Topic: String Theory confirms bilocation and holographic universe
Here is an article which explains how a new branch of string theory resolves event horizon paradoxes by proposing bilocality.
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Noble Realms → Physics and Alternative Science → String Theory confirms bilocation and holographic universe
Here is an article which explains how a new branch of string theory resolves event horizon paradoxes by proposing bilocality.
Thanks for posting this fascinating article. It answers some questions about portals into hyperspace. Portals created with electromagnetic fields have boundaries that function like the event horizon of a black hole, but without the destructive gravitational forces and on a much smaller scale. I always wondered what happens when you step through one. Based on the ideas in the link, someone outside would see you shrink to a point and disappear, while someone on the other side of the portal would see you expand from a point and enter their space-time. You yourself would see nothing spectacular beyond an instant switch of scenery. That's my guess. I wonder whether any of this matches abductee accounts of teleportation methods used by military/alien abductors, or whether it relates to the spirally time tunnels mentioned in the Montauk Project material.
I found this interesting:
Everything happening on the boundary [of a black hole] is equivalent to everything happening inside: ordinary particles interacting on the surface correspond precisely to strings interacting on the interior.
This is remarkable because the two worlds look so different, yet their information content is identical. The higher-dimensional strings can be thought of as a "holographic" projection of the quantum particles on the surface, similar to the way a laser creates a 3D hologram from the information contained on a 2D surface. Even though Maldacena's universe was very different from ours, the elegance of the theory suggested that our universe might be something of a grand illusion - an enormous cosmic hologram
Makes sense... I mean, even in Relativity the closer you reach the speed of light the more you appear to shrink in the direction you're going, to an outside observer. Go fast enough and you'll appear paper thin. Same thing would happen with a black hole, except there would be a paper-thin spherical membrane right up on the event horizon containing everything that ever fell into it. And yet this 2D surface contains a 3D universe. Like a magic mirror. I'm reminded of the magic mirrored column in the myth Parzival that reflected within it the entire world.
YOU Project Outward
Until YOU Are Able To Accept Inward
Thanks for posting this fascinating article. It answers some questions about portals into hyperspace. Portals created with electromagnetic fields have boundaries that function like the event horizon of a black hole, but without the destructive gravitational forces and on a much smaller scale. I always wondered what happens when you step through one. Based on the ideas in the link, someone outside would see you shrink to a point and disappear, while someone on the other side of the portal would see you expand from a point and enter their space-time. You yourself would see nothing spectacular beyond an instant switch of scenery. That's my guess. I wonder whether any of this matches abductee accounts of teleportation methods used by military/alien abductors, or whether it relates to the spirally time tunnels mentioned in the Montauk Project material.
You're welcome. I wonder how thought and memory fits into this scenario. If thought is a medium of information transfer and no information can escape the horizon, would that mean one's memory would be erased when passing through? For example, say a person who had traveled to the "flip side" were to think about somebody they knew on the other side of the portal, wouldn't that constitute a transfer of information?
For example, say a person who had traveled to the "flip side" were to think about somebody they knew on the other side of the portal, wouldn't that constitute a transfer of information?
Good point... then if the event horizon blocks light from escaping, only something faster than light could make it through. If there is a transfer of information, maybe it would involve tachyons or some other faster-than-light energy. Maybe that's what thought energy is? Just thinking out loud.
According to Relativity, information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. What this really says is that there is a limit to how fast a definite cause can produce a definite distant effect, like me sending a message and you receiving it. But there is a way around this - you can indeed communicate faster than light if you give up this certainty between cause and effect. So long as you and I are greater than lightspeed apart, we are not exactly in the same physical timeline - something you do does not become a definite reality for me until enough time has passed for light to travel between us. Otherwise we are to each other mere probable realities.
If we communicated using super-walkie-talkies that allowed instant communication, no matter our distance, there would be no guarantee that you would be talking to the only version of me, and vice versa. Things would be fuzzy instead of definite, probable instead of causal. So the sender will factor into who will be the receiver, and the receiver will factor into who will be the sender. Communication conduits are therefore established between parties who are mutually resonant or in freewill synchronization with each other, parties separated by the light barrier / dimensional barrier. I think this phenomenon shows up in channeling where the quality and vibes of the channeler determines what source can be tapped, or in abductions where teleportation technology across the dimensional barrier is impeded by the resonance / freewill issue interfering with what abductors can do with the abductee.
If we communicated using super-walkie-talkies that allowed instant communication, no matter our distance, there would be no guarantee that you would be talking to the only version of me, and vice versa.
That would seem to suggest that either: 1. It is an impossibility to ever meet another version of yourself, since they would all be beyond the event horizon, or 2. Everyone you meet is another version of yourself.
That would seem to suggest that either: 1. It is an impossibility to ever meet another version of yourself, since they would all be beyond the event horizon, or 2. Everyone you meet is another version of yourself.
Very interesting, because then it could easily be both simultaneously if each of us is the only One in our universe, yet all our individual universes are coordinated together into an illusory single universe populated by "self" and "others". Like a massive-multiplayer online game -- every player's computer is running its own instance of the game yet all is coordinated by a central server that links computer to computer and creates the illusion of a single game environment populated by every player.
Then something in our physical reality could be analogous to the data stream that flows between computer and server allowing that coordination...maybe light beams, gravity waves, scalar waves, thought energy, etc... My bet is on light beams, because in quantum mechanics a wave does not collapse into a particle until observed, and it takes a photon to observe it - therefore the photon might well be the data packet that links up one probable reality with another. Which means that if you develop perceptions that do not rely on electromagnetic interactions, you can start perceiving the wave in itself without collapsing it into the particle. I think that's what "second sight" or "etheric perception" might be -- seeing with the etheric or astral eyes instead of the physical, and therefore being able to view across the event horizon that otherwise blocks perception of other realities. It would also allow you to perceive the deeper unity of everything. This sheds some .... on the concept of "Lucifer" - the bearer of light, the physical kind that makes things grow yet simultaneously keeps it locked into the illusion of physical separation.
Like a massive-multiplayer online game -- every player's computer is running its own instance of the game yet all is coordinated by a central server that links computer to computer and creates the illusion of a single game environment populated by every player.
Yes. Reminds me of my MUDding days. In order to achieve certain tactical, and social, goals, I would frequently be playing two or three characters simultaneously. Generally, I wouldn't make another player aware of my other identities until I felt they could be trusted not to rat me out to everybody else.
So essentially, this could provide a model for the idea that there is only One singular consciousness, reiterating itself through space/time as an infinite number of individuations.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are saying that, in order to perceive something on the other side, one must rely on faster-than-light sensory mechanisms. An undiscovered aspect of gravity, maybe?
I forgot. . has the speed of scalar waves been measured?
This is such a weird sync.... Just last night I was pondering the whole space-time relationship (with respect to gravity, of course;) ) again before sleep. Long have I wondered about how time fits into the equation of faster-than-light travel and how the perspective would be changed by the observer (taking into consideration the already in-progress red & blue shifts). I also wonder if the speed of thought (if it can be measured) is faster than the speed of light? Has that already been established? And I wonder if there are certain thoughts that travel faster than others? (if that makes any sense)
Last night, I had a simple, yet epiphanic, idea regarding time. Hawking has said that it's like an arrow, having a start and end point, yet both are infinite. And still there's that pesky conundrum in physics that asks why we can't have a qualitative analysis of the future, in the same way we can experience our past in thoughts. So what gives?.... It struck me that if (in theory) time is supposed to be the 4th dimension, it should be a no-brainer that we, in the third dimension, are only able to experience a higher dimension (time) in a very limited way. We are physically (and therefore, mentally, too) incapable of having the full experience and understanding of any dimension that is "beyond" (if you'll pardon the pun) our existential experience. In essence, we're only seeing one side of it, and that is not even seen (much less understood) very clearly. We always make the mistake of believing that we, as intelligent beings, are capable of understanding anything, yet we always overlook the most important thing... where we are. 3rd dimension... any dimension that is lower than us is completely understandable, yet difficult to truly duplicate... there is no perfect replica of a 2 or 1 dimensional thing really (there's always the thickness of the lead, paint, electrons comprising the pixels, that adds the depth to a 2 dimensional representation).
On the other hand, our experience of higher dimensions is limited to an echo of what bleeds through the reality of it. Time, for instance, is experienced only as an echo for us.... not from any linear existence of it's own. Only our measure of this echo appears linear. Time, itself, is a myrad of places... all encompassing third dimensional reality. There, is also the relationship of gravity and time.... I'm still thinking about how that relates. I mean, I know that the greater the gravity, the slower time appears to the observer... but it's the why that still baffles me.
That's where this article becomes interesting to me.... And your discussion here, Tenetnosce and Montalk. I completely agree with you both about how this could explain certain "psychic" abilities, and how it's like a multiple player on-line game. I especially like the tie you made with Lucifer (the bringer of Light), Montalk! It also reminds me of why the Grays keep saying that there is no such thing as time (as we see time)... they say it's all happening "now"... and that would make sense if they are higher dimensional beings. It would also make sense as to how they are able to change appearance and location seemingly instantly. Another "old" thing that's been on my mind (and I'm sure many other people's) is another thing that Jesus said in the Gospel of Thomas said "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]." When this statement is looked at with the information just learned from Susskind's elephant, it makes a hell of a lot of more sense to me. (but then again, I think Jesus was a hybrid, and his father was literally in the heavens... and so it's true he was sent by a "god", but not "God", as most people understand "him" to be... but I digress) I do think that many of the ancient scripts, text, and "myths" will become more clear (and are pertinent) to our further explorations in science.
Anywho... most fascinating, and I'm so excited that physicists are uncovering more of the "mysteries", not only of our universe but also of beyond what we think is reality!
Oh! Also forgot to mention... this bilocality idea reminds me of the Alpha and the Omega.... The beginning and the end... they are the same, only separated by time.... Reminds me of the bilocated photon in quantum physics.... two dots of light, yet it's the same dot and it's viewable at the same time! Wonder if all that "separates" the dot is our movement through time... it's standing still, yet we are not, but from our perspective, it seems like the opposite... that it's moving so fast as to appear in two places at once, when the truth is that we are the ones who are moving. I could be wrong, but it's fun to hypothesize.
... this bilocality idea reminds me of the Alpha and the Omega.... The beginning and the end... they are the same, only separated by time....
Time As Probability
The Hall Of Double Truth / Double Dreaming
I suppose it's true that from our perspective, our view of the future of time is a matter of probabilities. What I'm proposing is that our future only appears as a probability to us because we (our entire universe, as we know it) is caught in a ripple of the echo of a higher dimension (Time)... our experience of it is static, and we are only able to perceive this echo in an abstract (at best) way. It's the ripple effect, like the waves of the ocean... once they're past you, you can watch the path that you've cut by standing in the middle of the water, and you're able to see another wave coming ahead but are unable to tell if that wave is going to pull you under or how it will affect you. Our experience of Time is the same... it exists beyond our current dimensional boundaries and we are experiencing only one echo (or wave) of it that's bled through to a lower dimension (ours). Every ripple contains what we would view as alternate dimensions.... but in fact, they're all happening NOW.... past, present, future and all the myrad of possible existences is happening at the same "moment" in the dimension of Time... If Time is spherical in nature, it would be as simple to a "time lord" (couldn't resist the Dr. Who reference), as navigating a globe.
I'm rambling, and maybe I'm not making much sense, but after re-reading what I'd written yesterday, I wanted to clarify a bit. Then again, what I'm proposing has probably already been known for years, and it's nothing new. In which case, feel free to ignore my ramblings. They're fairly new concepts to me, and the longer I ponder the nature of higher dimensions, the more I can see a paradigm shift in understanding our experience of life.
Anyway, back to the crayon mines....
There, on the Creation Workbench
A film that starts, like they all do, with an Exploration Of Awareness
This one ends in a nightmare
Which seems to imbed distorted concepts into the Viewer and tends to perpetuate a type of insanity into The Greater Whole
Totally Unacceptable.
Energy isn’t destroyed but can Certainly
Be Changed
So over to The Transmogrifier:
Insert one end of the film here and the other end there
Push that green button:
Whirring and Buzzing as both ends are simultaneously drawn
All The Raw Materials
All The Insight And Wisdom (So Precious) Gained
Adding, Of Course, The Alchemy Of Potential:
The Potential of Imagination
Known And Prized By Editors Everywhere
Something Wonderful
Happens next
The Triumph Of The Dream
Noble Realms → Physics and Alternative Science → String Theory confirms bilocation and holographic universe
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