The Origins of Evil
I have long desired to explain how humankind’s penchant for sadism, cruelty and injustice came into being. In the course of the book I advanced the rather controversial theory which involves the intervention of alien beings from distant galaxies who, upon their arrival to our planet, engaged in several genetic hybridization experiments. As a result of their pernicious transgenic experiments, homo sapiens inherited a divided biology and divided psyche. These illegal and immoral invasions into the biological sovereignty of our ancient ancestors caused man to be perpetually at war with himself. His schizophrenic nature has given rise to schizogenic societies infested with injustice, crime, delinquency and perversity.
As I advocate in my other works, there can be no hope of positive change in our world until the true origins of the high malfeasance are understood, and until men take proactive responsibility for their corrupted inner psychic condition.
In fact, it is this author’s belief that we are now in the last days of the old paradigm. The time is coming soon when both protagonist and antagonist are going to have to face the legacy of the past and face the celestial forces which enter to restore balance and justice.
Our adversary is both a mutilator and a scavenger. It is a virus within the ailing body politic. It is literally a cunning alien force which has infected us with its own nature. It is within us as much as it is out there in our world. We are its prey and also its carriers. We are also its enemy by default. It hates us and, therefore, we are either of its kind and under its power, or we are its sworn opponents. In light of this, my study is not for everyone. It has been composed for the new generation of Opposers imbued with an ardent and unquellable Spirit of Rebellion. It is a manifesto for those who will, in their time, see the demise of the agents of evil, and the expiration of their control. It is not for those who cannot, at this time, comprehend the severity of the infamy in their world, or who lack the spirit of contradiction.
History, as we know it, will cease to exist, and the lives we have been living will be over, once and for all. The approaching revelations concerning our origins, history and destiny, together with the exposure of the roguery of clerical, academic and political demagogues, will occur because of changes occurring within the psyche of human beings, which is itself mapped in the stars. It is because of subtle, yet radical, inner changes within our hearts and minds, that the collective changes, visible to us on the external stage, are going to take place. It is this fact that must be remembered while we remain observant of the course of external events upon the world’s omni-directional stage.
These beings of strange birth certainly had the high scientific intelligence of their alien masters, but they also possessed of a different kind of wisdom that was wholly unknown and quite incomprehensible to their alien masters from distant stars. Homo Atlantis, had soul – the ‘Violet Ray.’ They had an umbilical connection to the Earth-Mother, and direct access to the Universal Intelligence. They operated from the Whole Mind, and knew themselves to be unique, under the stars. And so, after an undisclosed sojourn, Homo Atlantis decided to vacate the gardens of Atlantis, and after their subsequent exodus, they founded their own advanced civilization upon the continent of Oceana. There, where the Pacific is today, they founded the civilization of Lemuria.
In our own ‘Race Memory’ we still contain the engrams (encoded imprints) of this period. We all contain deep ancestral memories of the destruction of continents, civilizations, and of all the subsequent phenomena that resulted from this monumental upheaval. We also contain within us the memory of previous times, when life was harmonious and pleasant, and in which there was no evil, no slavery or disease.
As a result of the prolonged and intense genetic experimentation, all living humans contain within their biology human and alien DNA. Moreover, it was this transgenic experimentation which caused what we know as evil to come into the world and into our consciousness. Evil does not come into being due to the flawed mechanics of nature. Nature is in perfect harmony from the largest neutron star to the smallest quantum particle. Nature would, therefore, not be likely to so blunder as to create a proclivity in her highest species so lethal as to undermine her own sublime order. The human beings who believe this fiction are laboring under one of the greatest of all fallacies, and will inherit perdition as a result of this chronic misapprehension. No, evil does not come into the world because of any organic failure in nature’s laws, but from constant tinkering with, and violation of, nature’s inviolate ordinances.
The truth concerning the themes that I deal with (of alien visitation, the origins of evil and of secret societies, etc,) could not be wholly or lucidly revealed to humankind during the past centuries because the “time” was not right. Specifically, the “astrological” time was not right. In the present millennia, however, the time is right and, as a result, many secrets are going to be revealed to the human race which will alter perceptions more drastically than the advent of Darwinism, Freudianism, or Marxism succeeded in doing. Upon close investigation we discover that Darwinism, Evolutionism, and even Materialism have no logical authenticity whatsoever. Recent findings from top scholars and scientists of the world, (Allan and Delair, Michael Cremo, Otto Binder and Max Flint, Richard Milton, etc) help us prove that there were indeed highly advanced civilizations in the ancient world, and that our true origins are very different from that which have been indoctrinated into us from official sources.
The Rebel, the Cause
& the Age of Revealing
In this age of ‘Solution-Think,’ we will be given the chance to dispel the ideological lies and fallacies by which we have been mentally and spiritually enslaved. As the Maya prophecies inform us, we have been, since the year 1999, in the so-called ‘Age of Revealing.’ This is a time of literal “Apocalypse,” when the masks of the false begin to come down. This period of catabolic action, and collective catharsis, will be deeply threatening to those morally unhygienic souls who have long profited from the ruin of their fellows, and to those consummate narcissists who have advanced at the expense of others around them. The approaching end-game is especially threatening to those connoisseurs of power whose insatiable penchant for destruction and deception has contaminated the world. The voices of their innumerable victims cry out from the deep places, but will soon be quieted and appeased by Lady Justice.
It is the world that once was long ago, which existed once-upon-a-time - pure, effulgent, realized and magnificent - one not of devils, demons, gods, kings, saints or sinners, but of men, FREE inwardly and outwardly, able and willing to holistically and reverently explore the mystery of themselves, and of the planet which has housed them throughout the troubled ages, and which has long preserved the secret of their salvation.
The enemy that we face, and which has haunted our world for millennia, will not concede of its own will. It will not yield, or even give ground. It is in fear, but has combined its fear with occult knowledge and this combination makes it lethal in the extreme. It seeks to humiliate the good, the pure and the true. It is the enemy of truth, and of freedom. It cannot triumph, since the Force it vainly opposes is eternal and self-sustaining. The problem of evil is, however, not solved with a clenched fist, but with an open, receptive and mutable mind.
We seek revelation to prevent revolution, and overcome evil with the force of our example not by the example of our force, by psychological weaponry, and by total conviction in our cause and sovereign power.
It is our mission to assist in the removal of the insinuated theological viruses which infect the minds and hearts of men, and which prevent human beings on this planet from realizing and tapping into their own divinity. Our sharp tool for accomplishing this psychological surgery is DECONSTRUCTION.
Shiva, the Holy Spirit
& the Return to Selfhood
The Lord Shiva (Pashupati). Symbol of nature and of the laws of deconstruction, Shiva is the third deity of the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti). His astrological correspondence is Pluto (Scorpio) while his Tarot correspondence is the misunderstood 13th card (Death). Alchemically, he represents dismemberment (Dissolutio, Mortificatio).
It is in accordance with true Gnostic precepts to identify this so-called ‘Holy Spirit,’ (the third spiritual essence and principle within the sacred Trinity) as our own Selfhood. The Holy Spirit idea, which may be traced back to the feminine ‘Sophia’ of the Egyptians, Brahmans, Gnostics and Orphites, etc., was referred to as ‘Wisdom,’ and was equated with Knowledge. This knowledge may extend to the Son of God, and then to God himself, but it must first begin with Self-Knowledge. This is literally what Sophia of the Trinity is - Knowledge of the Self. The conspiring forces which sought to make this Self-Knowledge taboo, and who distorted and complicated our understanding and veneration of the true Holy Spirit, were attempting to blot out the Self from the Holy Trinity and from the spiritual canon. To imagine the Holy Spirit to be some vague presence, or to imagine it to be some indefinable aspect of the Virgin Mary, a white ethereal dove, an abstract metaphysical principle, or an inexplicable mystery, suited the desires of the Christian Priestarchy, but it denied their flock their most valuable key to the gates of salvation. What we were not told is that without the key of Knowledge of the Self, the others keys, should they even come into our possession, are worthless.
The abnegation of Selfhood is tantamount to Self-Murder. It is the epitome of sadism to the Self which is rampant in the world, both East and West. The loss of Selfhood has driven us perilously near to the gates of oblivion and not those of paradise. It is the aim of my work to rectify this, by deconstructing the maze of lies which has captured and bound our sanity and our truth-starved souls. Perhaps, we can now understand why it is that a man cannot be ‘forgiven’ for sins committed against the ‘Holy Spirit,’ that is, against his own HIGHER SELF. And perhaps, we can understand why it was so vitally important for early Judeo-Christian hierarchs and myth-mongers to obscure the identity of this feminine third party in the Blessed Trinity, symbolized by the Gnostic Dove.
Symbolically speaking, we find it more than suggestive that the dove was chosen to represent the third party of the Blessed Trinity, for it is not a Christian emblem. It is a very ancient pagan symbol. The origin of the mystical symbolism of the dove comes from astrology, and from the gnosis of the ancient Stellar Cults. The dove is, in fact, the symbol for the sign of Scorpio, which is one of the two major signs of the zodiac connected to the Spirit of Rebellion. So, we find it more than significant that the symbol chosen to represent the Higher Self - the true Holy Spirit - should relate directly and undeniably to the spirit, and act, of REBELLION, and to the Spirit of Contradiction. Ergo, we find it more than significant that the Bible should proclaim it to be the direst and most irredeemable of sins to contradict or violate the will of this Holy Spirit.
We can learn to rely upon the great Spirit of Rebellion physically, and socially, and we can also learn to rely upon it mentally. We need to become accustomed, even acclimatized, to the Spirit of Rebellion, because it is already moving in the world, and will soon make itself vividly apparent. When the Dove descends into our world, it will, however, don a quite different garb, a different persona than the one we may be familiar with. The Dove is Scorpio, and it channels the energy of Pluto. In psychological terms, Pluto is the ‘Shadow,’ (Jung), nature’s psychic surgeon, her organic hygienist that appears to cleanse the soul of all its toxicity, and repressed debris, so that it may be chastened and virginal enough to perhaps receive the clear elixir of truth. That Plutonic Shadow, the emissary of the Holy Spirit, has already been manifesting in the world, and it will continue to do so for a decade or more. Its presence is the harbinger of truth and above all - Freedom.
In short, the men and women who have done their spiritual homework, and who are psychologically and morally hygienic, have nothing to fear from the times ahead. What many paranoiacs, fear-mongers and doomsday merchants imagine to be the countdown to extinction, is actually the countdown to freedom.
Astrologically, the signs of rebellion are Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpio is the eighth house of the twelve houses of the zodiac, and Aquarius is the eleventh house. There are many fascinating mathematical and numerological relationships between the numbers eight and eleven, and there are, likewise, many interesting correspondences between Scorpio and Aquarius. One of the fundamental correspondences involves the planet of rebellion, Uranus. Uranus is the planetary ‘ruler’ of the sign of Aquarius and is ‘exalted’ (of greatest power) in Scorpio.
Essentially, the Uranian Fool, is a proverbial Fifth-Columnist, or Agent Provocateur, working to bring down the crumbling and oppressive edifices and ‘dark satanic mills,’ which incarcerate the spirit of man. He is a true servant of the Holy Spirit, even if he does not look like one.
The Spirit of Rebellion, and the return to Selfhood, will be humankind’s salvation in the dark times that are approaching. We have already been feeling, seeing, and experiencing the subtle, and not so subtle, effects of Uranus and Pluto for some time now.