1 (edited by ermolai 2004-05-11 01:56:56)

Topic: Positive thinking

I have always had a lot of troubles in the morning. I'm very influenced by my dreams so if the dreams have been disturbing, I wake up completely messed up, with my energy all over the place. During a few years I was trying to act against this with "positive thinking", that is, telling myself all the reasons why I should be happy, why I should not be worried, why everything is fine, etc. It rarely worked, in fact it took sometimes 3-4 hours for me to go back to my center. A great way to waste half of a day smile

I've found that it's much better to simply observe the sensations and stay in the present without thinking about anything. Using the mind only increase the negative emotions, because you buy in the game, in the fears, in the idea that there is something "wrong" happening. Thus while consciously you tell your brain there is nothing to worry about, the subtle message you send your brain is that there is actually much to worry about, otherwise you wouldn't be trying so hard to think positively.

I'm not going to say that thinking positively is "bad", obviously not, but I feel that it's a concept easily missunderstood. Loads of self-help books are all about "positive thinking" but it seems like many are advising to put a veil in front of reality, which gets people increasingly disconnected with their real emotions, and thus more and more dependant on the negative ones (the further away something is from consciousness, the more uncontrollable and dark it gets). Gurdjieff said that many people have their centers mixed up, and I wonder if "positive thinking", as it is understood by most, doesn't result in mixing up of the emotional and intellectual center. What do you think? How do you view "positive thinking"?

2 (edited by Christine B. 2004-05-11 03:43:56)

Re: Positive thinking

Hello Ermolai,

I've experienced nightmares as well and waking up with dispersed energy, and the nightmare coloring my mood.  While I am certain there are numerous reasons for nightmares and ways to interpret them - one thing I might mention here is that I found when I take extra vitamin B1, my nightmares diminish.

B1 is depleted by alchohol, stress and other things.  So, if you have wine etc on a daily basis you might be running low on B1.

Just what I've experienced.

Christine B.
PS: I realize this isn't exactly "on the subject topic" of positive thinking; however, it might be of interest to those who have nightmares.

3 (edited by BlackBox 2004-05-11 09:33:48)

Re: Positive thinking

I believe in creating your own reality. If you think positively, you attract the positive to your life. It can be as simple as that.

Some people are ignorant with their positivity. This is due to their foundations in thinking being not flexible enough to allow new knowledge to reshape their minds at any given moment.

Others are positive due to the life-long act of collecting knowledge.

Re: Positive thinking

BB wrote:"I believe in creating your own reality. If you think positively, you attract the positive to your life. It can be as simple as that."

And I believe you are whistling past the graveyard...in other words, dreaming!

When you say you attract the positive to your life, by creating your own reality I guess it has some truth *if* you define your life in a very narrow band.  *If* your life consists of you, a friend or two and a well chosen employer.  BUT, what happens when you decide to define your life INCLUSIVE of everyone.

Did you forget to think positively when several soldiers were killed today?  Or when a child or 500 died of AIDS in S. Africa?

Or are those incidents somehow considered positive? 

In other words, BB - while it IS true that the higher your vibration the less yuk is "in your face" and that your life may run smoothly but HOW HIGH does ones vibration  have to be to be able to affect areas in the world that are dominated by fear, pain, strife.

A hell of a lot higher than mine is at the moment.  No matter how "positively" I may think...I just don't have the horsepower/vibration to create a reality that far away from me.  (but that said, I believe that as more people vibrate at a higher (faster) speed, then the "mass" comes up a notch or two...and change is possible on a big scale.

And you?

Christine B.

Re: Positive thinking

This will be a rare time when not only do I fully understand BB but I agree with him as well.   He's not talking about saving the world, he's talking about creating your own individual reality, good or bad.   No need to jump on him - or anybody else - for not saving the lives of people in Africa.   Really, that's a bit much.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: Positive thinking

And I believe you are whistling past the graveyard...in other words, dreaming!

We're all dreaming. Some have nightmares too. I cannot affect other people's dreams, but I can certainly control mine.

A hell of a lot higher than mine is at the moment.  No matter how "positively" I may think...I just don't have the horsepower/vibration to create a reality that far away from me.  (but that said, I believe that as more people vibrate at a higher (faster) speed, then the "mass" comes up a notch or two...and change is possible on a big scale.

I'm pretty sure none of us can change the negative vibration of the planet. We have the choice of only our own individual vibrations. But I'm sure you're very familiar with whatever I'll say Christine, so what do you really want me to say?

I believe a cataclysm of multiple symbolic events is the only way to change the vibration of the planet. And that's because the majority of people will be whiped off the earth. The slate becomes clean, that is. Sad to say, there are just too many negative things happening in the world which are out-of-reach to scholars and philanthropists.

But as it stands now, Christine, my reality is precisely that, "mine". I cannot presume to judge what your reality is like. I accept it and understand your view-point, but I'm definately not dreaming when I observe my reality project as I aim it. I am definately not dreaming when summer hits my patio and I see children playing tag among their backyards. Laughter and cheerful grins. I know winter will come with cold days and angry nights, but we can dwell on whatever aspect/polarity we choose.

But yes you're right, the other side of the world is shedding much blood. I wish I could call on my super-powers and change that for you and all of us, but I'm just a 20-year old University-student. I can only move up the pyramid, one-step-at-a-time. So I am responsible for my vibration alone. With my vibration being set as positive and my awareness keeping me on track, I really have to take it slow and watch my steps. You can see how many mistakes I make even on this forum when I don't watch my steps. Discipline is what I have to master.

I'll make sure to keep the child-in-me alive as I grow older. I wont make the mistake of letting negativity enter my reality as a dominant force. I observe it and understand why it is there, but I do not choose to allow it to affect me.

Re: Positive thinking

This is a touchy subject, from my experience.  At least it's an ongoing debate with one friend.

Do you really attract the positive into your life if you think positively?  And what is 'positive thinking', exactly?  Is it, "I'm going to get this job"?  Or, "The world is on my side?"

So, the question is not, does positive thinking attract positive experience, but rather, does thinking thoughts influence reality.

Lisette Larkins certainly says so.  She's an outspoken and published abductee who thinks you can 'invite' the friendly grey's into your life merely by thinking it.  And also, that you will have a positive experience with the grey's if you think positive about the experience.

Again, it's a touchy subject.  While Lisette is totally off base and is merely justifying her negative experiences with 'negative thinking', but is also suggesting that a 'negative experience' is merely so due to the thought surrounding it.  ie. It's really not bad, I just think it is.

Then again, watching one's thoughts is a critical exercise.  How much do they make sense?  How easy is it to convey these thoughts to others?  What is the subject of these thoughts?  All important to ponder.

But what is "positive thinking" exactly?  And when does it become "wishful thinking"?

8 (edited by ermolai 2004-05-11 13:18:51)

Re: Positive thinking

My problems with positive thinking weren't really related to what Christine mentionned but I have to admit that if I could only care about myself I would probably be much "happier". I understand that I cannot affect things on the other side of the world, but I still feel that I'm not doing enough of my time to increase the vibrations of this planet (and I really do all I can). "Enough" is an odd word in itself, I guess. Anyway I don't know if I'll feel satisfied until I reach a point where I feel that each day of my life has positively affected those around me.

BB, you said previously that thinking too much about the positive attracted negative entities. Also, I thought that climbing up the pyramid was part of STS experience?

Edit: good points Cameron, I'll hopefully address them tomorrow when I have more time

Re: Positive thinking

Perhaps we should clarify that when we say "creating my reality" we're not talking about changing the collective reality. In other words, I can "create my reality" and you can "create your reality" but in both our realities more people got killed in Iraq. In what ways would our realities actually be different? Say I had negative and ignorant mindset, and you had a positive and aware mindset - things then always go wrong for me, and you instead have lots of positive synchs with things just working out for you - these are purely personal differences in our experiences, nothing more. Everyone else's experiences would not be directly impacted by how you or I choose to "create our own realities" although according to Bringers of the Dawn the frequency that you hold does have a spill-over effect into your local environment.

I know that in the New Age community some do take "creating my reality" very literally, to the point of believing that in their reality no one is dying in Iraq because they choose not to acknowledge it. I think that's delusional. And yet, it would be equally as delusional to take this example and believe in its polar opposite, that our mindset has no bearing on the experiences we attract and we should therefore always have a negative mindset because the world is a negative place. Both such viewpoints are traps, in my opinion - the first is delusion that seems valid until reality catches up with you and bonks you on the head, and the second is purposely ignoring the metaphysical "B influence" principles that show you how to transcend mundane realms of experience.

I guess a better phrase instead of YCYOR would be "creating your personal realm of experience" - in which case I find it true that choosing to have positive emotions ends to attract positive experiences. Sure, it doesn't necessarily prevent negative ones, but that's where awareness comes in. Who says we can't be both aware and have positive mindsets? So thinking positive is ONLY a trap when you suppress awareness instead of employing awareness from a positive perspective.

Ermolai, here's an idea that crossed my mind while reading your first post on this thread: when you try to talk yourself out of a negative mindset, say by giving yourselves reasons to snap out of it, you're automatically using the intellectual center via because of the internal chatter you create. According to Castaneda, that internal chatter is merely the predator talking. There is a more direct route: the emotional center. If the problem is in the emotional center, then only the emotional center can get you out of it.

I use a technique learned from the Kybalion, which works for me. That is, whatever negative emotion I find myself in, I meditate upon its polar opposite. So frustration would have contentment as its polar opposite, fear would have courage, reluctance would have enthusiasm, hate would have compassion, and anger would have love. The trick is to concentrate upon the polar opposite emotion in its pure form, not by using affirmations or trying to search your memory banks for reasons why you should feel it. You get there using your emotional center - you take that positive emotion and focus on it.  Try to evoke within yourself even a tiny semblance of that emotion - this forms a seed crystal that grows with every passing second as you continue to focus upon it. It's using your willpower to directly flip your emotional center from a negative to a positive state.  Maybe this will work for you, maybe not...just suggesting it here as food for thought.

And for anyone frowning at this being merely a trick to buffer yourself against the truth, let me say that once you're in a positive mindset, you'll be able to acknowledge that truth in a far better context and apply it more efficiently than when your judgment was biased by negativity.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Positive thinking

In response to general "gist" of this subject, with emphasis on Ermolai's posts:  There is an old nursing adage : "Keep It Simple Stupid".  I sincerely hope that no one is offended, but that is
NOT the point or issue (at least with to me). 

There is mention of observing the sensations.  For myself
I acknowledge and thank for such to occur.  So much of the time we are bombarded by a multitude of "stuff", Perhaps it just IS. We may become so everwhelmed that we cannot envision how we may be able to :  digest, discerne, act upon all that has transpired.

Cats (or your choice of pet) seem to have a way of reminding us of this.  They can just be in the now ALL of the time .  That is not to elude to another subject altogether, but a special pet can surely help one to get back on track to some things. 

I can relate to feeling of not "doing enough" ie. to increase vibrations of this planet.  Well... it seems to be (for myself) that we most often DO NOT KNOW how we affect "things" at the moment, 1 year from then, or even several years!  (self agrandizement -a trap -whether intentioned or not-eg. manipulatiom)  Just a thought.

The bombardment of "deception" put forth by our society is more than what we can handle  much of the time-soooo frustrating, especially when the road rage- traveling via car is "making you swear like a sailor"!  Tests abound so much so that we do not even realize when it is happening-but we eventually do -and that's when the STS crappoly seeps through the back door so to speak.

In regards to Camerons mention, "thinking thoughts influence reality"-. Most of here can think of many times when this is/was SO.  We may see it now. or then... doesn't matter.  It is the now.

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

Re: Positive thinking

This gets me thinking...

A 'negative' or 'positive' thought never stands by itself - as thinking requires a subject.  Thought might, more correctly, be considered necessarily attached to an emotion.  This is where most of the misunderstanding seems to lay.

There is, or course, a direct correlation between one's thoughts and one's emotions - but which comes first and what does one really have to do with the other is the question.

- One can approach objective thought of universal principles.  This, I argue, is also connected to an emotion - albeit not of the frequency of most day to day emotions.  As if to say: one can feel a truth.  One is not really 'thinking' (as in using solely the intellectual center).

- Both 'positive' and 'negative' emotional experiences can be beneficial.  If fact, learning comes from 'negative' emotional experiences as well as 'positive' emotional experiences.  The emotional experiences exercises the emotional center.

- Negative thinking is done when one thinks about a 'negative' or 'positive' emotional experience with negative awareness.  This could be a thought of a past, present, or future experience.  Negative awareness might be considered lacking awareness of the lesson the negative emotional experience intended to bring to light.

- Positive thinking is done when one considers a 'positive' or 'negative' emotional experience with positive awareness.  The awareness of the experience is positive when the learning lesson is contemplated.

- Awareness of one's experiences (whether past, present, or future; emotionally negative or positive) seems like the key to learning from these experiences.

- The important point is that thinking is done, as said above, with the intellectual center.  Thoughts are used for self-reflection and analysis of emotional or motor experiences.  They should not be used to influence emotional experience, but rather, should be reflections of that experience.  In other words, positive thoughts can get in the way of positive experience.

As Montalk said above, it is possible to invite positive emotional experience into one's life -- but not through the intellectual center alone.  Rather, meditation or contemplation occurs with free will intent of the emotional and intellectual centers in balance.


Re: Positive thinking

ermolai wrote:

BB, you said previously that thinking too much about the positive attracted negative entities.

If one is aware of the negative but chooses the positive, he or she is deciding between polarities by the virtue of objectivity. To define objectivity in what I think it means to me: Looking at the issues, the whole enchalada, from a bird's eye. All the cards are on the table and the individual chooses out of knowledge, not ignorance.

ermolai wrote:

Also, I thought that climbing up the pyramid was part of STS experience?

Regardless if we can remember or not, we all decided to be STS. My intentions are not to be STO in this life, as that is impossible. STS isn't evil, or we cannot presume to say that it is a negative-existence in its entirety. At least NOT in 3rd Density. I think this is so because as I've said before, I believe we all have a ratio-level between STS and STO in our ethereal-composition. We are always battling between this everchanging ratio of good vs evil in our thoughts and actions. Our concentration on one polarity, takes away from the other.

Look at us here on this forum. We are networking and conversing on multiple subjects. As far as I can tell, the majority of the speakers are not here for manipulation or preaching. We're here to learn from each other and that is STO. Yet we leave this forum to the STS-world we have chosen to exist in. We go ahead and eat cows and think of things to amuse us. To varying degrees, everything we do has manipulation in the recipe. Even if we mean well. In most cases we are only surviving. For adamics, I believe in my heart that if we still had the technologies that manifested our needs, we would do this. But we don't have that choice. We are forced to be ignorant and that is why many of us rebel instead of "going with the flow". We intuitively know there are alternatives, even in this dog-eat-dog environment. Many sense our free-will to choose is being manipulated by a self-proclaimed oligarchy.

But again this comes back to negative-existence not being the usual and typical definition we're accustomed to. If we choose to graduate to 4D in the STS-path, what I'm saying doesn't apply. It doesn't apply because I can't be arrogant enough to think I can even ponder such concepts. Just as I would hope a dog would not fathom the ability to explain to other dogs what being a human is like.

We're all on the pyramid if we choose to be or not. If this is unacceptable, then escape is the alternative. Death or alternative transitions upward like the supposed upcoming "Wave" that the C-group are preparing for. They are a good example of those who do not accept STS-existence and ergo plan escape.

I, on the other hand, want to contribute to society and taste the fruits of the effort and time applied.  But the key word that I used was "want", which is STS. We can't escape what we are unless we find it unsuitable for our learning.

13 (edited by ermolai 2004-05-12 11:39:58)

Re: Positive thinking

Thank you all for your comments, very insightful. Here are some more of my thoughts regarding "positive thinking", again according to my definition of this concept and how I've viewed it over the years (BTW I want to point out that I do not condone "negative thinking", my problem is with the "thinking" part)

One important problem I see is that it's based on a missunderstanding of how emotions work. Energies can never be suppressed, they can only be transformed. If you try to block/deny emotions through positive thinking (putting a veil on them, and thus hiding them from consciousness and pushing them in the darkness), then these energies get stuck in your body and you will have to release them sooner or later. During several years I repressed emotions of grief/sadness and it was very harmful, it's only recently that I was able to release them through recapitulation and self-hypnosis.

I want to thank Montalk about reminding me of this transmutation trick, I had read about it several time and tried it successfully but each time I have forgotten it for some reasons...? It requires a lot of concentration but it really works, I tried it again today and it's amazing.

To talk about another problem I see, I have to share a story. Last year I "fell in love" with a girl with whom I had a lot of things in common. Everything appeared to work wonderfully between us at first, however I was very afraid and used tons of positive thinking to move myself through this experience. I also did lots of heart chakras meditations, which I consider just as bad, since it forces to open this center in a non-natural way.

In the end it all turned out as a big failure. Not only she didn't love me, as I "positively thought", but she also heavily used/abused me. I think the reason why I didn't notice the abuse was because of the veil of "positive thinking" I had put. If I had just observed the situation and had faith that whatever had to happen would happen, it wouldn't have had to turn that bad. Also I wouldn't have put expectations so high and wouldn't have felt such a deception (I was far from balanced).

This brings me to another point. The reason why I met this person, as I later understood, was to learn a very important lesson about love. It was not meant to "work out", but my ego (which, of course, thinks it knows everything wink) decided to force its way through it. So a real problem I see with positive thinking is that it buys into the fear/desires of the mind/ego instead of having faith in the higher/infinite self to guide us. (To take the charioter analogy, the driver stops listening to the master and thinks he knows where to go, which of course gets him lost.)

Furthermore, as it turned out in my story, the ego (conscious mind) does not have any control of the situation (even if it think it does), it's the higher self which defines the game. Thus most of the "positive thinking" is, as cameron pointed out, nothing but "wishful thinking". It makes us "feel good" (before making us feeling bad) but does not really affect important outcomes in our life. When our "positive thinking" does not work, we can always find new things to "think positively" about, but it's just going to keep on making us miserable and lost in the illusion.

There is, however, possibilities to really "create our reality" and this is by changing directly the unconscious, ie through magick. I have already mentionned it elsewhere and I think this is a very STS thing to do. For me, STS is about modelling our reality so that it fits the needs/desires of our ego, while STO is about modelling ourselves according to reality (and we do so by listening to our higher self which knows exactly where we best fit in the universal patterns of consciousness).

To go back to my story, I could have used magick at that time to force things up (fortunately I didn't do it because my intuition sent me a big no-no) but that would have been violation/manipulation of the free-will of the other person and it would also have negatively affected me since it would have pushed me away from an important life lesson (maybe so far away that I would not have been able to find my way back).

I guess this is fine if the STS path is your choice, but it's not mine. BlackBox, I have to strongly disagree with your explainations on STS/STO. Yes, I have decided to incarnate on a STS planet in a STS body. However my path is STO and I'm sure that I decided to come here to purify my dedication toward this path. What better way to do that when everything around you is STS? So if you want to "climb the pyramid" and go STS, fine, but please don't assume that this is the case for me and others. I do not wish to have anything to do with pyramids-climbing, and despite the mistakes I have done in the past (for which I'm thankful, since I learnt important lessons), I do not wish to manipulate the free-will of others to fit with my ego's desires.

Long post, I hope I didn't go too off-topic but I felt this was important to note.

14 (edited by BlackBox 2004-05-12 12:44:05)

Re: Positive thinking

ermolai wrote:

I guess this is fine if the STS path is your choice, but it's not mine. BlackBox, I have to strongly disagree with your explainations on STS/STO. Yes, I have decided to incarnate on a STS planet in a STS body. However my path is STO and I'm sure that I decided to come here to purify my dedication toward this path. What better way to do that when everything around you is STS? So if you want to "climb the pyramid" and go STS, fine, but please don't assume that this is the case for me and others. I do not wish to have anything to do with pyramids-climbing, and despite the mistakes I have done in the past (for which I'm thankful, since I learnt important lessons), I do not wish to manipulate the free-will of others to fit with my ego's desires.

I merely wanted to tell you that I believe that even in STS-existence, STO exists. It exists in every black and white situation we are faced with. In every choice we decide between the greys.

I'll be straight with you. This is what I want:

1.) Contribute to sound-wave technology research and technology.
2.) Initiate movie-projects that have allegoric links with much of the topics we cover even on this forum.
3.) Medical applications of organic compounds: Such as purification of tap-water or alleviating chemicalized food. (unrealistic but still a goal to pursue)

These are some of my goals. I think or rather sense I have the motivation to accomplish these things or at least build the road for others to continue. I have to be on the pyramid to make a change. Everyone on the pyramid is not stereotypically out there to manipulate others and abridge free-will. There are sides of the pyramid. Some of the pyramid-walkers are even Nordics, I presume. Even they have to exist within this power-structure. It is the only effective way to change things. To be IN the system. Of course I understand when others don't. But I would think that those people would also need friends/allies that are in the system. For support if anything.

Yes, my ego does play a role. Pride leads to much negativity if it is not fed. I do try my best with meditation and other techniques to keep myself pure at thought. I'm definately not an enemy of those who wish to escape. I am conscious of my actions and I will not allow myself to be used as an agent. In many cases I'd rather die. I think the moment a person sells out their minds to the system, they are no longer in control. But control can be maintained while existing within the system. This infact, is the whole inner-meaning of Arthur and the Knights of the round table. To battle WITHIN the world with pure-of-heart and awareness of the corruptable nature of the environment.

Anyways, as always I value your input ermolai, but I ask for you to not judge me when I sincerely give you my plans and thoughts for the future. I am only acting on my own free-will and accord. I personally don't feel that I can make any difference outside the box. But within, I can act and create as to stretch the box.

Well at least I'll try.

In regards to women-troubles, I have a book you'd like. smile I personally had the same experiences until I learned to "tango", so to speak.

As always I offer my support and ear to everything you say ermolai.

15 (edited by rlha11 2004-06-16 15:46:27)

Re: Positive thinking

emolai wrote: "I've found that it's much better to simply observe the sensations and stay in the present without thinking about anything. Using the mind only increase the negative emotions." 

Yes,  where you put your attention is where you are directing your energy.  The more attention the more energy.  If you are focusing on something and giving it the attention of being something that is negative it will continue to build energy in that direction.

Inherently all experiences are nuetral, they do not come with a positive/negative, good/bad meaning attached to them.  This meaning comes from you. Its your perspective of the experience.  And your perspective is based upon your beliefs.

This is not a "bad" thing unless "I" believe it to be.  This is one understanding of the concept of you create your own reality.

There is no right and wrong, good bad as far is the universe is concerned, as far as the subconscious is concerned, these are just expressions of the dualistic nature of our conscious physical reality, a method of comparing or polarizing on thing with another; one thing cannot be defined without something to compare it to. 

Now positive thinking is a movement of this direction. And it is one in which I personally align. But my understanding of what is positive may be totally different from anyone elses, and this is a tool I use to nuetralize some of the mass held beliefs that I notice myself aligning with that are not in accordance with the positive expression I want to be.

Heres what Bashar has to say:

"You become whatever you focus your attention on.   To assign any meaning to anything - either a positive meaning or a negative meaning - is to invite that into your life.    Being neutral about something - assigning it no meaning - is the way to not attract that reality into your life.

"That's terrible!" =========> You are attracting that reality. 
"That's wonderful!" =======> You are attracting that reality. 
"I feel neutral about that." ===> You are not attracting that reality."