Earth is currently becoming less materially dense and more psychically responsive.
Jose Arguelles believes that the planets are extrusions of the Sun, grounding information and energies received from distant star systems and Hunab Ku, the galactic center.
From the Jungian perspective, our misuse of technology is a projection of the unintegrated shadow of the human psyche into material form. By 2012, the shadow must be fully seen for what it is, and integrated, so that we can move on.
Rudolf Steiner was much more than a ‘spiritualist,’ first of all. He was a profound philosopher and visionary who offered a vast cosmology and reading of the Akashic Record. I think that Steiner could be as important for the Twenty First Century as Nietzsche was for the Twentieth. He is a kind of prophet or advance man for a new type of thinking and a new type of doing.
There are several aspects of Steiner that make him so crucial, in my opinion. I first became involved with his thought because his articulation of the ‘subtle realms’ completely matched and helped to explicate my own experiences and visions.
Another important aspect of Steiner, for me, is the philosophical underpinnings he provides for thinking about cognition, and about human freedom. An amazing early book of his is Philosophy of Freedom, where he refutes Kantian dualism. He notes that you can't really make a final distinction between our thoughts about things and the things themselves. Thinking, for him, is a part of reality - as much a part of reality as any physical object. He points out that we have no right to consider a plant's ability to produce leaves, roots, and blossoms as separate from the thoughts we have about that plant. It may be that our thoughts about the plant are as much a property of that plant as its blossoms, stems, and leaves. If thinking is recognized as a part of the world in this way, then we can also see that thought is neither subjective nor objective, but a universal world process in which we participate. Thinking is different than all other processes, because it is the only activity that we experience from the inside - when we use our thinking to investigate anything else, we are looking at something outside of out thought. But when we investigate our thinking, we have to use our thinking to do so. One beautiful aspect of thoughts is that they can be shared - once I have a thought, and write it down or express it, anybody else can also experience that thought from their own perspective. Hence, you can neither call thinking subjective or objective. This perspective is incredibly liberating. If thinking is a part of reality, and it is neither subjective or objective, then, for Steiner, there can be no limits to cognition. There is also no possibility of nailing down a ‘Final Theory’ of everything. This is just a delusion of a certain mindset.
Thinking becomes the effort of reconciling ‘percepts’ - those entities and things we perceive as outside of ourselves - and ‘concepts’ the elements of our cognition - and there can be no conceivable endpoint to this work of reconciliation. It is an infinite task - and an infinite play. Steiner relieves us of the burden of thinking we can establish some absolute knowledge about the world, and also allows us to move into a more open and even infinite frame of reference in thinking about our own possibilities. For Steiner, everything in the universe is in a constant state of evolution including our thinking about it. He is much more of a strict evolutionist than the scientists now associated with the term.
Steiner believed that the best way to oppose ‘evil’ is not through strident protest and negativity (which tends to be the monotonous approach of the Left), but by simply creating what is ‘good.’
NWD (Interviewer: New World Disorder): Many believe that the noosphere planetary mind is emerging with the rapid spread of information networks such as the internet and other linking technologies. But some philosophers - such as Heidegger and Evola, if memory serves - thought that reliance on technology to boost our capabilities is a sign of decadence, not evolution. What do you think the nature of the noosphere is, and does it have any relation to information technology?
The esoteric perspective is that everything in the universe is conscious to a certain degree, and continually in the process of transforming to more or less intensified states of awareness. According to the Buddhists, the physical reality we experience is actually ‘maya,’ illusion or dream, and reality is constructed by subtle levels of the mind.
Therefore, technology, for me, is actually a projection of human consciousness into matter, materiality (a temporarily densified form of spirit). It is a phase in a process that may end with us reintegrating these unleashed back into consciousness at a more intensified level of development (what Gurdjieff would call a ‘higher octave.’). Sri Auribindo called this future point the ‘supramental’ state. The seemingly accelerating and self-assembling process of technological evolution, in other words, is required to move us from one level of dream to another one, and from one planetary incarnation to the next.
It is clear that our technologies are rapidly dematerializing and becoming increasingly indistinguishable from telepathy - at the same time, many people, myself included, seem to be experiencing an almost exponential increase in synchronicities and other types of phenomena that suggest that the psychic and physical realms are approaching each other at a high speed.
So yes, it seems like the noosphere is being born, and the network technologies are one current manifestation of this process. It is possible that these technologies will no longer be necessary once we have made the transition. I think the ‘nature of the noosphere’ will be this deeper collusion between the physical and the psychic, and we are already in the midst of the transition. I am very excited about what lies just ahead of us. I expect the noosphere to be highly sexy and to have a great dance beat.
We seem to be gaining a deeper understanding of the workings of synchronicity, defined by Carl Jung as an ‘acausal ordering principle.’
The destruction seems to be necessary to force our evolution, as humans are very good at finding a comfort zone and staying in it. It was necessary to create a pressure-cooker situation where they could be no safety zone except by completing the work of alchemical transformation. One way to describe what is happening is a ‘collective process of individuation.’ I recently read a book by a Jungian, Edward Edinger,Archetypes of the Apocalypse. He argues that the Apocalypse represents the momentous event of the coming to self realization of human consciousness, and the paradoxical union of opposites described in symbolic form throughout The Book of Revelation. I think we are on the threshold of that event now. Despite all current appearances, I believe there is reason to believe that post-2012 post-history will be a utopia of the lived and realized imagination that will exceed our wildest dreams.