 13:39, "The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels". 13:40 "As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age". In Matthew 24:3 "and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" and from Luke 18:30 "the kingdom of God will fail to recieve many times as nmuch in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." First Corinthians 3:6, "We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age who are coming to nothing". Hebrews 6:5 "Who have tasted the goodness of the word of god and the powers of the coming age". and in Revelation 15:3 "Great and marvelous are you Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the Ages."

--The Sun, our Lord, is the King of the Ages and we are in the "End Times" and entering a "New Age". There is nothing to fear in this regard, of a "New Age" or the  End Times".

The "Passover" is the Sun passing over into the Winter Solstice from the Fall Equinox. This too was borrowed from the Hebrews who borrowed it from the Egyptians.

mandalis wrote:

what would the animal farm be without sheep

Yup and every animal farm has a toad and we love that noble creature too.

so you agree that his 'i agree with everything' comment was bleating?  i am not a toad, and I do not appreciate you trying to label me as one ...  I also am not impressed by your false and hollow affection like I am not impressed by your false and hollow religion ...  this is why the Catholic church masters laugh at your ignorant protestant heresies ... so  you think you have the knowledge to interpret scripture do you?  why do you think the priests would study ancient Greek?  was it not to understand their mythology?  spare me your hollow sympathy and your false praise ...  i am like the statue of a Buddha ... your criticisms leave me unmoved and your praises are met only with silence ...  your love is like the love of an insurance salesman ...

There's my two cents since you're so fond of money.

keep your money and your simpleton anti-semetic ignorant holier than thou protestant heresies that only alienate and condescend while pretending to be loving ... save yourself because your Jesus cannot save you ...  the Buddha did not come begging with a bowl for money but to save people's souls by teaching them compassion and non-attachment ...  when his disciples were forbidden to have anything else and started collecting begging bowls, he smashed them to pieces and said ' I have taken you away from your family and property and everything earthly for which you have attachment, yet you still lust for your begging bowls ... '

32 (edited by nexus 2007-06-05 20:11:28)

Re: George Washington

I've got a confession to make.

And i'd like everyone to forgive me.

I have spoken... well kind of an untruth...   sorry... for the spelling mistake.

mandalis,  that was quite a diatribe ...  When we are dealing with truth in 'myth' and 'symbolology' we can look outward to the mundane world for answers and we can find answers... because they are there.  We can also look within to discover whether or not the 'mundane' was the only inspiration for the person/people who produced the symbols and for those who perpetuated them over time.

If a person does not believe that a higher self is within/beyond the external self then it stands to reason that that person will not find a Self beyond their known identity. In that case there can be no room for spiritual symbols.  Only material ones.  Also, I have no problem with all the zodiacal symbology in scripture.

Astrology is very significant to the individual as are all the symbols we've been discussing and a true understanding of it is another fascinating study.  So it is not essential that i "believe" [ like fundamentalists in all religions ] that everything in the scriptures must be literally interpreted.  Neither does that mean that it is ALL recycled symbology.  As i said earlier something new and profound is added each time by the people who take on the roles in the 'drama'.

Unfortunately as well, the ANTI -forces always add and / or remove portions of the work after these enlightened people depart. That is why progressive revelation is seen throughout history and why it will continue... there is no end of the world.  [ another distortion of so called "christianity".]  So i am not holding the bible up and insisting it is the infallible truth of God in every respect.  It is by no means that.  But it is Icke's absolutism, and yours that i answered.

mandalis...  you don't accept that the man Jesus lived [ and therefore lives ] and i do.

I could as easily have substituted any symbol i discussed for :   Jesus / Christ
                                                                                       ie.     Guatama / Buddha

                                                                               or              Krishna   / Krishna consciousness

                                                                               or              nexus    / higher Self

                                                                               or           mandalis  /  most high

These symbols/words reveal the same enduring spiritual truth about ALL individuals... as the avatars taught and as i keep saying.  It is not sectarian.  It is universal. That's why the symbols are so enduring.  So i am not suggesting everyone worship my "sun god" mandalis.  And NO, all jews, muslims, buddhists, catholics are NOT doomed.  They will only doom themselves if they misunderstand the spiritual meaning of their symbols and actually believe that a SYMBOL for higher consciousness is ACTUALLY an external God... and that their "god" is better than yours.

The symbolisms we've discussed are common to the many religions because their spiritual meaning is common to humanity.

So i have no problem mentioning Jesus.  He is just one of the people who brought new truth to embellish old 'myths'.  But if all you can find there is rehashed fantasy you may not be looking hard enough.  Just one of Jesus' outstanding contributions to the jewish culture at the time was [ and they didn't know it until he told them so] :

                                          " The kingdom of God [ the consciousness of God ] is within you."

Contrary to popular belief David Icke didn't invent that.  But I take my hat off to both Jesus for saying it and David for agreeing with him.

Also, contrary to your opinion, a person who finds the inner spiritual consciousness is not an introvert.  Jesus was willing to confront the 'mind of duality' in his self styled enemies.  Read some of the things he said to them.  While i accept that some older script was recycled through the mouth of Jesus,  you can find many revealling statements that you will find nowhere else.  Read the exchanges between himself and the jewish scribes and pharisees. They just loved the letter of the law... but not the spirit :

" Woe [ karma ] unto you lawyers, for you have taken away the key of [ self ] knowledge. You would not
   enter in yourselves [ to the inner 'kingdom'] and those that would [ enter in ] ye hindered" 

Jesus did not want to be worshipped as a god.  He found the "inner kingdom".  That is, he was the embodiment of the higher Self [ the Christ ] and his message for us to do the same is everywhere present if you know how to interpret it.

Same message from Guatama Buddha :

         " therefore oh Ananda,  be ye lamps unto yourselves [ inner kingdom ]... be of refuge to yourselves.
            take yourselves to no external refuge [ the lower ego or practitioners of it in the priesthood ]
            hold fast to the truth [ within ] as a lamp [ of inner gnosis ]
            hold fast as a refuge to the [ inner ] truth
            work out [ thereby ] your own salvation.

Like Buddha,  Jesus never taught a fear and violence based approach to spirituality.  Please don't blame me or Jesus for the violence done in his name.  Most people on NR know that the "bad guys" wear the mask of the 'good guys'[ their version that is ] to fool the masses into conflict with each other.  It's a game that 'bad guys' can only win if we don't awaken from the " sleep" of sense consciousness [ and ignorance to the reality of the inner spirit ] and human egotism.

Yes mandalis, ego is consciousness, but it is not the Higher consciousness i've been talking about.  The human ego is "just an 'interference pattern'... a hologram if you like."  And the only way it can be seen for what it is, is to expose it to the inner light of Christ. [ you may know by now that i believe you can call that by other names... it is your higher self.]

I should not have to fear to use the word Christ, even if you don't use it.  In the same way i'm happy to name Jesus even if you like to associate his name with the violent crimes and distorted teachings of his self styled enemies.   

Anyway, Buddha taught that direct personal experience is the final test of truth.  Intellectual argument will not prove you right or me wrong.

mandalis,  I suggest we abandon the George Washington post with all this.

33 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-05 15:08:04)

Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:

I've got a confession to make.

So i am not holding the bible up and insisting it is the infallible truth of God in every respect.  It is by no means that.  But it is Icke's absolutism, and yours that i answered.

mandalis...  you don't accept that the man Jesus lived [ and therefore lives ] and i do.

I could as easily have substituted any symbol i discussed for :   Jesus / Christ
                                                                                       ie.     Guatama / Buddha

                                                                               or              Krishna   / Krishna consciousness

                                                                               or              nexus    / higher Self

                                                                               or           mandalis  /  most high

These symbols/words reveal the same enduring spiritual truth about ALL individuals... as the avatars taught and as i keep saying.  It is not sectarian.  It is universal. That's why the symbols are so enduring.  So i am not suggesting everyone worship my "sun god" mandalis.  And NO, all jews, muslims, buddhists, catholics are NOT doomed.  They will only doom themselves if they misunderstand the spiritual meaning of their symbols and actually believe that a SYMBOL for higher consciousness is ACTUALLY a God... and that their "god" is better than yours.

let us sing

my god is bigger than your god,
my god is bigger than yours!
my god is bigger than your god,
my god is bigger than yours!

The symbolisms we've discussed are common to the many religions because their spiritual meaning is common to humanity.

upon hearing the truth the wise will never forget it, the mediocre remember it on and off as convenient, and the fool laughs loudly - for if the fool does not laugh loudly it is not the Tao ...  Lao Tzu

so what do you believe?  is Jesus a symbol of your higher self, is he the guide of your higher self, or did he really live?  or are you able to understand that he is part of a myth used to enslave by creating fear of failure to meet his expectations? 

Also, contrary to your opinion, a person who finds the inner spiritual consciousness is not an introvert.  Jesus was willing to confront the 'mind of duality' in his self styled enemies.

anyway, the reason why I called you and other Christians introverted is because Christianity by definition requires all to be saved by Jesus so all others are doomed by default in order to validate the Christian premise ...  Christianity has historically been a banner of bloodletting and requires introverted intolerance ...

Jesus did not want to be worshipped as a god.  He found the "inner kingdom".  That is, he was the embodiment of the higher Self [ the Christ ] and his message for us to do the same is everywhere present if you know how to interpret it.

while you may believe this it is not exactly in line with Christian teaching which requires all others join or die ...  the Christ is not your higher self, but an abdication of your higher self ...

Like Buddha,  Jesus never taught a fear and violence based approach to spirituality.  Please don't blame me or Jesus for the violence done in his name.  Most people on NR know that the "bad guys" wear the mask of the 'good guys'[ their version that is ] to fool the masses into conflict with each other.  It's a game that 'bad guys' can only win if we don't awaken from the " sleep" of sense consciousness [ and ignorance to the reality of the inner spirit ] and human egotism.

Christianity doesn't preach fear?  Now you are being dishonest.  Do you know how hot the fires of hell are?  Don't you know that the only way, truth and life is Jesus and that only through his blood can you be saved?  Take off your mask.  Or more precisely, take the mask off your higher self.

Yes mandalis, ego is consciousness, but it is not the Higher consciousness i've been talking about.  The human ego is "just an 'interference pattern'... a hologram if you like."  And the only way it can be seen for what it is, is to expose it to the inner light of Christ. [ you may know by now that i believe you can call that by other names... it is your higher self.]

now here you go ' the ONLY WAY IT CAN BE SEEN FOR WHAT IT IS, is to expose it to the inner light of Christ ' - so by default all the Jews cannot see?  all the Buddhists cannot see?  all the Hindus cannot see?  all the aboriginal peoples of the world untouched by the filth of Christian idolatry cannot see?  you may try to hedge your prejudice by calling Christ 'other names' but again this is not in line with the doctrines of the Christian churches ...  the ego is not the interference pattern, the universe is the interference pattern, the future higher self is the power source and the present ego self is the laser beam and the hologram is time ...  think of it like a star, when you look at the sky you see a point of light that originated millions of years ago - so it isn't really a point but more of a line spiraling like a conch throughout history to you ... the past does not become the future through the present, the futures become the past through the present ...

I should not have to fear to use the word Christ, even if you don't use it.  In the same way i'm happy to name Jesus even if you like to associate his name with the violent crimes and distorted teachings of his self styled enemies.

but the reason you use the word Christ as the label for the higher authority is to invoke fear in those whom refuse to join with you ...  you are quick to distance yourself from the legions of killers in the name of Christ while you still subscribe to their dark ages mentality ...  the good guys do not need masks ...  so I ask you again, is he a symbol or is he a person?  believing two things at once creates your interference pattern ...

Anyway, Buddha taught that direct personal experience is the final test of truth.  Intellectual argument will not prove you right or me wrong.

here is the part you have yet to understand ... i am not arguing ...

mandalis,  I suggest we abandon the George Washington post with all this.

from the lectures of Li Hongzhi ...  http://www.falundafa.org/

one day the Buddha told a disciple that he wanted to bathe in the bathtub, it was not smooth like a modern bathtub as it was made of stone and was filled with insects, so he told the disciple to clean the bathtub ...  the disciple came back and told the Buddha that the bathtub was filled with living creatures and that if he cleaned the bathtub they would be killed ...  the Buddha told the disciple to go clean the bathtub ...

34 (edited by nexus 2007-06-05 20:52:40)

Re: George Washington

I have never said Jesus is a symbol. I have said that he is a real person.

The words used for the higher Self are the symbols.

eg. Christ , Buddha, Krishna, Most High, Sun, Son etc. 

I have said christianity preaches fear and practices violence in Jesus name.  I have not inferred or said that Jesus 'preached' it.  You have.  You are aware that unfortunately this sort of thing happens in every society and every religion.

The higher Self is not a future Self.  It is present and available within you now.  This teaching is what got Jesus killed. It enraged the false priests.  The idea was a threat to their power over the 'faithful'.

Jesus was accused by the false priests who called him a madman and the devil.  They demanded to know what was he doing making himself the "Son of God ".... "what blasphemy !!!" they cried , pointing to their external 'proofs.'

He said :

""  You say that i blaspheme by calling myself the Son of God. Yet read your own scriptures.  Moses spoke truthfully when he declared to the children of Israel : " I have said... YE ARE GODS and ALL Sons of the MOST HIGH, yet you say i blaspheme because i say i am the "SON" of God???? "  ""

Also, it is as big a mistake to imagine that that inner Self is futuristic as it is for christians to believe that Jesus is coming bodily in the future.  The higher Self can be realised in this body. That is the message the avatars have taught.  The mistake is to imagine that higher Selfhood is exclusive to some person in the past, or someone coming in the future [ ie. Jesus or Maitreya Buddha or King Arthur ]

" NOW is the accepted time for salvation [ self elevation ] saith the Lord [ your higher Self ]"

Mandalis, i've got no problem presenting my perspective on the subject of spirituality and the higher Self.  I've got no problem discussing the symbols for it which in my view are 'writ large' throughout history.

Neither of us will find the inner spiritual Self outside of ourselves in books, symbols, intellectual arguments or any where else externally.  But we can find external things that can key us into the inner spiritual vibration of the real Self... keys to the "inner kingdom" if you like.  If you don't like, call it something else... i've given several examples of symbols you can use or you can make up your own.

I honestly think that anyone else reading this thread will know what i've been trying to say. I don't mind if people dissagree with me.  That's the great thing about NR.  We challenge each other to at least make ourselves clear about what we are saying.  After that we can agree or dissagree.

But mandalis, i am starting to wonder about you.  Elsewhere on NR you have demonstrated an acute ability to at least understand what others are saying. Whether or not you agree with them is another thing.  I don't see you raising straw men and being quite so borish or quite as feral either. But in this post you twist almost everything i'm saying, then you hurl it back at me as though your own misunderstandings were mine.

You're so consistent with that i am starting to think it is deliberate.  That you're the one on a mission and the mission is clear.... " don't say the 'J' word or the word Christ  because it is associated with .... drumroll.... darkness."

It's the word associations you keep distorting. That has been part of the purpose of darkness infiltrating truth throughout history.  That's why the " baddies" wear the mask of 'absolute good'.... so that they can trash it... and then tear down their idols.  It deals a brutal psychological blow to their targets and they know it. That is similar to what you're doing... tearing down false idols that i myself have not set up.  The false idols are your own straw men.  And so i think that is your ultimate purpose in your interaction with me.

I hope it is just a wounded ego, or a proud ego.  But i'm thinking now that your inability to at least hear me correctly is intentional.  Only you know why.

I wont have anything more to say on the subject in this thread.

35 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-05 20:44:51)

Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:

I have never said Jesus is a symbol. I have said that he is a real person.

The words used for the higher Self are the symbols.

eg. Christ , Buddha, Krishna, Most High, Sun, Son etc.

so Christ is both an actual person and a symbol?  you are aware that in the bible Christ and Jesus are the same person?

I have said christianity preaches fear and practices violence in Jesus name.  I have not inferred or said that Jesus 'preached' it.  You have.  You are aware that unfortunately this sort of thing happens in every society and every religion.

this is not what I am referring to, what I am saying is that the Christian dogma of 'salvation through the blood of the lamb' implies that no other way leads to salvation and thus all other cultures must be destroyed ...  this is a source of great evil and to cling to the idea is also evil ...  get out of the dark ages and stop wearing masks ...  I am the one that said Christianity preaches fear, you have said it is higher consciousness ...

The higher Self is not a future Self.  It is present and available within you now.  This teaching is what got Jesus killed. It enraged the false priests.  The idea was a threat to their power over the 'faithful'.

it is the present self that is lost in delusion, the future self has the benefit of hindsight and thus is higher

Also, it is as big a mistake to imagine that that inner Self is futuristic as it is for christians to believe that Jesus is coming bodily in the future.  The higher Self can be realised in this body. That is the message the avatars have taught.

the sun will rise again, so they say ...  so now they are 'avatars' instead of 'symbols' or 'people that actually lived' ... can you make up your mind?  try being honest with yourself for a change ...  even when you apologize for not being honest you are being dishonest ...

"now is the accepted time for salvation [ self elevation ] saith the Lord [ your higher Self ]"

Mandalis, i've got no problem presenting my perspective on the subject of spirituality and the higher Self.  I've got no problem discussing the symbols for it which in my view are 'writ large' throughout history.

Neither of us will find the inner spiritual Self outside of ourselves in books, symbols, intellectual arguments or any where else externally.  But we can find external things that can key us into the inner spiritual vibration of the real Self... keys to the "inner kingdom" if you like.  If you don't like, call it something else... i've given several examples or you can make up your own.

yet you have said before that 'Jesus lived' as flesh and argued relentlessly with my thesis that Jesus is the plagiarism of the myth of Horus from Egypt ...  now you try to backtrack and say he is just a symbol?  how can Jesus be both?  you've given no examples, just Christian idolatry sun worship babble that you don't understand yourself yet remain impressed by ...  THE SUN IS THE GIVER OF LIFE!  THE SUN WILL RISE AGAIN!

I honestly think that anyone else reading this thread will know what i've been trying to say. I don't mind if people dissagree with me.  That's the great thing about NR.  We challenge each other to at least make ourselves clear about what we are saying.  After that we can agree or dissagree.

nothing you have said on this thread has been honest with others or yourself ...  go back and read through your comments ... can you really not see the contradictions?  two traders in a futures pit will agree to disagree, however in the future when the contract expires only one is right ...  you can pretend you are above facts, but it won't save you from yourself ...  you can also try to generalize about how 'anyone else reading this thread' will agree with you, however you are not succeeding in intimidating me with your groupthink the way your church tries to do ...

But mandalis, i am starting to wonder about you.  Elsewhere on NR you have demonstrated an acute ability to at least understand what others are saying. Whether or not you agree with them is another thing.  I don't see you raising straw men and being quite so borish or quite as feral either. But in this post you twist almost everything i'm saying, then you hurl it back at me as though your own misunderstandings were mine.

you just don't want to admit you are wrong when you know you are and you know that Jesus is really the personification of the sunrise and a myth used to enslave people while they pretend it is salvation of higher consciousness ...

You're so consistent with that i am starting to think it is deliberate.  That you're the one on a mission and the mission is clear.... " don't say the 'J' word or the word Christ  because it is associated with .... drumroll.... darkness."

correct ... consistency is deliberate, it's called honesty ... give it a try instead of going from people, to avatars, to symbols - all the while refusing to acknowledge the one thing you know is the truth, Jesus is the personification of the sunrise and spring ...  much suffering has been perpetuated by true believers such as yourself, and even if you don't commit the acts, it is your indifference to others that won't accept your view that is truly evil ...  they laugh at me for trying to educate the goy ...   go ahead and cling to your Santa Claus and Easter Bunny, you don't believe they are real do you? 

It's the word associations you keep distorting. That has been part of the purpose of darkness infiltrating truth throughout history.  That's why the " baddies" wear the mask of 'absolute good'.... so that they can trash it... and then tear down their idols.  It deals a brutal psychological blow to their targets and they know it. That is similar to what you're doing... tearing down false idols that i myself have not set up.  The false idols are your own straw men.  And so i think that is your ultimate purpose in your interaction with me.

so you denounce my distorted word associations without articulating what they are?  and you brag about being honest?  you are being evil idolater and denouncer of other cultures trying to wear the mask of the benevolent Christian ...  your bible thumping Jesus nonsense is the definition of idolatry, and yes, you yourself have set this up ...  go read your first post and in the future keep your antisemitic idols to yourself ...

I hope it is just a wounded ego, or a proud ego.  But i'm thinking now that your inability to at least hear me correctly is intentional.  Only you know why.

so now you try to get personal ...  when I make comments about you, I am referring to things you have said ...  when you make comments about me, you are just trying to be insulting without any foundation  ...  I understand your points perfectly well.  First you jumped in to trumpet the fact that Jesus is better than everyone else, then you say he is just a symbol, then you say I just don't understand correctly what you are saying ... in life, if people do not understand you it is your fault, not theirs ...  if I am not 'correctly' understanding you, can you articulate why I am incorrect?  you don't understand yourself, and I do not say that to make a personal comment, I am just inventorying facts ...  like any Jesus brain-washers,  you just can't let any discussion happen without trying to argue the supremacy of your sun god over all other cultures ... protecting diversity from people like you whom would presume to use the state to eliminate rival churches is what George Washington fought for ...

I wont have anything more to say on the subject in this thread.

so you have said that before, but you Jesus brain-washers just can never tolerate anyone not accepting your sun god as their own ...  watch, you won't be able to keep from responding ...you will have to try to defend your dark ages belief system in order to feel superior to everyone else that does not share it ...

36 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-05 20:51:09)

Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:

How do you account for all the other brilliant things that are recorded as Jesus' words?   Would you put them in Constantines mouth?  How would he or those roman crazies know how to interpret the older 'myths' in the first place let alone elaborate so beautifully ?

a true believer  ...

Constantine was less crazy and more brilliant than you, you still believe in the lies he invented centuries ago and find them beautiful ...

37 (edited by nexus 2007-06-06 02:00:43)

Re: George Washington

I will concede that mandalis is correct about one thing only... ie. I am making a reply.  smile

mandalis... I will not reply to your endless intentional distortions of my posts and your barrage of new straw men. They are popping up everywhere as is your obvious contempt for me personally.  That is why i said you are prideful and wounded.   You have lost all reason... but you can still shout.

And no, i haven't invoked the support of NR members in agreeing with what i am saying.  I meant that they will know the difference between what i am actually saying and your own perception of what i am saying.  I am giving them the benefit of that intelligence because i have seen it all over this forum.

2 things.  The general mistake of "christians" and many others [ especially those who have an exoteric misunderstanding of their own religions ] is that Jesus and Christ are "the same person" as you put it.

Jesus was a man like you or me.

" Christ" was not Jesus' surname.  It was a word /symbol /title...

ie.......Jesus " the Christ "

Christ means "annointed".      Jesus the man was annointed with something..   with what?

...with the "Christ ".    What is "the Christ" ???   

It is the central " SUN"  Presence of his HIGHER SELF. [ centered in the heart chakra and radiating through all 7 chakras... ie... symbolically : the 7 virgins.]  The inner Christ Conciousness in Jesus is the same inner Higher consciousness in you and in me.  Christ is a word meaning a higher Spiritual state of consciosness. The same inner Spiritual consciousness is within Jesus and within all of us.

That is why the Christ Spirit spoke through him saying : "whatsoever you have done to the least of these my brethren you have done to me." That is because the same Spirit is in each person individualised as their higher Self.  Perhaps that understanding would clear up your misperceptions about what i have been saying.

If it doesn't make it clearer for you just substitute different words/symbols/ titles that mean the same thing.

ie.   Buddha was not Guatama's surname.

eg.  Guatama  "the Buddha"               Krishna  "Krishna consciousness"      see?...

"Buddha" is Guatama's higher Self.  "Krishna Consciousness" is Krishna's higher Self.  "Christ" is Jesus' higher Self.

They were all one with their higher Self.... they just had different names for it in different cultures.

While the WORDS mean the same thing,  the people who embodied the higher Self [ which the words and symbols mean ] were real people.  The word, CHRIST / BUDDHA / KRISHNA was simply a NAME for their higher Self.

Here is the other reason i am replying to you after i thought i was finished with this post.  I accept that it probably hasn't.

"The lamb of God .... takes away the sins of the world."  Misunderstood by "christians" and youself.

This is another symbol.  I don't imagine that a man can take away anyone's sins.  It is not possible.   The "lamb" is symbolic of the Higher spiritual Consciousness IN Jesus.   That same inner Consciousness is IN you and IN me.  That inner Presence in EVERY PERSON can forgive [ transmute ] each persons sins [ ego consciousness.]  The difference between Jesus, Krishna, Guatama and the average person is that they have fully "immersed" themselves in that Spirit to the extent that they have fully BECOME it in full conscious awareness. 

Thats why the Christ Consciousness could speak THROUGH Jesus and say :

" No man goes unto the Father [ the I AM Presence in EVERY person ]
   but by me.[ the Christ consciosness in all] " ie the "lamb"= higher Self in EVERY person.

The word "me" in that statement does not merely refer to Jesus the man. 

The lamb symbol is one predating Jesus' appearance ~2000 yrs ago.
It is another example of an older symbol being used appropriately in relation to the Christ 'drama' personified by Jesus.  It is only helpful if we know what it really means in relation to the life of Jesus, and to ourselves.

"the lamb of God"  =  the Higher Self [ many different names.]   NO problem if you understand that.

"takes away the sins of the world" [ transmutes the karma of worldly cocsciousness in yourself, ego]

Ie.  If we go within and find the Spiritual consciousness we eventually find a light radiance, that sometimes,  is not unlike the sun on a spring day.  That light, if we are willing to accept it and it's loving guidance, will stream into our mind and emotions [ conscious and subconscious] and "ressurect"[ transmute/ forgive / wash the sins of ] the dark energies of the outer ego.  It is the construction of that lower ego that blocks the conscious realisation of this inner light.

If we are persistent with this process we too can stand in the light of this Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness of higher Selfhood.   The only sense of "futurism" about this process of the wedding of the soul to the lamb [ higher Self ] is that it takes time and testing to actually become the fullness of the Higher Self bodily.  That is exactly what the avatars did.  And they taught us to do the same. Unfortunately the false priest classes would rather deify flesh and blood than pass the batton of a higher inner truth. 

Avatar = God man [ifestation]

mandalis... I am not concerned whether people call me a Christian, a Buddhist , a Jew a Hindu or none of these.  I will take truth where my heart confirms.  At the same time, i am happy to be called any religion by those who understand the universality of the spiritual message in all religions.

"He who has [esoteric] ears let him hear" [the inner truths hidden from the profane]

38 (edited by MonAmie-Zylo 2007-06-06 12:42:40)

Re: George Washington

Gosh, from George Washington to Jesus....What a wonderful stream of consciousness that unites a flow of human history.

Anyhow, in French:     Soleil........Sun          Fils.......Son .....(Sound!)
Le Pere, Le fils, et le Bon Esprit...... The Father, The Son, the Good Spirit (though I know that in english you say, the 'Holy Ghost'.  In French, we say, Le Bon Esprit, the Good Spirit.  (I was really afraid of ghosts (as a Kid that is, now I say Hello), In French, they also say, Le Bon Dieu vous a cree.  The Good God created you.  In english,God created you.

Just my two cents, so another 2 cents:  Where's  The Mother, The Daughter and the Great Spirit....?????
The Female Body gives birth to boys and girls....duh?

........................, otherwise, I enjoyed reading this 'thread'!

Re: George Washington

Post #37..........................

Yes, Yes, and Yes,  smile:):)  Well said!

Re: George Washington


My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair...But Now They're Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows

-Tyrannosaurus rex


Re: George Washington

Dear Mon Amie-Zylo!  Here's hoping your personage isn't morphed directly into a bleating sheep (as mine was for agreeing with an earlier Nexus post).

Shoogie -- thank you for graphically depicting the obvious! Pithy truth indeed!

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel


Re: George Washington

MonAmie-Zylo wrote:

Gosh, from George Washington to Jesus....What a wonderful stream of consciousness that unites a flow of human history.

Anyhow, in French:     Soleil........Sun          Fils.......Son .....(Sound!)
Le Pere, Le fils, et le Bon Esprit...... The Father, The Son, the Good Spirit (though I know that in english you say, the 'Holy Ghost'.  In French, we say, Le Bon Esprit, the Good Spirit.  (I was really afraid of ghosts (as a Kid that is, now I say Hello), In French, they also say, Le Bon Dieu vous a cree.  The Good God created you.  In english,God created you.

Just my two cents, so another 2 cents:  Where's  The Mother, The Daughter and the Great Spirit....?????
The Female Body gives birth to boys and girls....duh?

........................, otherwise, I enjoyed reading this 'thread'!

the holy spirit is the blessed mother ...  osiris, isis, horus is the trinity

43 (edited by mandalis 2007-06-06 20:45:49)

Re: George Washington

nexus wrote:

I will concede that mandalis is correct about one thing only... ie. I am making a reply.  smile

because a zealot cannot anyone telling them something different from what they believe to be true ...  are you sure you're not a Scientologist?  if you were not offended, it would not be the truth ...

mandalis... I will not reply to your endless intentional distortions of my posts and your barrage of new straw men. They are popping up everywhere as is your obvious contempt for me personally.  That is why i said you are prideful and wounded.   You have lost all reason... but you can still shout.

And no, i haven't invoked the support of NR members in agreeing with what i am saying.  I meant that they will know the difference between what i am actually saying and your own perception of what i am saying.  I am giving them the benefit of that intelligence because i have seen it all over this forum.

the statement you made I was referring to was this:

nexus wrote:

I honestly think that anyone else reading this thread will know what i've been trying to say.

others on this forum seem disinclined to be as argumentative as me with a 'believer' ...

2 things.  The general mistake of "christians" and many others [ especially those who have an exoteric misunderstanding of their own religions ] is that Jesus and Christ are "the same person" as you put it.

Jesus was a man like you or me.

" Christ" was not Jesus' surname.  It was a word /symbol /title...

ie.......Jesus " the Christ "

Christ means "annointed".      Jesus the man was annointed with something..   with what?

...with the "Christ ".    What is "the Christ" ???   

It is the central " SUN"  Presence of his HIGHER SELF. [ centered in the heart chakra and radiating through all 7 chakras... ie... symbolically : the 7 virgins.]  The inner Christ Conciousness in Jesus is the same inner Higher consciousness in you and in me.  Christ is a word meaning a higher Spiritual state of consciosness. The same inner Spiritual consciousness is within Jesus and within all of us.

so 'Christ' is a symbol of the 'central SUN Presence of his HIGHER SELF'  but 'Jesus' was a real person and not a mythological symbol borrowed from Egyptology that corresponds exactly to the path of the sun through the constellations?  hmmm ...  so the myth of the life of Jesus was not invented to recreate the same priest caste around a Hebrew god instead of an Egyptian god?  hmmm ... 

That is why the Christ Spirit spoke through him saying : "whatsoever you have done to the least of these my brethren you have done to me." That is because the same Spirit is in each person individualised as their higher Self.  Perhaps that understanding would clear up your misperceptions about what i have been saying.

If it doesn't make it clearer for you just substitute different words/symbols/ titles that mean the same thing.

this is your whole problem, you are substituting symbols when you should not ... it is called idolatry and violates the first Hebrew commandment ... do not say that you were not warned!

ie.   Buddha was not Guatama's surname.

eg.  Guatama  "the Buddha"               Krishna  "Krishna consciousness"      see?...

"Buddha" is Guatama's higher Self.  "Krishna Consciousness" is Krishna's higher Self.  "Christ" is Jesus' higher Self.

They were all one with their higher Self.... they just had different names for it in different cultures.

While the WORDS mean the same thing,  the people who embodied the higher Self [ which the words and symbols mean ] were real people.  The word, CHRIST / BUDDHA / KRISHNA was simply a NAME for their higher Self.

Buddha is a title given to a great enlightened being, such as Buddha Amithabha, Bodisatva Avalokitesavara etc ...  actually Buddha Nexus, in the future everyone is a Buddha, just how long this takes for each individual Buddha is another matter altogether, have fun!  while you seem to be unclear about Christian dogma and like to make up your own interpretations, Jesus does not share his 'Christ' status with anyone ...   Christian churches do not preach that your capable of achieving the 'Christ' level of Jesus, hence they say he had to die for your sins ...  that is all part of the inherit evil nature of Christianity to 'save' others by converting them and killing them if they fail to convert ...  your Christian programming cannot allow you to allow me to explain where the origins of the Jesus mythology come from without arguing ...

Here is the other reason i am replying to you after i thought i was finished with this post.  I accept that it probably hasn't.

"The lamb of God .... takes away the sins of the world."  Misunderstood by "christians" and youself.

This is another symbol.

correct, but what is it a symbol of?  look at the order of what happens to Jesus in the bible and compare it with the constellations ...  the code key was published in a previous post from here: http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/easter.htm

the lamb of god is the sun entering Aires, March 21 through April 19, taking away the darkness of winter with the REBIRTH of spring ...

I don't imagine that a man can take away anyone's sins.  It is not possible.   The "lamb" is symbolic of the Higher spiritual Consciousness IN Jesus.   That same inner Consciousness is IN you and IN me.  That inner Presence in EVERY PERSON can forgive [ transmute ] each persons sins [ ego consciousness.]  The difference between Jesus, Krishna, Guatama and the average person is that they have fully "immersed" themselves in that Spirit to the extent that they have fully BECOME it in full conscious awareness.

so you believe which allows you to tolerate the suffering of those who do not so believe ...  this false worship of the sun as your higher self is called 'idolatry' ...

Thats why the Christ Consciousness could speak THROUGH Jesus and say :

" No man goes unto the Father [ the I AM Presence in EVERY person ]
   but by me.[ the Christ consciosness in all] " ie the "lamb"= higher Self in EVERY person.

The word "me" in that statement does not merely refer to Jesus the man.

and is also the statement that makes it 'okay' for people whom will not 'go by him' to  be  killed because they are allegedly unworthy of salvation                                                                                                                                    for refusing to acknowledge that "Jesus is the way' ...

The lamb symbol is one predating Jesus' appearance ~2000 yrs ago.
It is another example of an older symbol being used appropriately in relation to the Christ 'drama' personified by Jesus.  It is only helpful if we know what it really means in relation to the life of Jesus, and to ourselves.

and Jesus is a symbol of the sun

"the lamb of God"  =  the Higher Self [ many different names.]   NO problem if you understand that.

"takes away the sins of the world" [ transmutes the karma of worldly cocsciousness in yourself, ego]

Ie.  If we go within and find the Spiritual consciousness we eventually find a light radiance, that sometimes,  is not unlike the sun on a spring day.  That light, if we are willing to accept it and it's loving guidance, will stream into our mind and emotions [ conscious and subconscious] and "ressurect"[ transmute/ forgive / wash the sins of ] the dark energies of the outer ego.  It is the construction of that lower ego that blocks the conscious realisation of this inner light.

just like how the arrival of spring transmutes/forgives/washes away the winter right?  from March 21 to April 19 as the sun/son enters Aires right?

If we are persistent with this process we too can stand in the light of this Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness of higher Selfhood.   The only sense of "futurism" about this process of the wedding of the soul to the lamb [ higher Self ] is that it takes time and testing to actually become the fullness of the Higher Self bodily.  That is exactly what the avatars did.  And they taught us to do the same.

and Jesus taught us the Jews had to be killed for not accepting the 'father' through 'him' ... hence Christians have spent the better part of the past couple thousand years killing the unbelievers ... just like today the false idol sun god of Christianity is used as an excuse to kill the followers of the false idol moon god of Islam ...

Unfortunately the false priest classes would rather deify flesh and blood than pass the batton of a higher inner truth.

just like you as your worship your sun god as a false idol and pretend that your death worship is a truth ...  by saying that Jesus was the 'Christ' are you not deifying Jesus?

Avatar = God man [ifestation]

mandalis... I am not concerned whether people call me a Christian, a Buddhist , a Jew a Hindu or none of these.  I will take truth where my heart confirms.  At the same time, i am happy to be called any religion by those who understand the universality of the spiritual message in all religions.

you have neither spirituality nor religion ...  you believe whatever you want to believe and interpret everything however you want ...  you alienate and look down upon other cultures with beliefs that cannot accept other beliefs, and you cling to your false beliefs even when directly presented with the truth ...

"He who has [esoteric] ears let him hear" [the inner truths hidden from the profane]

and the truth is that Jesus never lived and is really Horus from Egyptian mythology that the Egyptians knew was just a personified symbol of the sunrise ...
and the truth is that you cannot accept this truth and cling to your superstition and symbols in order to look down on others ...

and the truth is that George Washington and his soldiers fought and won a new government in a new world where your kind cannot destroy others for not accepting your interpretation of symbols ...  may it never be forgotten ...


Re: George Washington

gcg wrote:

Dear Mon Amie-Zylo!  Here's hoping your personage isn't morphed directly into a bleating sheep (as mine was for agreeing with an earlier Nexus post).

Shoogie -- thank you for graphically depicting the obvious! Pithy truth indeed!

thank you all for such wonderful contributions that completely ignore all points raised while attempting to isolate someone that does not agree with your sun god idolatry ...

why don't you go pass around the collection basket so you all can continue to help your preacher maintain your illusions ...

Re: George Washington

Does my name on a post provide such angst for you that you won't read it? Over in The spirituality and metaphysical section is a thread titled "to give it a thread of its own".

mandalis wrote:

yet you have said before that 'Jesus lived' as flesh and argued relentlessly with my thesis

Nexus already indicted he thought it was a dicussion and that you were arguing. If it appears he is arguing it must being so you can hear him on your high horse.

mandalis wrote:

so now you try to get personal

After all the name calling and derogatory comments it is Nexus getting personal?

mandalis wrote:

and is also the statement that makes it 'okay' for people whom will not 'go by him' to  be  killed because they are allegedly unworthy of salvation                                                                                                                                    for refusing to acknowledge that "Jesus is the way' ...

Mandalis...that may be fundamentalist reasoning that buy into war but it does not automatically apply to all Christians. I will not be the judge of the person, I will leave that to God(or whom ever) my take is if we can get along great, if not life goes on, if the person is living a life of love what concern is it of mine.


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity