Topic: Chakras And Mobius Strips.
A while before i began getting "too" into researching my theories, i had one theory that related to a mobius strip.
We all know what a mobius strip is, i hope, for those who dont its a circular strip of paper with a twist in it. The mobius strip is an important shape because it has two sides which are completely invisibile from one another, but they are infact, both the same side.
So, basically what im saying is that, we are the center of space time, each one of us, and we each are present in multiple dimensions, Yet, we can only see our own dimension.
Could it be that our Chakras in some way are like the twists in the mobius strips?, That we embody all of spacetime and each "side", but there is in truth only one side.
Its kind of hard to explain, but hopefully you get me. Its just a long held theory ive had, which seems to make more and more sense the more i understand the universe. (perhaps the twist could be a singularity in a black hole, or who knows what, point being that a mobius strip is a rather simple 4d shape)