In order to really know you have to try these harmonizers. I haven't used them at all so can't speak. There are so many water activators, energizers, and so forth out there, I have no idea which ones are best.
I've used Dr. Emoto's ideas for a long time now on water. I've been experimenting for at least the last 2 years on his ideas, and when I use water with words on it, such as he describes, it's very hard to tell if anything is happening to the water, it's very subtle.
I also purchased, recently, his small stick-on water crystal stickers. I have about 9 different ones from one of his packets on a glass of water. And again, it's very hard to tell if there is any difference.
So you have to try many things, I would send for whatever you can afford, and try this, try that.
I've also used crystal charged water, which I made myself, using rose quartz crystals and amethyst crystals (which I read are wonderful for de-stressing when used in water) and again, it's hard to tell if there are any changes. I do think I feel it a little bit, but it's very subtle.