Re: Positive thinking

rlha11 wrote:

Inherently all experiences are nuetral, they do not come with a positive/negative, good/bad meaning attached to them.  This meaning comes from you. Its your perspective of the experience.  And your perspective is based upon your beliefs.

Well, another way to think about it is that the experience is the meaning.  The two are the same - relative to an individual consciousness.  If all there is is lessons -> all experiences are lessons, and certainly the meaning is the lesson.  Therefore, the meaning of the experience is really just a lesson.  The next question is:

Are there negative lessons?
Well, depends on what negative means.  If it means, 'learn by not doing this' rather than 'learn by doing this', then there are certainly negative lessons.  Some have learned not to drive while drinking, in one way or another.

rlha11 wrote:

This is not a "bad" thing unless "I" believe it to be.  This is one understanding of the concept of you create your own reality.

Well, back to Lisette (who continues to offer a good exercise for this thread), she thinks that being taken by grey aliens and made to care for and provide motherly attention for hybrid newborns is only bad if one thinks it's bad.  If you consider yourself doing a service (not to mention the other half of the bargain - multiple pregnancy, experimentation, mind control) than it's good, right?

rlha11 wrote:

There is no right and wrong, good bad as far is the universe is concerned, as far as the subconscious is concerned, these are just expressions of the dualistic nature of our conscious physical reality, a method of comparing or polarizing on thing with another; one thing cannot be defined without something to compare it to.

Good point and nicely put.  I often refer rather than good/bad, right/wrong lesson learning to fast/slow.  It's like, do I take I-95 around the beltway (and maybe to Mars and back), or cut straight through the city.  There are choices in each lesson which we are faced with that can create (or allow) for the spirit or opportunistic synchronicity to accelerate a learning lesson.  It's like the World Order - they made their choices, selling humanity out, etc. - like the bunch of scared weasels they are - that they might be saved when the changes to come (in it's full and ironic naivete).  They too, will come 'round, just not on this spoke.

Re: Positive thinking

Another thought I just had.. you can catagorize any experience into compare/contrast on a personal level. But in doing so you are creating a seperation from the experience itself.  So if you are experiencing something and saying to yourself "this is bad" that is the meaning of the experience, not the experience itself. Which leads to the question: can you experience anything without applying your own meaning to it?
When you say "this experience is a lesson."does it mean,  It helped me, It hindered me, but still taught me something regardless?...  it seems there is still meaning being applied to the experience so maybe thats what your saying about the experience being the meaning and a very good point. We can only know experience by the meaning we attach to it, whether it be intellectual, emotional, etc

But, in thinking that all experience is a lesson, you are giving the experience meaning as a lesson, which may not be true for all, so that may be an indication of a belief you hold that all experience contains a lesson. And since it is beliefs that create your reality, you are creating experiences to be learning lessons, or more simply, you are creating experiences to reaffirm your belief that you are learning lessons.

Learning is fun, eh? smile

18 (edited by ermolai 2004-06-17 03:24:23)

Re: Positive thinking

I've found that whenever I learn an important lesson my vibration increase and I'm presented even more lessons at a faster rate. The more I learn and integrate these lessons, the higher my vibration gets. This weekend during a few hours I felt like in a movie, lots of strange things happened and I could learn lessons from almost anything that caught my attention. That was wonderful, even though some of the lessons were hard to swallow.

Re: Positive thinking

Energy will express.

Once you start the ball rolling it will seem to carry a momentum all its own. 
Positive thinking is no different from the ball.

Re: Positive thinking

A suggestion, and upon initial thought, outright simplistic-BUT try and do this:  Increase the moments that you smile-that's right...Try and smile, not only in presence of others, but alone as well.  You'll eventually notice a subtle increase in posistive energy, bonds of energy sucking "stuff" seem to lose power/or degree of oppressiveness.  Try and do this whilist appreciating the everyday blessings/lessons that manifest day to day.

That is not to imply a phony mindset at all,  but a bit more (smiling) each day does exhibit (over time) some amazing results!  Pretty soon depression occurs less and less, unexpected but good things cross one's path, and others you come into contact with are not as negative.  Gotta smile with your eyes-mouth-entire body smile.

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

Re: Positive thinking

for myself, the best way to stay happy is to keep present. the more we dwell in the past or find sactuary in the future the more we're back in the dream of unconsciousness. we get swept up by life and react to others around us. this is when you can intuitively feel that something is wrong inside of yourself. this is because you've lost touch with spirit. we all fluctuate from being to unconsciousness by letting desire (or ego) take hold of the wheel. i heard a quote once said "when we are desiring, we are dreaming". that made alot of sense to me.

also, when we're in the moment we can sit there and ask ourselves "what is wrong at this moment?" and not be able to find anything. there may be a challenge that will take some action but that's not a problem. Happiness can be felt when we bring consciousness down from the mind and feel our energy body. the feeling of being alive throughout the entire body. this is happiness: realization of being, the pure feeling of being alive and present.

i'm getting goose bumps just talking about it, it is that real!


"if you've lost your mind, you haven't lost much"

Re: Positive thinking

True words, LP.