Topic: Holographic History and the End of a Great Cycle
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Holographic History
and the End of a Great Cycle
by Ken Cousens
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Noble Realms → General Discussion → Holographic History and the End of a Great Cycle
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Holographic History
and the End of a Great Cycle
by Ken Cousens
Wow. First, thank you for this. I would urge other NR members to read this 'history of planet earth' by Ken Cousens.
I would likely have other queries about this - I'm still reading it and didn't want to forget this question:
We have awakened, we have become so aware, and we have demanded and required that the overlay be removed. On the fourth dimension, by divine law and universal mandate, such is now taking place. But, those who have the bloodlines descended from kingship and the lineage that followed, those still stuck in the third dimensional and having started from a point of the most separation…those in the third dimension, in human form, who have long labored to perfect their own technologies whereby they might continue to be the masters and continue to control those they believed they owned, perhaps to snap off forever the purposefully maintained weak and tenuous connection such lowly humans had managed to maintain with their divine heritage, those very ones in control have endeavored to own their fellow humans as their own…forever.
Wouldn't we have known that they would do this? My only answer is that we must have known this to be a dangerous possibility, but it didn't matter! Because the 'fruits' far outweighs the dangers?
That was great. What a wonderful compilation and succinct summary of so much history. Beautifully put together. Thanks for posting the link!
I'm still reading too. Nice to see this in print. I pinged on this.
Let's consider the possibility that Atlantis, and the Atlantean race, was not so much a civilization or a race or a period of history, but, within the holographic and spherical scheme of things, Atlantis was a building block in the evolutionary development of the human species towards its ultimate perfection of an integrated vehicle through which our consciousness could be free and without limit to explore a universe that we have always been part and parcel with, a universe that we are, in fact, the co-creators of in a grand and unprecedented experiment.
I agree. Those involved in the creation of Atlantis (and the universe) knew it wasn't intended to last but was a step in the experiment to create a body in which creator consciousness could exist with the same freedom it has without form, a body that would enhance the consciousness' ability to explore and understand creative mysteries. This has been long sought after.
Thanks for posting the link. Here are the sections that I found particularly meaningful from
Holographic History and the End of a Great Cycle by Ken Cousens:
Enter, stage left, our friends from Orion, a distinctly reptilian-like race, cold-blooded, self-serving, and without much or any emotional content. In short, a race much in need of the lessons of mercy, forgiveness and compassion itself. Enter, then, those beings who would play out the projected and externalized abrogation of our own power and authority, who would play out the godspell of the last 13,000 years, who entered into a legally and lawfully binding contract, a treaty if you will, allowing them, within this free will zone, to create a holographic reality and control system in which the crucible of all the elements of our collective consciousness would be forced to deal with itself and achieve the true prize of the ages…integration, balance, and an opening of the heart centers to allow the divine nectar to flow of mercy, compassion and forgiveness.
In other words, with respect to the savior construct, the human race would not be waiting for an outside force to save it, if it were able to integrate its own internal grounding and alignment with its true divine source.
Thus, one conscious point of awareness, when the inhibitors are removed, will begin to resonate outwards and like ripples in a pond, affect the entire matrix of the whole. As this begins to pick up momentum by many such points of emanation (meaning individual human beings or small aggregations of such) the majority of the human consciousness, still asleep but only controlled by third dimensional technology of entrainment without the 4D containment overlay, will begin to lose their grip on that reality construct. This will allow the accelerated grounding in of the higher dimensional world of perfection that has already been formed around, over and through us to take place. We will begin to be the masters of our own reality, and form it around us. As 3D progresses in its collapse, it will release tremendous levels of energy and that energy will accrue around centering points of higher dimensional grounding, held in the hearts and minds of various beings around the planet who have achieved a level of integration capable of holding such grounding points. This process will proceed exponentially as the catapult force is released further and what now might appear to most to be an impossible task, will happen in the twinkling of an eye.
During this last cycle we have been discussing, the name of the game has been who controls the grid of the planet. The grid is comprised of lines of force and intersecting points of conversion of two or more such lines, and could be seen as the energetic skeletal structure over which the accretion of the material substance of the planetary body coheres. These points of convergence are what some call vortexes and others might call portals. The primary portals are points that in reality are inter-dimensional access doorways between dimensions. If these are controlled and/or cut off, then the planetary bodies of the population can be contained within the third dimensional matrix, and if such can be closed off forever, then such bodies and the corresponding individualized souls can be perpetually recycled and utilized, as in the movie The Matrix, as sources of energy to perpetuate the matrix itself.
One can easily see where the vortex points and portals are by virtue of outstanding natural formations as well as where indigenous peoples have built significant constructions of stone. Such constructions have been the grounding points of holding the energetic framework in place. If one is in a game then one might as well play the game for keeps, therefore, for those in the positions of control and dominance the focus of the game has been to gain control of these control points of the matrix and the consciousness contained therein. Part of the game plan, then, has been to knock off and destroy those stewarding peoples on various such points throughout the world and then to create an artificial grid that can be controlled and manipulated.
wandering1 comment:
I was a little concerned when I saw the reference to Maitreya in the following section:
Written by Ken Cousens, December 27-31, 1999
The information contained herein is a cumulative development of knowledge and insight based on internal explorations with my wife and partner, Andrea Teale, along with extensive cross referencing and reading of both traditional and non-traditional sources of information, knowledge and history contained in esoteric literature and multi-disciplinary subjects. For further detail and background and an expanded multidimensional context, an early work, entitled Doorway to Alcyone, can be ordered from Capstone Publishing at 415-488-1364. And last, but not least, specific acknowledgement and thanks goes to Maitreya who has worked with us (through Andrea) for the last eight years in guiding our explorations and providing important and significant insights and points of information that made the understandings contained herein possible.
wandering1 comment:
The "Maitreya" reference made me think of the Operation Terra information where I found that a lot of it resonated with me, but then there were some key deceptions contained in the material.
In the Operation Terra case, it appears that the author was not aware that she was promoting what appears to be misleading information.
In the case of the Ken Cousens material, one thing that I noticed was that it stated that the Reptilians had only been here for 13,000 years. Other sources say the Reptilians have been interacting with humanity for a lot longer than that.
Also, I'm thinking that the reference to Maitreya is the same Maitreya that Benjamin Creme promotes. I went to a Benjamin Creme seminar a few years ago. There were a few hundred people there. After a presentation by Benjamin Creme, everyone was told to hold hands and project their energy into a pyramid that was in the middle of the room. I think that the pyramid was meant to be a conduit to a higher dimension or something like that.
The group of people did as they were told. Since no instructions were given about how long to stay there putting energy into the pyramid, and it was a long time before anyone said it was ok to stop, people just stayed in the circle holding hands - presumably "putting energy into the pyramid." I heard later that it ended up being over an hour - maybe approaching 2 hours - I don't remember exactly.
I was one of the first to get up and leave and I stayed longer than I care to admit - I guess it shows the power of group conformity.
Looking back, the process strikes me as promoting negative "feeding type" behavior.
I'm not "into" Benjamin Creme or his Maitreya, finding both of those to have rather thick energies.
One thing about famous names is that anybody upstairs can use them for credibility whether they are the entity or not. Another way to look at this too is that some are multi-dimensional so that they may come to one person in a 5D vibe, to another in a 9D vibe, and to another in a 13D vibe (or whatever), and the info is pertinent only to those in that vibe. And ALL of the ascended masters have earth-related karma and need to go through layers like we embodied ones do in order to release their "stuff". Some may seem "dark" in one place and "light" in another place but it's the same entity carrying out different responsibilities and integrating dark and light.
I haven't read this enough to know what I personally think of this Maitreya, but thought I'd share my view on the possibilities.
Thanks for the great read!
Thank you for referencing this material. I found this paragraph to be most insightful:
"When the two pillars were established at the beginning of this cycle we are speaking about, they were held in place by the two beings known as Michael and Zadkiel. Over the ages these two archangelic beings have come to symbolize two very important principles, Truth and Divine Law. Over the ages these names merged into a singular title, held by a priestly lineage that honored Mik-ai-El, and Zad-ki-El, the later becoming Zadok, and the two combined becoming MikaelZadok, and eventually to the modern pronunciation of Melchizedek. It is the Melchizedek lineage and the order that issued forth from it that has maintained stability in this dimensional progression through which we have traversed during the ages we speak of here. It is the Melchizedek presence that holds the stabilizing force when a planet or a solar system or even an entire universe makes a dimensional shift. We are standing at the precipice of such a shift at this time, and are literally at the launching point of a catapult force of energy never before seen in such a shift. It is because we are coming from such an extreme level of separation, and hence an unprecedented accumulation of stored energy, that we are going to be able to literally catapult upwards of six billion souls into such a dimensional shift, achieving what Mother Earth has always desired which is to be a harbor and safe haven for those six billion laggard souls that came to Her shores so long ago and are now ready to take their next step back into the embrace of their Divine and Original Source."
We are standing at the precipice of such a shift at this time, and are literally at the launching point of a catapult force of energy never before seen in such a shift. It is because we are coming from such an extreme level of separation, and hence an unprecedented accumulation of stored energy, that we are going to be able to literally catapult upwards of six billion souls into such a dimensional shift, achieving what Mother Earth has always desired which is to be a harbor and safe haven for those six billion laggard souls that came to Her shores so long ago and are now ready to take their next step back into the embrace of their Divine and Original Source.
Noble Realms → General Discussion → Holographic History and the End of a Great Cycle
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