Topic: The Binary Soul Doctrine
This post isn’t about the book - It’s about the Concept - And is another window on The Healing of Duality.
Snips From:
The Binary Soul Doctrine
Simultaneously present in numerous cultures at the dawn of recorded history, the Binary Soul Doctrine (BSD) apparently predates all currently known civilizations. Thousands of years ago, people all across the globe believed virtually the same thing about what happened after death - that human beings possess not one, but two souls, which were in danger of dividing apart from one another when a person died. The BSD is such a universal common denominator that it points to the pre-historic existence of a world-embracing culture; if there was such a thing as an Atlantean civilization, the BSD was its faith.
.......Egypt called them the Ba and Ka.......Christianity called them the Soul and Spirit.......
After leaving the physical body, one of these souls was often expected to reincarnate, while the other was believed to become trapped in a dreamlike netherworld. Some of these cultures believed that the after death division of these two souls could be prevented or reversed.......
For one thing, these cultures' descriptions of the two souls are strikingly similar to modern science's 'right brain/left brain' descriptions of the conscious and unconscious halves of the human psyche.......
Even more interestingly, the ancient Binary Soul Doctrine also seems to anticipate, even predict, many of the conditions being described in modern reports of near-death experiences, past-life regressions, after-death communications, ghosts, apparitions, poltergeists, and other afterlife phenomena. These unexpected correlations carry profound and disturbing implications.
Many of the cultures that subscribed to the Binary Soul Doctrine revolved around a dualistic perspective similar to China's Yin and Yang philosophy. The Egyptian mentality, for instance, was dominated by the idea of united opposites; all reality, they thought, even including the human soul, was comprised of equal-but-opposite components that were dancing together in a delicate yet tense balance. Even their language reflected this underlying assumption; not only was everything always either male or female, but their language often used a special grammatical structure called 'the dual voice'. They called Egypt ‘The Two Lands‘, their universe was called ‘The Dual Realities’ or ‘The Two Truths‘, they called their netherworld ‘The Great Double House‘, their gods dwelt in ‘The Lake of Double Fire‘, and their after death judgment took place in ‘The Hall of Double Truth‘. This 'dual voice' did not simply refer to two things, or even two halves of one thing; it referred to an integrated binary unit, two which are one, simultaneously separate and united, each part distinct on its own, yet incomplete without its equal-but-opposite, complimentary partner. They called their two souls the Ba and the Ka, and virtually all of their funerary practices were dedicated to a single purpose : insuring that the Ba and Ka reunited with one another on the other side of death's door.
Also, from: #3
Individual / Collective
Both Windows of Awareness - Currently smudged and distorted but being Cleaned by The Pros and close to Completion.
Rumor has it that WE are Moving Toward / Returning To the Simultaneous Awareness of Both.
This pic represents The ENACTING FORCE Which is In-Between - SYNERGIZING Duality.
The WHOLE of the Caduceus - The Means by which The Snakes of Distorted Duality Transcend the Space/Time Torus.
The Eagle and The Snake - Spirit and Soul Reunited and moving Into Beyond.