Re: I have this document... ELF
By the way here is the e-mail
if anyone else is interested in e-mailing him perhaps to coax him into rewriting these texts.
spirituality - physics - conspiracy - philosophy - wisdom - and more...
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Noble Realms → General Discussion → I have this document... ELF
By the way here is the e-mail
if anyone else is interested in e-mailing him perhaps to coax him into rewriting these texts.
Huh, interesting. I have a friend who emailed that addy and got a postmaster return, so I haven't suggested anyone try that. LOL!
Well that's good news, then! Thanks!!
Like joethepro4, also spotted and sent a note to to the above address.
Part of the response:
We are rewriting all the Elf Transmissions since there
is always new info coming through about the False
Hologram. When we are ready to release I will let you
know and put you on the list. There has been a lot
interest lately of the work as we are very close to
understanding the nature of how to break through to
the Real World.
Also stated was zero involvement w/ ForeverBlue and Raphiem in these terms:
In a subsequent note, a link to this thread was provided.......
Personally, there are fond memories of Raphiem's, "Mission-Ignition" and his mail lists - More Primo links were initiated by that Unit than have been encountered since.
The whole point of this exploration is to point to the fact that in the sequential and linear progression of our consciousness through the pathways of time, there is a point on such a continuum where some part of our consciousness agreed by oath, affirmation, binding vows or variations on such to bind ourselves to the illusions of separation that we are currently well nigh completely entangled in at this time.
But the good news is that we remain part of a free will universe, and such bonds can be broken. It is a maxim of law that "fraud vitiates contracts," the word vitiate translated as nullifies. That means if the means by which a binding contract is purported to be binding were obtained via fraudulent means, then that contract is null and void. Within the law of contracts as we understand it today, which is established on the foundational context of universal and natural law, a valid contract must have several key components amongst which is that all particulars and clauses as parts thereto must be fully revealed, there must be a meeting of the minds, meaning full conscious understanding between all parties, and there must be just and mutually agreed upon consideration of exchange within the terms of the contract. If not all met, and especially if a contract, whether in physical or metaphysical terms, is engaged due to fraudulent and intentional withholding of any or all of these components, then that contract is void.
The manipulation and distortions by which binding agreements of oaths, vows and otherwise have been gained throughout the eons of time and numerous incarnations of our soul's journey in this universe through time and space constitute the fraudulent nature of such binding agreements. Therefore, when one consciously becomes aware of such, and chooses to actively and with intentional volition revoke and rescind such agreements, they are indeed broken.
Exploring our individual and collective consciousness back to its point of source, finding where we deviated from the balance and integration that we now wish to re-engage with, and the willingness to do the work as required to disengage the distortions is vital to the task.
A statement along with the breaking of any and all vows that all such contracts and agreements are declared null and void nunc pro tunc, which in Latin, the foundational language of law on this planet, means "as if it never was," and ab initio, which means "to the beginning," both of which are recognized legal phrases, goes deep into the subconscious and cellular memory to release those things that bind us, and will return us to the state of original innocence and freedom that we seek.
If that is your desire, and you are willing to deal with what comes forth as it disengages and manifests into the hologram of your personal reality construct in order to be understood and released, then this is the true path to freedom and the liberation of your emerald life frequency with which you were originally endowed as you first came forth into this realm.
If this is your desire and path, then welcome to the Emerald Liberation Front!!! Each step you take will have ramifications and results in your own reality, and as a smaller whole system within the larger hologram, will begin to shift the larger whole. At a certain point, a quantum event will take place, which is now fast approaching, when the larger hologram will of necessity by the true laws of nature, as a result of the cumulative force of the individual and collective efforts of liberation, shift, and no matter how many guns the externalized "powers" have, no matter how much of the "money" they control, no matter how complete their control of this reality might appear, the laws of nature will prevail and all such illusions of external control will crumble and dissolve to the beginning as if they never were!!!
There are no Enemies, only Opportunities!!
Hi SiriArc! Since you've bumped this thread, I'm interested in seeing the file. Unfortunately the NR files seem to no longer exist. Could you or someone upload it again or post the text here?
It's forty pages long, too long to post here, but the URL's been updated so you can download it here. It's a Microsoft Word document.
Thanks, Montalk!
Interesting read but it gave me castration anxiety.
I just read these *transmissions* and found them intriguing, but I want to read the rest!!! Where o where are they?
holy schmoly moly. we gotta re-visit this. please read or re-read THE ELF TRANSMISSIONS. theyre in DIRECT opposition to all the theocrat stuff. very liberating after spending all AM reading the occult theocracy by edith queensborough, and before, reading the botherhood of saturn, today. then i read these, and i had a fit. we just have to see these again. its totally uncanny; elves, the theocracy, the matrix, the only way out is IN, maybe after or during thru, but they say to get out, one must go in. to the self. IN--thru the self. this is unreal, as was SiriArc's latest compilation, and as was free*world's. speechless. its all HERE. u guys will flip. its about self-love ultimately, as we suspected. read about the hidden gold, annunaki, and trapped souls, in part 2. it all is tied in. those rituals and rites of the saturnalia, the old secret societies, dirty priests, force-feed the theocrats. they just leave here, go up there, and so the same shit pretty much. talk about trapped time loops, and reflections of mirror worlds. so clear now. just sickening. poor earth humans cant even DIE to get out of it, they gotcha again. the sick socieites, religions, theyre clubs, of feeding pools, for the theocrats, its a direct bloody, sicko, as below so above cattle chute, from earth straight up into astral realms. their use of black magic, money, conquest, power, all sends the same crap into the astral realms. its so OBVIOUS NOW>all this shit for ages, is a DIRECT route to the bands. all sent on right into the eye of the crats. from down here. theyre all in on it. so clear seeing how these societies r reflections of the ones above. they mirror each other. the whole world's one big FARM. that all-seeing eye of horus aint no joke.
havent finished the ELF transmissions yet. but came on to direct u to em. as it says on pg one, no website and you will get nuthin with google. right on target tho with almost all our latest threads. this should be a new post from our old stuff, that has to be seen again, to be even more appreciated. what a hand-out of thanks to sowelu on this, from earlier this yr. this thread is cool anyway, as u will see when u read pg 1. over again. there r 2 spots for download on pg 1. and all day yesterday, it was 22 everything, and was 1- 2 days before that. 11 X 2 = 22. been 22 for 2 days. just an eleven eleven (looks elven) thing doubled. and free* world--check this. ANGLE= ANGLO (ur irish) = ANGLO - SAXON. ANG- "GLOW"...
Lord of the Rings - and the Elves rejoin forces (almost reluctantly) with mankind to do battle with mankind against the world with the Final battle against the dark forces. A very silly but quaint film on SKy Movies - Voyage of the Unicorn. (part 2 tomorrow at 11-00 am), with Beau Bridges, on exactly the same theme.. There are so many other familiar themes.
If they were true, are we (individually) ready to do battle on such a scale, against such dark oppposition?. I am, but not without a certain ammount of fear to be overcome, but maybe it is impossible to face such a foe without fear. I wish I didnt have fear, but somewhere within I feel I need to have fear, to use it, to transmute it, otherwise the strong emotion would not be within me to overcome fear, and win the final battle.
I wish I could go into battle brave and fearless, but at the moment I feel I will have to go into it,as is.
Maybe the final battle is just overcoming our fears. No maybe, I am sure it is. Lets all (spiritually) hold hands together and go into battle. We SHALL overcome. I read one of Montalks excellent articles yesterday, about letting the people know, by publishing on web sites. Thats my biz, web stuff.
It went straight to my heart. This isnt going to be a physical battle on an actual war field as such, it will probably more of a psychological battle, interspersed with physical interventions (if mental interventions do not fully succeed), in normal daily life, with the rest of society unaware of the battle.
And I've signed up for it. No other choice, really, its either the same old shit (getting worse) , or FREEDOM! .. Its a no brainer. - COME ON! .
(I keep the hope that all the old magic will come back to me just when I need it -it WILL, IT WILL I WILL.)
Back in the (atlantean) day we were wise and powerful spiritual beings; we made a contract but we got cheated. Now we are sooooo advanced and enlightened that we can easily see the mistake we made and correct it just by cancelling the contract; BTW, does that include all provisions about not violating our true will in this reality or not being eaten by the theocrats for lunch, or...
There are no Enemies, only Opportunities!!
Uh huh.
SiriArc already said contract--schmuck-crack. i dont think thats gonna work either. theres way more to it than contracts, and dissolution of em. its harder than that, and bigger than that, and yes, we always get screwed. but thats the game. not blaming anybody. i asked to come here apparently, altho im mad at myself alot of the time, when i coulda been on aldebaron or something. we always have been cheated THEY SAY. yet, simultaneously, theres something to the matter of it being, the principle, as in "i see u guys's shit--said to the TPTB, "and im not playin". maybe as simple as that. yet, as all encompassing as that. the opportunity vs enemy thing is another pep talk, cheerleading tactic, u know, as in there cant be a physical battle with these jerks, no way, just get crucified again. they hold the power, but so do we. its a spiritual battle, no doubt.
the only thing we got is us--the liberated self, and its free. as in it doesnt cost a dime. just hard work. its a once again, u too can break free message. i loved the plays on words the most. the meanings behind words, pretty cool. didnt even realize the alpha bet/alphabet--as in the ALPHA and BETA, the beginning and the end. never REALIZED IT. and peter--for phallus and peter despised women. far out. an interesting read for sure. one can tell that these guys r also with their own agenda, im tellin ya, everybody's got one. somehow someway. im not sure what theirs is, but its a nice body of work. i think, its informative, not necessarily gospel. hell, is anything? and i loved what they said on the melchizedekian deal. i never liked that merkaba stuff. altho it was a draw-in about 8 yrs or so ago. we'll have to see what other's think. it does parlay right into where we've been going. and, have been. i wish there was more of it, more published lately. what kills me tho, is how theres so much to whats said in those transmissions, as there has been with other works, that warn against f'ed up religion. this is the source of the contract if u will. this with the war in Iraq, the idea of bloody religion was never more obvious. where in the hell do they put all those bodies, wrecked vehicles, blown up shit? my mate says--hell, its a desert. they got plenty of room. dontcha think its so curious, that if it all started there, in Sumer, how its ending up there? in that same polarized desert region? ive been wanting to say that. talk about loosh farming, right up into the bands, might just be up less than 8 ft now, or something, right above their heads. gore gore and more gore. cant believe it, daily bloody mess. makes ya wanna get off the planet, eventually, now im thinkin maybe later than sooner, yet???? that was once a nice exit possibility, death, but now, with what we know of/with WIH, it seems theres nowhere to go. or hide in peace. shit.
RIP= rest in peace, more like RIP-OFF. that RIP deal is another rip-off, there is no rest in peace, knowing what we know now. ya always gotta watch ur ass, eh? how frickin tiring. every step of the way. gettin worse and worse is right. my agenda, in case anybody wanted to know, i will ADMIT, is trying to study what to do on the way Out/ or In. whatever it may be, so that ill know what to do when the time comes. im trying to educate myself so that, research it, so that i will have some semblance of knowledge. its a little late to go--oh hell no, what do i do now? i wanna be prepared, for battle, personally and professionally. as in im a "professional" human now. went thru alotta courses. so when can i graduate? whats next?--that kind of thing. since as much out of the matrix as can be, i was really looking forward to exit. now, im more disappointed than ever, yet mesmerized by the info. and the possibilities. this is one helluva game.
If they were true, are we (individually) ready to do battle on such a scale, against such dark opposition?. I am, but not without a certain amount of fear to be overcome.......
Maybe the final battle is just overcoming our fears. No maybe, I am sure it is.
It went straight to my heart. This isnt going to be a physical battle on an actual war field as such, it will probably more of a psychological battle.......
And I've signed up for it. No other choice, really, its either the same old shit (getting worse) , or FREEDOM! .. Its a no brainer. - COME ON! .
(I keep the hope that all the old magic will come back to me just when I need it -it WILL, IT WILL I WILL.)* FREEDOM! *
The Future Creates The Present Against The Backdrop Of The Past -Lazaris-
A Wizard Works Backward In Time -Chopra-
Triumph Of The Dream
Noble Realms → General Discussion → I have this document... ELF
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