166 (edited by wandering1 2007-08-23 22:33:34)

Re: Aliens in the Media

This is a quote from a talk by Marshall Summers at a 2006 MUFON conference:

"I’m not going to talk tonight about whether UFOs are real—except to say they’re real. I want to take us beyond “UFOs are real.” Who needs to hear that UFOs are real is everybody out there, in the culture. But I think everyone knows here that that question has been very, very aptly answered.

I also am not going to talk about the government tonight, because I think Linda Moulton Howe spoke very intelligently about that, it’s been presented many times, there’s been a lot of very good work done on this—except to say that the government seems to be schizophrenic on the subject. On the one hand, it maintains avid denial or ignorance. On the other hand, it leaks out things to try to educate us that visitation is occurring. Every time you see a film or a movie that has military equipment in it—like bases and tanks and all these sorts of things—that’s because the military film review board has given their stamp of roval. You can’t go out and rent that stuff without their approval. So clearly there’s a schizophrenia here that on the one hand this isn’t real and isn’t happening, or isn’t important; on the other hand, we kind of want people to be acclimated to this. So there’s an odd dichotomy there.

I think there are individuals within the government who know this is real and who support the extraterrestrial presence, and there are those within the government who know it’s real and do not support the extraterrestrial presence. And they both have reasons for denying any kind of disclosure, but for different reasons. And the last thing I’ll say about this is getting the government to disclose anything, I think, is pretty hopeless. But that doesn’t mean we should be hopeless, because there are ways of knowing that the government isn’t telling us anyway, and there may be ways of knowing that the government doesn’t even know—so it can simply be bypassed, rather than us waiting around for years and decades for what they tell us what we think it knows, which it won’t do."


I had not thought about permission aspect related to the use of military planes and tanks and helicopters in movies before.  There was a lot of military hardware in the Transformers movie as well as many other movies that include aliens/ETs.

Here is a link to the full talk:

http://www.alliesofhumanity.org/mufon20 … ontact.php

167 (edited by lyra 2007-08-25 21:05:39)

Re: Aliens in the Media

That's an interesting point from Marshall Vian Summers....

Well today I saw an add at wunderground.com for "Lower my bills.com" or whatever it is....saying that mortgage rates had gone down, and featuring three dancing insectoid/Gray (green) aliens.   


I mean, these aliens had nothing at all to do with anything.  When you click on their ad and go their website, it's this totally normal and respectable looking site that even proclaims "as featured on Oprah" or whatever.  So what's the deal with the three dancing gray aliens on the ad banner?

There is no point...it's just further indoctrination of the public.  hmm

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

168 (edited by lyra 2007-08-25 21:04:18)

Re: Aliens in the Media

.....Found the ad!  Woohoo!  It popped up in my Yahoo email tonight, and we did a View/Page Source, and scrolled down and found the link code:

http://servedby.advertising.com/site=72 … s=1/optn=1

haha too funny, we're playing this electronic techno stuff by Khetzal right now, and the dancing aliens totally match up to the music......

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Aliens in the Media

I only got this

I want the dancing aliens! LoL tongue


Bye, Pictus


170 (edited by montalk 2007-08-25 23:41:53)

Re: Aliens in the Media

I saw "The Last Mimzy" last night. Purely as a movie, it is actually pretty good ... fascinating, interesting, and original. 

The reason I mention it here is that "The Last Mimzy" still functions as alien propaganda. The next part of my post explains why, but contains some spoilers. There is a poor quality but free version of the film online if you have broadband: http://www.tv-links.co.uk/listings/4/7199

(mouse over the following box)

[spoiler]The movie implies that grays are us in the future, a future where mankind has nearly been wiped out from pollution and lack of inner goodness, and that they were going back in time to harvest DNA to help save their race and replace what they lost. That's the standard line the aliens and government are giving to naive abductees. And the kids in the film represent the Indigo or Crystal Children, who in the movie were specially selected to build a bridge between current humanity and the future one. In the real world, my conclusion is that Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow children are being brainwashed to become liaisons between mankind and the alien deceivers. At the end of the movie, what looked like stylized gray aliens in the future were revealed to just be decontamination suits for friendly future humans. So it was a nice piece of alien apologetics.[/spoiler]

But all that aside, it was a fun and enjoyable kid flick with some enlightening qualities.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

171 (edited by Pictus 2007-08-26 09:36:34)

Re: Aliens in the Media

It got 3 fingers and also uses an Ipod...

Bye, Pictus


172 (edited by wandering1 2007-08-26 21:34:38)

Re: Aliens in the Media

montalk wrote:

I saw "The Last Mimzy" last night. Purely as a movie, it is actually pretty good ... fascinating, interesting, and original. 

The reason I mention it here is that "The Last Mimzy" still functions as alien propaganda. The next part of my post explains why, but contains some spoilers. There is a poor quality but free version of the film online if you have broadband: http://www.tv-links.co.uk/listings/4/7199

(mouse over the following box)

[spoiler]The movie implies that grays are us in the future, a future where mankind has nearly been wiped out from pollution and lack of inner goodness, and that they were going back in time to harvest DNA to help save their race and replace what they lost. That's the standard line the aliens and government are giving to naive abductees. And the kids in the film represent the Indigo or Crystal Children, who in the movie were specially selected to build a bridge between current humanity and the future one. In the real world, my conclusion is that Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow children are being brainwashed to become liaisons between mankind and the alien deceivers. At the end of the movie, what looked like stylized gray aliens in the future were revealed to just be decontamination suits for friendly future humans. So it was a nice piece of alien apologetics.[/spoiler]

But all that aside, it was a fun and enjoyable kid flick with some enlightening qualities.

I agree.  Well stated.   The movie really hinges on the use of the "protection suits" and then showing what is inside those suits.  I think that the "enlightening qualities" of the movie were allowed in because they were counterbalanced by the "protection suits" ploy.  Of course, one might also say that the positive elements in the movie were outweighed by the negative ploy.

The movie can be viewed as an elegant and elaborate piece of propaganda.  Also, it's aimed right at children where so much of this propaganda seems to be focused.

Also, nice use of the "scroll over" spoiler box.

Re: Aliens in the Media

When you get a chance to see it, I'd be interested in your take on the Transformers movie.  It features an technologically advanced positive alien group fighting a technologically advanced negative alien group with the Earth as the battleground.

Also, it's a "blockbuster" movie as so far it has brought in $663 million worldwide.

Re: Aliens in the Media

Mexican government released official UFO footage, covered by Faux News and CNN, it's old, June? I missed it when it was fresh...


Re: Aliens in the Media

This link is to a 2 hour presentation by Michael Tsarion called "The Destruction of Atlantis"

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 1969524094

It's on Google video.

Highly recommended.  It talks about a particular group of aliens (probably humanoid-looking - could pass for human) that arrived about 50,000 years ago.  Maybe 4d/5d STS (service to self) in RA/Cassiopean terminology.  They had highly advanced technology and genetic engineering ability.

They built the empire of Atlantis.  Psychic powers.  Dark magicians.

Big cataclysm about 12,000 to 13,000 years ago.  Possibly a pole shift.  Much of the advanced technology was destroyed.

They have been rebuilding for the past 12,000 years.  They are few in number.  Maybe 50 or a few hundred or so.

He bases much of his research on old texts from various regions and societies around the world.

Re: Aliens in the Media

I saw most of the video and like it!!
He gave a good explanation to things, stuff I always wanted to know
Now have to digest and think, try to separate things...
I will download the video to see again.

Bye, Pictus


177 (edited by wandering1 2007-09-15 11:47:25)

Re: Aliens in the Media

The following is an article by Daniel Pinchbeck from the website Reality Sandwich.  By the way, I think/feel/intuit that we do have freewill.  I think that freewill is one of the core design principles of the world/universe/experience that we live in. I think that Pinchbeck has clarified his thoughts since about the grays and the alien issue since he wrote book "2012".

Alien Dreamtime: My Fight with Whitley Strieber
Daniel Pinchbeck

A few days ago I picked up Who Cares?!, a book by Ramesh S. Balsekar, an Indian sage known for his blunt, cutting, almost nasty approach to the quest for enlightenment. Ramesh's perspective is that the individual self is an illusion and "doing" is an illusion - we find ourselves in a reality-movie where God is playing all the parts. The actions of our individual "body-mind organism" are determined by the Source, the universal consciousness that creates and occasionally dissolves our egos in order to continue lila, the divine play. For Ramesh, enlightenment is the extinction of personality, the annihilation of the illusion of self and doer-ship.

When I first read Ramesh, I was shocked by a philosophy that left no place for individual choice, meaning, or agency. We in the West are obsessed with free will - with individuality - but Ramesh negates this entirely. Over time, I stopped being depressed by this, and began to find his Vedantic view oddly liberating. While free will on an individual egoic level is not possible (because all of our thoughts and actions are based on past conditioning), there is absolute freedom on the level of the singular consciousness - the "one without a second" - that exists within and beyond all relative manifestation. When we identify with the unlimited Source, rather than our individual story or ego-game, we participate in that absolute and unconditional freedom.

This is a long-winded preamble to a post on my fight, during a taped radio interview that will be aired this weekend, with the bestselling author of alien abduction memoirs and science fiction novels, and Dreamtime radio host, Whitley Strieber. Both Strieber and I were surprised by the virulence of this verbal battle - he said that I had assaulted him in his very being, and that we were no longer friends - but actually it was quite predictable based on my analysis of his work and the alien abduction phenomenon in 2012. (Strieber writes on his view of our argument here.)

The fight began as I explained my hypothesis about 2012, noting aspects of our current world that are unsustainable and will have to change drastically if we are going thrive, or even survive, as a species. I found that Strieber kept harping on the negative aspects of the situation, proclaiming that the Internet was about to be overtaken by corporate interests, and so on. He also stated that there was going to be a huge “die-off” of the human species in the immediate future. He reiterated that this was “definitely going to happen,” and that he “believed” it.

I argued that nobody knows what is going to happen in the future, that at the moment the earth is managing to support the human population, and if we utilized our resources better, incorporating new techniques and alternative energy technologies, we might not have to experience a massive, traumatic die off at all. Strieber continued to assert that this “die-off” was a fact – that he had done “the math,” and there was no way around it. As far as I know, Strieber is not trained as an evolutionary biologist, and even if he was, experts are continually proven wrong. Personally, I have experienced a series of miracles in my life, beginning with the improbable fact of my birth into this body with 100 trillion cells and as many synaptic connections as there are stars in the universe, so I stick by the perspective that anything is possible. This seems the most accurate position one can hold.

According to the thesis I developed in 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, we are now learning that consciousness and intention have actual effects on physical reality. Therefore, if we focus our intention on negative outcomes, we may help to bring those outcomes into manifestation. Strieber has no basis to proclaim that a massive die off is imminent, since none of us are given to know the future ahead of us, and conditions change constantly. He is acting as a “prophet of doom” when he proclaims this, not a realist. He is projecting the negative, shadow aspects of his own psyche into the collective consciousness of his audience, on a daily basis. Instead of fear-mongering, he could be utilizing his public platform to spread information on plans that would ameliorate the effects of climate change and peak oil, restore wilderness areas to offset the species extinction crisis, and so on. (This web magazine, Reality Sandwich, seeks to spread the word on visionary and pragmatic projects that can help us get through this critical juncture, such as the “Transition Town” model from the UK. Worldchanging.com is another excellent site for this type of information.)

The discussion then turned in a different direction. I noted that, from my reading of Strieber’s work, I suspected that Strieber was influenced by the force that the visionary philosopher Rudolf Steiner called “Ahriman,” the evil spirit who pulls humanity down into minerality, materiality, sterile technology, and extinction. As I also noted in 2012, I told Strieber that I thought he had been manipulated by alien entities that do not have the best interests of the human species at heart. Communion is ultimately the story of Strieber’s seduction by those entities he calls the “visitors” often known as the Grays. He notes that he was going to call the book “body terror,” but changed the name to “Communion” when one of them told him to do this, speaking through his wife, while she slept. He also describes how the visitors were able to make him drink a bitter substance, by feeding it to him at different junctures over time. As anyone knows who has studied fairytales and fables, to drink the potion of the other world is to become entranced and overwhelmed by the beings that inhabit it.

On a subliminal or subconscious level, Strieber appears to have made a Faustian pact with these Mephistophelean entities, and unfortunately he is helping disseminate their negative and destructive frequency into human culture and consciousness, at this point in time. The worldwide phenomenon of the alien abduction narrative suggests the possibility that these entities have a plan – that they are actively preparing a deviated future scenario for their human victims. They appear to be fixated on human reproduction and genetic material. Some researchers have suggested that the visitors are a cloned species that has reached a limit of “replicative fading,” and require human genetic material to restore their depleted stock. They are highly cunning and manipulative, and it may be that we have to develop a far more sophisticated model of “contact” between our realm and that of other beings who may not be only extra-terrestrial, but other-dimensional.

All of this, of course, is only happening on the relative plane of of our current “reality-movie,” as Ramesh would point out. God – the universal consciousness that manifests the cosmos – has scripted all the parts, and is enjoying the show. Hopefully, as fractal expressions of this singular Source, we will all have good seats for the unfolding spectacle.

Here is the link:
http://www.realitysandwich.com/alien_dr … y_strieber

178 (edited by wandering1 2007-09-19 21:26:44)

Re: Aliens in the Media

The following timeline summary of the RA material (transcriptions of the channeling sessions in the early 1980s) is from the following web site:



All information recorded from all volumes of The Ra Material


BP = Before Present

D = Density/Dimension

A. Pre-Human Civilization

705,000 BP -- Extensive Maldek Wars (creates Maldek soul's metaphysical-astral -- knot of fear)

600,000 BP -- Confederation spiritual healing of Maldek population souls on inner 3D planes

500,000 BP -- Destruction of 3D Maldek (current "asteroid belt"), soul-transfer to Earth (Bigfoot)

    * Earth hosting only 2D life (mineral, plant, animal kingdoms); no native 3D human soul-groups
    * Eventually, highest 2D animal groups become bi-pedal 3D homo Sapiens (become ensouled)

B. Early Human Civilization (75,000 - 25,000 BP)

75,000 BP -- Final destruction of Mars civilization / atmosphere, soul-transfer into 3D Earth bodies

    * Beginning of human civilization / Earth 3D evolution: 50% Martian, 25% native, 25% other 3D
    * Confederation / Yahweh aid to Martian souls (genetic cloning to sharpen senses/strengthen mind)
    * Light-Quarantine intensified around Earth (re. Yahweh action) / Human life-span -- 900 years

60,000 BP -- Orion group influence: (a) telepathic contact / (b) power-charged stone-formations in Central America/Pacific Oceana (Nazca, Easter Island; unsuccessful attempt, no negativity achieved)

58,000 BP -- Confederation initial direct aid to early Lemurian/Mu civilization (prolonged contact)

53,000 BP -- Lemurian civilization fully established (primitive group-mentality, spiritually advanced)

  # Later destroyed by Earth tectonic-plate readjustment / flooding; survivors, Russia, North / South America (current indigenous' groups; originally from 2D Deneb star planet)

50,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE I / No harvest of Earth 3D souls; life-span -- 700 years

46,000 BP -- Spiritual calling from Earth Maldek souls (Bigfoot) Confederation aid (love/light)

31,000 BP -- Atlantean civilization begins development (slow-growing, agrarian, conglomerate)

25,000 BP -- END OF 3D MAJOR CYCLE II / No harvest; life-span 35-100 years. (pop. -- 345,000)

  # S. American group (Elder Race; pop. 150; life-span 900 years.) all 4D+ harvestable yet remain in 3D human bodies (world service)

C. Later Human Civilization (18,000 - 2,300 BP)

18,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (crystal-powered bell-shaped craft); UFO-sightings only

15,000 BP -- Beginning of rapid, intensified Atlantean technological development in society

13,000 BP -- Confederation aid to Atlantis (pyramids, crystals, healing); life-span greatly reduced

  # Initial usage of intelligent energy for negative polarization (cloning for genetic superiority)

11,000 BP -- RA contact w/Egyptians (direct landings for teaching Law of One); meaning distorted

  # First major Atlantean wars, approx. 40% population death, partial migration to North Africa

10,840 BP -- Final destruction of Atlantis by nuclear/crystal-energy warfare, civilization ends

  # Triple migration to safe, mountainous regions: Tibet, Peru, Turkey: root of mystery schools

9,600 BP -- Final Earth Changes and sinking of Atlantean land-masses; direct result of warfare

8,500 BP -- RA enters/returns to Earth inner planes, begins thought-construction of Great Pyramid

7,500 BP -- Confederation aid to S. America: Amazon landings/teaching, pyramids/hidden cities

6,000 BP -- Great Pyramid completed (by RA/thought, instant appearance); Ikhnaton contacted

4,500 BP -- Additional pyramids constructed from physical, Earth - based materials

    * Orion distorts previous Yahweh intervention (builds upon elite-group biases); replaces/co-opts Yahweh   telepathic contact (sends negative philosophy to Hebrews); reveals itself as UFO/fiery cloud (suggest "wrathful God" philosophy).
    * Confederation/Yahweh sexual/genetic intervention: strengthening Anak-group physical bodies

3,000 BP -- Orion group leaves Earth 3D skies; Confederation completes S. America aid / contact

  # Armageddon 4D "thought-war" of light continues/intensifies (reduces 3D negative influence)

2,600 BP -- Greek calling, Confederation aid leads to + philosophy (Heraclitus, Thales, Pericles)

2,300 BP -- Confederation aid to Egypt only (telepathic contact, love/light)

D. Modern Times (1700 - 2000 AD)

1784 AD -- Increased influx of harvestable 3D souls and Wanderers, increased Confederation aid

    * Primarily telepathic info, love/light sent; no major UFO landings or direct contact-teaching
    * Positive free will philosophy (freedom, liberty, justice, democracy, human rights) developed; most teaching expresses 4D+ quality (love/compassion); Wanderers include B. Franklin, T. Jefferson

1945 AD -- Increased Confederation UFO thought-form appearance, coincides w/ nuclear age

    * Confederation aid to humans killed in Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic blasts (spirit-complex healing)
    * Increased influx of Wanderers and 4D+ "double-bodied" children to assist Harvest/New Age

2010 - 2013 AD -- Final Earth 3D-cycle Harvest: planetary Logos/surface humanity fully 4D+

    * All Earth Changes complete; all electro-magnetic planetary grids readjusted; humanity 4D+ only; major influx expected of additional inter-galactic 4D+ ETs for planet-balance / support
    * Slow development of telepathic group interplay, Earth acceptance into local ET Confederation


One open question is whether a possible transition to a  4d (4th density) planet will take place by 2013 or perhaps it will take longer.  One perception that I have is that "time is speeding up".  If this process accelerates, we may reach a point where years are seeming to pass much more quickly than they have been in the past.

So in the future, one year passing, or five years passing, or ten years passing may mean something significantly different than it does now.

Re: Aliens in the Media

Here is an editorial review (from Amazon) of Whitley Strieber's new book:  "2012: The War for Souls" (released Sep. 18 2007)

From Publishers Weekly
Strieber's epic sequel to 2006's The Grays blends equal parts science fiction thriller, supernatural horror and provocative spiritual speculation. As struggling author Wylie Dale works on his latest novel, which revolves around an upcoming date when the earth crosses both the galactic equator and the solar ecliptic—a time that the Maya predicted would mark the cataclysmic end of this age—he begins to uncover evidence that what he's writing about is actually happening on a parallel earth. If nothing is done, on December 21, 2012, gateways will open into this world and reptilian invaders will not only enslave humanity but feast on their succulent souls as well. While Strieber's exploration into the existence and import of the soul isn't exactly profound, it is wildly entertaining. Fans of apocalyptic page-turners like King's The Stand and Niven and Pournelle's Lucifer's Hammer will enjoy this ambitious—and audacious—tale as it invokes everything from rectal probes and Ann Coulter to the destruction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. (Sept.)


In the grocery store, I looked at a copy of Strieber's book "The Grays" (2006).  The book says: "Soon to be a major motion picture".  IMDB lists it as a project in development for 2008.

I have not read it.  Here is a customer review from Amazon:

In this book, Whitley focuses on the creation of a wondrous child who will link and save the Grays and Humanity. Without this child, both species are doomed to extinction. There are evil government forces, the standard Conspiracy Radio brand New World Order villians who want to kill off all but 1 million hand selected people to survive the coming environmental apocalypse in underground bunkers, then rise to inherit the Earth. These forces believe that the Grays plan to arrive enmass on 2012 to enslave, rather than liberate humanity to a higher level.

Having watched THE TAKEN mini-series about alien abduction on the sci-fi channel several years ago, I certainly did not find the concept of a "star child" that had been created over many generations of human "animal husbandry" very clever in THE GRAYS. Neither was the 2 forces, one to support the child and the other to destroy the child, in locked conflict, which was the storyline of THE TAKEN also, once that child was known to both sides of the Black Budget UFO community.

I was also surprised that Whitley had decided to make the Grays into benevolent if inexplicable pals in this story. This is certainly bucking the current trend in literature and real life abduction reports that present what seems to be vicious if not demonic creatures who inflict great pain and trauma, without any "greater good" in sight for humanity. It reminds me more of human testing of new cosmetics and medicines on animals than a loving program to bring humanity into the stars and cleanse and heal the Earth.

In previous years, Whitley has actually called Grays evil and horrendous in his non-fiction accounts of his own encounters, and as recently as a couple years ago on Coast to Coast radio repeatedly warned listeners NOT to go near them or trust them. Yet later, he was advocating listeners one August to do their best to mentally "vector them in" for some sort of mutual exchange of cooking recipes and general merriment. In other words, Whitley changes his views on the Grays the way most of us change our clothes!

He has said in interviews that he created THE GRAYS not just to create a good adventure story but to pass on truths about the Grays and our government that he dare not present as non-fiction, since he has no backup for his views. I also know from literary circles that non-fiction alien abduction/ufo books are in the dumps in terms of marketing, they are seen as remarkably passe', so late 1980's. Yet, this is the time when fiction rules, so being a brilliant go-with-the-flow author, Whitley has taken his decades long alien schtick and reframed it in fiction terms.

Is the story good? Well, except for the obvious similarities to many conspiracy books (big evil secret government out of control) and THE TAKEN, the story is entertaining, and I enjoyed it while riding a stationary bike for a few days.

Re: Aliens in the Media

The following is a section from Joe Rogan’s blog.  Yes, the Joe Rogan who was the host of Fear Factor.  It turns out that he is rather intelligent even though to many he comes across as a “meat head” on TV.  Even Joe Rogan agrees with this assessment of how he looks on TV.  At any rate, his main job is as a stand up comedian.  He also has a blog and some of his writing I find funny/insightful.  This following section is more on the insightful side:

“Why should the universe in all of it’s violent and incredibly immense glory even care what happens on the surface of it’s orbs? Isn’t the universe ITSELF alive in it’s own majestic sense? Creating worlds, destroying stars, constantly expanding and contracting… Do you really think the universe gives a shit about you?

Maybe this great race of intelligent creatures that evolved hundreds of millions of years before man DID realize this, but maybe their own "natural" instincts for survival lead them to meddle anyway. Maybe they could not resist the urge to keep their civilization alive, even while the planet that they lived on was dying. Maybe it was just their ancient genetics f*cking with them, forcing themselves on in an illogical way that’s contrary to the plan of nature. Maybe they were aware of this intellectually, but being still driven by their encoded need to carry on the seed, they acted anyway. Maybe they spread out to other worlds. Perhaps they planted seeds of various levels of evolution all over the universe. Perhaps they even accelerated evolution in some places, altering genetics, and even providing technology and answers to questions that wouldn’t be asked for thousands of years.
Maybe that explains how and why the great pyramids were created… Maybe that would explain how a race of people that lived before the invention of steel, a race whose written language consisted of stick figures, a race that were basically living in the stone age, could build something that still baffles us today. I saw a special on the Discovery channel last night that was saying there was considerable evidence that the great pyramid of Giza may have been built as much as 10,500 years ago, making it’s completion long before the invention of the wheel. There’s several theories about how it was done, and all of them suck. Nobody seems wants to step up and say that we really don’t have any idea whatsoever how they pulled it off. They just keep pulling out silly theory after silly theory, none of them which convincingly stick.

Did you know that the Great pyramid of Giza has over 2,300,000 stones that weigh between 2.5 and 80 tons each? Cut so perfectly that you can’t even get a razor blade in between them, all before the invention of steel which means they had only stone and copper tools? And did you know that if you cut and placed 10 of these stones a day it would take you over 664 years to build ONE pyramid? There are some conventional theories that state the pyramids were built over a course of 20 years, which would require cutting and placing one enormous block of stone with perfect precision, every minute, all day long 365 days a year.
They made it with hundreds of thousands of slaves? Not very likely, since contrary to popular belief slave labor was not widely used in Egypt at the time.

And isn’t it at least a little odd that the Egyptians left THOUSANDS of illustrations depicting daily life in the old kingdom, but curiously enough NONE of them show how the pyramids were built?
I mean, why document how and why you built one of the great wonders of the world, when you can leave behind pictures of people carrying fruit on their head?

Did you ever think that maybe we’re just the product of accelerated evolution, reaching out to find our creators in the sky?
That maybe the reason why we’re so f*cked up as a race is that we’re just simply not natural? I don’t know if any of this makes any sense to anyone but me, but this storm of ideas inside my head tonight was strangely calming. It felt good to feel insignificant. It felt like I was aware of the balance again, for the first time in weeks.”


Of course the size and scale of the pyramids does not necessitate alien intelligence.  It could have been built by a prior human civilization with advanced abilities as described here in the Wikipedia entry for the Great Pyramid:

“A theme found in some of the alternative theories put forward concerning the Giza pyramids and many other megalithic sites around the world, is the suggestion that these are not the products of the civilizations and cultures known to conventional history, but are instead the much older remnants of some hitherto unknown advanced ancient culture. This progenitor civilization is supposed to have been destroyed in antiquity by some devastating catastrophe brought about by the end of the last ice age, according to most of these accounts sometime around 10,000 BC. For the Great Pyramid of Giza in particular, it is maintained (depending on the theorist) that either it was ordained and built by this now-vanished civilization, or else that its construction was somehow influenced by knowledge (now lost) acquired from this civilization.”