Topic: Remember Halloween
It‘s early but:
Originally posted at:
Remember Halloween
This Dream took place in '89:
Standing in the middle of a street in an "old downtown" area (the buildings were only about 3 or 4 stories tall) at night - Looked to my left, and in the distance, was a Glowing Pyramid Complex (Beautiful!) - Then, in the middle of the sky, emerging from behind an "invisible curtain", Glowing White Spheres moving left to right - I started shouting, "Look West, Look West" and, overwhelmed with JOY, I levitated and then started soaring along.......
Woke up - The dream continued looping through my thoughts - At some point I went back to sleep - I was talking to Lazaris, telling them the dream - As I finished, what had been an invisible Presence became a Feminine Presence and they said, "REMEMBER HALLOWEEN".
A few months later, I was reading a Bashar book, "Blueprint for Change" - They said Halloween was the night before the fall of ATLANTIS.......