OK, MonAmie...Did not want to just come in new on a forum and be a bull in a china shop.
Wanted to hear from others and more or less get an invite.
I'll take Your request as the door that opened for me to share : )
In Synopsis Form:
-Since a child I remember feeling strongly that something was very wrong with the picture in front of me.
-Was immensely distorted by the way many people treated others demeaningly in day to day life.
-I had the inherent eye to eye philosophy...never talk down or look down to anyone.
-Had major issues with what most folks conformed to.
-Jumping to the present, My Mom(83) and My Son(21) went to the other side in June and August of 2003.
Mom went within a month of lung complications...My Son went in a deep sleep of basically choking from snoring apnea.
-Made a conscious decision to turn 180 degrees from energy-input- work-life as I knew it in 3d after the anger subsided from that summer of loss.
-From research on healing, holographics, eastern philosophies, light therapy(man-made)--- I simply decided to start taking in the sunlight visually at sunrise in January of 2007. This intuitive move was made because I basically shrugged my shoulders and accepted that it would simply be a focused benefit regarding 'making a connection' by doing this...even if I were actually putting myself in a guinea pig situation...it did not concern me...I jumped right in on faith and intuition and because I had worked outdoors most all of my adult life building and had had plenty of sun exposure...and I hardly ever wore sunglasses throughout life.
-Three days after starting visual sunrise intake for about a half hour or more I came across Dr. Mitchell Gibson's interview on the Conscious Media Network site.
http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/me … gibson.htm
From that interview I was led to other indiginious culture solar tradition and healing research...and well..the rest is history...making adjustments to my method of intake...as in barefoot-earth-contact, sunrise and sunsets, and re-building the time in increments, and taking wind-down gratitude walks afterwards : )
-Now...that first few weeks following my initial solar meditation was, well, rather wild : ) Everything in front of me began to vibrate at a high intensity...colors around me seemed to almost glow, especially in nature. I began to see holographically by simply focusing for just seconds and playing with the contrasts of light. Mostly animal spirits and faces(human and animal) and some human figures and biological-type-glowing figures. Most all felt good and made me smile with enhancement...some darker images(not feeling right to me) appeared very rarely...if I turned away they would simply fade.
-I am on an old farming hill in a town/area in New England where the Nipmuc Indians have a strong history, especially on the lake nearby. [I had said all of my life that the Indians 'had it right' for the most part...and everyone that knew me knew of this feeling of mine.] The area across the street from me (mostly developed now) was actually an Indian cemetery/burial ground. The owner of the home across the street shared with me that he is right at the old entry way...he actually saved the granite pillars that use to mark the entrance and put them on either side of his driveway as respect and honor for their memory. You can see the old pathway to the grounds at the left of his front yard. This is a SACRED HILL. When I first started taking in the light I had a mind-blowing beautiful dream of my Son and Mom and Loved Ones...when I woke from it I was drawn across the street to the entry of the burial grounds.
A path was highlighted in front of me and as I followed it I was taken on top of a rock wall that went thru the woods and was brought to my knees on that wall and spouted out all the names of the loved ones in my life and that brought me to tears...breathing as if I were running a race. When I looked ahead the rock wall went left and right and both directions were highlighted. I had to make a decision of direction...I instinctively chose to the right after that spiritual connection on my knees. I came to a grassy area in the opening and simply fell into a large bowl-type depression in the ground and passed out for a couple minutes. Do not know if this hole was where body remains were dug up and moved or simply someone's backyard where they had dug earth for landscaping. When I came to I gazed at the small tree in front of me and saw an image of an antique "key" glowing in the branches and contrasts. I simply said to myself I am being told "I have the key"!
-A few days after this happening I had a session with a healing therapist an hour and a half away from me. She is connected to the processes(Re-Connective Healing) passed on by Dr. Eric Pearl who also has an interview on the Conscious Media Network site.
Debbie was tuned in entirely to what had gone on with me and when we met there were very few words but many smiles...I had shared none of what had occurred that day with her prior to this meeting. When I laid down on the table to start my session I automatically put my hands together at the navel touching the thumbs and index fingers and creating an opening as is done in the lotus meditation position. And folks, I was never into any kind of meditation prior to these happenings...never went to a healing therapist never put my hands together for reception of energy...and so on. About a minute into relaxation on the healing table I felt an immense surge of energy coming in thru my hands and into my body at the navel area...and I mean an unbelievable thrust...it actually made my chest expand and my head push back against the pillow. The whole experience was immensely uplifting...as I had talked out loud and connected to My Son, My Mother and other Loved Ones...once again.
-A couple days after that session another intense dream and that "key" was revealed. And Y'All know what it is because You All know what it is...it is that simple. "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE" For Ourselves, For Others, For the Spirit World that is here to help Us if We ask and take Loving Action. Later that morning of that dream I was in the backyard chanting "Unconditional Love" jumping up and down like a little kid facing the sun...laughing out loud...saying..."Ok..ok..I get it...I get it...HaHaHa! I had to show Unconditional Love and acceptance towards this energy and enlightenment I was receiving because I was having doubts along the way regarding much of it too.
-When I went inside the message machine on my phone was blinking, played it back...
guess who? : )
It was Debbie, checking in on me, actually laughing in the message while asking, "Are You OK, Dan...just wanted to check in...give me a call if You feel the need.." And then She went on to confirm our next session appointment. Wild and Wonderful Stuff! : )