Topic: The Binary Soul Doctrine

This post isn’t about the book - It’s about the Concept -  And is another window on The Healing of Duality.

Snips From:

The Binary Soul Doctrine

Simultaneously present in numerous cultures at the dawn of recorded history, the Binary Soul Doctrine (BSD) apparently predates all currently known civilizations. Thousands of years ago, people all across the globe believed virtually the same thing about what happened after death - that human beings possess not one, but two souls, which were in danger of dividing apart from one another when a person died. The BSD is such a universal common denominator that it points to the pre-historic existence of a world-embracing culture; if there was such a thing as an Atlantean civilization, the BSD was its faith.

.......Egypt called them the Ba and Ka.......Christianity called them the Soul and Spirit.......

After leaving the physical body, one of these souls was often expected to reincarnate, while the other was believed to become trapped in a dreamlike netherworld. Some of these cultures believed that the after death division of these two souls could be prevented or reversed.......

For one thing, these cultures' descriptions of the two souls are strikingly similar to modern science's 'right brain/left brain' descriptions of the conscious and unconscious halves of the human psyche.......

Even more interestingly, the ancient Binary Soul Doctrine also seems to anticipate, even predict, many of the conditions being described in modern reports of near-death experiences, past-life regressions, after-death communications, ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, and other afterlife phenomena. These unexpected correlations carry profound and disturbing implications.

Many of the cultures that subscribed to the Binary Soul Doctrine revolved around a dualistic perspective similar to China's Yin and Yang philosophy. The Egyptian mentality, for instance, was dominated by the idea of united opposites; all reality, they thought, even including the human soul, was comprised of equal-but-opposite components that were dancing together in a delicate yet tense balance. Even their language reflected this underlying assumption; not only was everything always either male or female, but their language often used a special grammatical structure called 'the dual voice'. They called Egypt ‘The Two Lands‘, their universe was called ‘The Dual Realities’ or ‘The Two Truths‘, they called their netherworld ‘The Great Double House‘, their gods dwelt in ‘The Lake of Double Fire‘, and their after death judgment took place in ‘The Hall of Double Truth‘. This 'dual voice' did not simply refer to two things, or even two halves of one thing; it referred to an integrated binary unit, two which are one, simultaneously separate and united, each part distinct on its own, yet incomplete without its equal-but-opposite, complimentary partner. They called their two souls the Ba and the Ka, and virtually all of their funerary practices were dedicated to a single purpose : insuring that the Ba and Ka reunited with one another on the other side of death's door.

Also, from:   #3

Individual / Collective

Both Windows of Awareness - Currently smudged and distorted but being Cleaned by The Pros and close to Completion.

Rumor has it that WE are Moving Toward / Returning To the Simultaneous Awareness of Both.

This pic represents The ENACTING FORCE Which is In-Between  - SYNERGIZING Duality.

The WHOLE  of the Caduceus - The Means by which The Snakes of Distorted Duality Transcend the Space/Time Torus.

The Eagle and The Snake - Spirit and Soul Reunited and moving Into Beyond.

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Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

Some scattered associations follow....

Ba- # One part of the ancient Egyptian concept of the soul (which was imagined as a bird body with a human head).

Mer - Ka -  Ba
"Mer" means Light. "Ka" means Spirit. "Ba" means Body.
These definitions may or may not be totally accurate.

Two books by Amorah Quan Yin
Awakening your Divine Ka
Awakening your Divine Ba

Ka-Light Body
[From Barbara Hand Clow - " The Pleiadian Agenda."]

Don Juan Matus speaking to Carlos
" ....death is always over your left shoulder..."

An source that will not be named has described and seemingly quite accurately what they refer to as the human shadow which is in THIS dimension an, electrostatic appearing double of your physical body that is moves with your every move and is guess where....back and slightly to the left. This is a double of yourself existing on another dimensional plane, but drawing 2/3 of its life force from your physical Earthbound vehicle.
The shadow may have its existence in the anti-matter universe. It may be in a nearby non-physical dimension.
Its part of us yet separated from our conscious awareness.
Theory - It is somehow tied to the ego.

This exactly lines up with Stuart Wilde's description of the shadow self as it exists in the mirror world.
All of it.

Its the particle spin, the materializing influence that cordons off reality systems in different space- time zones.

The lid is being blown off.


Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

SiriArc wrote:

.......Egypt called them the Ba and Ka.......Christianity called them the Soul and Spirit.......

After leaving the physical body, one of these souls was often expected to reincarnate, while the other was believed to become trapped in a dreamlike netherworld. Some of these cultures believed that the after death division of these two souls could be prevented or reversed.......

The “tricky"  is not to live by the lower chakras…

‘This is one of the many depictions from the ancient Egyptians showing the heart being weighed
against the feather. They believed that, after death, a person is guided to the Judgment Hall for
this weighing of the heart. According to James Churchward in The Sacred Symbols of Mu, the
feather is said to represent "truth" because it can be so easily blown away. According to Joseph
Campbell, in The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, the feather is symbolic of Maat, goddess of the
moral order of the universe.   

Note the seven spherical nodules along the pole from near the bottom on up to the crossbeam.
They are thought to correspond to the seven chakras of the human body. There is another nodule
above the beam, which may represent a sphere of timeless consciousness beyond the earth

Note also that the the composite animal's snout cuts across the pole between the third and forth
nodules. The platform of the Judgment seat is also at that level. This seems to indicate the critical
point between the third chakra and the forth, the heart chakra.

The baboon on the Judgment seat is one form of the god Thoth, counterpart of the Greek Hermes
(Mercury to the Romans), who guides the soul after death. Baboons bark with the rising of the

If the heart weighs more than the feather, the dead soul is devoured by the "Swallower," the
composite beast, a mixture of crocodile, hippopotamus, and lion. If the heart is found to be lighter
than the feather, the soul is conducted by Toth to Osiris's throne by the Waters of Eternal Life.

Joseph Campbell wrote that in terms of the kundalini, the message could hardly be clearer . . . if
the aims of the deceased in life were no higher than those of Chakra three (the animal instincts),
the Swallower claims the soul.

The implication is that if one has not reached the heart chakra level of love and compassion
during a lifetime, the person must be reborn, that is, reincarnated back on earth, in order to try
again. Otherwise, the soul is free to move on to higher planes of existence.

Personally, I believe that Thoth represents a part of the self, probably the Higher Self, and that
we "judge" ourselves after death. The decision is made after a "time," to reincarnate or to move
on to another plane.’

Bye, Pictus


4 (edited by SiriArc 2006-05-27 02:19:15)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

Showed The Dread Devourer

Also noted here: … 491#p36491

This applies to The Parasitic Factor which has Distorted not only ‘chakras’ but also
The Starship WE arrived ON And ARE

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Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

This thread has been very informative for me.  It helps to explain a very vivid 'dream' I had last Dec. 30-31st.  In fact, the dream was so fascinating, I wrote it down after I woke up. 

I've been having a mini internal debate with myself if I should post the dream (as I wrote it down in my journal) because I see so many topics discussed here at NR that have a personal significance to me, yet I'm new to this forum and don't want to be misinterpreted as a "me too" kind of metaphysical sycophant.  In truth, I've always been my own biggest skeptic in regards to 'strange things' happening in my life..... Okie-dokie... (enough of my disclaimering ego).... I've decided to post the dream... if I'm off the mark in thinking it has significance to this thread, please tell me.

Dream Journal:  Dec. 31, 2005

I was standing in the second story of this gorgeous log cabin home and looking out this big picture window.  Down below was a car parked in the driveway and someone who'd gotten out of it (and was about to walk up the drive to the house) started having a heart attack or something.  I was aware of two beings (friends?) standing by the window with me.  I really didn't look directly at them because they felt like friends or familiar to me, although I somehow knew that I didn't know them in real life. 
It felt as though we were in the kitchen area and one person was to the left of me and the other to the right and a little behind me. 
I was shocked to see the person below, dying.  The being to the left of me told me (I think it was telepathic) in a dispassionate voice, "He's dying.  You need to keep watching carefully...."  So I did, and I saw the man below collapse to the ground and immediately, two "versions" of his spirit self appeared.  One was larger but looked to be hovering face down above the ground and (from my perspective) in front of, or above, the physical body.  The other spirit was below the body (closer to the house, looking down as I was seeing it from above), and it was much smaller (or maybe just appeared so because of the way it was positioned),and it seemed to almost be trying to curl in on itself, like huddling, squatting, wanting to pounce. 
The beings I was standing with in the kitchen began to explain to me that the first spirit entity was the actual 'good' soul, the pure portion and that it would not linger but be on it's way back "home" (to heaven, to reincorporate with 'the one', etc), but that was not of concern.  The reason or why they wanted me to see this was to be aware of the existence of this other, second, smaller, dark part of the spirit that splinters off after death.  (The only way I can describe how hideously scary this thing seemed to be is to say "think of a hybrid of the girl in The Exorcist & a grey alien and that thing looked like that, with big bulging 'black alien eyes'.)
The beings near me began explaining that this "thing" was a new (recent) manifestation here, a very dangerous one.  It is the by-product of the negative aspect of the human experience.  It's like all the bad junk that accumulates during a person's life, and it's now begun to manifest into something "real" here (although people don't realize it).  It lingers after physical death and tries to "latch on" to someone living, like a demonic parasite.
  IF you make eye contact with this thing, it will enter you and live inside of you, growing, acting out through you, attracting negative things to you.  You'll feel "cursed" and slightly possessed until the day you die.  If this entity cannot latch itself onto any living being, it is absorbed into the earth and 'recycled' into nature.  Either way, it does harm because enough of this negative energy getting into the earth will cause instability in nature.  And the whole reason these things (negative energy spirits) are able to manifest and exist is because of people's backwards and confused beliefs.  The human race, in essence, created it, gave it form in the reality, through our own ignorance and refusal to accept true reality.  All the fear and confusion from various religions, fanaticism, prejudice, hatred, abuse (and all other horrible things spawned in human belief systems) has created a very real by-product, of which humanity is wholly unaware of.
Okay, now as I was listening to this being explained to me, I looked down, trying to see this negative spirit a bit better, and the damn thing must've ready my mind because it snapped it's head up (at a 90 degree angle, so it's face was looking straight up at me),and I saw those huge eyes, and I immediately began to float upward.  I screamed and looked at the "good spirit" (just before it zoomed away to wherever it was going), and I dropped back down to the floor again.
My 'friend' to the left of me told me that I would be okay, that I had broken eye contact in time, and then the three of us watched that wretched entity being absorbed by the ground.  I'm not sure if there was any more to it than that because I woke up.

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." ~ Mark Twain

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine,

Couple o' considerations: … 522#p23522


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Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine


"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." ~ Mark Twain

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

From: … 522#p49522   #132 Notes:

The picture that emerges from the BSD suggests that, as surprising as it sounds today, death wasn't always a problem for human beings. The BSD indicates that there actually was a time, thousands upon thousands of years ago, when we didn't fracture at death. From one incarnation to the next, we would retain full possession of all our faculties, and remembered everything about all our past lives and histories.

But then something changed, something that affected our whole species more or less all at the same time, and that was when this dark curse fell upon us. That watershed moment has come down to us in our myths as the ‘Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden‘, but it might be better understood today as the arrival of a great disease that corrupted our souls, a disorder that persisted within us even beyond death's door.

For the last five or six thousand years, then, our minds have basically been getting ripped to shreds every time we die. The conscious portion of the mind has been disengaging from its unconscious half, and each crippled portion has then gone on separately into the "next world". What actually happens is that the conscious loses its memory and eventually reincarnates, while the unconscious becomes trapped in its memories and feelings from the past, and unwittingly creates an imaginary heaven or hell dreamworld for itself out of those feelings and memories, a perpetual dream (or nightmare) it can never awaken from on its own. In the next world, these two cursed, crippled disembodied fragments of what was once a whole human being each experience a cruelly distorted reality, and they seem to be responsible for most of the reports we hear about ghosts and poltergeists, and maybe mankind's legends of zombies and vampires as well. In recent years, reports of near-death experiences and past-life regressions have documented numerous cases in which subjects reported experiencing their minds dividing in two during the death transition.

For millennia, mankind essentially seemed trapped, doomed to remain stuck in this repeating cycle of self-destruction with no practical way out. Lifetime after lifetime, most of us would divide again and again, repeatedly losing everything we work so hard for in each life. While most new generations contained a rare few individuals who pursued a life of enough authenticity, integrity, and psychological health to enable them to "keep it together" during the death transition, the vast majority of humanity's masses were just going through the same futile motions lifetime after lifetime, never making any progress towards resolving our dilemma. In effect, we were trapped.......

In the meantime, this ‘disease’ (virus) has made us divided beings, and our world a divided world. Our division has come to completely rule the world. We human beings rule the world, yes, but our division rules us. It has made us collectively and individually insane, possessed of two alienated minds that seldom agree with one another. One side of our mind rules the day, the other the night. One side predominates among artists, mystics, women, and Democrats, the other among scientists, businesspeople, men, and Republicans. This war within our souls is reflected in our endless history of political warfare, and it is clear that mankind will never know peace on this planet until our inner conflict is finally and fully resolved, for the one is father to the other.  child of the man.

To complicate matters more, we each apparently also have numerous past-life selves hiding inside us, busily but silently dreaming away their own fantasies of heaven or hell within the darkest recesses of our own minds. Each time we divide at death, we add to their numbers, but we may not keep adding to their numbers forever. The day will come, according to the BSD, when they are all shocked into reawakening inside us again. And just as our whole species started suffering this soul-division at the same time, so too will we all be restored to wholeness simultaneously as well. This inevitable, horrific moment of restoration has been anticipated for millennia, and we know it as the ancient prophecy of the Universal Resurrection of the Dead on Judgment Day. or the ASCENSION.

Since humanity's whole spiritual problem has always been one of repressing, denying, and rejecting the unconscious, balance can only be restored by compensating for our present imbalance. Just as the ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris, as great as he was held to be, could only be saved in his time of need by his female counterpart Isis, so too did these Templars apparently believe that the female side of our beings was the half that possessed the power to restore our equilibrium and wholeness, healing our inner divisions and ‘making the two one.’

but as a friend told me 2 weeks ago, the next time this happens, we WILL REMEMBER IT ALL.  my god, thats fantastic, and fits beautifully, thats why theres no manual when u come here, u cant know or remember who u were/which affects who u are, IMO.  that makes one less powerful.  AHA.  but thats going to CHANGE.  it gives no chance, only a semblance of those damn lessons ur supposed to know, feel, slay, get over, so as not to repeat. all finally aligns,  we mastered it this time, the end cycle the ninth GATE.

that weaves EVERYTHING In for me.  we will be mighty in this, for we have forgiven ourselves, healed ourselves, with no one but our SELVES to thank.  no help from outside, no middle man, no outsiders, no INTRUDERS.  we go in all to-2 GETHER/GATHER.  no more dualism.  AHA.

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9 (edited by SiriArc 2006-12-26 03:08:03)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

From: … 44&p=9   #134


This Final LifeTime Is The Recapitulation:

As Empath > Dreamer > Shaman > Magician,

YOU Are Healing



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Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

and all day today, at work, im going DDDUUUUUUUHHHH. what a ninny.  so sorry SiriArc and u guys.  thanks for bumping the BSD up, already has its own thread.  geez.  didnt even SEE the binary soul doctrine post from what???!!! April?!  more evidence on sharpening one's own hooks, and frickin payin attention, and containing that ever present enthusiasm of a child.  i have probs wih that--get all excited sometimes. 3 steps ahead and about 60 behind.  im getting stuff thats already done been got!  just goes to show ya, when u think ur awake, ur eyes can always be opened wider.  man.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

Hey wait Zenden, everything has a purpose. Your new thread helped me to remember this one and I printed them all. Wow! If I read these on May, it wouldn't be THAT much effective on me. I have tons of connections to make from various cultures and beliefs to this BSD. Excellent!

Also we have SiriArc here, he's our connector!

Change we must, to live again
- Jon Anderson

12 (edited by zenden 2006-12-30 12:01:31)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

i think, the purpose, for seeing it with difft eyes (UR SO RIGHT! on this) is that it ALL has so much more meaning now.  i didnt think as much of it as in months ago.  these theories, on the ascension, death, the search for the holy grail so many yrs ago, led me to it.  i found the grail to be self, sophia, gnosis.  can only get it by experience of the knowing/feeling.  so the definition of division theory, the BSD then, leads right to it.  in a big nutshell=  i have a feeling that the mysteries of the biblical stuff, myth, all that, will join with real physics stuff, and this will be the culmination point of those concepts COMBINED.

they say, we see-- its a binary world.  there's even talk of the binary sun system, that we are in one.  theres a twin sun somewhere, and that maybe, just maybe, on the galactic turning point, whatever, at the closing of this cali-yuga cycle, that twin sun will appear.  so we are the Sun-Born?  ive seen that alot lately.  is that connected in any way to the flash, the flash from another thread.  there seems to be alot on this, with all the solar flares, the heating up of things, the climactic/weather changes, that cannot be denied.  so is this where we get the duality/binary notion?  the mayan calendar thing/concepts of universal and galactic cycles sway in here too.

im calling the division theory thing, connected to the WIH problem, the search for self, the effects of the sun, the planetary rotation, the changes with DNA, even the joining/reconnoitering left and right brain thing, a "mosaic theory".... been thinking on it for days, weeks.  combining data for relevance, for years really.  still going in circles.  from all the difft angles.  this gets into the twice-born theory concept too.  that if one can really be the whole self, then maybe, just maybe, and be lucid on the death journey/crossover/even the 2012 thing, then, indeed. the cycle of it all, will stop, change, transmute. ill say.  we're supposed to have a birthright 'for' it.

im not on the judgment day kick as the author/contributor, ? author is.  instead, i think its a joining possibly of that ages-old concept WITH the ascension concept.  the FAQ part is helpful--to get right to it.    see FAQ's.  for the meet/meat of the matter.

a question was asked-"how does one know if on the right track?" and the response was--u have to feel it.  this is what free*world, Sowelu, and SiriArc, and others have been saying.  one is going to have to deal with feelings, all of them, and not be afraid to.  gonna have to get it all out there, or from in there, to acknowledge them, look at em, smell, em, work em, own em, all that and more.  the website's author responded with this quote first off=

Sin is a queer thing.
It isn't the breaking of divine commandments.
It is the breaking of one's own integrity.
- - - D. H. Lawrence

and its my thot, that if one is really split, spirit, and soul, on the crossover, it just is so much more easy then, for the theocrats to sweep one up.  if there is doubt, questions with self-integrity, and apparently touching, then ur screwed.  bad.  and the confusion with the afterlife light tunnel, Tao or Mahatma.  cosmic awareness has alot on it, called the Journey of the Soul, with a tremendous amount of writings.  is the tunnel a sun-light thing?  does that sun flash thing have anything to do with it?  is that tunnel from another sun, all along.  in the duality cycle?  that spits u out on another plane, but one that will lead one right back?  r u trapped in a theocratic band of that?  one closely guarded by crats, more god-heads that split off running their own kingdoms?  so ur enslaved again. ? which then precludes the way a REAL new universe/world could or would work.  maybe the ascension thing drives out the crats.  im strongly thinking so.  it all changes.  and we r the god-heads again, but biologically difft, so no theocratic set-up nymore, the realms above change.  then what about the terra planet thing?  where those that arent cleared up go?  thats binary again.  but one would have tp split from those that werent evolved. right? 

heres the CA material--of which i havent looked at in its entirety yet= … lindex.htm   

im convinced if theres a great deal or even a little confusion, theres gonna be trouble.  so we need to arm ourselves with info again, and again, there just cant be enough, but in that, there is doubt, that there wont be enuf info as to what to do.  and thats no good either.  we're gonna have to get it as close as we can, on this side, of which pretty many of us feel like we've sorta left already, sorta.  get those psychic abilities honed nicely so we will FEEL ok on the shift/crossover.  i still think, it will entail not dying somehow, we go in thru alive.  im counting on that.  maybe thats even part of it, taking the ole body with ya, that disappointed u so many times.  it gets reclaimed and made whole--better too.  something.  all the cultural components can go in here.  should it be a new thread then?  mosaic theory.  we could keep adding to it, building on it.  climbing the ladder to it, to understanding it.  preparing it.  my feeling is we have to get off everybody else, on get ON/IN us. 

somehow, i feel, by birthright, which is why all the obsession with tribes stuff that ive wanted to show; somehow is connected to it.  its our way shower thing. (and u cant have magnetics, without electromagnetics i was told yesterday by my plumber buddy who showed up as i was telling him the theory)... real physics is in here too.

its all connected/linked somehow.  its CREATION myth come to fruition, with us at the helm.  there must be a way to do it, biologically this time, a natural progression with all that we have/are.  and that may be the thing, the very thing, that stumps the crats.  this time, we cant be fragmented. so they cant/wont get shit. 

my mind is running on and the chains of thots are all over the place, and i lost a big part of this, but i will say, that the fascination with death, life after death, lead me as a kid to the study of metaphysics.  and to HERE.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

13 (edited by zenden 2006-12-30 14:58:18)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

this is one other part i found in the division theory material.  the concept of sin, which is so bogus, with its guilt traps, that within the division/duality idea is sacrifice.  it comes from the guilt thing Sowelu talked about on the DNA thread.  its really from the sin/guilt trip thing, wherein man thinks he is full of wrong and bad, and all the wrongdoings.  its about all those feelings that rip him/man apart when he sees that hes done wrong. (when its mostly just being human) so man is punished by sacrifice.  the trick is though, by another man.  it has to be blood sacrifice too, which blavatsky called ransom theory.  the blood is the ransom for the sin.  thats the deal apparently with the crucifixtion, (?FICTION?) the blood of christ was ransomed.  the whole idea of sin and ransom.  rather than redemption.  nobody can die for anybody.  how bogus. and that doesnt work either.  so the sacrificial killing is done by an intermediary.  so even he/she/it would have blood on their hands.  it wouldnt end then, it would go on and on.   that just has to be a major insert--by the probable alien forefathers.  and with them, ET's u got the supposedly good, and the bad.  we know all about the bad, way more on the bad than the good.  thats big duality there.  even with them in the picture.

the whole biblical storyline thing began with all those sacrifices.  i think division theory says it can be attributed too, to the concept of only killing one part.  the spirit or the soul really arent touched i think it says, just the body, yet it goes on to say a bit on the idea that the victim being sacrificed (theres that victim thing again) gives up its life--spirit vs soul, willingly and unwillingly, but that that sacrificed one can/could its parts back, eventually.  so there was really no harm in it.  one part "died"  or surrendered so that the other could live on.  on another plane.

division theory says that theres alot of wandering going on.  on difft realms, and thats where ghosts come in, trapped spirits, all that.  it does make sense.  this integrity thing is really a biggie.

or, as the writer of division theory says--is it all illusion?  that there even is a split. (of spirit and soul).  thats why im not that into that mer-ka-ba stuff with drunvalo. or even with the egyptians. i looked at it alot in the beginning of searching.

now, i think its all closer to the WIH deal.  (of course, that too could be just illusion). but if one subscribes to it, esp if one loves conspiracies, it could be that the crats have one part or the other, and that they, indeed hold the key to the whole concept.  theyre behind the split idea, at the core.  in that moment of death, or thereabouts, in the confusion, one is trying desperately for some, to get relief, get grounded or find some footing, one panics, and there they are--beckoning one on forth.  so you go, thinking ok then, here we are, im at the tunnel of light--it'll all be ok now.  theres gramma, ppl i know, remember.  im alright now, i'll be alright now.  and whoops--ur not reconned yet--ur still in some sort of transition, and before u go anywhere, u have to have ur integrity bound tightly to u and OF you.  so then u can make that ultimate DISCERNING decision.  not get trapped by crats which have one piece or the other trapped.  held hostage--ransomed.  theres something to that im thinking.  so we spend all this time on how to live, and now we gotta worry about how to die.  or ascend or whatever.  no sense "worrying" about it though, i suppose.   this does put a damper on being impulsive, doesnt it?  something i really need to work on.  what really strikes me, is that i found my way to NR, after the search of many yrs, yet to search and research more.  if i hadnt seen so much on discernment, which started to be really BIG  for me, in about 1994 or so, it kept popping up all the time.  and then the arrival to NR, which im very thankful for, from other sites that lead me to educate myself more and more.  helped to oh so tie it together, with the comraderie of like-minds.  ever so grateful.  without, the learning wouldve been slower, less linked. more tedious.  maybe then, indeed, with all the learning we do here, we are saving ourselves.  it feels like it, thats for sure.  that whole idea of discernment, critical thinking, which is THE mainstay here, may turn out to be the best thing to happen yet.  it may have taught us/me how to go on from here, and keep going.  the study of the afterlife was never so important, now, in these times.  as we all feel something's comin--knowing not what may enfold.

and, i will finally admit it here--i am trying to get out of dying.  have been for years and years.  as a real sociopath, sometimes, i dont want the rules to apply to ME.  or mine=us.  im trying to wrap it all up and exit with/thru ascension.  thats my way out.  i hope i hope.  no split, no tricks, no deals.  no touchy-touchy.  i think.  keep the integrity, the hope, the honor all the way thru the best of times, the worst of times.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

14 (edited by zenden 2007-01-11 13:09:51)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

heres, from cosmic awareness, the take on heaven, from this angle, theres is something to all thats said in WIH and this, plus check out another section from this website, on the PLANES after death. i will submit this, go back to work, and maybe add and doctor-up more in this/on this with some thots on life after death info. im with montalk on this. i believe too, almost anything can happen, depending on what the/u/one individual thinks.  yet, i do believe there r rules on it too, cosmic laws assoc with it, such as the 3 day deal, and way more.  there just has to be.  everything else has a set of cosmic laws to it, im sure death would. theres prob a wide parameter with them too; big concepts, big possibilities. … ul2-21.htm

and this.  i even looked it up--what's SACH KHAN?  couldnt find anythging on it.  thats kinda weird. … art2-6.htm  and … ul2-20.htm  for the planes of spirit (says spirit, not soul here)

and heres more on the triad deal, the 3 parts to US, which theres alot on.  u can check, if interested, and its complicated--the triad-dyad concept as he describes it at,  at

see that direct link to questions on that, at his forum that goes into the triad-dyad thing, from his knowledge, studies of the akashic records.  it includes the idea of soul, spirit, holy ghost stuff, which the gnostics figured out long ago, its symbolic of the spirit living on. this is why so fascinating, the BSD says theres a split too, so there may be something to this "split"--this concept, these parts of stuff, soul/spirit matter/energy, and the 'components' go to reverberating/vibrating areas/planes of existence, like theyre supposed to?  i dont like that division component at all.  the BSD (after all--called division theory) says similar.  i thot it was interesting that CA says similar.  things that show up repeatedly from difft sources hold water with me.  as does the papyrus of ani, and the tibetan book of the dead.  keeps one circling, traveling. trying to join, regain, unify. i think we have an old thread on it too, the differences between soul and spirit, which would make sense, since theres evidence they really r 2 difft things.

as CA says similar, and refers to heaven as a stopover, ITS NOT EVEN THE ENDPOINT AAT ALL.  other sources have said this too.  CA, monroe, others state that too.  that time is only spent in some realms, is necessary,  there is choice as time goes by.  to travel to difft set-ups on difft planes, by choice vs necessity, depending on ? and theres a reconnoiter ? or something like that--at the end of the journey--or as one so chooses, which again, is sorta evidentiary that theres some truth in here.  that theres a split, a difference, between soul, essence, spirit, and therefore, difft arrival and destination points for each.  the more than one source of energy vs matter, for lack of better terms, (and i am at work, and constantly interrupted and cant get into this as much as i want to explain , and conjecture).  but it has been buggin me.  and if were gonna know then, more on how to deal, i wanna get this out there.  for more thot--there is a way maybe we can get around the crats with this, if so inclined to believe it.  that there really r difft levels and planes for each.  (if at least 7 levels with 7 setups on each does lead us to 49...)  i think we have a thread on that too---difft dimensions, and corresponding levels within levels.  i need to see and go over that again.

overall tho, thats the crux of it to me--the CRATS may be trapping one part, or the other--thats maybe KEY.  it may be in there, which would mean or possibly point to, the fact? that no wonder ppl get trapped at all.  maybe it cant be helped because of the split or whatever it does, between soul, and spirit passing over.  im trying to figure that out.  could be that therein, lies the CRATS trap.  like AS in taking advantage of a natural/cosmic/universal happenstance, that naturally occurs at death, with humans.  terribly tricky, unfair, unbeknownst.....thats rotten to the core.  a theory that even would give them the opportunity to keep doing it, and its been "gotten away with"  for eons.  and no wonder they keep pulling it==they can.  we know no better, and i aint settling for that. nope.

maybe til WE put a stop to it, as the AVATARS we are.   i keep feeling something on this is gonna change, somehow, because of us.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

15 (edited by zenden 2007-01-12 12:13:56)

Re: The Binary Soul Doctrine

i read alot here yrs ago. "Life In the World Unseen"  life after death from those that choose to live in cool mansions to cottages, all described, and talks of who comes to meet / greet, study with, teach, very interesting.  thot u guys may find it interesting/helpful for more info on what others say happens and where, after death.  but i think u can expect with on link at least, alot from a religious POV--if im remembering right.  u might even run across a theocrat or 2, right in the writings.  there are some cool vignettes of ppl trapped in dark realms, ppl trapped based on their thots, beliefs, alot like they find on soul retrieval sites, like with monroe and bruce moen.  that totally intrigues me.  check it out, its old but good stuff.  maybe some good info that may go into the BSD, im hoping, and descriptions of the other planes/dimensions.  i will have to go back and look and see if spirit /soul division theory info comes up.  there r alot of things in here that we have heard / seen/ know of, that jive with stuff we r looking into now.  its so hard to get this kind of info, but it does repeat itself in these kind of sources.

this has info too  theres some really good stuff in here

my theory is that with 2012--? 2017, the shift, the occurrence (that may or may not happen), the sun flash deal (or no deal), the cross-over, the end of the mayan calendar, the future, whatever the hell....if something so big happens thats supposed to be so big galactically, and ALL THAT, then there may some sort of merging of dimensions , and stuff, or close to it, and i thot i / we could get our "ducks lined up" better to be able to go with it all ok.  we will prob be just fine, im sure.  yet BUT i keep thinking, why not research? and be prepared in order to stay calm, assured, stable.  that will help so much.  even if i croak tomorrow, i can then be better- off if i know whats ahead, and trust in it.  i dont think its about faith at all, dont even like the word, too religiously connotative for me. its even almost inappropriate IMO.  its about knowledge, discernment, trust in self, in knowingness--back to gnosis again.  im in love with that concept.  i call myself one now, if i had or have to call myself anything (which i dont).  it makes me sorta happy now, more content to say im one of those now.  the best part in that is the injection of experience --does it every time as the best teacher. that old adage rings so true.  add that up with knowingness, remembering, and instinct, intuition  (FROM BLOOD I SAY!!!) it all adds up quite nicely.

im only being repetitive, i know.  i feel like cheering us on again.  more frickin pep talks, as we continue to research all the/our stuff.  ive been laying in bed thinking, long winter nights, seems like theyre taking forever to get thru-- wake up kinda a million times too. look at the clock.  feel weird between 3 and 5 AM.  wonder what NR'ers will come up with next, what u guys r thinking/feeling.  wanna get on and talk, read, research together,  share, sort out.  the chat thing never seems to work for me, dont know whats up with that.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"