Topic: Never grow up! :)
Today I joined e-bay and participated in my first ever auctions..........all just so I could win several vintage Strawberry Shortcake dolls from the early 80's.
Now I finally get to have the dolls I didn't get for my collection back when I was a kid. haha I'm 30, and here I am, buying Strawberry Shortcake dolls.
When I was a kid and they stopped selling them I thought that was it, I was out of luck.
I figured I would never get the ones that I was missing. So I love the internet! E-bay rules! Seriously, these were my all time favorite toys, ever when I was a kid. I remember watching the commercials for them throughout 1979, when I was 4. I was mesmerized by the t.v. screen.........scented dolls??? I HAD to have them!! When Christmas came and I had to make out my wish list to Santa that was the only thing I asked for. "Strawberry Shortcake dolls." My mom had to nudge me to think of something else. "There must be something else you want...." I didn't want anything else though. I wanted Strawberry Shortcake dolls. That's it!
Two years ago at a job in Florida, a female coworker of mine found out that I still had all my SSC dolls and her whole face just lit up. I told her I would bring them in so she could see. She was like, "YES! Cool!" The next day when she opened the lid to the container it was like magic and happiness in a box! Seriously, she became someone else. She was a little kid again. It was neat.
Anybody else still have their all time favorite childhood toys? Or ever try to track them down and get them back, like on the internet? Buying these dolls today on e-bay made me realize that there just aren't any dolls out there nowadays like the SSC dolls, (or ANY of the 80's dolls.....Rainbow Brite, Herself the Elf, and all that cool 80's toy madness.......) Now when you go to the toystore they have these horrid dolls called 'Bratz'. Yes, with a z. They're these ghetto fabulous bling bling wearing materialistic rap gangsta hoochies. I don't know how else to describe them. Awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In comparison, SSC dolls were all cute and pure and innocent. Freckles, little pets, the cutest outfits you've ever seen, cute hair with all different colors and styles.
Times have certainly changed.
(btw, I'm not one of those crazy doll collector women peoples.......I just want a couple of more SSC dolls because I didn't get them all as a kid. )
Oh yes, and thanks to the wonders of the internet and, I also tracked down some of my favorite books from when I was a kid. Rounded those back up.
And today I bought "The Goonies" on DVD. THE all time fave childhood movie of mine.
I wonder, as the world gets crazier and crazier, am I burying my head in the sand or what?? hehe Seriously. Maybe it's a good thing though. Sure beats the fear frequency.
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."