Topic: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality
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*Take a blank sheet of paper: This represents The ALL Possible, no Parameters established.
*Along the bottom, draw a scale: On the left note (-), on the right note (+): This sets the parameters to Polarity / Duality.
*In the center of the page, make a Dot: This represents the Spark of YOUR Awareness, YOUR ESSENCE, come to Chart the Experience of Duality (and maybe something Deeper).
*From the Dot, draw a line angled toward the (-) and another angled toward the (+): From the entire scale, this is the area you will experience / work with *Initially*. This area becomes the Realm of Probability.......
*The Idea of Notching is to use Love (Caring), Light (Information) and Will (Intent Backed by Action) to Move / Notch YOUR Entire Experience to the Right (+): Whereby: The (-) Becomes less (-) and the (+) Becomes more (+). (-)Experiences that were probable are no longer there and (+)Experiences that were just out of reach or not even considered Become Probable.
*An example would be Working with Water: Out of the tap, it has a certain potential / probability - Using YOUR Tools, YOU Notch it from that state to a Higher one.......
*This is a Linear Perspective.
*From a Higher Perspective, this takes on the Appearance of a CONE (maybe it's 4 units along the base and 9 units on the slope): In this Sense, the DOT / YOUR ESSENCE Looks and Acts like a SINGULARITY, like The ESCHATON - A "Cosmic Vacuum" TRANSDUCING and SYNERGIZING what is / was into Someting Different.......
*Consider: In the Cocoon, as the Caterpillar Dissolves, nothing is added : the Codes / Blueprints were established Before it ever came into Being. The Caterpillar was absolutely necessary for What Comes Next.......
"It's not about fixing, It's about CHANGE."
"When YOU Heal (CHANGE) YOURSELF, there is More Health in the World, not just one more Healthy person, More Health in the World." *Lazaris*
>>>So Frank,
Since this is a new idea for me, would you mind sharing how you would move toward the positive? I need something more tangible to understand, which is probably not easy, but if you could explain a little more, I would appreciate it.
A Secret of Spirituality:
In a sense, it's automatic, it's an Intrinsic aspect of Who WE Really Are - It's DESTINY - It Becomes Empowered Destiny when you Consciously use your Tools of: LOVE, LIGHT and WILL - Keep in mind that that from a Deeper Perspective, you are constantly INTEGRATING the (+) AND the (-) and ALCHEMICALLY BLENDING them into something NEW.
As Caterpillars (EMPATHS), WE have moved through this SET TRANSDUCING the positive and negative just by living our lives - And NOW, via the TIME CODES, the Hypothalamus is starting to Secrete and what has been is starting to DISSOLVE.......This LIFETIME is the COCOON - The RECAPITULATION prior to DEPARTURE.......
The NOTCHING Triangle/Cone is actually 1/3 of a larger picture:
During '86, I was listening to a tape and heard the following statement: "One of the Secrets of Spirituality is that the Tree of Life is drawn upside-down with it's Mirror Image Above and Below".......
I stopped the tape and decided to draw this - rather than trying to draw trees, I let a equilateral triangle represent a tree - so the base would point up and the apex down.......So draw three vertical triangles: the middle is the Tree of Life so it's drawn upside-down: apex pointing up, base pointing down (i.e. the NOTCHING triangle/cone) -The bottom triangle touches base to base, the top triangle touches apex to apex - these are the Mirror Images.
Over the ensuing years, for me, this came to represent:
The Apex of the bottom triangle is a White Hole, “exploding" (in this Set) into the Exploration / Experience of Polarity / Duality: 1 Became 3 Became 7 Became Many - as WE Explored Both the (-) and the (+) in a Spiraling, Diverging way.
The base, shared by the bottom and middle triangles represents the Limit of Exploration and the Event Horizon of a Black Hole - Having gained the Wisdom and In-Sight, WE Exercise OUR Free Will and step ACROSS into the middle triangle and start Spiraling in the opposite direction, Converging toward the Apex - The Singularity / Eschaton: Many Became 7 Became 3 Became 1 - The CAPSTONE of this Apex is Where / What WE are NOW.
The top triangle touches the middle one Apex to Apex and represents another White Hole - EMERGENCE from the COCOON into a VIRGIN FUTURE.......