Topic: understanding ancient civilization's fall

How can one understand ancient civilizations like Lemuria (Mu) and Atlantis and their fall?

The theory of a comet hitting the planet Maldek turning it into an asteroid belt, then one hitting Mars and causing e.t.'s to migrate to Earth and the Moon (a hollow directed creation?), then the comet becoming Venus... (Stewart Swerdlow's theory, among other similar new age guru's).

What about the dinosaurs on Earth?  How did they collapse?  Another asteroid impact? 

How does one explain the current Pacific and Atlantic sea basins and the fact that they are lower than the seven major continents, deep and covered by so much water?  Was there very little by way of oceans in the early years of planet Earth?  Was the legend of the Flood (from many sources including the Bible) responsible for the demise of Atlantis and Mu?  Was there ever a pole shift?

Does some of this come out in movies (like Mission to Mars, where they show e.t. migration to Earth from Mars).

How far back does human and e.t. civilizations go?  Was this predominately a reptillian planet before humans/et.s arrived and evolved?  Did the reptillian humanoids develope from certain small dinosaurs?

All interesting subjects and debates.

As a candle burning on, in the breezy shades of night, I keep up my faith and underset my hope, to call on a realm of light --Little Light of Love --Eric Serra --The Fifth Element (movie soundtrack)

Waving banners, swinging swords, queens and kings and other lords, and the battles of our pride, greed and hunger deep inside, all the sorrow born of pain, cruelty and cruelty again, who will stop this vicious spin, Open Arms and Let Love In  --My Heart Calling  --Moa and Eric Serra --The Messenger (movie soundtrack)

2 (edited by Blue 2007-07-20 01:51:36)

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

Conversations with God -Volume 3 wrote:

Advanced technology without advanced thought creates not advancement, but demise.
You have already experienced that on your planet, and you are very nearly about to experience it again.

What do You mean? What are You talking about?

l am saying that once before on your planet you had reached the heights—beyond the heights, really—to which you now are slowly climbing. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself. Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else as well.
It did this because it did not know how to deal with the very technologies it had developed. It's technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual evolution that it wound up making technology its God. The people worshipped technology, and all that it could create and bring. And so they got all that their unbridled technology brought—which was unbridled disaster. They literally brought their world to an end.

This all happened here, on this Earth?
Are You talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?

Some of you have called it that.
And Lemuria? The land of Mu?
That is also part of your mythology.
So then it is true! We did get to that place before!
Oh, beyond it, My friend. Way beyond it.
And we did destroy ourselves!
Why are you surprised? You’re doing the same thing now.
I know we are. Will You tell us how we can stop?
There are many other books devoted to this subject. Most people ignore them.

Give us one title, I promise we won’t ignore it.

Read The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight. By a man named Thom Hartmann.

Yes! I love that book!
Good. This messenger is inspired. Bring this book to the attention of the world.
I will. I will.

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

I wonder what the civilization we're in will be called in the myths, it's one-word name. -_-

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

Skyalmian wrote:

I wonder what the civilization we're in will be called in the myths, it's one-word name. -_-


Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

Blue wrote:
Skyalmian wrote:

I wonder what the civilization we're in will be called in the myths, it's one-word name. -_-


The anagram of AMERICA is I AM RACE.

A great experiment in planetary evolution does emanate from America, which is a microcosm of humanity on Earth.  Every single nation on earth has a representative who has been naturalized as an American citizen.  Here, arab Americans exist alongside jewish Americans, europeans live alongside africans, south americans are neighbors to Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, Chinese, Japanese, Malaysians, Indians, Polynesians, Tahitians -- EVERYONE!

America is indeed the key battleground in the War between Light and Dark. The Dark seem to hold the cards thru control of all branches of American government, and all forms of major media.  The Light seems to hold sway in the hearts and minds of common citizens.  Some are brainwashed religious deadheads.  Some are spiritually awakened Light warriors.  The majority are kind-hearted, fun loving, generous, freedom seeking, ordinary folks who will prove a formidable force once awakened.

America is indeed a sleeping Giant.  May she awake and fulfill her destiny as Beacon of Light and Freedom for Planet Earth.

“You who have the light, what are you doing with it?” ~ Paul Claudel

6 (edited by pickinNgrinnin 2007-07-31 15:35:44)

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

check out the hopi legend of the 4 worlds before ours.  i dont remember the details or where i read it(google hopi legends or something), but they say we had four worlds where we developed advanced technology for different things(like air travel in the fourth), and then were destroyed because we used the technology wrong(for war, etc).  we might be in the fourth actually, i dont remember.  anyway this time we are developing all the technoolgies from before and using them for war, and we'll destroy ourselves again and then the fifth world will be all about peace and love, and all that good shit.  it was pretty interesting.

also, in an Icke lecture video, he talked about that theory about venus, also citing native america stories about the sky being blocked out.  but one thing i cant find any info about is the cloud he talked about.  supposedly(he said the bible among other texts metnioned it), the earth used to be covered by a fine mist and humans could walk around and get all our minerals/water from the mist.  and it was a virtual paradise.  then venus revolved around earth a few times then went into orbit around the sun, creating the poles in the process(with the belief both poles used to be in different places), and causing all the water to gather at the poles and freeze.  then things changed here and the climate became what it is today.

i dunno bout all that, but its fun reading, and anyone who has any reference to the theory(only about the mist covered earth), please post a link or any info.

thanks smile

pardon my fear, friend

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall


I have a Native Alaskan Inupiat friend who did a video project several yeas ago about how we are entering the Fifth World, he's an elder.

I too have heard the theory about a mist covered Earth, in which deluged the Earth and created the great flood as written in the bible.

It is said by the American Indians that the Fourth World which we are in now, will end very violently and go reluctantly.

I dont know how far away from the Fifth more peaceful World we are (or if it is just a hopeful myth) near, but some say it corresponds to the Mayan calander year of 2012 (perhaps only a new age fantasy or hopeful wishing).  The Fourth World could drag on.

As a candle burning on, in the breezy shades of night, I keep up my faith and underset my hope, to call on a realm of light --Little Light of Love --Eric Serra --The Fifth Element (movie soundtrack)

Waving banners, swinging swords, queens and kings and other lords, and the battles of our pride, greed and hunger deep inside, all the sorrow born of pain, cruelty and cruelty again, who will stop this vicious spin, Open Arms and Let Love In  --My Heart Calling  --Moa and Eric Serra --The Messenger (movie soundtrack)

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

Well shoot, I thought we were the fifth and close to arriving at the sixth.  I guess those Hindus and Buddhists were mistaken.  I wonder why so many younger religions exhibit principles that already existed within those two religions.  Must be coincidence.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

Here's an entertaining theory I have about the dinosaurs:

Let's say that ancient humans were here with the dinosaurs, they were very much evolved spiritually. Let's say the dinosaurs were put here as guardians of the planet, the humans the cultivators. STS entities come to earth, and want to control it, but the dinos are here to save the day! (maybe these dinos were only large reptiles as we portray them in our dimention, but further evolved in the higher ones, ie powerful positive entities...) So,,, the decide to use some sort of nuke the wipe em out, knowing they were too large too go underground (the dangerous ones that is) many smaller reptiles, mammals and men were able to hide, but still suffered from the fallout. (seems to me that the humans may have suffered more from the fallout than anything else, as often times ancient humans are portrayed hunched, walking awkwardly, with "ragged" skin and the such.)

I just came up with this idea one day, and am not necesarily presenting it seriously, but who knows? it would also explain why dinosaurs were given the negative name of "terrible lizard" by TPTB.

it could also be that man and dinosaur were not here at the same time, but the dinos were too disruptive for the purposes the invaders had for this planet. whatever the case, it is sad that they were anihilated. "I <3 DINOSAURS!" and they're not terrible lizards imo, the ones running the world are.

10 31 02

Re: understanding ancient civilization's fall

I just came up with this idea one day, and am not necesarily presenting it seriously, but who knows?

I thought it was very fascinating.  Someone related a story to me of a scientist, at least I think he was described as a scientist, proposing a theory that the Earth grows, and that at the age of the dinosaur, this planet was one forth the size it is today.

In an aside; one manner of memory building exercise, is to just add missing elements whenever an incident in the past is trying to be recounted.  This applies to minor incidents of trying to remember someone you ran into a few days ago and all the details.  This can apply to the big picture also.  This last was not pertinent, but hey, it was free.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.