Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Note the ambivalence of Francis Bacon, between ahrimanism and rosicrucianism (he is at the origin of the deviation of science into dualist binarist thinking, laboratory dissection, etc.).


The ruling Time Spirit, since 1879 AD, is now the Sun-Archangel Michael (the "Countenance of Christ"). His previous rulership encompassed the time of Aristotle and Alexander. Michael is the administrator of Cosmic Intelligence, and a promoter of cosmopolitanism. Ideas to Plato had been living spiritual beings, attainable in higher vision. His pupil Aristotle put this pictorial wisdom into conceptual thoughts, suitable for the age of lost clairvoyance; Alexander carried this Greek thought-culture into the wider world -- both in the service of Michael. But this ancient Greek thinking was not experienced as coming from within the Man; it was rather experienced as coming, like perceptions, from the outside, a cosmic Pan-Intelligence. Later, this Aristotelianism was carried over to Jundi Sabur, and thence into Arabian/Muslim culture. Perhaps the most brilliant and influential proponent of this Arabian culture were the Caliph Haroun al Rashid and his associates, in the Eighth Century AD. This culture was, as indicated above, brilliant in a way, but was also anti-evolutionary in that it failed to appreciate the Christ-Impulse and was infected with the Sorat/Ahriman influence from Jundi Sabur. Around this time the cosmic Intelligence began to "fall to earth", out of the rule of Michael and in the "heads" of Men; the Pan-Intelligence becoming individualized, personal intelligence. This process was a preparation for what was to culminate after the dawn of the Consciousness Soul Epoch in the Fifteenth Century: that Men were to experience their thoughts as coming from out of themselves, as a personal intelligence in individual freedom. In 869 AD the fateful Eighth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople declared to be heretical the doctrine of "trichotomy": that the Man is body, soul and spirit -- thus effectively "outlawing the spirit" in Western Christendom, and plunging West-European mankind ever more deeply into material experience. While this Council was happening on earth, in the soul/spirit world Haroun al Rashid and his associates, who had recently died, conferred with the individuality of Aristotle and associates: Alexander and the "Aristotelians", together with the "Platonists" and the Knights of Arthur's Round Table. In this meeting Aristotle and his associates resolved to bring to earth a renewed and Christianized wisdom suitable for the epoch of individualized intelligence of the Consciousness Soul, but al Rashid and his party remained opposed to this Christianization. Subsequently, on earth, the Arabian impulse was carried forward by philosophers such as Avicenna and Averroës, who upheld a decadent and retrogressive quasi-Aristotelianism, which denied human-spiritual individuality surviving death. And the Platonists descended to earthly incarnation, up through the Twelfth Century, as teachers of the Christianized Nature-wisdom of the School of Chartres. (This wisdom later inspired Bruno Latini, and consequently his pupil Dante.) In the Thirteenth Century the Aristotelians incarnated into the Dominican Order, wherein, with the help of the Platonists then in the spirit-world, they upheld the doctrine of human-individual intelligence and immortality, in the subtle conceptual thinking of the Scholastic "Realists", as against the Arabian philosophers. The greatest of the Scholastics was Aristotle himself, incarnated as Thomas Aquinas, the proponent of the reality of Pan-Intelligence in the form of concepts -- the "universals" -- and of the reality of human-individual experience of intelligence. -- After the end of Medieval culture and the beginning of the Consciousness Soul Epoch, al Rashid himself incarnated as none other than Francis Bacon, the fountainhead of modern, Ahrimanic scientism. (Paradoxically, Bacon was inspired by a high Initiate, who also inspired Shakespeare, Jacob Boehme, and Jacob Balde. [Karmic Relationships, Vol. II] Again: evolution is not a simple, two-sided conflict between "good" and "evil" -- in a way, a nominalistic-empirical science "had to" enter cultural development.)

Ahriman intends to make the now-earthly human intelligence entirely, overly individualized and personal, so that it degenerates into mere cleverness, driven by lower instincts and divorced from universal reality. But while Baconian science gained ground on earth, in the spirit/soul world the Platonists and Aristotelians convened in a "school" under the leadership of Michael. This school prepared the impulses which were to appear later on earth as the renewing and enlivening of culture in the coming Michael Age. (Meanwhile, in the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, Ahriman had convened a "school" of his own, for the purpose, among others, of preparing his human acolytes for their coming incarnations, especially those in our time. This school was "sub-earthly" in the sense that it was beneath the earth's surface, and in the sense that it was "sub-sensible" -- the opposite of supersensible.) This heavenly gathering, around the turning of the Eighteenth/Nineteenth centuries, culminated in a mighty Ritual, while on earth the Romantic Movement brought life into culture, before the deep descent into the materialism of the later Nineteenth century.


-- Prokofieff [in The Spiritual Originnns of Eastern Europe...], tries to explicate the inter-relations of Sorat, Lucifer, and Ahriman -- thusly: The ethereal Ahrimanic manifestation will be of a being still mightier than the "Ahriman" who will incarnate in the flesh, an ethereal "emissary" of the Sun Demon, Sorat. This "emissary" was the being who inspired the demonic impulse of Jundi Shapur, and might "temporarily incorporate" in the incarnated "Ahriman" in "the culminating moments of the earthly activity of the latter". (Sorat himself will directly enter earthly evolution only in the distant future.) Further, this "emissary" works through Luciferic spirits to inspire Jesuitism, through Ahrimanic spirits to inspire the Western "brotherhoods", and directly to inspire Bolshevism [and perhaps Nazism]. -- And [in The Cycle of the Year...], Prokofieff tries to explain the present crescendo of phenomena surrounding "UFOs" as proceeding from these Western "brotherhoods" which seek to "...conjure forth a spectral ream which will -- in accordance with the intentions of this [ethereal, Ahrimanic 'emissary'] Being -- be formed immediately beneath the surface of the Earth in the region of its solid and liquid elements....That is, in that sphere where during the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries the sub-earthly Ahrimanic school began its operations....and from which [sphere] the many so-called 'unexplained' phenomena of our time, mistakenly ascribed to extra-terrestrial influences, proceed." [pp. 299, 410]

As mentioned above, these "brothers" seek to so harden their ethereal bodies as to attain an "Ahrimanic immortality" for themselves in the environment of the Earth, and to so harden the Earth as to prevent it from passing over to the New Jupiter.

(NOTE: "an ahrimanic subsensible school of black magicians conjuring up a spectral realm manifesting as UFOs and other paranormal phenomena", this theory reminds me a lot of the ideas of guenonian thinker and spiritualist Charles Upton - 'Cracks in the Great Wall', the System of the Antichrist', etc. - and also French guenonian Jean Robin.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

one very useful tool on Rudolf Steinre archive is the word search.

To understand the eighth sphere, we must first understand the concept of atavistic clairvoyance bound with the persistence of old Moon forces.

Search for the word "atavistic"

Title: Esoteric Cosmology: Lecture IV: Involution and Evolution
Matching lines:
The trance of the hypnotised subject and of the medium is an atavistic

Title: Esoteric Cosmology: Lecture XIII: The Logos and the Word
Matching lines:
Dream-consciousness is an atavistic survival of the picture

Title: Esoteric Cosmology: Lecture XIV: The Logos and Man
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Physical, objective consciousness-the normal waking state. The two former states are atavistic survivals.

Title: Lecture: Occult Significance of Blood
Matching lines:
atavistically clairvoyant, he descends to a far deeper consciousness,

Matching lines:
form of atavistic remains of an earlier age. Later, during Greco-Roman

Title: Poetry/Fairy Tales: The Interpretation of Fairy Tales
Matching lines:
remnants of atavistic clairvoyance. Somewhere or other he may meet
withdrawing more and more from the spiritual world. Atavistic

Title: The Ego: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
atavistic relics of the earlier appear in all, and so it came about
to expression as an atavistic remnant in what Joseph represents,

Title: Christ Impulse: Lecture 6: The Birth of Conscience
Matching lines:
appears atavistically, and only in abnormal cases. No blame should

Title: Evidences of Bygone Ages in Modern Civilisation
Matching lines:
moments of atavistic clairvoyance when the soul withdrew more into

Title: Lecture: Newborn Might and Strength Everlasting
Matching lines:
man still possessed through his atavistic clairvoyance the inheritance of

Title: Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture Two
Matching lines:
atavistic, an heirloom, and it persisted most plainly in the

Title: Christ and the Spiritual World: Lecture Three
Matching lines:
stayed behind, atavistically, at an earlier stage.
Title: Nature of Man: Lecture 4: Wisdom in the Spiritual World
Matching lines:
original clairvoyance. Although the primitive atavistic clairvoyance

Title: Significant Facts: Lecture I: A Convulsive Element in Humanity in the Nineteenth Century
Matching lines:
and are transported in a certain abnormal, atavistic way into the
Past, they go to pieces physically and are transported atavistically
this atavistic transport into the spiritual world of those around the
atavistic way and has been able only to save the Past that is
Past which can lead only to atavistic life in the spiritual world,

Title: Significant Facts: Lecture II: Ancient Occult Magic. The Ahasver Mystery.
Matching lines:
of wisdom yielded by atavistic clairvoyance and of knowledge gained
atavistically. But this heritage petered away and the tide of
atavistic connection with the spiritual world.
Past, and those who rise into the spiritual worlds in an atavistic

Title: Significant Facts: Lecture III: The Tragic Wrestling with Knowledge. The Secrets of the Future Sixth Cultural Period.
Matching lines:
knowledge came to men through their atavistic clairvoyance.

Title: Lecture: Relationships Between the Living and the Dead
Matching lines:
means of atavistic clairvoyance – as we may call it – to
last three to four centuries, the formerly extant, more atavistic and

Title: Lecture: The Ego-consciousness of the So-called Dead
Matching lines:
atavistic clairvoyance was lost only because certain qualities had to

Title: Lecture: The Moment of Death and the Period Thereafter
Matching lines:
were clairvoyant and that this ancient, atavistic clairvoyance was

Title: Lecture: The Weaving and Living Activity of the Human Etheric Bodies
Matching lines:
of the ancient atavistic clairvoyance. What Master Bertram

Title: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Two
Matching lines:
expressed in the stars. These were earlier ages, when atavistic

Title: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Three
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such matters. Given their atavistic knowledge of the spiritual world,

Title: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Six
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earlier times when human knowledge was obtained through atavistic
Chaldeans was obtained through atavistic clairvoyance. It depended
atavistic feelings. Today, it is necessary for mankind to achieve this

Title: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Nine
Matching lines:
return to, an atavistic state that was a natural and usual state in an
imaginative vision of Old Moon. Today, such an atavistic regression
This is the most obvious kind of case. Today, when an atavistic vision
counter the falsifying tendencies of an atavistic vision, the

Title: Lecture: The Sense-Organs and Aesthetic Experience
Matching lines:
Now we have also said that during the Old Moon period our present sense-organs were still organs of life, still worked as life-organs, and that our present life-organs were then more in the realm of the soul. Think of what has often been emphasised: that there is an atavism in human life, a kind of return to the habits and peculiarities of what was once natural; a falling back, in this case into the Old Moon period. In other words, there can be an atavistic return to the dreamlike, imaginative way of looking at things that was characteristic of Old Moon. Such an atavistic falling back into Moon-visions must today be regarded as pathological.
Take the crudest example: someone is led to have a vision. Instead of remaining calm before it, and contemplating it inwardly, he applies it in some way to the physical world – although it should be applied only to the spiritual world – and acts accordingly with his body. He begins to act wildly, because the vision penetrates and stirs his body in a way it should not do. There you have the crudest example. The vision should remain within the region to which it naturally belongs. It does not do so if today, as an atavistic vision, it is not tolerated by the physical body. If the physical body is too weak to prevail against the vision, a state of helplessness sets in. If the physical body is strong enough to prevail, it weakens the vision. Then it no longer has the character of pretending to be the same as a thing or process in the sense-world; that is the illusion imposed by a vision on someone made ill by it. If the physical organism is so strong that it can fight the tendency of an atavistic vision to lie about itself, then the person concerned will be strong enough to relate himself to the world in the same way as during the Old Moon period, and yet to adapt this behaviour to his present organism.

Title: Riddle of Humanity: Lecture Fifteen
Matching lines:
centuries ago, even though it was an atavistic understanding:
the stream of this old atavistic wisdom also ran dry. It was replaced
made its appearance, the last remnants of the great atavistic

Title: Lecture: Inner Impulses: Lecture II
Matching lines:
their assistance the atavistic – and thus luciferic – forces

Title: Lecture: Inner Impulses: Lecture III
Matching lines:
atavistic, visionary perception but whenever they desired his
gifted with a certain atavistic clairvoyance when they had been
through atavistic clairvoyance, in actual fact became man, so the

Title: Lecture: Inner Impulses: Lecture V
Matching lines:
came from atavistic clairvoyance. Men did not see the pure phenomenon,

Title: Lecture: Inner Impulses: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
created in his book, from a certain atavistic clairvoyance, a picture

Title: Lecture: The Problem of Destiny
Matching lines:
so very long ago the souls of men possessed a more atavistic and
world through his feelings, through an atavistic clairvoyance and

Title: Lecture: The Influence of the Dead on the Life of Man on Earth
Matching lines:
times. We have all heard of the primeval atavistic clairvoyance. For
old atavistic clairvoyance. Instead there must now come into us what

Title: Festivals: Christmas: Lecture IV: Christmas at a Time of Grievous Destiny
Matching lines:
revealed to men in atavistic clairvoyance. Every trace of the Gnosis,
bearers of that ancient, atavistic earth-wisdom which was
days of the old, atavistic clairvoyance, although it was still to some
atavistic clairvoyance, the arrival of human beings on the earth.
atavistic in character, but for all that it was infinitely more

Title: Lecture 1. Materialism and Spirituality.
Matching lines:
atavistic forms of clairvoyance, which appear as presentiments. For
respect accessible; of course, as we know – through atavistic

Title: Lecture 4. Morality, As A Germinating Force
Matching lines:
to do. We know indeed that in olden times man possessed an atavistic

Title: Lecture 5. The Human soul and the Universe (part 2)
Matching lines:
times when man still possessed an atavistic knowledge, he connected

Title: Lecture 6. Man and the Super-Terrestrial
Matching lines:
atavistic clairvoyance in man, he was then more in harmony with the
atavistic clairvoyance, through which he was able to experience in the
ages, of course, but it was formerly perceived by means of atavistic
development when, in the sense of the old atavistic clairvoyance, man
was formerly perceptible to the atavistic clairvoyance of man at
universe through atavistic clairvoyance, there is still something

Title: Behind the Scenes: Lecture 2
Matching lines:
spirituality pervaded the atavistic inner life of man. Now, for the
with the spiritual world. Although for many centuries now, atavistic

Title: Geographic Medicine: Lecture II
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away from the ancient atavistic wisdom. Since then it has hardly been

Title: Reappearance/Christ: Lecture X: Individual Spirit Beings and the Undivided Foundation of the World: Part 1
Matching lines:
only known through an ancient, atavistic clairvoyance. Today one

Title: Reappearance/Christ: Lecture XII: Individual Spirit Beings and the Undivided Foundation of the World: Part 3
Matching lines:
the ancient, atavistic strivings until the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries. In the ancient atavistic sense they were also viewed more
to astrology, which was atavistic in its ancient form and would not

Title: Ancient Myths: Lecture I
Matching lines:
aided through older, what we call atavistic, knowledge, through
atavistic clairvoyance in Intuition, Inspiration, Imagination; now we
atavistic way. If he could consciously make use of his Mercury, his
They understood an imaginative consciousness, an atavistic
overcome atavism, making use of sulphur atavistically. But Zeus and
Imagination atavistically. That is what the Greeks wished to say
remembrance of the ancient times of atavistic clairvoyance. They
different way from in their own time. The old atavistic clairvoyance

Title: Ancient Myths: Lecture III
Matching lines:
possessed atavistic clairvoyance, and through the atavistic
to the things of the senses. We have seen that for this old atavistic
his atavistic imaginations. That was the age in which Osiris ruled.
human evolution resulted in the Imaginative atavistic clairvoyance.

Title: Ancient Myths: Lecture IV
Matching lines:
still much tinged with atavistic forces, namely, by what is connected

Title: Ancient Myths: Lecture VII
Matching lines:
things were still known atavistically, but people no longer attach a
but one that – preserved atavistically from olden times –
in-streamings. Only an atavistic remainder is still there. Everyone

Title: Signs of the Times: Michaels Battle and Its Reflection On Earth -- I
Matching lines:
out. Not so long ago, more primitive people in their atavistic state

Title: Lecture: The Work of the Angels In Mans Astral Body
Matching lines:
of atavistic clairvoyance nor in that of Greco-Latin civilisation
in man's soul from atavistic clairvoyance obscured his observation of
atavistic clairvoyance. And in the Greco-Latin period, thought was not
epoch when man still had the pictures of atavistic clairvoyance, how
from men through their own atavistic clairvoyance. Their clairvoyance

Title: Lecture: A Turning-Point in Modern History
Matching lines:
– it was all an echo or in a sense a picture of the old atavistic
wisdom was quite correctly aware of these things, in an atavistic way.
when such things were founded, from an atavistic feeling originating

Title: Mission of Michael: Lecture VI: The Ancient Yoga Culture and the New Yoga Will.
Matching lines:
atavistic returning to previous evolutionary stages of mankind,
back, atavistically, that which mankind had possessed at earlier

Title: Mysteries of Light: Lecture III: Historical Occurrences of the Last Century
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time when the atavistic forces still remaining from before the middle

Title: Mysteries of Light: Lecture IV: The Old Mysteries of Light, Space, and Earth
Matching lines:
beings of ancient times had an atavistic clairvoyance, a dream-like
of a widely dispersed population; but this atavistic clairvoyance was
“becoming decadent”  of the atavistic clairvoyance is not
special faculties. Besides the atavistic clairvoyance, which still
power with atavistic clairvoyance; and when they came down from the
with the plebeian faculties of atavistic clairvoyance.
by those people who combined atavistic clairvoyance with the first
the ancient gift of atavistic clairvoyance gradually wane and become
source as the ancient atavistic clairvoyance; and therefore Socrates

Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture I: The Three Streams in the Life of Civilization. The Mysteries of Light, of Man, and of the Earth.
Matching lines:
atavistic clairvoyance, they worked down to the political life, to the
humanity people with a primeval atavistic clairvoyance, human beings
possess. The original inhabitants had atavistic clairvoyance without
early people living by atavistic powers of the soul, and those who

Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture II: The Michael Path to Christ: A Christmas Lecture
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the Old Testament, through the atavistic clairvoyance which flowed
atavistically the old qualities of perception by which Michael could

Matching lines:
through the atavistic clairvoyance which flowed into their souls in
atavistically the old qualities of perception by which Michael could

Title: Cosmic New Year: Lecture IV: The Breaking-in of Spiritual Revelations Since the Last Third of the Nineteenth Century. Thoughts on New Years Eve.
Matching lines:
out of his nightly experiences, so the clairvoyant-atavistic
Ego. These clairvoyant-atavistic perceptions were dreams only in their
present-day man has been emptied of the clairvoyant-atavistic content
atavistic-clairvoyant visions, there arose in man's sentient life that
of these atavistic-clairvoyant visions, and when we look back on the
Just as in the past, man's Ego was filled with an atavistic
atavistic clairvoyance. The last inheritance of this atavistic
logical dialectic dilution of a former atavistic clairvoyance, is no
all, if in the past there had never been atavistic religious interests

Title: Lecture: Some Conditions for Understanding Supersensible Experiences
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still present in men, although springing, it is true, from atavistic

Title: Lecture I ....... Spiritual Science and Medicine
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paths of ancient atavistic vision. The most accurate abstract
medicine based on atavistic clairvoyance. From an external point of

Title: Lecture II ...... Spiritual Science and Medicine
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(through the atavistic power of clairvoyance) and they beheld in the

Title: Lecture IV ...... Spiritual Science and Medicine
Matching lines:
atavistic clairvoyance. For after all, only the smallest minority of
based their doctrine on atavistic perceptions. That road will not lead

Title: Lecture V ....... Spiritual Science and Medicine
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Of phosphorus the exact contrary is true. Ancient atavistic knowledge

Title: Lecture XII ..... Spiritual Science and Medicine
Matching lines:
his understanding rose in an atavistic way from within and that he
him aright we shall find that the archaic atavistic medical wisdom,

Matching lines:
from ancient atavistic clairvoyant faculties and gave man a knowledge
illumination, the under-standing once possessed by men in an atavistic
possessed atavistic faculties with which to behold them. But now these

Title: Lecture XIX ..... Spiritual Science and Medicine
Matching lines:
because it is hard to make the forces preserved by atavistic medicine

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture One
Matching lines:
abstract. In olden times, through atavistic clairvoyance man knew much

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Five
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consciousness, the atavistic picture-consciousness, he would still

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Seven
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experience between death and re-birth. The ancient atavistic wisdom

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Eight
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of course of atavistic perception, Man knew himself to be dependent

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Ten
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dreamy atavistic consciousness, but which in its content far surpassed
ancient Hebrew Mystery teaching, for example – said from their atavistic

Title: Man: Hieroglyph: Lecture Eleven
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instinctive atavistic wisdom was right in connecting Jupiter and
the atavistic primeval wisdom to which we can return by the inner

Title: Search for the New Isis: Lecture III: The Magi and the Shepherds: The New Isis
Matching lines:
fantasy, but to a spiritual, although instinctive, atavistic
into the spirituality of the minerals and plants, with his atavistic,

Title: Lecture: The Alphabet
Matching lines:
the time of atavistic clairvoyance, clairaudience, and so on, a

Title: Lecture: Exoteric And Esoteric Christianity
Matching lines:
receive the wisdom of gods through atavistic, clairvoyant capacities. This
atavistic clairvoyance, became conscious at once of the fact that their

Title: Lecture: Knowledge and Initiation
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atavistic, dreamlike way, but today it has to be in full

Title: Younger Generation: Lecture VI
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evident by contrasting the atavistic elements of the older age which

Title: Younger Generation: Lecture XII
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form of light because atavistic clairvoyance was still present.

Title: Younger Generation: Lecture XIII
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dear friends, in olden times when an atavistic clairvoyance was still

Title: Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine: Lecture I
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old. Only if we develop certain atavistic faculties will we perceive

Title: Lecture: Man As A Picture of The Living Spirit
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Long, long ago, in an instinctive atavistic clairvoyance, mankind had

Title: Man in the Past, the Present and the Future: Lecture II
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permeated by spirit became gradually clouded, but atavistic remains
connected with an atavistic relation to the Moon-forces which has
atavistically, for Sun-activity exists in every man. But the
but possessed atavistically like some elemental force – a man can
sight is changed. When this atavistic capacity appears, he sees
Jacob Boehme possessed this atavistic power when he looked a the plant and saw the quality of salt below, the mercurial in the middle and the phosphoric above. Thus we can see in the spirit of a man such as Boehme, who was a natural Sun-Initiate, a capacity belonging to an earlier period of civilization, that primal civilization before there was any reading or writing. You completely misunderstand him if you read works such as the Mysterium Magnum, the De Signatura Rerum or the Aurora and do not see that in this stammering presentation there is something quite similar to what I described in relation to the Druids. Boehme was not initiated in an external sense, but his Sun-Initiation rises within him like a repetition of an earlier earthly existence. We can trace this into the very details of his biography.

Title: Foreword: An Esoteric Cosmology
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atavistic clairvoyance. In the Atlantean period, he lived more in the

Title: Man in the Past, the Present and the Future: Contents
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permeated by spirit became gradually clouded, but atavistic remains

Title: Mysteries of Light: Contents
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universal atavistic clairvoyance, among some human groups of central

Title: Presence of the Dead: Lecture One: Understanding the Spiritual World (Part One)
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spiritual world. Atavistic clairvoyance and healthy judgment. Clear
a basic, atavistic clairvoyance. It was possible for them to have
the physical world. When people still possessed an atavistic
that they are lagging behind. Having atavistic abilities today does
mistake if we allow atavistic clairvoyant abilities to impress us. We

Title: Presence of the Dead: Lecture Three: Awakening Spiritual Thoughts
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from the old atavistic clairvoyance by developing a world view based

Title: Presence of the Dead: Contents
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spiritual world. Atavistic clairvoyance and healthy judgment. Clear

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Here are two articles I what to attract your attention to: What  want to point out is that geographic etheric forces and their fallen electromagnetic counterpart are being used by secret lodges as a mean to bind us to matter, even after death, and also in order to influence our own personal electromagnetic Double in manipulative ways.

Red Ice:
Anthroposophy Syndey:

Subtle Bodies - Manipulating the Mind of Man
2006 12 19  RED ICE

By Philip Gardiner |

Our connection with the Earth’s electromagnetism can also be seen in the ancient practice of dowsing. Today we use dowsing to discover underground fissures, water, artifacts and minerals. The dowser uses rods or a weighted pendulum and walks across an area. The rod or pendulum then moves accordingly at the precise spot. Dowsers say that the instruments are incidental and react only to the vibrations, waves or electrical magnetism, which is being picked up by their bodies.

Scientists have shown that some people are sensitive to 1/1,000,000,000 of a gauss of magnetism; therefore there is a strong possibility that dowsing is a practical and measurable skill. This would explain how the ancients could plot Ley Lines and understand Dragon Paths or Feng Shui.

When working in conjunction with a German dowser, the Czech physicist, Zaboj V. Harvalik, suggested that the adrenal gland was the organ used to detect the magnetism. He reached this conclusion because positive results increased when the dowser drank more water. This theory seems unlikely now – unless it is in some way linked with the pineal organ. In later experiments, aluminum foil was wound around the head of the dowser and this blocked the signal. Strangely, so did a block of foil placed on the dowser’s forehead in the area of the pineal gland. This is the same location as a pigeon’s magnetite. Another strange and telling piece of evidence comes when we find that solar flares can upset the dowser’s abilities – thus showing that mankind could theoretically actually physically measure the holy serpentine energy of the sun. Much of this energy is now understood to be picked up by the pineal organ.

The pineal organ is one of the outgrowths of the pineal apparatus. In aquatic and gill-breathing creatures, it can form a photosensitive eye-like structure, which is involved in the diurnal rhythm of color change. In ancient reptiles, and still in the Tuatura lizard of New Zealand, it formed a separate eye on top of the head – a third eye. It persists in higher vertebrates and may function as an endocrine gland – internally secreting into the blood and affecting distant parts of the body. In humans, this organ is buried deep within the brain, located in the Limbic system, which helps us to learn and has emotional capabilities. The pineal gland exerts some chemical reactions, which are not fully understood. Autopsies on mediums and spiritually inclined people have revealed larger pineal glands that contain a clear fluid called seratonin, which in turn makes melatonin. [3]

Seratonin, when depleted by amphetamines, causes mild psychedelic effects, which is why the drug ‘Ecstasy’ is so popular. The administration of melatonin can help prevent jet lag and SAD. Strangely, it is also thought to influence our rhythms of activity. Some believe it is sensitive to the rhythms and cycles of nature and is responsible for transferring that information to us. The pineal gland is associated with color recognition, and reptiles can even change the color of this ‘third eye.’ It is also associated with measuring the length of the day and keeping track of the seasons.

Hindu tradition claims this area to be the center of the sixth ‘chakra’ – the ‘ajna’ – the center of man’s spirituality and psychic abilities. This is the reason why people of many faiths wear a red dot on the forehead. ‘Chakra’ means ‘wheel’ and ‘energy center.’ The initiated are trained to perceive chakras as whirls of altering colors – which relates to the idea that the pineal gland is associated with color recognition. This are ancient kundalini concepts in relation to modern scientific knowledge of the brain.

In ancient Cabalistic theology, the Kether, or Crown chakra, is just above the head and therefore is said to relate to the pineal gland. The Kether is the crown of pure brilliance or Shining One. It’s center, known as the bindu, is the point where all life’s energies spring from the Godhead.

In Deuteronomy 6:8, the priests of Israel wore a phylactery on their foreheads, and in ancient Egypt we find the royal Nemes head cloth – a piece of striped cloth with the Uraeus serpent insignia at the center of the forehead –mimicking the serpentine Kundalini aspect of the chakra system. In many Christian Cathedrals, there are portraits of Christians with strange marks on their foreheads. Carved stone statues with circles, diamonds and triangles on their crowns or hats, are everywhere. [4] There is no explanation for these images, no reason given for these marks; they are just there and in some very symbolic positions. At Lichfield Cathedral in England, the pictures of Bishops are enhanced with these marks and face a large mystical image of the Virgin Mary with the bright rays of the sun shining from behind her. This can only be a symbol for the illumination - an emblem of the sight that is supposedly perceived through this third eye.

At this point we should be aware of how far from science we can stray. Map dowsing, for instance, cannot be explained scientifically, and some scientists point to the nose as the organ responsible for our directional senses. Many animals have a variety of senses, which we are yet to understand, such as the ability to emit small electrical discharges, underwater vibrations, infrasound and ultrasound. Some birds can detect polarized light, which helps them to see the fingerprint of their prey as it leaves a pattern across the ground. Snakes can see and produce images in infrared radiation. Can man use more senses than we know and could he pick up some of these images emitted by the likes of the snake? Should we believe that the dowser’s skill is simply in being more acutely in touch with their senses? As we move forward through the evidence the answers to these questions may arise.

The term to be ‘mesmerized’ derives from the Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) who believed the human nervous system to be magnetized. He coined the phrase ‘animal magnetism’ and claimed that magnetism from the planets had actually caused healing at one church in Austria. He developed a therapeutic regime, which incorporated iron magnets, magnetite and the laying on of hands. Mesmer built up a large following – many of which claimed to have been healed by his ‘animal magnetism.’ The modern day term for mesmerism is ‘hypnotism’ and it had nothing at all to do with magnetism. Although using magnets and the left side of the brain to achieve a therapeutic response is still a relatively untried method, there is some evidence that our ancestors may have dabbled in it. As the famous Methodist John Wesley said, ‘consider how far bodily disorders are caused or influenced by the mind.’[2] If many illnesses are caused by the imbalance of energy such as electromagnetism, then perhaps the brain can help to cure itself by utilizing or balancing out this disparity. Alchemists hinted at this kind of belief many centuries ago. A balanced mind, full of balanced thoughts and emotions does indeed balance out the electromagnetic frequency within the brain as I myself have proven when connected to various monitoring devices. As my aid, Dominic O’Brien said, "you have a Ferrari brain." Although I think he may have been over stating the case, he was simply indicating the balance that I had managed to achieve between the two sides of my brain. How did I do this? By knowing myself, by gaining knowledge and hopefully building wisdom in the process and by having a balanced perspective to all things.

New and modern techniques are emerging which might offer hints as to how our ancestors used their healing powers and allusions to the prayer life and meditative practices of the more spiritual ancients.

With Biofeedback, individuals mechanically monitor their own states of mind and body to gain self-control. This is similar to the Buddhist and Hindu methods of self-control via meditation, where not only do they control worldly desires but also bodily functions, such as appetite and body temperature. You will note that Hinduism and Buddhism stem from some of the oldest roots of mankind’s religious mythology, rooted I might add in the worship of the serpent and the sun.

These modern day counterparts use scientific tools to the same ends. They control heart rate, blood pressure, stress levels, halt the attacks of headaches and even monitor and alter their own brainwave patterns.

Medical specialists the world over are interested in this supposedly ‘new’ technique for cures of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. This brainpower can release endorphins into the body, which have pain-relieving and mood-elevating effects in exactly the same way I expressed above about the kundalini enlightenment process.

With Biofeedback, and an understanding of our environment, and utilizing biorhythms in conjunction with the cosmic cyclic patterns, we may re-discover what we have lost.

Biorhythms were discovered by Dr. Hermann Swoboda and Dr. Wilhelm Fleiss, who found that the human body is subject to a twenty-three and twenty-eight day cycle. Added to this was the thirty-three day cycle discovered by Dr. Alfred Teltcher who observed the fluctuations in the intellectual performances of his students. These cycles lead us through peaks and troughs, mood swings and various other activity patterns and all of them match the cycles of the bodies in the solar system.

Japanese employers who lay off staff in regular cycles because of low mood swings have in fact achieved greater efficiency. There are now even small computer devices available, which can monitor menstrual cycles as a method of birth control.

In 1981, the biologist Rupert Sheldrake put forward the hypothesis for what he called ‘morphogenetic fields’ (Greek morphe for ‘form’ and genesis for ‘coming into being.’) Sheldrake claimed that these fields – unrecognized by modern science – were as real as magnetic or gravitational fields. He claimed that by morphic resonance, forms and behavior patterns are transmitted across space and time, and that growing embryos of the same species could tune into the morphic resonance and learn from the past, to give evolution that ‘helping hand.’ If we consider that we have problems with the huge gaps in evolution, and the fact that many evolutionary scientists are looking at the ‘big leaps’ theory as being more acceptable, it may be that by learning from the past and adapting our genes while still an embryo, we could make these leaps.

Sheldrake supposed that this morphic resonance came from the memory bank of the past species. So when a species has learnt a new behavior pattern it is passed down and effects a change in the future. This falls in line with Lamarck’s evolutionary hypothesis of acquired characteristics. Let us look at evidence for such an idea.

The phenomenon called ‘The Hundredth Monkey’ has been put forward by adherents to Sheldrake’s idea as being evidence for such a brain/mind transmitter/receiver. On an individual level we obtain new knowledge, which then erupts suddenly throughout the species. This comes from the explanatory folk tale of how a monkey in a cage is joined by an ever-increasing numbers of monkeys. When the hundredth one arrives, the cage bursts and all the monkeys escape – suddenly knowledge is widespread, where before it had been known to a select few.

Modern research, especially that undertaken by the anthropologist and biologist Dr. Lyall Watson, has shown a remarkable similarity in effect by observation. In 1952, the Macaca Fuscata monkeys of Koshima Island, Japan, were under close observation by primatologists. To get the monkeys to come closer to the researchers, sweet potatoes were placed before them. The potatoes proved unpalatable until a female monkey named Imo learned how to wash them. The young monkey taught the skill to her mother and other female monkeys, and by 1958 all the young monkeys were doing this. They also found that washing the potatoes in salt water had added more flavor.

The primatologists then noticed that the practice, once restricted primarily to the under-fives, had now become common knowledge amongst the monkeys, virtually overnight. The phenomena did not stop there. The practice also erupted on wholly isolated neighboring islands.

This was not a solitary observable incident. In Britain, in the same year as the primate study began, dairies first began to deliver milk in bottles topped with foil, through which birds can peck and drink the milk. Blue tits were first to learn how to do so. The initial spread of this practice was normal and comparable to previous observable examples and nothing was out of the ordinary. That was until 1955 when suddenly, and again virtually overnight, all blue tits and most of the great tits of mainland Europe were practicing this. Could Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphogenetic resonance be true? Is this a hypothesis that science should take seriously when considering new ways to explain our evolution?

Early on in his career, the psychologist Carl Jung described a manifestation he called ‘potent primordial images.’ He believed that there is a vast, universal store of memory and images locked away deep within our unconscious. Sigmund Freud, however, considered them to be archaic residues, something we no longer need. This was in disagreement with Jung who saw them as vital to our psychic life, a ‘collective unconsciousness,’ which we all shared, added to and took from. The idea was that many religious and primordial beliefs in ‘spirits,’ ‘souls,’ ‘gods’ and ‘demigods,’ ‘ancestor worship’ and ‘heaven’ were gleaned from our ‘unconscious mind’ tapping into the ‘collective unconsciousness.’ This may explain some of the shared images that Shaman and magicians experience when under the influence of psychoactive drugs, or the worldwide common images of ‘near death experiences’ and even ‘alien visitation.’

Scientists are now pointing to the passing on of residual memory within our genes, and this may explain some of the strange effects, although we should consider that there could be truth in both ideas: genetic modification from memory and modification from a handed-down shared consciousness.

Science is looking into some of the more common paranormal experiences in relation to the brain. Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP, is one such area. This is the phenomenon where information is supposedly transmitted or received from one brain to another. Scientists have, as yet, been unable to prove the existence of true ESP, although they have had some unusual and unexplainable results. As I write this down, scientists in Beijing are working on the ‘Quantum Entanglement theory.’ In this scenario, they put two people into separate rooms and connect them up to the scientific apparatus. One person is flashed one hundred times with a bright light while the other person’s reactions are being monitored. Amazingly the results were beyond doubt that the emotion of the flashing lights had transferred into the other chamber and into the mind of the second person. The scientists have called it ‘Quantum Entanglement’ and they are even now researching how this amazing particle effect can be used in communication devices. [5]

By understanding the nature of our existence in a ‘paranormal,’ ‘scientific’ and ‘spiritual’ way, we will find the reasoning behind early religious beliefs. There would be little point in looking to the future or at modern rationalism for answers. The beliefs of ancient man came about through his understanding of the world around him. There was no science book to learn from and understand what the stars really were. He simply had to work it out for himself and attribute his own interpretation to the natural phenomena around him. To do this he used his mind, but in using his mind he also developed a major new way of thinking – how can I use my mind to manipulate that of another’s. Survival of the fittest became conscious.


1. Lifetide. Lyall Watson. (Coronet Books. 1980.)

2. The Paranormal. Stuart Gordon. (Headline. 1992.)

3. The Secret Life of Plants. Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. (Harper and Row. 1973.)

4. Lichfield Cathedral, Staffs, England. Remarkable imagery, Geoffrey de Bouillon statue, numerology, symbolism, cross, trees, mountains, Marian cults, Illuminati, and much more. Philip: I have spent days at this Cathedral and have still not collated all the relevant symbolism contained within, well worth a visit.

5. From a paper by Gao Shan entitled A Primary Quantum Model of Telepathy – The Scientists Work Team of Electromagnetic Wave Velocity, Chinese Institute of Electronics, Beijing.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Quotes from The Anti-Grail Stream, Adriana Koulias

The Task of the Anti Grail stream today is to keep humanity asleep. Asleep to the divine in the human being and to the divine in Nature.
What do I mean by this? The task of the Anti Grail stream is:
1. To prevent consciousness of the need for perfecting various bodily sheaths or redeeming the results of the fall, in preparation for a communion with Christ - Microcosm.
2. To prevent consciousness of the need to perfect the various bodily sheaths of the human being in order to thereby redeem nature and spiritual beings in preparation for its communion with Christ - Macrocosm.
The Anti Grail Brotherhood and the Four Anti Grail Streams
The Anti Grail Stream has four human initiates that guide it who belong to an Anti Grail Brotherhood. These initiates are well hidden. We only see their ‘pawns’ in the world arena today.

Western Brotherhoods of the Left
Work Against The Experience of Christ in the Etheric Body as a Healing force -Shadow of the Loving Offertory - Hateful Withdrawal from Spirit.
From the West come the Brotherhoods of the Left - the Freemasons - at least some factions of them, C.F.R (Central Foreign Relations)., Round Table, the Cecil Rhodes Scholarships, the Order of Skull and Bones, and their associated political and economic instruments - who seek to unite as many human beings as possible in an ‘unconscious’ way with the material life so that in the life between death and rebirth the Etheric bodies of those souls does not dissipate but remains surrounding the earth and can be used as instruments for these powerful groups. These Etheric bodies become the vehicle by which the Anti Christ can replace the Being of the Etheric Christ. These western brotherhoods work particularly in the economic life because this is an excellent way of binding humanity to matter. Those initiated into this stream, also seek to ‘consciously’ remain in their Etheric bodies after death as a kind of Etheric immortality. They learn how to excarnate and incarnate at will through the use of an ‘illegal gate’ a northern constellation/ star sign that appears in the night sky at midsummer – or midday in the cosmic year. This is the illegal constellation of Ophiucus, the serpent handler. We can see the connection between this constellation and the earth’s kundalini in the diagram below. Ophiucus lies on the Zodiac, and is the thirteenth constellation, however, it is not recognised by Astrologers. It represents a serpent, coiled round a man's, Aesculapius', body. Aesculapius is believed to have preceded Hippocrates as an early healer who was supposed to be able to raise the dead. It deals with birth and death and the prolonging of life. Those initiated into these mysteries would live a shadowy half-life like the ring wraiths of the Lord of the Rings. They participate in ceremonial magic, rituals that originate in past epochs and are not suitable for human beings today. We see the triumvirate of Evil raise its ugly head since 2001. There are leaders in the western world that are pawns of those who govern the Western Anti Grail stream. This stream seeks to and is uniting with, the Eastern stream as did its good counterpart in the ninth century. We only need to look at how Sept 9/11 strengthened the position of many political leaders. It also increased the wealth of many Western and Eastern co-operations. Think about why there has been a question of National Security before two election campaigns in Australia both brought about by an Eastern threat. Think about how all three countries are led by parties that are being moved more and more to the right. This divides human beings, by promoting differences – Them and Us - through fear and a deep religious as well as nationalistic fervour. This works against the impulse of the Grail stream that seeks to unite human beings in their spiritual commonality by promoting the knowledge that in every human being there exists the same element of the divine and eternal.

In the lectures on the Reappearance of Christ in the Etheric, Rudolf Steiner places particular emphasis on the fact that more and more human beings will come to realise that there are forces that run from north to south. These forces can and will be misused by the Anti Grail stream and are related to impulses from the cosmic spaces that come from the sphere of particular constellations that are related also to Etheric forces that lie deep in the Earth. In particular he mentions the constellation of Gemini and Sagittarius being related to dualism – electricity, magnetism and the ‘third’ force. The impulses coming from Gemini is related to Midday and Sagittarius to midnight. The other two are Pisces and Virgo, these are related to morning and evening and can be put to the service of humanity as a healing science.

The Gemini forces, the forces of midday can be exploited by Western brotherhoods to acquire knowledge of :
1. The degenerated Father forces or mysteries of Gold of Birth or Life Ether or ‘Energy before Matter’ in its fallen form. This relates to incarnation through the manipulation of DNA, that is, through the 13th illegal sign of Ophiucus, which is The Serpent Handler, or sign that knows how to utilise the Kundalini of the earth or its fallen ethers. Through this sign Life will be created in an illegal way, that is, independent of Karma, by bypassing the forces of the twelve Zodiacs.
2. The degenerated Son Forces or fallen Chemical Ether or Magnetism - mysteries of Health – The forces of the Son in the fallen form. This knowledge can be used in vitamins and minerals, medicines that are tinged appropriately and can enable human beings to relinquish karmic illness that might lead to ‘goodness’ in another life for ‘good health’ in a bottle which is not balanced by conscious inner work and so therefore does nothing to further the evolution of the individual and his Karma.

3. The forces of degenerated Holy Spirit - fallen Light Ether or Electricity -These forces can be used to Prolong life by giving human beings who undergo special initiations of this kind an Ahrimanic immortality. The human being can Excarnate at will.
These relate as shown by the diagram, to the Etheric Kundalini of the earth. The electro - magnetic forces that work tortuously from the south up through Australia to the magnetic north pole in North America. The activity of the double or the human being’s darker side thrives on the fallen Etheric forces.
We can see how these western brotherhoods are connected with what is carried over from Australia to America from south to the north magnetic pole and how this is reflected in the political arena of today where Australia and the UK join forces with America to create an Empire.

The Black Lodge and its Five Supersensible Guardians of the Anti Grail
The Anti Grail streams and the Anti Grail Brotherhood of Black Magicians is inspired by higher beings that belong to a Black Lodge whose twelve archangelic members oppose the work of the twelve Bodhisattvas and seek directly to prevent the Holy Spirit from being reflected towards humanity for an understanding of the Christ being. Beyond these there are five higher beings that inspire this Black Lodge and directly oppose the five Supersensible Guardians of the Grail.

Sorath Sun Demon retarded Spirit of Motion – Opposes Michael and the Cosmic Intelligence concerning the experience of the Consciousness of Christ in the Spiritualised Ego in the Sphere of Sun as a Star.

Sorath works to undermine the cosmic intelligence of Christ or the knowledge concerning the consciousness of the rebirth of Christ within man. Michael is a Time spirit and therefore an Archai, however because of his renunciation in his ascent as we discussed last week he is an Archai who has the capacities of a spirit of Form. He works as we have stated in the sphere of the Sun as a Star or Higher Devachan. He has, therefore since his Ascent. been directly opposed by Sorath who as Sun Demon is a backward Spirit of Motion or a Spirit of Motion working as a Spirit of From. Through his agents, that is beings that are lower in rank such as Lucifer, Ahriman and most importantly through Asuras he works to bring about a binding of the human Ego to the Physical body, to materiality so that it loses its connection with the spiritual and cannot therefore, spiritualise the Ego for the communion with the Ego of Christ. He will work to create a race of human beings that have no Egos a ‘Sorathic Race’ or race of ‘Christ refusers’ that will oppose the ‘Michaelic Race’ of Christ ‘receivers’ - Anthroposophists. He inspires the northern Anti Grail Stream of the future.

Asuras Retarded Spirit of Form - Opposes Raphael and the work of the Spiritualised Ego as Spirit Self through the Materialisation of the Consciousness Soul - In the Sphere of Sun as a Planet.

Asuras fell behind on old Saturn and have the capacities of Spirits of Form through they work as Archais. They work therefore from the Sphere of the Sun as planet, in the realm of the Will through all that brings about a materialisation of the Consciousness Soul, which results in its inability to rise upwards to the Spirit Self. They are the inspirational force behind exercises that abolishes or paralyses the will (Demonised initiation of Will) by the Jesuits, Opus Dei, and Catholicism. Through the Asuras does the Being of Christ become only a physical Jesus. Asuras inspires the South Anti Grail Stream and is directly opposed to the Templar stream.

Ahriman Retarded spirit of Personality - Archai – directly opposes the Celtic folk soul –- and the experience of the Consciousness of Christ in the Spiritualised Etheric Body in the Sphere of the Planets - Esoteric Christianity.

Ahriman is an Archangelic being that has the powers of an Archai. He fell behind during the Sun incarnation of the earth. He works Macrocosmically from the sphere of Planets against the spiritualisation of the Etheric body by two means:

1. Subconsciously: Through Materialistic thinking which descends to the Etheric body by way of the Intellectual Soul. This materialistic thinking is brought about through, Alcohol, television, movies, rap music, sexual perversion, commercialism, wealth at the expense of others (stock exchange), loss of civil rights and materialistic science and its laws. This materialisation of the Etheric body results in hatred for all spiritual things. After death the Etheric bodies of these hardened human beings stay attached to the earth.

2. Consciously: Through esoteric exercises taught in Occult Brotherhoods (Black Magic). This results in a kind of Etheric immortality.

Such Etheric bodies do not allow for the consciousness of Christ to light up in them.

They cause an occult clouding after death, that is they will pollute the spiritual horizon over which the Etheric Christ can be seen in the Astral world. In this way will Christ be replaced by the Subsuprahuman Ahrimanic double in the Etheric sphere.
In the microcosmic sense Ahriman will incarnate into an ego-less human being. It will be his task to prepare humanity for the pseudo incarnation of Sorath through the vehicle of the Anti Christ. He inspires the Western Anti Grail Stream and directly opposes Manicheanism

Lucifer retarded Archangel – directly Opposes Vidar/Ramael and the Supersensible experience of the consciousness of Christ in the Spiritualised Astral body Through illusion and Fear in the Sphere of the Moon.
Lucifer is an Angel that stayed behind during the Moon Evolution of the earth and so now has the capacities of an Archangel. He opposes the new clairvoyance that will enable human beings to see and commune with the Etheric Christ in the Astral world, by way of terror, Fear, religious fundamentalism, an Us and Them Xenophobia which leads to Genocide/Nationalistic Fundamentalism. All of it averts human attention from conscious work on the Astral body. Human beings who barely survive, who are afraid, have no schooling, who have no food are not in a position to work on spirituality. Lucifer also works through the dissemination of old forms of esotericism the Fenris Wolf (Yoga, Buddhism, séances, spiriticism etc) not appropriate to modern human beings. These old degenerated forms of clairvoyance will lead to a blinding to the Christ consciousness in the Astral body. He inspires the Eastern Grail Stream and opposes the work of the Rosicrucians.

Subsuprahuman Etheric Double - Directly opposes the Nathan Soul and the Fifth Sacrifice, the Supersensible Experience of Christ that will occur by way of the Higher Ethers - From the Etheric Sphere.

The Subhuman Etheric Double is that being that is created from the aggregate of degenerated Thoughts, Feelings and Will of all human beings.

After the fall a part of the unfallen Etheric forces Sound and Life Ethers were protected and guarded in Spiritual Worlds by the Nathan Soul. This means that a part of man remained inaccessible to him, this is more precisely the physical and Etheric bodies and that part of the Astral body that is concerned with the will. Into those parts that have been unconscious or inaccessible to human beings, is vulnerable invasion by supersensible beings. Lucifer resides in the Astral body in the Sentient Soul or life of feelings and Ahriman in the Intellectual soul as well as that part of the Etheric body that he can access through thought, memory. You may know from my lecture earlier this year that the higher ethers have their counterparts in the Sub Earthly sphere. We know that these fallen Ethers are connected also with man’s own Etheric body and soul inasmuch as the soul affects the Etheric body in a positive or negative way. Rudolf Steiner tells us that
“The Evolution of our planet is intimately connected with the forces of humanity and civilizations” 
The majority of the Etheric body and physical body which man cannot access with clear consciousness is the home of a double of man that is made up of these fallen Etheric forces of the earth, that is energy before matter (Power behind the Atom ?Anti Matter), Magnetism and Electricity. These have entered into man and that aspect of his Astral body that the double accesses through the will; doubt, hate and fear. The aggregate of the individual doubles of human beings forms one subsuprahuman double which will provide a vehicle for the Macrocosmic incarnation of Ahriman as a subsuprahuman double. It will work in the Etheric sphere in direct opposition to the work of the Nathan Soul and will attempt to sabotage the manifestation of the Christ in the Astral world in an Etheric form.

The misuse in the past of Etheric activity is said to have caused the destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis and access to these fallen forces in Sicily is said to be behind the power of Klingsor; and the old Castle Marveil or that place where all the beings reside that oppose the Grail Stream. What in our time then is the earthly equivalent of the Castle Marveil?
The present day Chastel Marveil.

There are places in Europe that are particularly exposed to the above-mentioned fallen ethers in particular from those of the old Atlantean continent. These forces have found their way to the surface through the movement of the earth’s crust. Pagan Temples were erected over them in ancient times eg where now stands Chartres Cathedral, Lourdes, Dornarch where stands the Goetheanum, Montsegur where the last of the Cathars were destroyed, Sicily the home of Klingsor the terrible magician , Cellydon wood where resided Merlin, and Lockenhaus in Austria where the last of the Templars perished and where Rudolf Steiner places his Templars in his four mystery plays. The Templars and others who guarded the Grail, Christianised and ennobled these places by erecting churches over them. This ennoblement is symbolised by the fact that the Ethers – associated with the Female principle, that is the fallen ethers associated with Rhea, Demeter, Persephone the old forces of Saturn Sun and Moon that is Energy before the Atom, Magnetism and Electricity are Christianised in their Christian counterparts the Black Madonna, Mary Magdalene, Virgin Mary that is: Life Ether, Chemical Ether and Light Ether. We must not forget that the Nathan soul – that has a feminine quality is the embodiment of the Ethers not affected by the fall.

Certain areas are known for certain Etheric forces. Some have especially strong energies due to the geography of the landscape i.e.; proximity to the fault lines or to granites that have been thrust from out of the depths of the earth.
Rudolf Steiner tells us that America is the location of Old Atlantis. In American soil is preserved the retarded forces that brought the destruction of Atlantis and is especially connected to the forces of the double.
Australia once Lemuria, has within its soil a preserved memory of the retarded forces that destroyed the Lemurian civilization and are especially connected to the forces of the double.

Rudolf Steiner tells us that these forces are especially related to the human will and so are pacified by a self-less will striving to do good “…when human will is devoid of egoism it is able to appease this fire” 

Wherever human beings however live a selfish materialistic life this works right down into the Earthly Ethers and into the Ether that surrounds the earth, volcanoes, violent storms and other terrible natural catastrophes are the result.
The Anti Grail streams utilise the knowledge concerning these fallen Ethers and their influence on man and visa versa in order to execute their plan to prevent the down pouring of the consciousness of Christ into the individual in order that he or she can at the same time redeem the fallen forces of the earth.

These Anti Grail impulses were disseminated in the past from centres such as Gondi Shapur in Persia home of Harum Al Rashid and Terra Labur home of Klingsor.

In modern times there are many centres from which comes the work of the Brotherhoods of the left or the Western brotherhoods and the Brotherhoods of the South Catholicism, Jesuitism and Opus Dei one such place is Rennes le Chateau.
Rennes le Chateau is a small village of less than a hundred people. It came to the attention of the world through a book written by Gerard de Sede which explored the story of the Abbe Berenger Sauniere, the town priest who despite earning very little was able to spend thousands renovating the town church, building a guest house he called Villa Bethany and a tour he named after Mary Magdalene which he called Tour Magdala. Through Mary Magdalene we have the connection with the Chemical ether.

He is said to have tampered with the church in the renovations, placing an altar upside down, reversing known religious symbols such as the Alpha and Omega that usually belong to Christ and John the Baptist. Templar symbols as well as hermetic symbols abound as well as a water stoup held up by Rex Mundus the king of the earth – Ahriman. There is in fact a striking resemblance between this Ahriman and Rudolf Steiner’s Ahriman. The Villa Bethany – Bethany being where Lazarus was raised is where his housekeeper found the Abbe dying of a stroke, despite the fact that this was only his guest’s quarters and he lived in the priori. Also two days before his death he had been in good health, despite this, his servant ordered a coffin to be delivered two days later, the very day that he became ill. He is said to have been involved with a neo Templar group that called itself the Priori de Sion. The Priori de Sion is only the outer face of the western brotherhoods that, in conjunction with the Jesuit order of Opus Dei, managed to infiltrate anti Christian impulses into the world. It also points to the conscious Etheric immortality which we discussed earlier, in which the Etheric body does not dissipate but hardens and materialises, effectively imprisoning the human being in the earth’s surrounds. This points to the great Anti Grail mystery of incarnating and excarnating at will through the thirteenth Zodiac Ophiucus or Serpent handler
The story of this Abbe was picked up by three journalists who produced a small television series that sparked off a book which explores the connection that existed between the Abbe Berenger Sauniere and the Priori de Sion and its connections with the Templars, Cathars, the Merovingian dynasty and the supposed blood line of the Grail. Concluding that the Grail was nothing more than a pedigree that could be traced back to Christ’s survival of the Crucifixion and his subsequent marriage to Mary Magdalene, a blood-line which continued through the Merovingian kings of France and later the royal houses of Europe.

This may seem laughable, and far-fetched but it has left an indelible mark on the world today, inspired by the Jesuits who seek to turn Christ into Jesus and the Western Brotherhoods who seek to undermine the manifestation of the Etheric Christ.

This small village went on to spawn numerous books that explored this same theme.
There are people who have read these books and have been known to become Atheists because of them. Certainly it completely pushes aside the Mystery of Golgotha and replaces the Divinity of Christ with a human Jesus that did not die on the Cross. It is interesting to note that of late the hoax perpetrated on the public by the false documents which started everything the documents of the Priori de Sion has now been discovered and the connection between this ‘made up’ order and the Jesuits as well as Opus dei have been revealed.

We see how the Anti Grail Streams of the west and south work from this centre inspiring books that promote Doubt and Hatred of the Mystery of Golgotha while at the same time the world is brought to a condition where it is racked by war, and terror that promotes Fear by the initiates of the Anti Grail Stream of the East and West.

Doubt, Hatred, and Fear are the work of the four Anti Grail Streams and its five Supersensible Guardians, Sorath, Asuras, Ahriman, Lucifer and the Subsuprahuman double in direct opposition to Faith, Love and Hope the work of the new Grail Mystery Stream and its five supersensible guardians, Michael, Raphael, Celtic Folk Soul, Vidar/Ramael, and the Nathan Soul. However things don’t always go as planned for the Anti Grail Stream not so long ago it sought to bring a materialised form of ‘spirit’ into the world through ‘spiritism’ but this backfired and only fuelled the desire that humanity had for what lay beyond the senses. Negatives can be turned into positives. The dispelling of dogma that has been the result of these books, the revelation of the possibility that what we hear and see may not be the truth can be utilised for the good. This can lead to an opening through which real truths can be expounded. War and Terror, and personal grief can also lead to questioning of what is right and what is wrong and the creation of a groundswell of compassion for others a courage to seeking for truth, beauty and goodness, a return to faith, love and hope.

Anthroposophists are in a position to become vanguards, to participate in the workings of the new Mysteries of the Grail inaugurated by Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas Foundation Meeting. In this way we are not passive, but we become participants in the New Science of the Grail, which has united all former Grail Streams into one – Anthroposophy - and seeks to unite the world. These renewed mystery streams guard the secret of man’s spiritual development in readiness for a communion with the Christ Being which is possible in our time. But we must not become unguarded, we must also at the same time become sentinels whose task it is to be awake and aware of what the Anti Grail Stream seeks to achieve in the world around us. We must do this not only for ourselves, for the sake of our own development but for the sake of those less conscious and therefore unable to see the truth. We have to part the fog that lies over the happenings in the world around us to…see things as they are. One can only see things as they are, however, when one is in the position of applying to reality the concepts, the ideas, that emerge from an Anthroposophically oriented spiritual science.
Then we shall have to ask the question, we shall not be like the young man of Sais, we must be like Parzifal: Who most benefits from this? You will often be surprised at the answers.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

The Earthly Ethers and the Double

The effect of the above beings of opposition on the Astral body, Etheric body and physical body weakens them, leaving the human being vulnerable to negative earthly forces.

In the same way that retarded beings influence the creation of retarded soul forces so too do negative Etheric energies that exist in the world influence the creation of retarded Etheric forces in the human being. 
A combination of retarded forces created by the influence of retarded beings in the Physical, Etheric and Astral bodies and the retarded or degenerated Etheric energies that create retarded Etheric forces in the human being, these various doubles or shadow forces can be said to collectively form one being that Spiritual Science calls the personal ‘double’ or doppelganger. He forms, according to Rudolf Steiner, a part of the ‘Lesser Guardian of the Threshold’ whose existence in us from birth to death bars our spiritual progress:

‘…There arises the phenomenon known as the Guardian of the Threshold – the appearance of the lower double of man. The spiritual being of man, composed of his impulses of will, his desires and his thoughts, appears to the Initiate in visible form. It is a form that is sometimes repugnant and terrible, for it is the offspring of his good and bad desires and of his karma – it is their personification in the astral world…’
Put another way we may say that the influence of Ahriman, Lucifer, and Asuras on the being of man cause there to arise: beings of doubt hatred and fear of the spiritual in the Astral body, the Etheric body and in the Physical body and that this attracts forces that help to create and maintain a collective personal double, one and the same as that being that Rudolf Steiner calls the Lesser Guardian of the Threshold, that becomes apparent to us as soon as we enter the spiritual world as a separate entity that is at once composed of the three beasts of our creation and also separate from them. See Above image, called "The Doppelganger" from a drawing made by Rudolph Steiner for a stained glass window. It depicts the serpentine nature of the double showing the 7 Chakras. He comes from a crack in the earth, delineating his connection to the degenerated earthly forces.  The human being sitting on the mountaintop of objectivity must send out beneficent spiritual forces to heal and transform the double.

Rudolf Steiner Characterises these beasts or doubles to imaginative consciousness:

The double or beast of doubt is red and has a glassy eye
The double or beast of  hatred is spotted yellow and bares his teeth
The double or beast of fear is blue and has a bony mind

It is this third being that lies in our will and therefore our physical bodies that make us especially vulnerable to earthly forces and allows their entry into the human being.

The Three Streams of Evil in the Macrocosmic World

Rudolf Steiner tells us that what forms a part of the inner man during life becomes the outer world after death, we can call this a law of ‘Inversion’:

“At first, man has within him what he later sees around him…All that lives today in the inner being of man, his thoughts, his feelings, will find expression in the outer world and become his surroundings. The future lies within man.”   

We can therefore say that human beings are instrumental in creating the outer world or cosmos, through inner work or lack thereof.

Having this in mind we will proceed in our exploration of the connection that exists between the double of man and the fallen ethers.

What are the fallen ethers?
After the ‘fall’ when Adam ate from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge or became a conscious being, through the entry of Lucifer into his Astral body, it was deemed that humanity should only retain knowledge of the Warmth and Light Ethers, the other two; Sound and Life Ethers were protected and guarded in spiritual worlds (Tree of Life) lest they become the prey of retarded forces. Rudolf Steiner tells us that we have the physical world, the astral world, Lower Devachan and Higher Devachan. There is also what Rudolf Steiner calls the sub-physical world;

Higher Devachan – Domain of the Archai
Lower Devachan – Domain of Archangels
Astral World – Domain of Angels
Super Earthly
 Earthly/Physical world – Domain of Man ïƒ
Sub Earthly
The lower Astral world – Lucifer’s domain
The evil Lower Devachan – Ahriman’s domain
The evil Higher Devachan – Asuras’ domain
When light Ether decays and is thrust down into the sub-material world, a stage deeper than the material world – electricity arises. Light therefore finds its reflection in the substratum of the earth in Electricity. In man this has its counterpart in Thinking.
When Chemical Ether decays and is driven down beneath the physical plane into the evil Devachanic world – magnetism arises. Sound finds its reflection in the substratum of the earth as magnetism. In man this has its counterpart in Feeling.
If what lives in higher Devachan as Life Ether decays and is thrust down further still, into the province of the Asuras, what arises is characterised by Rudolf Steiner as ‘an even more terrible force – which it will not be possible to keep hidden very much longer’. The realm of the Atom. He goes on to say,
‘It can only be hoped that when this force comes to be known – a force we must conceive as being far, far stronger than the most violent electrical discharge – it can only be hoped that before some discoverer gives this force into the hands of humankind, men will no longer have anything immoral left in them.’ 
Life Ether has its counterpart, its reflection in the substratum of the earth in a kind of radioactivity. In man this has its counterpart in the human will.
    Warmth Ether – Physical world - Elemental world
    Light Ether – Faith/Spiritual Thoughts -Astral
    Sound or Chemical Ether – Love - Lower Devachan
    Life Ether – Hope/Will to do the good/ Karma
                                               Higher Devachan

    Fallen Life Ether - Subphysical Higher Devachan - Atomic energy
    Fallen Chemical Ether- Subphysical lower Devachan - magnetism
    Fallen Light Ether - Subphysical Astral world - electricity

Fallen and materialised thoughts - doubt in spirit
Fallen materialised feelings - hatred of the spirit
Fallen materialised will - fear of the spirit

The above fallen thoughts feelings and will, use and intensify the fallen ethers in the same way that the spiritualised thoughts and feelings and will,  use and add to the ‘higher ethers’.   
Therefore we can say that the fallen forces in man (the double) are especially strengthened by coming into contact with their counterpart in the outer world, and that the degenerated Etheric forces in the world are greatly strengthened by coming into contact with their counterpart in man.

Why has this fall or degeneration occurred?

As we have seen what was once out in the cosmos can at another time be found in the microcosm and visa versa. This relates directly to what we find on earth as remnants of what was present in the earth’s surroundings during the different evolutionary stages of the Earth.

What remains of old Saturn forces – Life Ether is now found in the core of the earth in a degenerated form as the power of the Atom ( more powerful than nuclear power).

What remains of old Sun Forces – Sound or Chemical Ether is found at another inner level of the earth in a degenerated form as the power of magnetism.

What remains of the old Moon Forces – Light Ether is found at a higher level again and is the closest to the earth’s surface in a degenerated form as the power of electricity.

Rudolf Steiner tells us that in every age of the earth there are two phases of physical development, the generative and the degenerative. In the first half of Earthly evolution the Polarian, Hyperborean, and Lemurian, the physical substances of the earth were undergoing a generative phase or a process of generation very similar to the human being up to his thirty-fifth year. After that in our present Post Atlantean epoch and the succeeding two epochs there begins a degeneration. In Atlantean times there was an equilibrium of degenerative and generative forces, during Lemurian times the forces that would become electricity  and were present in the earth from the times of old Moon were undergoing a generative phase, in Hyperborean times the old Sun forces of magnetism were undergoing a generation, and in Polarian times the Saturnine forces that would one day surface as the power of the Atom were undergoing a generation. During our own Post Atlantean Epoch (a reflection of Lemurian times) electricity has emerged as a form of the decaying moon forces of Light and in future times though already begun in our times ie; Hyperborean Epoch reflected in the 6th Post Atlantean Epoch the old Sun forces of decaying Chemical or Sound Ether will emerge more and more as the power of Magnetism and in the Polarian Epoch the degeneration or decay of Life Ether will emerge more intensely than ever as the power of the Atom (all that causes a splitting up a destruction of the ‘whole’) that will in the 7th Post Atlantean age finally destroy the earth. 

However as this physical aspect is generating and degenerating so to does the spiritual aspect descend and ascend.  So that in the fifth sixth seventh epochs the counter forces of these fallen ethers will need to be cultivated in order to raise humanity collectively from its 35th year onwards to an ascent toward the spirit.

See Diagram below:

Birth of Spirit                                                                                                                Christ
        (Spiritual life)
    Spiritual                               Equilibrium                        Spiritual
    Descending                                                                          Ascending

                                     7th epoch
    Lemurian         6th epoch
                   5th epoch
    35th year

      Ego enters Astral Body

           Physical regenerative                                Physical Degenerative
    Forces                                                                                       Forces 
Recapitulation of Evolution of Earthly forces    (Spiritual Death)

The extent to which humanity does or does not achieve this task will determine the conditions that will be made possible for, on the one hand the physical manifestation of the Antichrist and on the other, the spiritual incarnation of the Christ being.

How does this relate to the Sub-Suprahuman double Ahriman?

In our own 5th  Post Atlantean Cultural Epoch there occurs a similar curve on a microcosmic level. At the beginning of this Post Atlantean Epoch the Indian Epoch there was a reflection of the physical generation of ether forces until the Greco Roman Epochs - the mystery of Golgotha. If not for the mystery of Golgotha mankind would not have been able to climb upwards to the spirit due to an increasing influence on man from the degenerative forces of electricity, magnetism and the power of the Atom. These would have gained the upper hand. Christ however, descended into the Plutonian depths on Easter Saturday that is, into the sub nature of the earth and there ‘fettered’ Ahriman and Asuras for a time (a European aspect of this is the ancient Rite of the Sacrificial King as practiced within the cultures of the Celts) and as a consequence Sorath. This made it possible for man to overcome the forces of physical death with spiritual life. For if Ahriman had not been bound then materialism would not just be an attitude of life but an evil disease.  From the time of the Mystery of Golgotha onwards man was given a choice, he could begin to prepare himself for his future task of ennobling the evil degenerative forces of death and decay by working with the forces of light (Faith) chemical or sound (Love) and life (Hope) Ethers or he could reject this possibility and sink down to the abyss.

If man rejects this possibility (taking into account that each individual human being creates for himself the double as an aggregate of the materialistic thoughts feelings and deeds of will that attract and add to the negative Etheric in his being), it stands to reason that the creation and nurturing of this double will not merely have an effect on the individual human being but also on the world around him – in the surrounding Ether – in the creation of a super or sub suprahuman double – the great double that will provide a fitting vehicle for the incarnation of  Ahriman.

How will it provide for the incarnation of Ahriman the emissary of the Sun Demon?

    Deadened materialistic thoughts that become corpses in the human brain feed the degenerated light Ether – electricity or darkness – in the sub physical or Evil Astral world from which the Astral body will be created into which the demonic ego of Ahriman can light up.

    Hatred of the spirit and a lack of love for the spiritual, including the spiritual work of others, hollows out and deadens the human soul and will intensify the degenerated Sound or Chemical Ether – Magnetism – in the sub-physical or Evil Lower Devachan from which the opposing powers will weave the Etheric body of Ahriman.

    Fear paralyses human moral will and this will further intensify the power of degenerated Life Ether – power of the Atom – in the sub-physical or Evil Higher Devachan. From it will come the knowledge necessary for creating the physical body of Ahriman.

The three bodies of Ahriman will be formed from: the Astral corpses of human thoughts, vibrations issuing from the hearts and larynxes of human beings filled with hatred and immoral feelings and the division and separation of human beings from the moral deed, the higher hierarchies and their Karma through fear.

Ahriman is destined to incarnate around three thousand years after the birth of Christ in a physical body, as a counterbalance to Lucifer’s incarnation three thousand years before the birth of Christ  in China. His birth has been in preparation since the year 1998. He will not be an ordinary man,  he will be a super or subsuprahuman. This means that he will not only have a physical body, but also a subsupraphysical body a body of elemental and Luciferic, Ahrimanic and Asuric beings that possess higher members (eg  Spirit Self and Life Spirit Spirit man)  at his disposal. If this incarnation follows those laws that guide the incarnations of higher (Bodhisattva) beings, then Ahriman will ascend into the three sheaths created for him by a human vessel. This time however, this human vessel will have no ego . This physical ‘being’, will allow the ego of Ahriman to enter into it, around its twenty ninth to thirtieth year and Ahriman will begin the work of elaborating these three sheaths into an Ahrimanised retarded form of microcosmic Spirit Self, Life Spirit and Spirit Man.  Through him will work the intentions of the being of Sorath the Beast of the Apocalypse. Sorath a being who fell behind before Old Saturn, does not belong to our earthly evolution and will enter into Earthly evolution only in the Apocalyptic future. He will need all the hosts of Lucifer, Ahriman and Asuras and the sub-earthly ethers that have been intensified by the sub-suprahuman Ahrimanic double and the individual human beings that have taken his impulses right down into their various sheaths. These shall be his limbs his organs of sense his internal organs, and they will bring his thoughts and intentions, his hatred and his unwavering will to incarnation.

This may very well happen sooner than later depending on the strength of the Ahrimanic double. For it may be possible for Sorath to enter into the physically incarnated Ahriman even in our own epoch and inspire him in his sheaths – a pseudo-incarnation for Sorath. 

The totality of beings working for Sorath/Ahriman over and against the impulse of Christ is what John describes as the ‘Antichrist’ . However it must be pointed out that the strength of such an attack on the Christ impulse will depend on whether humanity is able to raise itself toward the spirit.

What will Ahriman be like?

    He will be extremely intelligent. Possessed of a great powerful genius and cold intellect that will assure the faith of the unwary.  He will set up a great school of Occultism (Lodges) where black magic will be taught. Those who follow him will take the ‘materialism’ that exists in thought (Astral body) all the way down into their Etheric bodies and will harden them so that these Etheric bodies remain intact after death (Ahrimanic immortality). These hardened Etheric bodies will distort the image of the Etheric Christ in the Astral world bordering the earth. 
    He will exude a profound magnetism that will draw human beings with its power - his ‘voice’ will have the ability to mesmerize and hypnotise those who listen without discrimination and he will make what is immoral ‘sound’ honourable, good and justified (The Sauruman of JRR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings comes to mind) Hatred will guide his every action, but from him will come the teachings concerning the nature of the lower passions and their connections to clairvoyance – Kundalini Tantra that leads to ceremonial sexual rituals accessing the lower Etheric forces are an example of this. Also, consenting ritual murder and cannibalism, which is of a sexual nature, is another step again. He will be responsible for promulgating only the biblical version of Christ’s life as a literal, material account of a man’s life, rejecting His divinity and resurrection (note the film ‘The Passion’ and its obsession with the death and failure to continue on towards an understanding of the resurrection and the becoming). Ahriman will be more charismatic than the powerless human Jesus that will everywhere be portrayed.
    His will shall have no restraint and he will yield the power of the members (suprahuman) of his being with a violent and concentrated force that will encourage those who are weak of spirit to follow him Those who do not will be made to suffer unbearable persecution. This will be made possible by firstly destroying the will, through the will preventing the elaboration of the consciousness soul which finally leads to either a bonding of the Ego with the physical body or a driving out of the ego altogether. A pale example of this destruction of the ‘will’ of a people occurred in Eastern Europe during the reign of the Bolsheviks when sixty million people were murdered and many more were sent to work camps in Siberia. Today we see a very subliminal form in the new laws against terrorism that give the State unprecedented powers over suspects. The holding of suspects at the military institution at Guantanamo Bay without trial is a prime example of the beginnings of the attack on human civil rights and liberties, which will spread across the world like a wild fire through Fear. From there, it is a short step to the entire domination of human will and its subsequent  subjugation to the powers that wish to destroy the ego.       
In 1780 Galvani began experiments leading to the discovery of electricity. In 1845 Faraday concluded that all matter must contain magnetism and in 1932 the artificial splitting of the lithium nucleus by neutron bombardment lead to the discovery of atomic power.  The degeneration of ethers has begun in our Post Atlantean Epoch and will have its culmination in the seventh Age of Earth Evolution.

Cultural Epochs:
                                                       Spiritual Revelation of Christ

    Spiritual    Spiritual
    Descending           Equillibrium            Ascending
            Persian             We are here    American   
        Anglo/G        Russian
       Egypto/C    Greco/R
                Birth of Christ        
              0        333     666
    Incarnation of Ahriman in 21st C
                                                                                    Physical Manifestation
of Sorath
Physical Regenerative                                  Physical Degenerative                     
Forces                                                                Forces                                    
Today we see the signs of the preparation for Ahriman’s arrival. We see the signs of his coming.  Materialism has reached its zenith in the middle of the last century. The materialistic thoughts  feelings and will of human beings entering the world between death and rebirth then spread a dark cloak over the spiritual world, creating a darkening in the realm of the First hierarchy, leading to a certain intensification of the fallen ethers in the Sub-physical realms which resulted in a manifestation of the power of the Beast in Nazism, Bolshevism and the discovery of the power of the Atom. This caused a sacrifice of Christ consciousness in the Astral world.

In the Rosicrucian Mysteries initiates have always known regarding the  cross upon which Christ is and will continue to be sacrificed in the Spiritual world.

    Etheric    Astral
                                          Ahriman    Lucifer
    West      East

If human beings do not open their eyes and acquire concrete occult knowledge as a counterforce to evil then humanity will be helpless in the face of the future incarnation of Ahriman and the physical manifestation through Ahriman of his master Sorath.

Already, in our 5th cultural Epoch we observe Ahriman’s incarnation, a worldwide web of electromagnetic currents criss-cross the earth’s surface. Microwave towers and high-rise buildings pulsing with electricity replace the ancient pyramids and obelisks on the horizons of human cities. Sky Satellites have taken the place of the divine worship of the Stars that have guided our ancestors on their journeys. We seek to explore the planets (corpses of the past) instead of learning in a meditative way to come to a communion with the living spiritual counterparts of these corpses. Pulse generators, lasers and Nuclear medicine have taken the place of healing with the hands and the heart. Digital processors pump out numerical formulas that drown out the harmony of the spheres. The premature destruction of the physical sheaths through, Drug addiction, the building up of the animalistic nature through sport, vitamin and mineral supplements, the use of animal steroids and through sexual rituals, heavy metal music, television etc. The destruction of the physical sheaths of the earth through, pollution of the air water and soil, the cutting down of rainforests, unsustainable farming practices, the raping of the seas and the mineral earth.

All of it can be seen even with the eye not focussed on the spiritual. Everywhere the human being is surrounded by fallen ethers that have been allowed to break out of their rightful domains. Everywhere elemental beings enter into humans from the kingdom of nature spirits to be enchanted and released according to the moral disposition of their host. Everywhere the spiritual researcher can see the created phantoms (Asuras), ghosts/spectres (Ahriman) and demons (Lucifer) that have become detached from human beings as a result of prejudice (the forces of Fear in the Will life), lovelessness (the forces of Hatred in the Feeling life), untruth and hypocrisy (the forces of Doubt in the Thinking life).   

All of the above has its place in human evolution as the earth is meant to die and become a corpse,  however human beings are not meant to follow the earth into the abyss, they are meant to rise up in consciousness and spiritually, taking with them what they can redeem (as a seed) of the Luciferic the Ahrimanic and Asuric elements towards a future evolutionary stage when the earth will be reborn anew.

How are we meant to accomplish this task?

The answer to this question lies in what we as individuals can do who gather together in the name of Anthroposophy through the work of the four mystery streams renewed by Rudolf Steiner at the Christmas Conference in 1924. To learn to recognise and overcome Doubt, Fear and Hatred of the spirit in our own souls, by replacing them with Faith, Love, and Hope must become our standard and it must begin in our epoch if we hope to weaken the power of the Ahriman and subsequently the Antichrist in future times.  Otherwise we will incarnate in the Sixth Cultural Epoch to find we are like the farmer who did not sow seeds and bemoans the lack of a harvest. We shall have not prevented the great calamities that will come, and the resulting inevitable human suffering.
The best counterforce is to work in knowledge. Knowledge (Michaelic intelligence), is the first step in recognising and redeeming these forces. Ahriman himself tells us in Goethe’s Faust,

“I will not grudge my praise before thou goest, for well I see that thou the Devil knowest.”   

Next week we will discuss the renewed Mystery Streams that work through the being of Anthroposophy in leading mankind to the four paths of knowledge:

1.    To awaken spirituality in human beings - Rosicrucian stream
2.    To announce the Cosmic Christ –  Grail  Stream
3.    To uncover and redeem evil – Manichean Stream 
4.    To create conditions for the future – Templar Stream

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Hey Druid, thought you could help me with this one.....

I'm currently reading Manly P. Hall's The Secret Teachings of All Ages.  I came across an eighth sphere reference in the chapter on Hermes and his "vision" and dialogue with Poimandres (the Great Dragon), "The Mind of the Universe".  Here is the passage:

"Hermes bowed his head in thankfulness to the Great Dragon who had taught him so much, and begged to hear more concerning the ultimate of the human soul.  So Poimandres resumed: 'At death the material body of man is returned to the elements from which it came, and the invisible divine man ascends to the source from whence he came, namely the Eighth Sphere.  The evil passes to the dwelling place of the demon, and the senses, feelings, desires, and body passions return to their source, namely the Seven Governors, whose natures in the lower man destroy but in the invisible spiritual man give life"

It doesn't seem to have a negative connotation, but I haven't read all of the other info regarding the eighth sphere to know or not.  So much in the Vision of Poimandres resonated with me and my current research that when I came across this passage I was slightly puzzled at the same time I was reminded of your related topic here on NR. 

Could you shed some light on this eighth sphere reference by Poimandres through Hermes?  Any help would be much appreciated!

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Woops, just found these two paragraphs directly following the one I listed above.  Here's the remainder:

"After the lower nature has returned to the brutishness, the higher struggles again to regain its spiritual
estate. It ascends the seven Rings upon which sit the Seven Governors and returns to each their lower
powers in this manner: Upon the first ring sits the Moon, and to it is returned the ability to increase and
diminish. Upon the second ring sits Mercury, and to it are returned machinations, deceit, and craftiness.
Upon the third ring sits Venus, and to it are returned the lusts and passions. Upon the fourth ring sits the
Sun, and to this Lord are returned ambitions. Upon the fifth ring sits Mars, and to it are returned
rashness and profane boldness. Upon the sixth ring sits Jupiter, and to it are returned the sense of
accumulation and riches. And upon the seventh ring sits Saturn, at the Gate of Chaos, and to it are
returned falsehood and evil plotting.

"Then, being naked of all the accumulations of the seven Rings, the soul comes to the Eighth Sphere,
namely, the ring of the fixed stars. Here, freed of all illusion, it dwells in the Light and sings praises to
the Father in a voice which only the pure of spirit may understand. Behold, O Hermes, there is a great
mystery in the Eighth Sphere, for the Milky Way is the seed-ground of souls, and from it they drop into
the Rings, and to the Milky Way they return again from the wheels of Saturn. But some cannot climb the
seven-runged ladder of the Rings. So they wander in darkness below and are swept into eternity with the
illusion of sense and earthiness.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

This eighth sphere, as you predicted, has nothing to do with the other eighths sphere that was created and maintained by Lucifer and Ahriman. This sphere is underground but also between the earth atmosphere and the moon. The actual physical moon is the counterweight of the eighth sphere, its petrified materiality nullifies partly the retrogressive atavistic astral clairvoyance activity of the eighth sphere (made up with stuff from ancient stages of earth development that should not exist anymore).

The eighth sphere Hermes talks about is the sphere of the fixed stars as a 'eighth sphere' above the seven lower planetary spheres (moon, mercury, venus, snu, mars, jupiter, and finally saturn). Each higher sphere contains the lower ones. All these seven planetary spheres are within a larger sphere, the sphere of the Zodiac, sphere of the fixed stars, the eighth sphere (where we should meet higher hierarchies such as Christ), which is not the same as the occult concept of 'eighth sphere' as artificial and demonic byproduct of lucifer-Ahriman.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Druid wrote (awhile back);

Incidentally, the fallen ahrimanic parasite that lives with us as our double is of a chemical ether quality. Among ethers, Steiner differentiated: warmth-ether (over and behind fire or any manifestation of warmth), light ether (the sort of ether of the air and light passing through the air), chemical ether also called sound ether and number ether (the liquid, chemically critallising sort of ether), and finally life ether (the ether that densifies and hardens matter itself).


The chemical ether is linked to number because number is the principle of geometry and chemical substance forms itself according to patterns which coheres with a particular sound, a particular geometrical form, and thus a particular qualitative number (its quantitative aspect is its fallen aspect: electromagntism). Thus electromagnetism is a byproduct, the dead and fallen aspect of the activity of chemical ether


Is there any way to get rid of the fallen parasitical double? for instance can you use sound vibration, say corresponding to the numerical values that raise vibration (they have been developed by a professor in Ohio, along with every substance, vitamin, oxygen, minerals etc, for every depletion in the body, organs, brain, (chemistry) etc. there has been assigned a musical scale tone (math numbers) and frequency to compensate for what is missing. Is the use of medical harmonics a defense against the Ahrimanic use of harmonics, or does it put us in the same UFT stadium that we are being trapped by (such as same was used in Atlantis)? your informed opinion please, Druid-lala

don't judge a book by its name

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

lala wrote:

Is there any way to get rid of the fallen parasitical double? for instance can you use sound vibration, say corresponding to the numerical values that raise vibration (they have been developed by a professor in Ohio, along with every substance, vitamin, oxygen, minerals etc, for every depletion in the body, organs, brain, (chemistry) etc. there has been assigned a musical scale tone (math numbers) and frequency to compensate for what is missing. Is the use of medical harmonics a defense against the Ahrimanic use of harmonics, or does it put us in the same UFT stadium that we are being trapped by (such as same was used in Atlantis)? your informed opinion please, Druid-lala

The double is a very complicated being, I don't quite understand totally. Made up with our karma (past lives and present life). Made up of electrical-electromagnetic forces coming from the ground, from the quality of etheric-geographical location (area). Lives in the electrical currents and electromagnetical phenomenon in our nervous system. Since the Fall of Man, luciferic influences are there in us and it opened the door to other influences like ahrimanic beings. This is supposed to be, as long as the Fall had happened, these are natural consequences, acting there without morality, just like the laws of physics that cannot be judged good or bad.

I don't think one can break up with this being. It is there, we have to watch it and pay attention to when he tries to get over our heads and use us. The double is there to make us incarnate in matter (but we incarnate too deeply most often). He inspires the materialistic greediness inherent to being a STS lifeform. Ahrimanic and luciferic beings must not be avoided, in fact they can't be avoided. We have to know that they are here in us doing their job. At the moment of becoming asleep, ahriman gives all his impressions to lucifer, and in sleep it is Lucifer that experiences the world. At the moment of awakening in the morning, lucifer gives all the knowledge and cleverness we had during sleep-time to Ahriman, and there ahriman gets all the cleverness we should have gained otherwise. they are there doing their job, but this parasitic activity is our fault, because of the long past event of the Fall of Man.

If we work upon ourselves and learn to know ourselves and the world, maybe the effects of the Fall (ahrimanic and luciferic parasiting) will wash away, in a distant future. But for most of us, the double will take over. Sad but true.

there is an article on the double here:

we have to know also who the black lodges try to influence our Double, so by knowing this we can protect ourselves from it:

Nicolaas de Jong has some cues about how tio deal with the doppelganger here:

Note how he links it to rap music videoclips, meaning here the mechanization of moving images with music. You can feel this mechanization in many videos at MTV.

(Electro-)magnetism characterizes itself by electric charges that move spirally; the movement then is an effect stemming from the Etheric-Life World and expressing itself in the Sound- or Chemical Ether. The Vegetable World is very sensitive for this. In the 19th Century this force was discovered (by Maxwell) and it coheres with the discovery of the planet Neptune in 1846. Neptune generates the forces of the so-called Life Spirit (Buddhi), which enables the development of the faculty of Inspiration, viz. Clair-feeling/Clair-sentiency in other beings and processes of Life (the 3rd step of Goethean Science; Clair-audiency is a faculty that can go hand in hand with it). Electromagnetism enables a subterranean entry into the Etheric-Life World, where it can be used in a manipulative manner. Simultaneously there were oil-drillings in the year of its discovery, setting free the latent astral dragon-reptilian-dinosaur forces (11). Mainly Ahriman (12) works in this realm. He is the ‘genius’ who is focused on directing the forces of the Etheric-Life World on his own earthly Kingdom, and chaining the human being into his reign over that Kingdom. That’s why he’s focused on condensing the fallen elemental beings more and more out of our Etheric-Life-forces (i.e. the organ-forces) and make them more powerful, more physical, which thus eventually makes us subordinate to intelligent machines. Therefore he sends along with every incarnating human being a being that is called the Etheric Double(13). Curing them and trying to integrate these reptilians into an ascending spiritual development is possible through sounds and rhythms that are filled with our soul-substance. Those sounds and rhythms can be built up out of effects of the stars and planets. The Etheric-Life World consists of these two ingredients or workings, and by de-mechanization of e.g. moving TV-images and video-clips this can be directed again on a purposeful development of humanity and the world in which these reptilians can move along (and probably are not able to do otherwise).

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Druid sent the material:

Curing them and trying to integrate these reptilians into an ascending spiritual development is possible through sounds and rhythms that are filled with our soul-substance. Those sounds and rhythms can be built up out of effects of the stars and planets. The Etheric-Life World consists of these two ingredients or workings, and by de-mechanization of e.g. moving TV-images and video-clips this can be directed again on a purposeful development of humanity and the world in which these reptilians can move along (and probably are not able to do otherwise).

Would it be safe to say simply that this points to: De-mechanizing movement to music would be returning to organic, natural movement that is not influenced by electromagnetic pulsing? and would this include natural electromagnetic pulsing such as inner earth pulse that people like to tap into for drumming trance dancing and so forth. I ask because I have been to many New Age drum circles which are supposed to be healing and invigorating but I have never felt comfortable with the energy and I couldn't fathom why. I know it is supposed to be connecting to the earth's heartbeat and all that, which sounds good, but it also felt like a lot of feeding was going on on the unconscious level.
Do you think that digitized sound frequencies can return people to a natural state of health, or is the fact that they are digitized part of the mechanization of the sound/chemical ether and therefore puts it into the "fallen" arena, thanks Druid-lala

don't judge a book by its name

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

The more digital, the worst it is for etheric-life currents. Pre-recorded hurts.
Repetitive drums have hypnotic power. This is not want it takes to heal people/earth.

The healing rythms that De Jong talks about are of cosmic origins. They are pulse-like, living flow, like the rythm of seasons, day-night, planets, the zodiac and the year, etc.  they make possible union of above and below, heaven and earth, celestial and terrestrial. You should also try to find earth/stars nexus in etheric geography, they are locations where it is more important to work on, and work done there has more power over time. PLaces where there are fallen elementals have to be cured, but rare are the people capable to heal such landscapes without falling into elemental tricks/traps/deceptions.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

My take on the double...

Just try to follow Christ “laws”...

Sex is good, but do not live for sex
Food is good, but do not live to eat
Material stuff is good, but do not live to have it as the final goal.

Live to love, live to learn, live to understand and the double will
be “tamed”...

Those who are dominated by the double only think in sex, food,
drugs, material stuff, flesh pleasures.

Drugs are the most dangerous thing because gives super power
to the double! yikes
It is like super vitamin to the double...

Bye, Pictus


Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

HAARP is being used to 'transfer perimeters' of ELF and UHF: it is meant to act upon the double, because of its electromagnetic quality. Indirectly, acting upon the double through electromagnetics is a way to lock us up in STS mode. The presence of technolgy all around us has stimulating effects on the double, because every technological machine is inhabited by ahrimanic beings (demonic kind). But if there were not any technology around us, the ahrimanic beings would be more entangled in our being. When we build machines, ahrimanic beings go into them, that's their job. The problem is when ahrimanic beings act where they do not belong and do not limit themselves to their natural tasks. When they act upon our consciousness, we shold know they do not belong there, but if they do act upon our consciousness, that's because we are Fallen, so that's our fault, because we are STS.

Christ said that 'They' (demonic and satanic beings) only eat those who are 'dead' (spiritually dead). It is related in the image of the pork : we do no eat living animals, we have to kill them first. Same with  parasitic beings: they eat us because we are partly dead (this dead part in ourselves is a consequence of the Fall). Some people are 'dead men walking' (they "lost their soul"): automatons, they are completely eaten up by parasites and used up as vehicules or tools by demonic ahrimanic beings.

Re: food for the eighth sphere, not the moon

Pictus wrote:

Drugs are the most dangerous thing because gives super power
to the double!
It is like super vitamin to the double...

By drugs do you mean any controlled substance? Weed, alcohol, just curious. I used to see weed as harmless, but I know so many people now who use it excessively and are pretty vacant a lot of the time. People will defend weed to the death as not harmful in any way or affecting them in any way, and there are all of these advocacy groups for it among educated liberals. But I think that I've seen some very destructive effects of it on others, behavior changes and no memory of things etc. When people are defending something so intensely it makes me think that it is controlling them in some way.-lala

don't judge a book by its name